We have freedom of religion-- so long as we don't violate the Secular Humanist religious tenets currently in command of the USA. Anti-Abortion activists are put in prison for exercising free speech! Parents are separated from their children for _spanking_ them! Students AND teachers are punished for mentioning God in the classroom, despite court permission to do so, and gov't bureaucrats are fired even for having a _closed_ bible on their desks! The gov't didn't LIKE what was going on at Waco, so what did they do? They KILLED everyone! Does that sound like freedom to you??? Government is supposed to SERVE its citizens, not circumscribe and imprison them. Yet somehow, a greater percentage of Americans are rotting in prison today than in ANY other country in the world. Something is desperately wrong with this government, yet no one is speaking out about it. Doesn't anyone care anymore?
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