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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I just moved into an apartment with a friend, sort of sub-leasing from her other roommate that left in the middle of the night, and from what my roommate says the landlord shows up at her apartment at least once a week to check things out, with no notice. While she was there last night, she started going through the stack of mail that was sitting on the kitchen table. She wanted to know why one of my roommates friends (who does not live there, he happens to be in jail for a speeding ticket and is having his mail forwarded to her until he gets out) was using our address (althrough she referred to it in this manner: "Why is this Grant guy using my address?") for his mail. And then reminded us that we can't just let anyone stay the night, we're not allowed to have guests. And then she called my roommate by her ex-roommates name. I think she's just mentally unbalanced. Is there anything we can legally do about this? Or at least about her coming into the apartment and going through things?

2007-01-30 06:05:59 · 9 answers · asked by Usual 3

Is there an English website with guidelines on how much you can get for injuries caused by a road traffic accident? I have just been offered £1800 for an accident I had in June 06 but due to my solicitor's lack of advice I have no idea if this is a good offer or not.

2007-01-30 06:04:45 · 3 answers · asked by kittylitter777 1

my husband and son was sentenced to 200 years each by a jury trail on drug charges thay,ve been to prison on previous drug charges.what can i do to help them? murders dont get that much time.if theres anyone out there that can help me i would be very grateful

2007-01-30 06:00:51 · 1 answers · asked by rebecca m 1

What do you think he covered up? Surely you can't believe the nutty professor theory and it was all an innocent mistake. Was it ok because he worked for John Kerry? Hmmmm...?

2007-01-30 05:50:17 · 13 answers · asked by whlydg 2

Its school work, dont even ask why we have to find this out, lets just say my teacher is evil!!!

2007-01-30 05:48:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just about every country around the world does this, sooner or later we may have to resort to these techniques to get information or demoralize the enemy. Why do we hold ourselves to this higher standard?

2007-01-30 05:40:50 · 1 answers · asked by lvillejj 4

I live in a mid-terraced house (owned) in a small cul-de-sac (UK)

Recently there have been new tennants move in, with a 14 month old son and 5 year old daughter.
They wake me up every morning between 5am and 6am, with their son screaming and banging on the wall to get attention for up to an hour.
The woman goes outside for a cigarette about 6am and bangs the back door really hard, making the whole house shake.
The bloke yells and the woman a lot and uses absolutely disgusting language in front of his kids. They make a LOT of noise at around 5:30 every morning.

Thing is they bang on the wall every time they hear the slightest noise from me. The woman came round after they'd been there about a week and complained because I was doing some DIY at 5PM!

I need to add that I'm not very loud at all, but living in this type of house you end up hearing some noise.

I need to speak to them at some point, but would like to know where I stand, as they don't seem like reasoning people!

2007-01-30 05:31:36 · 19 answers · asked by Chris P 1

for instance, putting an image of the Lorax on an Arbor Day bracelet?

2007-01-30 05:21:53 · 7 answers · asked by seans_outside 1

I am working on a school project and I need to know when ethnic\ religions other than White\Catholic people first got their rights in Canada.

2007-01-30 05:16:19 · 4 answers · asked by Fiona 2

So, the Catholics wanted exemption from having to allow gay couples to adopt children in their care - as the Church considers homosexuality to be a sin. But this is not a Catholic country and they have been overruled? What do you think?

2007-01-30 05:12:52 · 13 answers · asked by big pup in a small bath 4

is it illegal for a printed document to be taken to the post office to get car tax for your car

2007-01-30 05:10:42 · 7 answers · asked by Ray K 1

I know marbury v. madison talks about constitutional legislation only

2007-01-30 04:58:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I passed a criminal check and drug test with this company but I had a gap in my employment 6 years ago in 2001 for about 4 months that my company said they could not account for.

Do I have any options here? Can I file a lawsuit? Discrimination? Unemployment?

Why would the company keep me on for 4 months before firing me about something that happened in 2001?

I still have not received any literature or "walking papers" from the incident as well.

Please help! Thanks all!

2007-01-30 04:52:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok the first is my brothers ex girlfriend has been living in my brothers house even though her name is no where on the deed. She has no legal rights to live their but the judge says she does. Before I go on this is in Vermont in orleans county. She has stolen my brothers things and sold them for her drug habbit. He is not allowed to be in his house with her there. It must add up to thousands that she has taken on top of destroying his house and starving his two dogs and puppies. My brother has temp costody of their two children but the judge order that he is not allowed to report brusies or abuse. She is beating my 4 yr niece and is also expoxing her to her sexual acts. The state troopers and the state is letting her do this on top of driving with out a license. She has also commited fraud on her other child by using her name and running bad credit. She has no legal birth cetificate or social securiety card. Now if these was my brother doing these things it would be different.

2007-01-30 04:50:22 · 4 answers · asked by Purple_Freak_Faery 2

got this from a lawer what does it mean??? cleaning co botched up mold clean up and were refusing to let them back in to redo till mess that they made in first attempt is properly documented and want a different company to come do the recleaning 8,300.00 job

2007-01-30 04:47:42 · 1 answers · asked by drm19drm 2

what are the bad and or good features about maijuana to human being ? y do some people think it should be legalized and some oppossed it ? in general society always make it sound so bad about this thing ?what are the real factors of this drug for users in the long run? im confused..

2007-01-30 04:47:40 · 6 answers · asked by Wow 2

Does the father of my son apsolutly HAVE to pay child support if we're still together and he helps out alot? personaly i dont want him to pay...

2007-01-30 04:41:50 · 13 answers · asked by turco 2

2007-01-30 04:41:23 · 15 answers · asked by Rohan D 1

I live on a street that is one street over from a very busy road. I think some people take a "short cut" down my road instead of staying on the main one. They go very fast, even though it's clearly a residential neighborhood. I would like to get a petition or something together to have a couple speed bumps put in. What city department would deal with this issue?

2007-01-30 04:39:27 · 4 answers · asked by crazy_in_tangles 1


I think my Church Pastor may be a member or even possibly a leader of the KKK. The Church claims to be a Protestant Church, but they refuse to serve the disability individuals, mentally or physically, or the "Sinners", and the racial minority rarely stay there for very long. Is it legal for them to claim to be a 501(c)(3) organization, and be so blatantly prejudice with the public at the same time?

2007-01-30 04:36:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriends daughter is 19 about to be 20 and is now pregnant with her 2nd child. She has moved back and forth out of state several times in the last year and has lost several jobs in that time as well. She wants to move back here to NY and collect welfare but in our state they will garnish the parents for child support until she is 21. Is there any way for my boyfriend and his ex-wife to fight this?

2007-01-30 04:24:00 · 7 answers · asked by captains4belle 1

It always seems to be a technicality that allows perpetrators to get away with murder. More and more we are clouding that line between what is right and what is wrong. Perpetrators are loving it; it gives them a great sporting chance. Getting away with their crimes re-victimizes the victim in ways we cannot possibly begin to empathize with. People lie and purjure themselves under oath all the time. Where can true justice be found?

2007-01-30 04:23:11 · 7 answers · asked by Thinking Outside the Flocks 5

I feel awful for everyone who was involved in this accident. But I was wondering if the driver who gave the fatal blow is also in danger of being charged of manslaughter.

2007-01-30 04:21:29 · 5 answers · asked by Tacymevol 5

How long after can someone sue you? I sold my home to someone in April, can he still sue me for defect, or is it too late?

2007-01-30 04:20:25 · 3 answers · asked by adiliber 2

equiverlent break time off? If so is this discrimation [paying smokers same money as non smokers, but for less working time. Ordering staff to endanger their lives if they want fresh air, mental/physical rest from working. In that if they disobey the order they can't have these things]?

2007-01-30 04:15:17 · 13 answers · asked by Balzec 1

if you recieve an official notice from the san bernardino county district attorney bad check program would they actually take you to court or jail or are they just trying to scare you into paying?

2007-01-30 04:11:56 · 3 answers · asked by dollbabyii 2


I have come up with a new idea for a dating website thing, its different from all the ones that currently exist, is there anyway taht I can protect it with copyright or something similar?

How would I go about doing it?


2007-01-30 03:50:52 · 6 answers · asked by jeff lemon 1

fedest.com, questions and answers