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Politics & Government - 23 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

peolpe are breaking the rule and laws of the land

2006-12-23 23:57:16 · 22 answers · asked by Jolene G G 1 in Law & Ethics

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said those who backed the U.N. resolution, drawn up by Britain, France and Germany but supported unanimously by the Security Council, would soon regret their "superficial act".
"It is a piece of torn paper ... by which they aim to scare Iranians ... It is in the Westerners' interest to live with a nuclear Iran," the semi-official Fars news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying.
"Give up this muppet game. You (the backers of the resolution) cannot send secret friendly messages to us and at the same time show your teeth and claws. End this dual game," Ahmadinejad was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying in a speech at the former U.S. embassy in Tehran.
Chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, reacted swiftly to the vote.

"We will start our installation activities (of 3,000 centrifuges) at the Natanz facility from Sunday," he told the Kayhan newspaper. "It is our immediate answer to the resolution and we will go ahead with full speed."

2006-12-23 23:56:15 · 12 answers · asked by White Man 2 in Politics

What do you make of the continued bickering and backstabbing in the Republican ranks since the election? There is another story by the Associated Press about how the rank and file and some defeated candidates are focusing their anger on the reelection campaign committee that failed to provide them with victory in November. The conservatives within the party consist of several different factions that will claw each other’s eyes out if they don't have an enemy to focus their energy on. Well, they are now starting to feed on each other. Maybe this will purge what once was a proud and respectable party of the right wing whackos that bear the lion’s share of the responsibility for the mess this great country is in. The members of the current White House administration aren't true republicans, the are wanna be dictators who will, fingers crossed, pay the price (personally and professionally) for the road they've lead us down.

2006-12-23 23:46:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If I want to invest dollars I go to the bank first, but where do I go if I want to borrow some lives to invest?
Do you think Rice would mind if I invest HER life? Do you think she will have a good Christmas? What about the “lives”, or their families, will they have a good Christmas too? Is that kind of cold hearted, arrogant, insensible, inappropriate way of thinking and way of talking typical American or what?
And I am not saying I am in favour or against the invasion of Iraq, that is not the issue here.

2006-12-23 23:45:55 · 18 answers · asked by f_vidigal 1 in Politics

I had a question a few days ago about illegal aliens hanging out in convience stores which I awarded a winner after 1 day. This morning I was told that Yahoo had removed my question because I was in violation. Is this because the left only allows freedom of speach when they talk? I suppose that is the number one reason I am a Republican- they allow all sides to be heard which is the American way of doing things. But I should have known better the American bashing left does not care about American values or rights. Maybe that is why they want or aprove of the country to be taken over by illegals.This is not meant to be cute or funny but true. I have noticed that Republicans will listen and the Democrats do not allow discussion if it is something that they do not like. Phoney baloney and un American is what I think of first when thinking of liberals. You steal my tax money to give to people that have invaded the country. By the way this is not racist nor am I. Yahoo free speach?

2006-12-23 23:43:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I've been a naval officer for five years, and I was thinking about becoming an officer on a merchant ship...a cargo ship or a cruise liner....Is it a good career choice? Can you make a lot of money? i'm sure I could be a Captain of one of these ships within three or four years....how much money do they make?


2006-12-23 23:31:43 · 5 answers · asked by Greg 3 in Military

this Q below was deleted

Do you think Yahoo! will allow us to say what we want on Christmas Day, without sending a Violation Notice?

what is wrong with it?
why do yahoo restrict our right to freedom of speech?

answer quick before they delete this question

2006-12-23 23:24:12 · 19 answers · asked by benji 3 in Law & Ethics

compare and contrast and consider benefits to states

2006-12-23 23:16:51 · 1 answers · asked by harj x 1 in Law & Ethics

There are two partners in an un registered Partnership Firm,Recently one partner expired. Can anybody tell me the liability of the L.R's to the Third parties ... .....

2006-12-23 22:42:59 · 5 answers · asked by Raghu R 2 in Law & Ethics

If anybody knows how to block their name and phone number from appearing on someone alse
s caller ID could you please tell me how to do that. Also I have that person's phone number and if you would be a peach and call the number for me Alot at all times of the day and night email me and I will give the number to you. Just read my previous question to find out why I am doing this. Thank You and Merry Christmas...

2006-12-23 22:36:57 · 6 answers · asked by cheekydogg1 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i have reseved a form from australian lottery programe i just want to make sure that its right how can i do that i want to know witch site can be dails with this subjects i want to cotact the claim agent & is there ant 1 called nickolas lopez whos be the origenal claims agent plz i want the answear quiqly

2006-12-23 22:28:50 · 2 answers · asked by ÇÍãÏ Ç 1 in Immigration

2006-12-23 22:20:14 · 10 answers · asked by Ishfaq A 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I know the guidelines of how military discipline and traditions work...that non-com's are lower in rank than junior officers....but how do junior officers really treat chief petty officers and sergeant majors? Is there a level of reverence for their rank or their age?

Any thoughts?

2006-12-23 22:19:11 · 6 answers · asked by Greg 3 in Military

I have been closely attentive to the Bush Administration since 9/11...
It is rather peculiar the turn of events spawned in the aftermath....
It is duly noted that this presidency has been defined based upon 9/11 and "The War On Terror."
In my 46 years, I have never seen a president so coyly change his stance and objectives as much as this one does.
He seems to be adamantly bent on causing war and destruction even at the cost of destroying our global image on the world stage, our State of National Security as well as our strategic advantage within the United Nations Community.
In earnest truth, he has done more harm to America than good....
After the abduction of Saddam, he claimed that victory had been achieved and that the war was over....
As Commander and Chief, Bush could have never been more wrong nor short-sighted as to the consequences of his illegitimate agenda.
Since those remarks, the entire Middle East has become a convection pot of pandemonium, and is exploding.

2006-12-23 22:13:59 · 20 answers · asked by cdrc_bkr 2 in Politics

We as people post freely on the Internet. We as people experience difficulties, and expect feedback. What feedback do people really get other than complaints? As people, are people expected to live freely more than what they have or are they expected to live in within their merit. To what extent does this freedom extend to us all. The extent to which we can tranverse, is only a meaning within itself that we consider our own well being. But if this being is comprimised, to what extent is it?

Everyone enjoys something, but do we foresee that enjoyment? Is a trip to a museum worth it? Yes. Is a trip to a court of law worth it? Yes. Is a trip to enter your personal plea bargains worth it? No.

What manner of speaking or even worth do we possess even in this day and age? Even the American government says that your meaning is futile as it can observe, eradicate and possess every essence of your being by being a presence of thought, communication and idea on the Internet.

2006-12-23 22:12:51 · 3 answers · asked by Peter M 1 in Law & Ethics

I have read in newspapers that human rights of every citizen are protected. However, I do not think that my human rights has been protected. After my experience, now I see that some idiot may harm me without any guilt or even the whole public opinion may release their frustrations on me.
I am extremelly worried. What I have experienced is not what the Law claim that will protect.

2006-12-23 22:08:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-12-23 22:06:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I'm an Iraqcitizen, and I'd like to leave Iraq, can you give me several immigration offices web addresses to deal with.

2006-12-23 22:00:55 · 2 answers · asked by Ihab Y 1 in Immigration

2006-12-23 21:58:37 · 18 answers · asked by KCS 1 in Government

some evil person do some harm to other person. The other person revenge to some other person that is connected to you. In the end, you suffer because the first person in a chain was some idiot. Have you experienced that? I have without any guilt.

2006-12-23 21:51:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

especially if he's/she's an MOS, like an Arabic translator?

I know I've been asking a lot of questions about the military, please don't get bothered by them :)

2006-12-23 21:45:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

resident status such that would give work permit, not like intership/

2006-12-23 21:38:05 · 4 answers · asked by have fun 2 in Immigration

After Rumsfeld vacated his position Cheney refers to him as being the greatest secretary of defense to have ever served in that position of all time. Dose he truly believe this or is it just another lie in a laughable, comically misguided attempt to dupe the general public in an effort to do damage control for the republican party?

2006-12-23 21:31:38 · 13 answers · asked by daizzddre 4 in Politics

(continued question) Americans (Christians, Jews, ect.) themselves have hundreds of men every day who abuse their wives sexually, physically, or mentally.

And where do you get these theories from? Television, websites, Yahoo Answers itself?

Im a Muslim woman and in all my years I have never seen a man strike his wife abusivly before.

Yes I understand that the Middle East is based in less modern times in parts and in most parts women don't have the right to vote -- But people take it for granted just because they see a man strike a woman it means all Muslim Men do it (or most).

Places in the Middle East may have laws or people that may be unfair and cruel in an American's standards -- But look at it from a Muslim's view, more then one.

Note; I'm not talking about terrorists.

2006-12-23 21:22:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

1. when enlisted women are deployed. do they get sent to the most dangerous places........I know it sounds stupid, but yeah, I don't know :)
2. when a reqruiter tells you that he guarantees you that you won't be sent to dangerous places because you have language skills (arabic) and you'll get extra 10k, is he lying?

2006-12-23 21:14:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-12-23 21:05:54 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

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