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Fish - April 2007

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the female is super huge(fat)i think shes full of eggs but not sure and the male is slim and smaller then her but im not sure if they are goign to mate

2007-04-12 06:21:55 · 2 answers · asked by Susan H 2

I have an aquarium plant that I bought at Wal Mart when I set up my aquarium. I have no idea what kind of plant it is but it is overtaking the aquarium, can I split it and give 1/2 away to make it smaller or trim it or something.... what do I do?

2007-04-12 06:04:25 · 5 answers · asked by sbj95 3

2007-04-12 05:51:37 · 6 answers · asked by Destiny W 1

I have a 55 gallon with the following fish, two three spot Ghoramis,
a gold ghorami,
giant ghorami (that is what he was sold to me as)
3 algae eaters,
one cory,
one large angel (I am looking for another tank to use for just an angel tank),
three tiger barbs and
one rosey barb (was an accident when I got the three algae eaters, mistake put into bag)

Everyone in the tank gets along great.
I would like to add a little more color, any suggestions. Was thinking maybe one of the smaller cichlids...or possibly some dwarf ghoramis.

2007-04-12 05:38:47 · 5 answers · asked by ColbySMouskie 2

they had ich but i treated the water put salt in it and raised the temp to lke 80. Some look better others are covered and or dead. whats goin on?

2007-04-12 05:13:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an oscar and I thought he had hole in the head disease, but now I am not sure. I noticed that the hole goes down to scales. I didn't realize that there were scales under it's head. I have not done anything to take care of him yet and I noticed that the hole is healing itself. Is that hole in the head disease or is an injury (possibly from a broken flower pot)? If it isn't hole in the head disease, what do I do to take care of him?

2007-04-12 04:38:00 · 1 answers · asked by Adam 2

I bought an albino frog i read it was an african clawed frog but it has been 4 months and it hasnt grown at all just got a bit chubbier i feed it redworms betta pallets retomin even some frozen shrimp but it dont seem to get bigger could i be wrong on the breed or what why isnt it growing one website i was on said it would be 3-4 inches by 6 months it is the same size as i got it help please am i doing some thing wrong

2007-04-12 04:37:24 · 5 answers · asked by maskedwhitewolf 2

2007-04-12 04:20:47 · 11 answers · asked by bramballmoore 2

I have a 90 gallon tank that I used for salt water about a year ago. When I moved I spent a good 2 hours cleaning the tank out. My question is does anyone think the integrity of the tank has lost some of its holding strength sitting in my basement for the past year? the caulking in the seams does not feel dried out. Also I plan on storing this tank for at least another year. any recs on storing it longer?

2007-04-12 02:51:48 · 8 answers · asked by David F 2

I've had two goldfish for several months. I've never had water problems before. Recently, the water started becoming really cloudy. I've tried changing out the water completely, and replacing the filter. After a day or two, it becomes very cloudy again. It's a one gallon tank, with a replaceable charcoal filter. Replacing the water 100%, and cleaning the gravel doesn't seem to work. Help!

2007-04-12 02:11:56 · 9 answers · asked by demonangel12000 1

I have a pond with fish, frogs and tadpoles. My pump stopped working before xmas and I've just fixed it. The blanket weed is massive and I'm not sure my tadpoles are getting through it! Can I add blanket weed killer without harming my tadpoles? I'm worried my fish will die.

2007-04-12 01:23:29 · 5 answers · asked by Nice_lady 2

I just recieved a 2.5 gallon tank as a gift. It came with a bubbler and a filter. How do i go about setting up my new tank? I know using tap water isn't safe, can i use just regular bottled water? How long do i have to have my tank up and running before i can add fish? What types of fish can i get that don't require a heater? Do i need live plants or can i just use fake plants? Any other information would be great. Thanks so much!

2007-04-12 01:22:38 · 10 answers · asked by sweet kitty 2

I have 2 dwarf neon blue gouramis. I was considering a couple of pearl gouramis as well as an angel or two after cycling is complete. (do angels prefer to be in pairs?) I also would like a pleco of some type right away. The tank is a 44g and is in the cycling process (only up & running with just the 2 fish for just under a week) but I notice a little algea growing on my real plants. Do I have to wait for the cycling or could I add one more. My amonea level is 0.

2007-04-12 00:52:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want too buy a long fin lace king cobra guppy. Does anyone know any in the United States for sale. I want to start breeding them.


2007-04-12 00:17:01 · 2 answers · asked by sportyconnie 3

2007-04-12 00:11:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

what i relly need to know is when i should put it in the breeding box wiyhout stressing the fish thanks for your time

2007-04-11 22:35:32 · 4 answers · asked by krn_dix 1

I went on A 3DAY CAMP AND WHEN i came back, my guppy's backbone was crooked, an s-bend turning at least 15 degreees. the water temp. is always 24-27degrees celcius and i do not and can not own salt. when i came back from camp was that there was food everywhere cause of my unexperienced sister and my poor female guppy was swimming onits side or sometimes upside down, not being able to swim straight.i have 1 other male and 2 females living with it in a 25L tank

2007-04-11 22:30:20 · 4 answers · asked by philly28 2

Very serious question asked to me by a serious 12 year old, who assumes I am an authority on fish..and plans to start an aquarium of his own..a tank of 50 gallon that I am presenting to him..

2007-04-11 22:23:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've recently given it a water change and I've added some floating plants. I've also been feeding it alot but it doesn't eat much so I don't feed it too much any more because it clouds the water. I also introduce the female for 15 minutes everyday.

2007-04-11 20:17:43 · 1 answers · asked by humvee175 1

I just recently setup a 1.5 Ft exculsive shrimp tank. The shop guy suggested me to put only ADA aquasoil... so i did it...

My tank is clouding & my shrimps keep scratching their back & tail...even after 2 weeks. Havent had any deaths in the tank yet.
I have cherry, Mosquito shrimps, Ottos & a small pleco.

ADA is supposed to be good of the tank .. what have i done wrong?

2007-04-11 17:43:11 · 2 answers · asked by Sanjay P 2


2007-04-11 17:20:16 · 7 answers · asked by Little fish lover!!! 2

I have a Plecostomus that was subjected to high levels of Ammonia and has suffered from burns. The outer skin of the fish has white areas, and after doing research I found that it could end up with an infection so I have put it into a hospital tank and started some Maracyn 2 for precaution. Is there any chance that my fish will make it?

2007-04-11 17:13:53 · 5 answers · asked by Liberal_chick 2

i put two in the same tank about a month ago and one has been getting a belly i have no idea of the sex of either fish so how do i tell if it is pregnant or has worms and how do i tell what sex it is.

2007-04-11 17:08:56 · 4 answers · asked by kstsjt07 1

My second question relates to the info I read where people say they have a hard time raising Betta fry in aquariums. I don't have any and may never but I was thinking how I have raised frogs from eggs in my kids little plastic pool. When I read that fry can starve easy well there would be no lack of food growing in there. But maybe it would get to dirty for them. It would be outside (once the weather gets nicer) but maybe that would be to cooled at night for them. Don't worry I have already thought about other creatures getting them but I would put a screen cover over top. Maybe I am out to lunch but I am curious about what you experts think. People have said how the fry do good in ponds but of course the water is running where in the pool there wouldn't be unless I set something up which I quess I could. Anyway I could talk forever but thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.

2007-04-11 16:52:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a japanese fighting fish. ive had it for 2 years. recently i noticed that it doesnt like the food we put. so i got a new kind. now i see some kind of growth or a red bump on his right side right beneath his mouth. what can it be? and what can i do?

2007-04-11 16:20:26 · 3 answers · asked by lightbulb 1

I have one 15 3/4 inches. When do they stop growing? How big is the one you have now? What is the biggest Pleco you have ever had?

2007-04-11 16:05:00 · 13 answers · asked by Mama_Kat 5

I have a 5 gallon aquarium. Other than a gold fish, guppies, mollys, tetras, and other stuff like that what would be a good fish to keep in it. I would prefer a salt water fish but fresh water is ok

2007-04-11 15:56:51 · 11 answers · asked by Brandi W 3

I've tried feeding it frozen shrimp, squid, & fish. They wont eat anything except live fish ( usually goldfishes ). How do I get them to eat anything else. Or what else can I feed them. I have 6 ternetzi's about 3 inches.

2007-04-11 15:35:36 · 7 answers · asked by blahblah 1

We have two red tail sharks, both the same age. But one is bigger than the other. From what I've read and researched, we have a female and a male. Could the small one just be the weaker one? We have a 30 gallon tank right now, they pretty much stay hinden until night time for some reason. They share the tank with two Bala Sharks, but they don't ever interact with the Balas.
boomylar@earthlink.net if you could email back here with any answers in case I forget that I posted this! Thanks

2007-04-11 15:33:28 · 2 answers · asked by Beth N 1

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