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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2007-01-29 18:56:32 · 9 answers · asked by Nasty Leg 2

In practical life, it is not possible to fulfill the demand of Vigilance or anti-corruption department that victim should provide his complete identity along with the complaint. No one likes to pay the bribe, but we refrain ourselves providing the information about us in the fear of an adverse effect from the bribe taker. This system is not good. In spite of doing that, people should have the right to put the “corrupted office” label by voting. It will create the mess situation among the staff working in the office and everyone will want not to ask the bribe in the fear of getting votes. If they demand outside the office, no matter, the victim can still register the vote. Below is the method to follow if government really wants to stop the corruption -

Voting machine can be installed on the door of the office. If anyone is asking the bribe, the bribe payer (victim) may want to decide, however, the victim will register a vote (just press the button) while leaving the office. Monthly data of this voting machine will display the number of bribe acts. Voting machine, with the large display unit, will display the digital number, so that all can view it. All voting machines should be interlinked with the central control of the Vigilance (like Railway’s reservation system). Once the button is pressed, the vote will also get registered in the computer of the Vigilance department. Then vigilance will inform respective state governments with votes obtained by respective offices. Vigilance should made it compulsory for all TV channels (who are doing profitable business in India) to display the voting results with name of the offices. It is because TV media is very aggressive in getting votes for everything (Remember those words? - SMS your vote to XXXX). This way the TV media can serve the nation by showing something meaningful to the public and not only the stores of Shilpa Shetty or Ash-Abhi's wedlock.

2007-01-29 18:13:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

its about my rights as a tenant.


2007-01-29 17:46:18 · 1 answers · asked by anonomama 3

I was living in a one bedroom studio with my wife, we found out our lease would be up in a month and a half, we couldn't find any other complexes to live at (due to large pet fees), so we decided to stay at the same complex but move to a two bedroom two weeks before our lease was up at the one bedroom (we moved early so we could take our time and clean the one bedroom to keep our deposit from the one bedroom). Now living in the two bedroom, having not signed a lease or put down a deposit, not having signed any paper work we have decided to leave and move into a house. (we decided to leave because we became fed up with the management, she told us the neighbors didnt smoke, they do, they said they would have the bathroom shower working by a certain time, they didnt and it took me asking for a work order (which she said "that isnt necessary") to get it fixed, they still hadnt replaced the toilet seats, repaired our mini blinds (which lets everyone see in to our bedroom), and so on...

2007-01-29 17:32:36 · 3 answers · asked by anonomama 3

I kicked him out 3 months ago, and got a restraining order against him. Since then, he's violated it 3 times and kicked in my front door. He says now, because I have a new "friend", that he is going to tell the court that I smoke green n do blow (both which i do occasionally). I have quit everything for the past 3 weeks so I'm not really too worried about it, I'm more worried that he is going to kill me! But what do you think, will the court even take him seriously given his history of domestic violence, criminal recod and mental health issues?

2007-01-29 17:30:09 · 14 answers · asked by lazy_n_spoiled 2

me & my wife have seperated pending divorce, before we split we were about to sign for a remortgage on our house.
that idea was obviously binned upon seperation. Then i discovered that she had signed (forged) my signature on the remortgage documents & had received the cash. i also found that this wasnt the first occasion that she had obtained money by forgeing my signature. anyway during the divorce this has come to light!. I want her prosecuted for this so i went to the police who said that it was down to the mortgage lender Netwast to report it, not me. Even tho the equity of the house has been reduced by this crime & half the equity being mine constitutes theft!. So, i went to the mortgage lender & tried to report it to them & get some sort of result, but NO!. They say that its down to me to report it to the police.
My question is. Who is right?

2007-01-29 17:27:40 · 8 answers · asked by suzi1100steve 2

The politicians are checked at 3 levels-by the public, the bureaucrats and the judiciary. The Executive is checked at two levels-by the political masters and the judiciary. There is NO check on the judiciary. All power and NO problem. And, power corrupts. Doesn't absolute power corrupt absolutely?

2007-01-29 17:21:55 · 7 answers · asked by Ravindran M 1

2007-01-29 17:18:28 · 2 answers · asked by agmilesjd 1

2007-01-29 17:10:33 · 5 answers · asked by it_is_what_it_is 2

all the terroists should be hanged to stop spreading terrosim

2007-01-29 16:56:08 · 8 answers · asked by asshu 1

weed is a plant not a drug just cuz it make ua feall any diferent it still a plant and y is it that canada its ilegal its not fair its just a plant y y y

2007-01-29 16:37:07 · 16 answers · asked by STEPHANIE J 1

With the latest turmoil in congress over credit cards and their "predatory" practices. I was wondering what everyon thought about this issue. Are they evil or simply a business who has a contract for their protection and operating within the legal precedents of said contract?

2007-01-29 16:35:34 · 5 answers · asked by AbsintheLover 2

I need a special operation called a lap band operation but it not cover by OHIP. Why do you ask because fat people do not count for much in this world.Operation cost 16,000.00.I can get one with in a week no problem if I was rich . Why do we still have a two tier heath care system in this country.If you got money you jump to front of the line.My operation is not for cosmetic it life and death . We can spend million on new machines fancy hospital that sit empty because their no staff to run them .People who need the help continue to wait in line . That the new OntarioHeath care

2007-01-29 16:21:19 · 14 answers · asked by ? 1

So my friends and I went shopping at Claires. Me and two of my friends. I picked out a keychain and was going to get it but decided not to I had held it in my hand for a while. One of my friend who I was with was I quess trying to take something (shoplift) And I knew she was but I didn't say anything so she dropped stuff in her bag but I knew something was wrong because the manager was talking to the security guard. I told her to put the stuff back and she did. So on our way out the lady stops all of us and says she has to check our bags from previous shopping. I didn't have a bag but I had a purse so she made me open it so she could see that I didn't take anything. None of us take anything and two of us didn't think about taking anything however all of us are banned from the store. There's gotta be some justice to that I mean first she assumed we stole and then banned us? Not to mention embarrassed us in front of people.

2007-01-29 15:54:25 · 13 answers · asked by Sophy C 1

My brother is theatening my boyfriend, since he is unable to harm me, is there any legal action i can take against him for this?

2007-01-29 15:46:15 · 5 answers · asked by kute_regina_gal 4

i got into trouble with the police on the weekend ( public urination and failing to follow a police order / direction)
i havent received a summons to court , but its early days yet.
what i am wondering is if convicted, warned, fined or whatever will that give me a criminal record? i dont think it will because its not a big deal like theft or assault or anything, but im kinda worried coz if a get a criminal record i won't be able to get a passport

2007-01-29 15:41:57 · 2 answers · asked by iloveongapumps 2

What kind of help can a father get who has 2 children. By two different mothers when it comes to child support. The courts has made it to where this father has to pay out 2000.00 a month in child support. He makes aound 19.00 an hour but after the taxes are taken out and the child support he doesn't have money to pay his bills. He doesn't have much a car payment, insurance, rent, electric, Food. He's layed off for the winter and that is his payments they will go up higher than this once he gets called back to work. This is what he has to pay on the unemployment which isn't even close to 19.00 per hour. Can anyone give me some ideas for assistance. Right now he feels he has about 3 options. Go to Jail, Give his rights up to his children, or Suicide. I need help for this person whose lost and needing answers.

He's talked to the courts and disputed it. He showed proof of his income and they still based this on several thousand more dollars a year that he doesn't make.

2007-01-29 15:40:34 · 10 answers · asked by Guess Who 3

landlord playing favortism and not complying with landlord/tenant good faith and fair dealing law. I want them to feel the burn because of the complaint.

2007-01-29 15:23:15 · 8 answers · asked by jacqueline s 1

my brother in law married a women from Taiwan that he met for the first time at an arranged trip to Taiwan in Dec. Brought this woman back, divorce final Dec 10. Different race and religious backgound. She has 4 school age kids in Taiwan that they lied to the family about originally saying her kids were grown. he commented to my brother that she had 4-5 other men lined up but she picked him. He married her this past weekend with no witnesses. No prenup either!

Who knows aboutimmigraton and how to find out if they will get red flagged, what are the red flags, lawyers....please throw me a bone here. We have a family business that we are very concerned about because of this recent event! Do I notify BCIS, INS of sham marriage?

2007-01-29 14:56:11 · 9 answers · asked by Pauline J 3

A friend of mine is worried that she may of made a mistake at a party and illegially obtained a medication with out a prescription . She is worried that the person who offer and she purchased such medication from could of been a narc . Can she be indicted for this even tho this illegial substance was used and purchased by everyone at this party ?

2007-01-29 14:52:06 · 2 answers · asked by mooneyes 1

I was at a traffic light today, and looked over to see a car full of teenagers, and the DRIVER was smoking pot. I could NOT believe my eyes!! I honked the horn, they looked over, and I put my arms up to say "what the heck do you think you're doing?" They stuck their middle fingers up at me, the light turned green, and I wrote down the liscence plate number.

Is there anything I can do with that plate #? I would LOVE to go tell their parents, but I don't think there is a way to find out who the car belongs to just from the plate #. I'm not sure if the police would follow up on it either. I guess I should've called 911, but the last time I did (yes - I've seen this happen TWICE now) a follow-up call from the police proved unworthy.

SCARY that this is really happening huh? Drive safely!!

2007-01-29 14:50:16 · 19 answers · asked by Jilly 4

I am asking this in response to an anti-spanking bill being introduced in California. I just want to know people's experiences.

Yes, I was spanked. And no, it didn't hurt me. I think my mom overused it; she could have substituted a verbal reprimand more often than she did, but even so, it didn't hurt me. And nobody's perfect. And w/o the threat of a spanking, the verbal reprimand wouldn't have had as big an impact.

2007-01-29 14:49:33 · 9 answers · asked by Maryfrances 5

How can i get info on how much i owe for my traffic violations? I got letters before stating that i have a warrent out for my arrest for these traffic violations . i just want to know what i can do and how much i owe... ill do the time if i have to but thats if i have no choice :)

2007-01-29 14:48:58 · 4 answers · asked by sicc_demon 2

A friend of mine is suing her ex husband after she found out he had given her an std prior to the divorce. I do't think he was aware of even having the disease or even believed her when she called and questioned him about spreading it to her. Anyhow, any opinions on this?

2007-01-29 14:48:38 · 8 answers · asked by julianna662001 2

I have lived here for a year and a half. I signed a lease again in October that doesn't expire until July. Are there responable landlords who will let you you out early? It will only be 2 months early and they offered me a 6 month, but I took the 9, didn't know I end up pregnant! If I stay unil July I will end up having my baby here which is a long story, but will make my life very hard. Should I get a lawyer or something?

2007-01-29 14:47:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-29 14:38:26 · 69 answers · asked by BeBop 3

my friend told me that there was new law that said you have to be 18 before you can get it. i wasnt sure...

2007-01-29 14:22:10 · 5 answers · asked by Paige G 1

There was also another girl who was let go, who is deaf. No one else in her office was fired, and her boss told her that "they felt that the Doctor's assistants could do her job much faster, cheaper, and better" than what my mother could. Does she have a good case for an age discrimination lawsuit? Also, she was being paid $3.00 more per hour than anyone else in the company, and this year she would have been fully-vested. It's just amusing, especially since they fired my mom who's 56, and they fired a 30 year-old deaf employee on the same day. It seems to me that they were just "cleaning up the garbage" in the company.... Oh, she works in Shawnee Mission, KS so anything with the law would have to pretain to the Kansas laws. Need help!! Thanks!!

2007-01-29 14:21:14 · 6 answers · asked by Zachary 2

Pick a state where we can test your theory. Maybe California. We will legalize all drugs in that state. After 2 years we will evaluate the results and determine wether this is the direction America wants to go. They will no longer get back Federal tax dollars. The drug tax money you people keep touting should be enough to make up for the tax dollars lost and then some! You can use the tax money off of all drugs sold in the state for any programs you want. Anyone transporting drugs out of your state gets the death penalty. No questions, no matter the amount. Anyone selling to or allowing anyone under 21 to use drugs will receive 10 years minimum sentence. Could you live with this? Could you obey the ground rules? How long before California turned into s cesspool?
Comments and suggestions? Convince me!

2007-01-29 14:18:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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