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Fish - June 2007

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My glass catfish is kept in 3s and they seem to be okie and all. But lately, they've turned transparent blue. Not the whole fish, just the part near their heads.

2007-06-18 03:46:33 · 3 answers · asked by Eldane 2

I have 2 10 gal fish tanks I'm thinking about selling. They are on a 2-tier metal stand, and have all the accessories needed. They are still up w/fish right now. Have rocks, plants and everything. I dont know how much should I sale them for? Any serious, informed suggestions please.

2007-06-18 03:28:37 · 6 answers · asked by yourmama 2

2007-06-18 03:04:59 · 1 answers · asked by sirchopz 1

the tank and water is fine ive checked all the levels and the amonia and nitrite are fine i didnt see the barb die but the guoarmi ive been watching for a couple of hours and he was behaveing wierd just sort of floating around not swimming then re ajusting himself and then just floating off again then after a couple of hours he died and he was really swollen in his gut , the barb was aswell , they were both fine yesterday and had no problems what happened to them?

2007-06-18 02:48:30 · 2 answers · asked by bluepixie1982 3


i think my 2 oranda goldfish may have spawned but do not know what the eggs look like

please could you put some of your picturs of goldfish egg on please

(could they be on plastic plants if possible)

2007-06-18 02:35:53 · 5 answers · asked by kelly g 1

I have had my comet goldfish for over a year now and I've had very few health problems. Today I noticed that he has a some sort of white bumps on his forehead and nose that look sort of like pimples. He's not really acting oddly but I'm worried about what this could be. Please help!

2007-06-18 02:14:25 · 7 answers · asked by iamworried22 1

..seem to have shot up. A water test on Sat showed OK - Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate was between 25-50 (has always shown 25 before now), pH 7.6.
I have just done another test and my Amm and nitrite are still 0, but my nitrate is now between 50-100 and my pH has gone up to 8... why is this?
I done a 20% water change on Wednesday,and will be doing another one this Wed and I used the same tap water (treated with Aquasafe).
Why is my pH changing? What can I do to alter this? And why is my nitrate going up, yet my amm and nitrite have always shown zero? My tank is still new and cycling, and I have 6 platys, who seem OK.

2007-06-18 02:09:38 · 4 answers · asked by Shazza 2

I have two betta in two separate tanks. Due to my newness with fish, there was a lot of bacteria from waste in their tanks. One got tail rot and it getting better, now the other has it. I want to know if it is okay to use the same gravel cleaner in their tanks or will that give each other the infection over and over again? I have that expensive Eheim Gravel Cleaner that is battery operated. Do I need to buy two of those?

2007-06-18 01:25:15 · 2 answers · asked by Mia 3

My golden barb looks really plumb. Is it pregnant? She's been like it for about 4 days now. How do i know if she's pregnant or not?

2007-06-18 01:23:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

The fish was very well looked after and was fine till yesterday. During the afternoon i noticed he was swimming around and around the tank quite fast. He died quietly this morning. I have six others who i am worried about.

2007-06-17 23:29:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is about 6 inches, it has lost its appetite and is staying in one spot in the tank.

2007-06-17 22:19:17 · 6 answers · asked by davomcn 1

2007-06-17 20:43:19 · 4 answers · asked by mike a 2

is there saltwater live-bearer who breed like guppies n mollies?

2007-06-17 20:23:25 · 4 answers · asked by aiaisir 2

i just bought two freshwater angelfish
one is gold http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/sasukeneji/Gold_Angel.jpgand a smoky http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n65/sasukeneji/SmokeyVeil.jpg
and i just want to sex them.their body(not inclue fins) is bigger than a dollar coin a little.
sorry for the bad spelling and those aren't pics of them (i cant take picture of my fish cause they keep on swimming,)and these pics of the angel is almost look like them

2007-06-17 19:49:40 · 9 answers · asked by B.J T 2

The explanation is here:
(Pics included)


2007-06-17 19:34:55 · 4 answers · asked by Azu 2

I was wondering how i should go about softing my water for my fishtank. The only way that i have read how to do it is to build a distiller. does anyone have any cleaver/cheep way of doing this.

2007-06-17 18:05:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-17 17:40:01 · 8 answers · asked by sudge6915 3

I just received a 55 gal. tank from someone and it still has the gravel and a tiny tiny bit of water (just in the gravel) left in it. it really needs cleaned, but i was told i can't use soap or anything. what can i use to be safe? how safe would a vinegar and water mixture be?

2007-06-17 17:19:24 · 8 answers · asked by Britt 2

I bought a catfish two days ago, and it was perfectly fine last night, swimming around just fine, but this morning I found it laying at the bottom,dead. I know, that alot of fish dont make it,espically fish from Walmart (which is where I got him BUT, I've also gotten all my other fish there, and we have four that we've had for more than a year,and they are healthy) it seems ok, but it has these red marks on its body. I dont know if maybe that was from the other fish eating him after he died, or if he was sick, or maybe he got in a fight? I dont know exactly what kind he was, but the tag says Pictus (sp?)Catfish.

2007-06-17 17:18:13 · 7 answers · asked by The Warden 3

After researching online on what was going on with my Oranda "Bubbles" I found out that it has tail rot. Anyway, I fixed that problem and instead of it laying at the bottom of the tank it is now swimming, but almost all the time it swims backwards.
And it sometimes swims backwards upside down, sometimes twirls around... WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT?

2007-06-17 17:13:20 · 5 answers · asked by Blabbermouthknowitall 2

Because I got 5 new guppies two days ago to accompany the one lonesome guppy we've had for a year. They are all supposed to be male guppies, but today I noticed one of them has a huge belly, which to me, looks like its full of eggs. But,that would make it a female. How can I be sure? Is there any other reason the fish's belly would be so large, so suddenly? I really dont want to have 100 guppies,lol.

2007-06-17 16:56:51 · 9 answers · asked by The Warden 3

I am purchasing a 225 gallon salt water aquarium. It is full of salt water right now. It comes with 250 pounds of live rock and 150 pounds of live sand. The drive is going to be about 9 hours long. The guy I am buying it from said he will drain the water out when I start driving to pick up the tank. How long can live rock and live sand survive with no salt water in the tank?

2007-06-17 16:39:24 · 5 answers · asked by chris a 1

I bought a flowel power filter for my approx 25 gallon aquarium containing 1 Oscar, 2 Blue Gouramis, 2 Iridescent Sharks and 10 White Convicts. These guys produce a lot of waste and I change about 2 gallons of water and run the filter for about 2 hours everyday.

Now, the sponge in the filter has become dark brown and I see tiny bubbles forming on the sponge. Why and how is this happening?

2007-06-17 16:35:12 · 4 answers · asked by Bradford 1


2007-06-17 16:31:54 · 11 answers · asked by UR 2

My friend always tells me to maintain an odd number of fishes in my aquarium because she said it is a bad omen if you put even number of fishes in my aquarium. How true is this? And what is an ideal number of fishes in an aquarium for good luck? Any oriental beliefs please?

2007-06-17 16:28:48 · 6 answers · asked by Sporty 2

My Betta was healthy and he still seems so. But, I didn't know how to properly clean my 3 gallon tank. I had let some waste bulid up on the bottom and didn't see it under the gravel. Well, I used the Eheim Gravel Cleaner and also a siphon from the pet store. I changed the water about 25%. The water looks a lot better and I am going to test the nitrate/ite level in a minute because it was kind of high yesterday. It was 1.0. So, I notice now that the fish has a bit of a ragged fin. Very, very slight. I had fin rot in my other fish but he is doing well now, but I am afraid for this fish. I will be going on a trip in a week. So, I want to try Melafix on my fish with the start of what looks like a rugged fin. It is just tea tree oil. Is that okay? I don't want a harsh treatment since he has Maracyn-Two last month in his tank because he seemed sluggish and the other fish was sick . Plus, if I am going to start it, I want to start now so his treatment will be over by the time I leave.

2007-06-17 16:13:43 · 8 answers · asked by Mia 3


My bronze cory catfish was stuck in the filter, and the bottom of his caudal fin was chopped off. Any way I can heal this and let him live? I took him out of the tank into a quarantine tank already.

2007-06-17 16:12:51 · 2 answers · asked by ZooTycoonMaster 6

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