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Politics & Government - 26 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

totaling approx £250,000 she is planning on keeping £200,000 and sharing the remainder between the other five in the family ,how do i get my fair share ?

2006-12-26 08:21:03 · 10 answers · asked by ALLAN B 2 in Law & Ethics

I am doing a paper for a college course on women in law enforcement and was wondering if there are any female officers out there who can share a little bit about an problems you may have faced upon entering the field of law enforcement. Any kinds of discrimination or harassment, problems with being promoted...that sort of thing. If anyone would be willing to correspond and allow me to use some of their experiences for my paper, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance.

2006-12-26 08:20:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Does this guy do anything without being told what to do, say and think? If so, what?

Most of the planet see's Bush as an imbecile who just does what he's told to do by big business, including his response to illegal Mexican immigration and the war in Iraq. Most American Democrats see him that way... and even many Republicans will agree that the guy is a few french-fries short of a Happy Meal.

So which is he? The 'Decider'? Or the guy who's given the script and just tries to say it without screwing it up too bad?

2006-12-26 08:20:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-26 08:13:18 · 16 answers · asked by tngirl_1979 1 in Politics

Illegal immigration is a huge problem in the US, and we are doing nothing to stop it. I have taken notice that it is a problem in the European Union and is very prevelant in the UK. What is going on? Is this an international scandal? Who or what is behind this? Are all the countries in the world involed in some "new world government" sceme? It seems the government is funding this with taxpayer money. Why? The government is doing this without is own citizens permission, even with laws against it. It is being done even with taxpers angry and voting against it. What in the world is going on? Is the world becoming socialist? communist?

2006-12-26 08:11:48 · 14 answers · asked by FLHRCI 2 in Immigration

How do they know whose license to suspend? It was parked at my house but it is a company truck so there is no single owner.

2006-12-26 08:10:53 · 12 answers · asked by parkdad73 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Do they hate America?

2006-12-26 08:10:38 · 10 answers · asked by The Twist 3 in Politics

Who would you suggest. The ones who work the cheepest? Pakistanis? The fiersest warriors? Zulus? Mexicans -readily available? It would seem to me that the rest of the world would look at the US as bunch of obese slackers who won't even get off their arsses to protect themselves. We should be ashamed to even consider the possibility. Its very different if someone comes to America legally and wants to join the armed forces and is thus granted citizanship after serving this countey. Outsoursing our military seems just a bit sleezy and risky. The Romans got so lazy that during the late empire when they were too fat to fight they recruiteed foreign soldiers to do their warring and the country completely collapsed. The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years however. We may nort make it that long!

2006-12-26 08:10:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Why if you are asking our citizens to put their lives at risk wouldn't you let them effectively do their job? If you are going to invade a country and you know that Sunni and Shiite supporters are going to send insurgents to inforce their numbers, why aren't we securing the boarders? Why are people like these Iranian officials allowed to come into the country? If you're going to do this, DO IT RIGHT!!!! If we need more soldiers to adequately get the job done than get on national television and tell us that!! I would much rather send an adequate # of troops to succeed in this mission than to not have enough of them and put them in harms way only to come home in bodybags because they are outnumbered! SECURE THE BOARDERS!!! If you had implemented the appropriate amount of miltary personnel from the beginning to secure the boarders and keep the insurgents from coming into Iraq the Iraqi government might have been able to police them themselves by now!!

2006-12-26 08:08:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Last year I signed a bond for someone. Since then i don't talk to that person anymore. I didn't put up my car or house or anything, I just signed my name, paid the cash & got him out. He didn't ever go to court, & now the bondsman is saying i'm responsible. what exactly can they do to me??

2006-12-26 08:06:37 · 5 answers · asked by cutiepie 1 in Law & Ethics

can anyone put a quarter in another person meter.

2006-12-26 08:06:26 · 13 answers · asked by Gonzo 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

on wrestling last evening, they were in bagdad, iraq, fighting in the ring when bombs went off. don't that seem odd to anyone.. i think bush set this up. why would wrestling go to iraq..

2006-12-26 08:05:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military


It appears the US Army tosses that accussation around a lot WW II, Viet Nam and now Iraqi, do you feel they got their start in what they did to the South?

2006-12-26 08:03:33 · 9 answers · asked by freemont_john 2 in Military

just curious, they usually get 2 tags , what is engraved in them?

anyone know a site where i can get custom made ones?

2006-12-26 08:03:23 · 8 answers · asked by devanarestylez 3 in Military

this guy that made the report hates me and said he would get me,so he got his girlfreind to say she saw me bradish a gun at her boyfreind,now im facing felony charges for it,i never threatend of even showed him my gun

2006-12-26 08:02:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I am unable to afford an attourney, but the Massachusettes court system decided that my family has enough assets to afford one, but we don't. I have no money, and no way to get money. Money is tight with the rest of my family as well. If I cannot have a public defender appointed, I will be forced to represent myself in a OUI case.

2006-12-26 07:59:21 · 6 answers · asked by Harold 2 in Law & Ethics

Most of our ancestors were immigrants themselves who replaced Native Americans.

2006-12-26 07:59:19 · 19 answers · asked by enlight100 3 in Immigration

I want to make a mix CD of songs that relate to him coming home. Any asuggestions?

2006-12-26 07:56:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Us military dead in Iraq exceed 9/11(WTC) victims: Merry X-Mas MR. George.W Bush [Flash animation]

Us military dead in Iraq exceed 9/11(WTC) victims: Merry X-Mas MR. George.W Bush:

(Flash animation)
[link to blog.terrorpilot.com]

2006-12-26 07:55:43 · 31 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Government

FEMA is the Secret Government

FEMA was created by Nixon, strengthened by Carter, and employed by Reagan and Bush.
FEMA is above the President, but only an executive order proclaiming martial law can give FEMA total control.
Under Reagan, the REX 84 plan made it illegal to protest the U.S. invasion of a foreign country. All dissidents/protesters are in the FEMA/Homeland Security data base.
FEMA spent most of its black budget constructing underground facilities and prison camps. It came under scrutiny after it failed to spend more than 6% of its budget on the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in 1992.
FEMA again failed the victims of Hurricane Katrina, because it was never designed to help people, only to round up and annihilate them. Its main purpose is to use its funds to protect the elite in times of crisis.
Economic disaster, nuclear war, internal protests or riots--all can trigger a takeover by FEMA.

2006-12-26 07:53:01 · 11 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Government

2006-12-26 07:52:03 · 4 answers · asked by Billie S 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Senator Biden Tells Bush NO MORE TROOPS FOR IRAQ!

[link to news.yahoo.com]

WASHINGTON - Incoming Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Joseph Biden, a potential Democratic presidential candidate, said Tuesday he would oppose any effort by President Bush to increase U.S troops in Iraq as part of a new war strategy.

Biden also announced he has summoned Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to testify before his committee next month to discuss the administration's new plan for Iraq as soon as it is made public.

The Delaware Democrat took advantage of a quiet holiday week to draw attention to his own proposal for Iraq, which includes beginning a drawdown of U.S. forces and finding a political settlement among the various ethnic factions there

2006-12-26 07:49:54 · 22 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Military

Does anyone know what the protocal is for a fighter pilot whose aircraft carrier has been destroyed and there is no landing space anywhere nearby? Are they just supposed to eject into the ocean and wait for a rescue ship?

2006-12-26 07:48:52 · 5 answers · asked by Phat Kidd 5 in Military

A Clinton conspiracy perhaps?


2006-12-26 07:46:14 · 17 answers · asked by Feel Fried Chicken :) 1 in Politics

i know the Lords Resistance army

2006-12-26 07:43:51 · 10 answers · asked by marmot_80 1 in Politics

I have heard and read that millions of dollars that illegal immigrants earn here in the U.S does not go back into our economy, like it should. But, it is sent back to the illegal immigrants families in thier respective country. Why doesn't the government impose a large tax to Western Union and other money transfer places when the money is sent out of the country? We all know this tax would be transfered to the customer in the form of a fee and then the taxes could go to fund schools and emergency rooms that the illegals are clogging up. I don't think we can ever stop illegals from coming here, but if we can make them pay, maybe people will be a little nicer to them since they do all the crappy work Americans don't want to.
What do you think?

2006-12-26 07:42:59 · 23 answers · asked by Honeypai 4 in Immigration

IEDs seem to be killing us. Havent they invented anti-IED technology yet?... Well, if they have they will probably not tell us becase the enemy would know and adjust their strategy accordingly. How many terrorists are there and how many must be stopped to win this war? It would help to know how many are against us so we can come up with some kind of timeline describing the forces that are against us. You see what Im sayin'? How can we get a more clear picture of the opposition? How can we win the war on terror? Should we poll the middle east to see how many hate and want to kill our soldiers?

2006-12-26 07:41:45 · 22 answers · asked by Gary 2 in Politics

This federal law allows you to request nonclassified records from the government and information that the government has on file about you. What is the name of this law?

2006-12-26 07:40:42 · 6 answers · asked by Jay 2 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers