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Pregnancy & Parenting - 5 November 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I am 30 weeks pregnant, and my baby is kicking all the time within the last two/three days. I always felt little somethings when I would sit down or lay down. But lately, I feel it even when I'm walking ... and it is STRONG. Normal?

2007-11-05 10:28:26 · 8 answers · asked by Happy Girl 3 in Pregnancy

What are your least favorite names and why?

I'm not crazy about biblical names like Noah, Isiah, Elijah, etc. They're too popular and a bit outdated.

I don't like names like Hunter, Peyton, Bud, Trip, etc, they seem like hick names and people i know with those names are usually kinda on the hick side.

And I cant stand names with apostrophes, like Shan'Traya or Mo'Feshia. Apostrophes ruin names.

So whats your opinion?

Oh,and my baby cousin was named after a "No Smoking" sign (his name is "Nosmo" (NOS MOking) i hate it lol)

2007-11-05 10:27:09 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I have a dog and a upcoming baby. To travel to the park or anywhere with both of them, is there a set up for this ... like a plastic wall that can go between the two of them? Anyone heard of something?


2007-11-05 10:26:42 · 7 answers · asked by Happy Girl 3 in Newborn & Baby

2007-11-05 10:22:33 · 10 answers · asked by lisa beharry 2 in Pregnancy

I've already decided on this name, but i don't know which spelling is better. Please pick your fave and suggest a middle name.

2. Bleuson

2007-11-05 10:20:28 · 40 answers · asked by sportschick3 2 in Baby Names

I have 2 little girls, ages 2 and 5 months. The two year old has had cronic ear infections and fluid on the ear. However, they are rarely painful or symptomatic. We usually find out about them during a routine check-up. Now, my 50-month old has one!
My question is this: I breastfed my 1st for a year, and I breastfeed the baby. I often breastfeed while lying down. I have been assured that this doesn't cause ear infections (though drinking a bottle while lying down DOES), but I am at a loss to find another explanation. No one smokes, and the kids are otherwise healthy. One thing to note: I was prone to ear and throat infections as a child. Does that matter?
Has anyone else ever had this problem?

2007-11-05 10:19:53 · 9 answers · asked by Jennifer H 2 in Newborn & Baby

MY 3 kids (7 , 3 yr& 9 moths) attend daycare , only my oldest goes after school ..Usually I pick them up between 5:30 and 6pm ...BY that time they have allready eat dinner.I always ask what they eat that way I will know if they eat or not.But when I'm preparing dinner for my hubby I offer my kids something ligth fruit , yougurt or ceral. So by the time I send them to bed they are not full.. BUt my oldest daugther always wants to eat heavy food,scrambled eggs with ham and bean, flour tortilla and milk.Then she just want to go sit and watch TV or play games. She practice cheerleading 3 daya p/week after school, besides that she doesn't want to do anyhthing else. I hate to say NO you can't eat that much but I don't want for her to gain lots of weigth just for health not for any other reason. I don't force her NOT to eat but just to stay active so she can eat good and be healthy. But how can I make her understand? or what 2 do?She rides bike 4days a week.Any adivices on what to do? Thanks

2007-11-05 10:15:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

Neither of my girls is under or overweight- they're both very healthy little girls, but my 2 year old eats about twice what my 4 year old does every day. I have to fight my 4 year old to finish her dinner every night, and my 2 year old often goes back for seconds or even sometimes thirds! Is this normal?

2007-11-05 10:12:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

my two year old daughter Princess Shannon will not tinkle on the potty but she will go poo on the potty my mom and i have tried everything we know what do you think i should do

please help me

2007-11-05 10:10:54 · 6 answers · asked by young_mommy_of_two 1 in Toddler & Preschooler


Ok, I feel bad for my mom sometimes, because she is always busy with housework, her jobs, and our pets, etc. She gets stressed out and angry kind of easily, and i think that it is mostly because no one except me really helps her out, unless asked, because it is , me, my mom and dad, and my 2 younger sisters......
my mom and I usually take care of the housework, pets etc, while my sisters watch t.v, play games, x-box, computer, etc. They are ages 8 & 10. No matter what we try, they just don't do anything, and if they do, it has to get re-done by my mom or I, because they do such a lousy job at it, and my dad is in the Army so he is gone REALLY often, so he is barely ever able to help out.
So, my question is, do you guys (and girls) have any ideas to help her out a lot? The more creative the better....I have a medium amount of money, and it is getting kind of cold out, so it is hard to ride my bike places, so yeah, and I am 13 by the way.

2007-11-05 10:07:25 · 19 answers · asked by TJ 3 in Adolescent

Elizabeth and Elisabeth. I'm having a baby girl soon and we're considering naming her one of these. Would you pronounce them the same? Thanks!

2007-11-05 10:07:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anna-Marie 2 in Baby Names

OK... I'm Japanese and my husband American.
We are having a baby boy in February...
Now here is a big problem for us.
Can't find a good name.
Well, actually can't find the one we both like.
Since I'm Japanese, I want to name our baby which is popular in both country, such as Ken, Joe, George, Sage, and so on.

However, my husband says
1. must sound powerful and strong
2. no 'unisex name' like 'Sage'
3. no nickname as proper name such as 'Joe' ('Joseph' is fine)
4. 'white name' is preferable.
5. not too short like 'Ken' or 'Jake'...
6. when you say first name + middle name + last name, you must be able to say with rhythm.
7. No way for 'George' because of GWB.
8. Proper name which can be called by a nickname too, such as David-Dave, William-Bill, and so on... So nothing like Jake, Ken, or Eric...

He prefers the name which doesn't sound strange in Japan too, but as long as he is picky that way, it is very difficult...

2007-11-05 10:06:01 · 13 answers · asked by AuntieZoey 4 in Baby Names

i might be preg and my byfriend say he will leave me if so i am scared???????

2007-11-05 10:01:48 · 7 answers · asked by Zoe 1 in Pregnancy

So, first, let me explain the story behind choosing these names. My mother and brother are from Germany so I'm very interested and involved with that side of my life and family. Then my dad is from the south, so again, i'm very involved on that side of me too. I'm pregnant, but don't know what I'm having, but if it's a girl, I've had this name picked out for quite some time:

Adalia Willodean

Adalia is German for Noble one, and Willodean is a name passed down to me from the southern side of my family. What do yall think?

2007-11-05 09:58:48 · 28 answers · asked by Candice W 2 in Baby Names

I keep on telling him to go pee in his toilet, I even put his toilet where he usually hides to go pee or poo, I tried sitting with him on the big toilet too but he sits and runs off after a second. I also have told him that I will give him candy if he goes to pee in the toilet, but no it doesnt work, should I leave him wet after he pees on the carpet, maybe that way he will get tired of walking around wet and finally go to the toilet, any suggestions?

2007-11-05 09:53:21 · 9 answers · asked by rorybellows 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

I have been caring for my 3 year old niece for a year because her mother neglected her and let her boyfriends abuse her. No her mom claims to be a changed woman, but I don't know. She flew up yesterday with her new man and my niece HID from her when she heard her voice and she does this to know one else. We went out to lunch and my sister and her boyfriend were very lovey dovey and kept on saying very nasty things that a 3 year old shouldn't be hearing. I secretly recorded them with my cell-phone because I was really suspicous of her. My sister is staying in a hotel with her boyfriend until we meet in court on Saturday. Can I use this evidence to prove that she is still too wrapped around her boyfriend and that her daughter is still scared of her? Or is this useless?

2007-11-05 09:53:07 · 8 answers · asked by Jasmine 4 in Adoption

pro life or pro choice and state why

2007-11-05 09:51:34 · 9 answers · asked by nathan q 1 in Pregnancy

My friend is adopting Korean twin girls and she likes the names Keia and Maui. She knows Keia means "this" in Hawaiian, and obviously Maui is a town in Hawaii but she still likes the Pacific Island feel of the names. And besides they're Korean not Hawaiian, so it really doesn't matter. She wonders what other people would think..... So this is where you come in....

2007-11-05 09:49:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

These are my sibs and my name:
Kaitlyn Renee (Katie)
Olivia Kay
Samuel James (Sam)

2007-11-05 09:44:33 · 36 answers · asked by Olivia -♥- 1 in Baby Names

i want 2 know how adults think 13 yr olds should dress? ive heard diff things and want 2 know

2007-11-05 09:32:39 · 16 answers · asked by lovecarlyxo 3 in Grade-Schooler


2007-11-05 09:20:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

The only problem is, she is not very coordinated and hates breaking a sweat... any suggestions?

2007-11-05 09:20:35 · 18 answers · asked by JJ 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

i have a 6 month old daughter and she has been BEYOND cranky 2day. she woke up this morning at about 7:30 (lil earlier then usual) and ate then went back to bed at 8:30. she woke up again at about 11. i played with her and fed her at about 1. she ate a lil bit of carrots and then started screaming her head off!! i know she was still hungry but she would not calm down so i whiped her off and put some apple cereal in a bottle so she would get full and i gave her some water after that. she went back to sleep at around 2. she woke up at about 3:30 and went right back to being cranky but not as bad. i put her in her playpen with all her toys and she played for about 10-15 minutes. she started crying her head off again so i layed her down (she was sitting up playing) she was okay for about 2 minutes n started screaming again. so i put her in her walker while i made her a bottle (my husband works so i dont have n e one to help durring the day) and i fed her the bottle. she screamed again!!!

2007-11-05 09:20:32 · 11 answers · asked by amber32034 3 in Newborn & Baby

2007-11-05 09:10:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I have a 7 year old, who is really quick and intelligent for his age so its getting harder and harder to put one over him. But at what age is it considered appropriate to reveal that there is no Santa, no Easter Bunny and no Toothfairy? Any ideas?

2007-11-05 09:04:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I hate when people telling me that my baby is too small and that their babies is bigger than my baby I hate it! and my doctor said my baby is perfect healthly why do people always looking for better than other babies?...so what do u hate when people said something to your babies?

2007-11-05 08:47:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

Do u think the name Ellie is too informal or too much in common? If not why do some people suggest me to give my babygirl a more formal name and then just call her Ellie? How does it sound to u?

2007-11-05 08:45:52 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

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