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Law & Ethics - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2006-12-17 04:02:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

where can i find at least 30 checks and balences on the american goverment

2006-12-17 03:49:31 · 3 answers · asked by ma_foy 2

Is it wrong to download music, films etc for free? Whats your position? Do you even think about it at all?

2006-12-17 03:24:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My fiance has 3 kids from a prior marriage, 2 of them still minors. The kids were taken away from us over the summer because my fiance cancelled their trip (that was scheduled on his parenting time) to their grandma's. The kids were planning to go to grandma's and not come back because their grandma is rich and they have friends down there. Now, Christmas is coming, and 1 of the kids have accepted our apologies while the other is calling us stupid etc. The mother is constantly reminding the kids of how her relationship with their father was (it wasn't pretty, but he never hit, abused in any way his children, she couldn't keep her legs or mouth shut). She also tells them that he doesn't love them because he's barely there to see them... he lives in another state and working 80 hours a week to pay their child support, his rent, car payment, taxes whatever else you can think of. My fiance and ex always argue, pretty ugly convers. what will the friend of the court do in this case?

2006-12-17 03:22:59 · 2 answers · asked by born2bfree 3

I heard it goes on what the parents makes, and what they could make? My sons father had a masters degree and a $25/hour job but chose to only work part time for the past 2 years. Now he owns his own business and im not sure how you even figure income when you own a business. He claims I would be lucky to get $400 a month for my son. My son is almost 2, and we are just now considering child support due to our not so good circumstances. Any information would be helpful, thank you!

2006-12-17 03:21:08 · 2 answers · asked by MILF20 1

Please explain your reasoning and provide any proof if you have.

2006-12-17 03:18:53 · 9 answers · asked by Mac 2

I owe quiet an amount on my child support and my license are suspended. Is there any way to obtain a drivers license without having to pay the whole amount? I am working but Icant afford to be caught driving, and i cant work without driving. Any advice will be appreciated.

2006-12-17 03:18:28 · 9 answers · asked by Lady Bug 2

2006-12-17 03:10:34 · 6 answers · asked by cozmik_terra 2

We come to answers to play, or ask questions on our lives. The most pressing issue before me is my missouri driving privledges. I get lots of hate over this question, so I'd like to know how all you perfect people do it.
I was born in illinios, but have been a missouri resident for more than 10 years. During my divorce I briefly moved back to il. I switched my DL back to il while I was there. Within 4 months of moving back to mo I got a dui in mo before I changed my il licence back to mo. Both states of course, suspended my driving privledges. After 2500$ in fines and fees to missouri and two years in the process, jumping through one hoop after another, I was reinstated in mo on oct 30, only to find illinios now had a hold on my DL. Illinios demands a 500$ reinstatement fee, 3times the amount I paid in mo, and they want me to submit papers, and counseling reviews that took me two years in mo to complete. I already sent il all the paperwork, reviews, statements, decarations,

2006-12-17 03:07:39 · 9 answers · asked by NIGHTSHADE 4

I believe, that there is still illegal to turn away a person who is seeking medical care at an emergency room. If this is still the case, how much is the expense going to be for the the treatment of those illegal alians who are living here now? It just seems to me , that there is something wrong with this picture. Here we have retired citizens who, after having worked the majority of their lifes finally are faced with the fact that they can not afford a medication because it's too expensive either does without it or has to have the Doctor rewrite a prescription for a lessor amount of medicine so that they can pay for it. Maybe part of the problem is that the Politicians who run this country, live in a world where they are assured a Full retirement amount for serving just one term in office plus Free Medical Care. What can we do?

2006-12-17 03:04:02 · 3 answers · asked by bruce2014@sbcglobal.net 1

2006-12-17 02:56:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I swear every one that I see drives up in a huge $50,000 suv, Have the niceset cell phone (which they are always on so must have a million minutes,) Name brand clothing, nails done the whole shabang. The worst part, they dont want to pay ANYTHING for their childs care, they only want what medicaid will pay for. Who cares if my child will have a better life if i pay the 50.00, is their mentality. I want to tell them "if you can buy all those nice things, get off government assistance, and pay for yourself." At least get what you child needs. Your shirt on your back could have paid for 2 of them....These are the types that are to lazy to call us and their 6 year old makes their own appointment.

2006-12-17 02:48:20 · 10 answers · asked by Princess 2

Is it statuory rape if both people are under the age of consent?? Can the girl's parents sue the guy and his family??

2006-12-17 02:34:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

When U read news paper/Magazine, it is full of caste wars, Communal riots,Eve teasing,Offences against women,Political murders and financial frauds...so many.When a honest person tries to represnt it in court/forum,either he will be shifted to other location or to Heaven.Take examples of Great Shri Seshan for his untiring efforts to reform electorial issues or Mrs Kiran Bedi for attempting to make reforms in Goonda culture in National capital ie,New Delhi or the recent murder of Public Engineer Mr.Pandya for his efforts to intiate measures on cost controls for the one of the World Banka aided National High ways project..etc.When some one tries to make better India, he/she will be victimised and our impotent citizens remains silent spectatorThe film makers makes money by screening movies on social evils like corruption(Sahenshah),Cola wars(Corporate),women issues (Mirch Masala).We watch,Talk and forget about them.The question remains same ie.,R we really living in democratic India?

2006-12-17 02:19:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am under a corporate plan with Atena. The plan says 100% coverage of emergency room services with 100 copay and 80% if admitted to hospital. My wife was admitted in emergency condition in ER. She was diagnosed having an abscess and had t be operated in normal OT for which she was admitted as inpatientas her condition was very critical. Now the Insurance company is saying that the expense of OT and admission is not covered under emergecy room but as inpatient and 20% ha to be borne by us. Is this admission is not incidental to admittance in ER becaue the kind of operation was not possible in ER and that's why she was admitted as inpatient. IS Insurance company correct in denying 100% coverage? How do i deal with them.

2006-12-17 02:04:11 · 4 answers · asked by PA 1

2006-12-17 02:02:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

A couple I know bought a house togeter, the relationship did not work out and now they need to sell. The asking price needs to be lowered and one party is refusing to cooperate with the realtor and lower it. ( he wants to hold onto it because he thinks they can get back together - Not happening !) The person who wants to sell is living in the home and also has put much more money into it. She has already hired a lawyer who really didn't accomplish anything. I guess I am just trying to see if anyone has any ideas or knows any legal loopholes which could help her. She is the one who originally bought the home and his name was quick deeded 6 months ago. She has been paying the mortgage the entire time and has no help financially from him at all. She just wants to sell, give him the money he put into it and then just get on with their lives. Hoping for a Christmas miracle here ? Thanks for your time and Happy Holidays to all !

2006-12-17 01:52:52 · 6 answers · asked by ♥ Zoey ♥ 7

A personnel policy manual was never legally passed and being implemented at my work place. If it is being implemented and never ever distributed to staff. Would any terminations be legal, I feel when our work place went into debt only two of us were picked on. We were laid off due to budget but the bottom line is that a personnel policy manual was illegally being implemented without final lawyer approval or staff written a letter about it or even binded and presented/distributed to the employees. Can I sue over that manual, on what grounds? No smart remarks please.

2006-12-17 01:35:06 · 3 answers · asked by Emily L 4

My father was a 1/3 beneficiary of his father's irrevocable trust. A few days after my father was diagnosed with a terminal illness, my mother asked me to sign my inheritance over to her. I did so without question because she told me that it would help support her after my father's death. My father passed away 3 years ago and the inheritance from my grandfather remains in trust until his wife passes. My mother received a very large inheritance from the passing of my father 3 years ago and she is now steadily employed as a nurse. She no longer requires my inheritance to survive, yet she absolutely refuses to sign it back over to me. I have no idea what I signed and she won't provide me with a copy. Is there any way that I can revoke whatever it is that I signed? What are my options?

2006-12-17 01:33:45 · 8 answers · asked by Mightyme 1

2006-12-17 01:31:29 · 9 answers · asked by Mae W 1

What ho

Me and the chaps at the country club have had the most wonderful idea.

If you live in a council house you should be brought to country mansions in your spare time(well you would have lots what with being on the dole) to clean the gutters and tend the fields free of charge to let you gain the benifits of some hard work and see how decent people live.

I think this is a spiffing idea and you council dwelling oiks might learn a thing or two.

So should we restrict this fabulous scheme to British white trash or should we include asylum seekers to be a bit more P.C?

Tally ho!!

2006-12-17 01:31:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean the government is always saying about overcrowding in our prisons so if we got rid of those serving life sentences it would surely improve the situation and give more resources for the prisoners that are in need of help. After all whatever happened to the saying a life for a life?

2006-12-17 01:21:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a court case for ancillary relief coming up at the end January. The case particulars are very established now and nothing left in the way of negotiations - just submission of papers and oral arguments. My barrister is excellent and has done a very good job to date.

In the meantime, my solicitors have done a poor job and have been increasing their billings dramatically. Now they have put forward an estimate of skyrocketing costs to conclude the case.

We see it should be a decrease of costs as we have nothing left to negotiate and it is simply up to oral arguments.

Can we dismiss our solicitors and still maintain the barrister by direct representation? Could I represent myself and what would be my odds for success? We have 5 weeks before the court hearing - what options might be available to us in this situation?

2006-12-17 01:17:33 · 8 answers · asked by aoilondon 1

legal, search, employee, warrant

2006-12-17 01:08:17 · 2 answers · asked by Mario R 1

my ex boyfriend got caught drink driving for the second time i would say he must have been well over the limt because he hit 2 parked cars , he did not hurt any one.
i do not feel sorry for him because he should not have done it, he will loose his job because he is a driver and down the line prob his home.
his family are giving me alot of trouble because i seen him eairler in the night . they are blaming me saying i must have said something to up set him (which i really really didnt) it was a polite smile a helllo ,
he is at court on tues what can he expect i know the more that happens to him the more greif i will get of his family (i only stay round the corner)

2006-12-17 01:01:18 · 39 answers · asked by clairexxxx 2

My friend asked me for advice the other day and I wasn't sure what to tell him. His 21 yr old son bought a new car 6 months ago. His father had to co-sign the loan. The son agreed to make weekly payments to the father for the loan, insurance and taxes and the father took care of making sure they got paid on time. The son hasn't made any payments in 3 months and refuses do anything about it. He has a job but would rather spend his money partying. The title and registration for the car are in the son's name (with the bank listed as leinholder). The father would like to just stop paying the loan and let the bank repossess the car but he doesn't want his own credit ruined. Can he take possession of the car until the son pays his debt or sell it to pay off the loan? The son will not give up the car readily. The father wants to just take it and hide it then tell his son he can have it back when it's paid for. Can the son report the car as stolen?

2006-12-17 00:53:57 · 13 answers · asked by Mike 3

fedest.com, questions and answers