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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

my ex boyfriend has just got caught dkink driving for the second time. the first time was 9 years ago. this means he will loss his job and eventually his home because he drives for a living.
i do not feel sorry for him because he should not have done it , he is at court on tuesday
i am getting alot of trouble fromthe family because he saw him eariler in the night and they are saying that if i did not see him he would have got angry and ended up getting in the car later.
does any one have any expriance in this do u know what will happen to him when he goes to court

2006-12-17 00:28:44 · 13 answers · asked by clairexxxx 2

For instance the bible.

Not KJV because its public domain.

But If I was to read a section of the NIV,NLV or NASB bible audibly record it and sell it because people liked my voice would that require copyright permission or not?

Merry Christmas

2006-12-16 22:53:24 · 6 answers · asked by imgarysomers 2

A while back, my stereo was stolen. A $1000 dvd screen, fairly rare, and a $500 system of 2 12" Memphis, 800 watt Lanzar amp and a high quality box

I was at a party when it was stolen, and a few guys were said to have hauled butt at the time it happened. One of these guys (dirt poor guy) has a dvd screen, and a couple nice speakers, according to word on the street.

I intend to find out if it is my system, since only one other person in town has a dvd screen. Well if its my system, I'm getting it back.

I filed a police report for the system, but I did not have a VIN number for the product, I left a fairly good description on the report, but no #'s.

Either I will get it back legally, through the cops, or I will steal it back myself. What will the cops do if I tell them the situation? They didn't do **** to help me find it the first time. What will they do if I get caught stealing it, (since its mine).

I worked very hard for that money to buy that sound system. Thanks again

2006-12-16 22:38:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what part of my estate when i die do i have to leave my son in scottish law

2006-12-16 22:22:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever notice that the Bible's used as a matriarchal whipping tool? what ever helps the matriarchy is put forward as 'fact' and what ever doesn't suit is hidden and even aggressively opposed? Eg: for thousands of years marriage was supported whilst it forced 'husbands' [read slaves] to pay for their wives, drinking is opposed as it's something the matriarchy doesn't need [where-as Solomon advised drinking], and again- marriage is; *now* not needed by the m so it's now ok to divorce; even when the women is a whore [literally]; well the matriarchy doesn't need it; *now*; as the government has turned into substitute husband, gayness is opposed; ok that one may well be actually in the Bible, but it's funny how it suits the matriarchy to bring it up. Anyone believe a single word the matriarchy says?

Any dude's fed up with the m's crud? Well join some of yahoo's men's groups- all the Christian men have gone there for refuge.

Don't get this wrong- God *is* great. But the matriarchy is full of cr*p.

2006-12-16 22:20:41 · 4 answers · asked by Put_ya_mitts_up 4

I am asking about all versions in general.

I do not believe the King James version is but I may be wrong. What other versions do you know about? are they under copyright?

Also, If I was to read a bible verse, record it and sell it publicly would I have to obtain copyright and or other legal lincensure to be able to do so?

Or is there a legal loophole here because its not technically being physically published.

I really need your help.

Thanks ahead of time
Merry Christmas

2006-12-16 22:09:50 · 8 answers · asked by imgarysomers 2

2006-12-16 21:26:21 · 6 answers · asked by letgo_my_ears_iknow_what_im_doin 1

My daughter's mom is falsely accusing me of smoking marijuana AROUND my daughter and is taking me to court to get orders placed on my visitation. She has done it before and I represented myself, but I wasn't ordered to a drug test.

2006-12-16 21:13:01 · 4 answers · asked by lamario16598 1

OK, so not long ago, one night, my boss started calling me on my mobile while he was intoxicated, i answered in case it was urgent only to have him ranting on about naked girls etc, so i hung up, this was followed by at the least 15 calls in the span of two hours, three voicemails demanding i call him back- for no particular reason, two sms, both with obsanities and referals to f$#king his dream girl etc, followed by a MMS of a photo of his you know what- in errect state. I rang the owner of the company in which i work for and told them what went on, they have stuck up for my bosses actions and stated they are out of character. I have been put on paid holidays till next year. I have asked several times if i can return to work but have been denied.Clients have been told i quit. I really dont know what to do.. Im worried about losing my job etc. I have not pressed charges against my boss as i didnt want to ruin my companies reputation but now im having second thoughts..

2006-12-16 20:56:51 · 11 answers · asked by Lilly lola 2

Do you sometimes wonder what an unscrupulouis organization like Yahoo's ethics and morality committee might do with all the personal data you are leaving on these chat room boards.? I found out! Be afraid. Be very afraid. Anything you write down here is catagorized, listed and distributed to a variety of private and governmental organizations. Warning! Clam up or you will be sorry.

2006-12-16 20:49:59 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you want "big brother" judging your statements and, as i have found, they collect, catagorized and distribute your data to third parties, including private and governmental. This Yahoo "Committee" is straight from the committees designed by Joseph Stalin when he was in his prime. Are you okay with that? I just want to know. Feedback????

2006-12-16 20:44:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to prove hardship. Any similar situations or any suggestions?

2006-12-16 19:44:14 · 3 answers · asked by LaTeeDah 1

We are going to buy a house soon, and I have been anit-gun for a long time, but now it seems right. No one is coming into my house with a gun and claiming control. No one is raping my wife and killing my kids. I want to at least put up a fight with a gun in the house. Am I wrong?

2006-12-16 19:37:46 · 18 answers · asked by NightTrainWooWoo 4

I've been terminated from my job at a new hair salon. I sent out notices, placed ads, and printed flyers to all of my clients. I worked at this salon for only 3 weeks. I was very professional and never seen this coming. She terminated my employment because " I was making her staff feel uncomfortable about asking how their walk in system works." 2 members of the staff is just starting out & need walk ins to build clientelle. I was told when I was hired that they needed to give these customers to them because that's what they needed for them to build. I understood this however I had a very slow start. Everyday that I've been there, only a few of my clients have been showing up. I never objected this but did start asking questions once I realized I wasn't making enough money. She also said that a client of hers said something to her about my previous place of employment that she found disturbing. I asked her what was said but she won't tell me. Is there anything I can do?

2006-12-16 19:30:52 · 5 answers · asked by Ida 3

Are pictures of pictures under copyright infringement? For example if I were to take pictures of someone reading a magazine would that be infringing on copyright laws, if it was used for a photography project?

2006-12-16 18:57:23 · 5 answers · asked by ckj 1

If you had sat on that jury, would you have found him guilty? Why or why not?

2006-12-16 18:01:25 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I work in a grocery store. As a taxpayer it is hard not to get upset at what I see people using their food stamps for. I see people buy 40.00 birthday cakes, sub sandwiches that the deli makes to order,crab legs and shrimp that cost 10.00 or 15.00 a pound. Worse yet, they buy 2 lbs of crab legs for 30.00 and then make their kids live off of ramen noodles! Am I the only one who sees something wrong with this picture? Isn't a 40.00 birthday cake excessive? The subs cost 8.00 each and for 8.00 you can buy a lb of lunchmeat and a loaf of bread. For 30.00 you can feed a family of 4 a healthy meal like chicken and rice and a salad instead of forcing your kids to eat noodles that are high in fat and low in nutrients. I even saw a lady buy over 100.00 in deli platters. I don't care how people spend their money, but when they use their food stamps on frivolous things, they are wasting my money and yours. I work hard for a living, only to watch people abuse the system on things I do without.

2006-12-16 17:48:23 · 10 answers · asked by Michelle F 3

I am court ordered to make "installment payments" for the rest of my life in so far as I am ordered to "take one day at a time" one pill per day, supposedly "good" for me...Supposedly a "single jeopardy" legal reason to refuse and legally be allowed to refuse those "installment payments" or "take one day at a time" one pill per day is in case I committ suicide. I would rather not make such a "single jeopardy" argument in order to stop making "installment payments." I would rather stop making "installment payments" for the "single jeopardy" reason that I do not have available a "single jeopardy" suicide pill...For instance, if the pill were called "in god we trust" and I was on a suicide mission on an airplane, like flight 93, and I took that pill...Then in fact the plane would land with my dead body on it maybe but "lives would be saved" and "improved" in fact possibly because that option was "on the tablet" pill able to be swallowed once, is that a legal argument to not be medicated

2006-12-16 17:34:00 · 2 answers · asked by Dan M 1

Has anyone else noticed that people no longer take responsibility for their own actions, but on the flip side they are almost always ready to be their brothers keepers? For example, They are willing to sue someone for something like burning their crotch because they placed hot coffee between their legs while driving, and are willing to tell their neighbor they do not know how to parent. Is this just a USA thing?

2006-12-16 17:20:27 · 5 answers · asked by Star 5

my friend just got hers. . and she wants to go out of state [she's in Pennsylvania] but I don't know if she can?

2006-12-16 17:16:58 · 7 answers · asked by Natalie L 1

My dad just passed away and was a member of an appartment cooperative. I am trying to find out if I now own his one bedroom appartment.

2006-12-16 17:11:50 · 1 answers · asked by James G 1

I would like to seek a restraining order against my roommate's ex. Sounds weird, but because my roommate also works with me, she is always coming around and while trying to be desperate to him, is a total ***** to me. She's come to the restaurant where we work, called a manager over to complain about me trying to say I messed with her food (which I didn't) Luckly my managers know better than to believe her, but the point is she has tried to put my job in jeoprady. She has also has come to our apartment complex at 3am trying to get into our apartment to see him. The police had to escort her from the building after she was making threats (he was asleep, I had to deal with all this drama) So basically I'd like to know where and how to go about getting a restraining order to keep her away from my work and my home. I've tried talking to my roommate but he seems to think that it doesn't concern me, however her behavior has forced me to get involved.

2006-12-16 17:10:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently CESC send a Demand Notice to enhance the Security Deposit from the domestic customer as per Electricity Act, 2003 but I did not find anything like this in the Electricity Act, 2003 in the net so I want to know about this or where I will get the clarification for the same.

2006-12-16 17:08:38 · 1 answers · asked by Souren M 1

Just because a majority of people hold a certain point of view, is it right to force people who are in the minority to conform to the majority view?

2006-12-16 17:06:27 · 6 answers · asked by Natsif Alphamith 2

Obviously tons of tax revenue would be lost by the government and our taxes would rise. But if that wasnt a factor do You think prohibition should be brought back? I'm just curious what people think. I don't have a stance on the issue.

2006-12-16 16:59:25 · 9 answers · asked by Joe 5

Do the Prisoners at Guantanamo fall under the category of political prisoners ? if not what differentiates them from other Political Prisoners around the world ? I know some of them might be terrorists and might be actively engaged in acts of terror and directly handling munitions but how is that different from other prisoners around the world who are held as prisoners of Conscience and for supporting sedition in third world countries ? .

2006-12-16 16:59:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can walmart or police charge you for shoplifting if you didn't get caught with the item on you at all going out of the store? I mean what if they have you on camera going into the bathroom and coming out with nothing and go back and find an empty box. Can they charge you next time you enter walmart?

2006-12-16 16:26:16 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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