Is all you see is that bus full of nuns being hit? Are you all so perfect already that you can be so judgmental? Guess what, I already paid my debt for the offense, which was driving at .095, a few short years ago was leagal in mo. Why so many self-rightous ninnys on a soap box? I live in the woods, I've been without my licencs for two years, my small bussines is faltering as a result. I was not pulled over for swerving or driving iraatically. Am I a long time drunk who finally got caught? NO. I went through a rough two months at which time I got a dui. None before, none since. So many haters, heres another cold fact, I used to race stock cars and dirt bikes. I am an enthusiest, I have skills. At .095 I have no doubt my driving skills are far superior to any law enforcement officer in the union, I accept any challenges. So many haters? I guess it's a result of ignorance, and a mob mentality. Or maybe it's a bunch of sissified conservatives who couldn't find they're A_r_se w/ both hands
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