My husband is in prison and we have been struggling with getting him his open heart surgery that he needs. The prison system has not taken him seriously and he will die if things do not start happening. He is in prison due to drug related issues as a teenager.
He has also been transferred from Medium to Maximum security because he was doing push ups. He was doing push ups because the cardiologist stated he needs some exercise without over-exerting himself. Over 3 hours later he was having chest pains. His chest pains are on going and documented by the prison.
The facility said that he caused his chest pains and is now responsible for the ambulance and hospital bill. We have been trying to get him surgery for over 2 years. Since June 2006 I have been in contact with the Civil Liberties Union, Commissioner’s office and Medical & Forensic office for the Dept of Corrections and nothing has been done.
Do you have any suggestions on what my next step should be?
7 answers
asked by
Erica, AKA Stretch
Law & Ethics