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Pregnancy & Parenting - 31 October 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

My son hardly sleeps during the day and wakes up about every one to two hours at night. He used to sleep through the night. Do you think he might be teething still. I have also started giving him a pacifier and when I give him his pacifier he goes right to sleep. I'm also wondering if I should start sleeping in the same room with him and see if this helps.

2006-10-31 09:37:11 · 4 answers · asked by Rosey55 D 5 in Newborn & Baby

1. my daughter is 20 month old and she's still not walking i mean she takes some 10-12 steps on her own but she's not walking perfectly.
2. she misses her grandparenst and her friends a lot here so i try distracting her by taking her to a park or chucky cheese can u guys suggest some other place where i can take her so that she can like her stay here she really feels lonely though i try spending most of my time with her.
3 here in the US a ped said when she turns her neck its very funny how she does, never in india any doctor complained of that and even i never saw that.
4 she just weights 19 pounds for a 20 month old baby she eats a healthy diet and i have no complains on she's not eating or anything its just that she's not putting on weight.
5 n last i still breastfeed her and her ped in US is absolutely against breastfeeding she says i should stop that immediately but i'm not sure as in India her ped says you should feed till the baby is 2. i do give her whole milk too.

2006-10-31 09:33:34 · 5 answers · asked by t_k 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

my 2 year old boy keeps getting styes on the inside of his lower eye and he has them frequently i took him 2 the docs and they gave some cream but hasnt worked ive tryed washing his hands lots and he still gets them any ideas?? and the old wifes tale about the gold band...dont work! thanks he also doesnt sleep through the night-could they be cuz hes ran down cuz hes tired??

2006-10-31 09:30:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

Has your child/children ever puked,peed or anything else in your car on a driving trip? if yes how old were they? How did that make them feel? how did it make you feel? do you bring it up to them now that they are older?

2006-10-31 09:27:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

My son is either really stubborn or there is something wrong. For the past few weeks he has been moving like crazy. I could feel him kick all through out the day, and now for the past 4 or 5 days, I haven't felt a thing. Is it normal for the baby to get really active and then not feel anything for a few days. I am so worried. Please help!!

2006-10-31 09:26:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

he gets so mad its like he crys alot more now because of this

2006-10-31 09:23:36 · 2 answers · asked by alysiac78 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

How many times a day does your 5 month old eat solids, and how many bottles/breastfeeding do they take a day????

2006-10-31 09:23:31 · 3 answers · asked by princessbaby 1 in Newborn & Baby

can you clean your scar with rubbing alcohol? if not then what should you clean it with?

2006-10-31 09:22:42 · 6 answers · asked by lisaslife02 2 in Pregnancy

I prefer uncommon names . All suggestions are appreciated.


2006-10-31 09:22:37 · 29 answers · asked by strandedindixie 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Let me explain more. Im 17. I had my last period 30/9. I am not 100% regular but i do have a period every month. I had unprotected sex on 16/10 and have not had a period since, have had cramping pains like i am about to 'come on' all week but period had not arrived!! I took 2 pregnancy tests one on the 28th one on the 29tha nd they were both negative. I am not really feeling any other symptoms apart from being very tired. Am i just not pregnant or have i tested to early and when shall i test again if i need to?

2006-10-31 09:21:59 · 20 answers · asked by Louisa M 1 in Pregnancy

I am 18 and in first year of college live at home and i like a guy who is 24 and my parents do not approve think he is too mature or advanced for me?could someone explain there point of view?

2006-10-31 09:21:31 · 13 answers · asked by Tiffancy L 1 in Parenting

All three of them were in a row.

2006-10-31 09:16:32 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

raising a child, paying child support, dealing with a you had with on a one night stand, or don't even like anymore, hvaing one time

2006-10-31 09:14:17 · 14 answers · asked by Kalli 1 in Adolescent

Is it the nipp that is suppose to hurt and be sensitive or the whole thing. B/c my nipps hurt and are very sensitive but the other part doesn't hurt abit

2006-10-31 09:13:03 · 6 answers · asked by jess 2 in Pregnancy

okay so ive been on and off with this guy that im goin to call eric.
when me and eric first got together, my friends got really mad at me! they said that he is a "bad influence" to my life.
the reason they probably say this is because he drinks, he smokes, he used meth when he was 11 until 13 and he gets in a lot of trouble too.
i really like him
i know he likes me a lot too
but i just dont want my friends feeling that way about us. one of them refused to talk to me until me and eric break up :[
are my friends' feelings towards my boyfriend valid?
please answer me!
i dont want to talk to my parents about it because they dont know about my boyfriend's "bad behavior"

2006-10-31 09:11:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2006-10-31 09:10:42 · 19 answers · asked by emilyanne 2 in Newborn & Baby

I like to hear about other peoples pregnancies and as i read this section i notice how everyone loves being pregnant. I must be so strange because i hate it.

Of course i love knowing there is a tiny person growing inside me and feeling baby move and listening to the babies heartbeat etc, but the rest of it is horrid. The sickness, the back ache, the tiredness, the way your belly feels like a brick, the spots i seem to get on my face, the uncomfortable cramps in the night. i just cant wait for the day my baby arrives and i can start feeling human again.

Am i the only person that feels this way?

2006-10-31 09:09:48 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Do you think the longer you go without ovulating or having a period the more likely it is to increase your odds of having twins? i was just wondering how that worked...i mean i know they have t o be in the family..my aunt has twins and so does my cuzins...

2006-10-31 09:06:58 · 5 answers · asked by cutenwild1769 5 in Pregnancy

i always thot my name was unique, (wavy) and i met someone named Sand and i think thats pretty cool too. well my sister just had a baby and we're trying to find a unique name for her baby girl. any ideas?

2006-10-31 09:06:39 · 28 answers · asked by wavy 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

ok probably another silly question from me, i would ask my midwife but i can't get in to see her until the 10th of november...

anyway, my baby is due on 13th of this month (2 weeks) and just since yesterday i have had some yucky discharge it's yellowish in colour has doesn't really have an odour to it, i was wondering what it could be i don't think it's my "mucous plug" because there is no blood and it's definately not thrush. would any of you know if it's anything to worry about? i tried to get in to see the Midwife earlier but i can't :(. i have also had to wear a sanitary pad as i have had a bit of a leak that i can't seem to control. ( not a heavy leak by the way).. so any advice would be appreciated i hate being such a worry wart but i would rather know what it is than not know at all.


2006-10-31 09:06:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My father- in- laws name is Albert Gonzales on his birth certificate, my husbands name is Albert Junior Gonzales on his birth certificate(his mother put Junior as his middle name on accident). Can I name my baby Albert Jacob Gonzales III on his birth certificate?

2006-10-31 09:05:16 · 7 answers · asked by ohoh5150 1 in Newborn & Baby

I quit breastfeeding abbout five months ago and my breast have just started hurting a lot. Has my milk come back in? I really don't know. I know that I'm not pregnant again for a fact.

2006-10-31 09:04:04 · 10 answers · asked by Rosey55 D 5 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I am debateing this with my 13 year old and I don't know if she will use it responsably or not. She isn't exactly a modle student and she has been known to make a little trouble but nothing majore......

2006-10-31 09:03:55 · 32 answers · asked by Arielle+Aubrey 1 in Grade-Schooler

I can't believe the movies that get rated PG and PG-13, with so much sex and violence.

For example, I couldn't believe the sexual comments in Shrek II, I was sitting there thinking how many 5 yr olds must have seen this movie with the thongs being snapped, etc.

Don't adults have a responsibilty to keep things less extreme for children? And please, no "it's everywhere" comments, thats a total crock, adults can act and assert control where they are able. What do you think?

2006-10-31 09:03:03 · 8 answers · asked by lulu 2 in Parenting

Is it unsafe? there were also a couple others that they refuse to do, but I can't remember what they are called. But what is do bad about the Bradley Method? I don't get it?

2006-10-31 09:02:23 · 3 answers · asked by sr22racing 5 in Pregnancy

i told my doc that i have frequency and urgency with urination. we are also trying to conceive.
she said

"you have a urinary tract infection", then prescribed an antibiotic for UTI.

then she ordered a urine test, but she prescribed the antibiotic first.
what if i'm prego? i mean i had frequency and urgency with my first pregnancy. she prescribed a class C antibiotic (calss C for pregnancy).

doesn't she want to wait first to see waht the urine test shows?

2006-10-31 09:02:14 · 9 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Pregnancy

my question is mainly asking like how do you get pregnant. like i know how you get pregnant but i wanna know what are ways that you can really get pregnant like me i've tried and tried but it never seems to work and i want a baby but no matter how much times i try or pray it never seems to work. i just don't know why things are not working for me because i am someone who wants a child but it just seems to not cooperate with me. so i really would like to know is it me or is it just meant for me not to have a child?

2006-10-31 09:00:51 · 8 answers · asked by Ricol A 1 in Trying to Conceive

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