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Fish - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Fish

1.I just bought a 3cm guppy yesterday. it is almost 7mm at its belly.(it is female) is it going to give birth or has it been overfed?

2.I also have2other females and a male in a 20L tank. on thier first night,they were lying almost still on the ground. are they just stressed?they were fine when i put them in the tank

3.is it ok if i leave the fry in the tank with the adults cause i have an elodea and a hair grasspot which is good enough for small fish to hide(but how will i feed dem cause dey might get eaten by the adults while trying to get to the top for food{i have a low buget})

2007-03-12 23:46:03 · 5 answers · asked by philly28 2

hi i put a heater in my tank, and set it to 26 c, the pilot light is on, and its heating nicley, i know when it reaches the right temperature the light will go out, does the thermostat stay warm or will it cool and the pilot light recome on and heat up again, im a bit confused as directions dont tell me much, ?

2007-03-12 23:14:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

moonfish in queensland .are they legal to keep in a fish tank

2007-03-12 22:48:53 · 2 answers · asked by helly 3

Last night my beautiful blue butterfly tail goldfish was attacked by my bristlenose catfish. I have heard that some catfish are poisonous but I am not sure about bristlenoses. My goldie (whose name was recently changed to sicky-fish) has been floating upside down a little lately and seeking out the quiet part of the fishtank behind the plastic plants where the catfish normally hides. I caught the catfish beating up sicky-fish over and over leaving her in a real mess. She is missing half her scales on one side and on her belly and her tail and fins are shredded. I've put her in my hospital tank with fresh slightly salty water but don't know what else to do. She has survived 20 hours so far. Any hints of what else I can do to help her or am I just delaying her inevitable death. Needless to say, the naughty catfish is now up for sale.

2007-03-12 22:46:46 · 6 answers · asked by shona 12 1

is freshwater aquasalt ok for gold mystery snails?

2007-03-12 22:41:13 · 4 answers · asked by shytiger2001 2

will it be possible to have one very small freshwater crab (the tiny crabs you see at petco) cohabit with 2 small red eared slider turtles (those small illegal turtles you get from china town, their shells about 2 inches in diameter), and one 4 inch plecostomus, in a 6 gallon tank?

the tank is lighted and heated at 75 degrees and well filtered.

will the tiny crab attack the turtles or the pleco (the pleco just sits around all day and never really moves)?

2007-03-12 21:13:39 · 4 answers · asked by ♥madluv4tai♥ 2

I have around 200 fries which are all affected by swollen belly and subsequent they die. Yet I am not able to trace the medication for it. Pls. advice urgently sir. I would be thankful to you.

2007-03-12 21:12:50 · 4 answers · asked by nairji 1

where at ?

2007-03-12 21:00:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Caring for koi is a big responsibility, but what are the main steps to follow in order to have your koi happy and living for a long time? What part of raising Koi should I focus on more...?

2007-03-12 20:41:23 · 2 answers · asked by JamaicanVixen 3

can you feed fry ground up normal fish food or do you have to by special food for the babies. Answer quick please thanks

2007-03-12 19:38:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've heard of local pet stores buying back or at least taking guppy fry. I was wondering if anyone has had an experience like this. I have two females and one male guppy and both females just had fry. I left them all hoping some would get eaten, gave 7 away to a friend and still have about 15-20 guppy fry swimming around.

just wondering if anyone has had luck with selling or giving guppy fry to local pet stores.

2007-03-12 19:35:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

today i found a yellow swordtail and she having babies(deaded babies)and i dont know why.would you guys help me?can it happen?
and just now i found in my aquarium 2 black fries and dont know which females was it.
i keep thinking that is the black female's fries that she had gived birth to 1 to 2 week ago,but the fries was about 2-3x as big as the other.so i thought it was the white molly and the black male molly.
now it relly comfuse me?can those thing be happen,like there will be a biger fry in the fries group ?
was it the heater and the light in my biger aquarium pumped the grow of the fryies?
oh and is there a way to make fries grow faster?

2007-03-12 19:07:20 · 2 answers · asked by B.J T 2

my female is
red purple and green
and my male is
red and hints of blue

what will the fry look like?
will i have any random colors?


2007-03-12 18:56:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-12 18:27:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

when your pregnant female has fry. Do the fry males all look the same or do they all have very different patterns??? Do they all grow at the same rate??

2007-03-12 18:20:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

from what age can you tell what gender guppies are. how old do guppies need to be when they get colour in their fins????

2007-03-12 18:11:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i saw some at petsmart and if im not mistaken they were on sale for $23.99 each

are they that expensive or am i wrong?

and also, cichlids are freshwater right?

thank you for your response

2007-03-12 18:08:26 · 7 answers · asked by Moore55 4

Ok i aksed about my fish earlier (guppy and platy) one of each. I took a water sample from my five gallon tank to PETCO and they told me i had hard water and something else. I had to buy slime to put in the water and something for the ph balance. My fish behavior is normal they said. It is so strange because when i turn the house lights off even though they have a light in the tank they go hide and rest or sleep or something. When we wake up in the morning and turn on lights and they see us they immediately go to the door where we put the food in. Wow. Ok now my question is this. WHY THE HECK ARE THEY SO EXCITED ABOUT THE CASTLE THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE??? I have been sitting here watching them for about 45 minutes. They are kissing it and poking at it. Especially the platy. The guppy is following the platy around doing some of the same things sometimes. The platy has found a door on the castle and it keeps going in there doing something. Is there slime on it or what????

2007-03-12 17:53:35 · 9 answers · asked by Miss K 1

We got Elmo just over 5 years ago and last week he stopped eating and seems to sink to the bottom of the bowl when trying to swim. He does eventually make his way to the top and will prop himself on top of his fake plant and spend most of his day. I've been changing his water every 4-5 days adding aquarium salt and betta bowl conditioner. If it cools down overnight I've been adding a little warm water in the mornings to warm up his bowl. I suspect he is dying due to his age because I do not see any other signs of disease from what I've read except to notice his lips seem puffy. He is red and has slowly started to turn grey the past week and his breathing seems slow; actually everything about him seems slow. Does this sound familiar for a betta dying of old age and is there anything I can do to make him more comfortable. It makes me sad to think he might be suffering and is breaking my 6 year old sons heart because Elmo is his fish.

2007-03-12 17:43:19 · 12 answers · asked by rdforreste 1

What is the best type of food to feed a betta fish and how much and how often should it be fed?

Also I've heard live plants are good for betta fish. Are they and if so what kind of plant would be good for a betta in a 5 gallon tank?

2007-03-12 17:38:45 · 12 answers · asked by katie9787 1

I'm confused because I've read that the female can get a little hurt but I don't want her dead.

2007-03-12 17:27:14 · 10 answers · asked by lover of animals 1

when can i put a normal filter in my 10 gal tank with my fry?
and when can i raise the amount of water i have them at?
they are 1 week and 2 days old and free swimming (of course)

thanks for anything


2007-03-12 17:24:39 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 1-gallon bowl, and I want to put 3 oranda goldfish in there. Will this be ok for them, or will my bowl be overcrowded?

And, since it's a bowl, is it necessary to change 50% of the water everyday?


2007-03-12 17:04:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My good fish seems to have alot of blood around in its body recently. I didn't see this when I first bought him, and he hasn't been eating his food. Help me please... Also he is a painted glass fish

2007-03-12 17:03:33 · 5 answers · asked by $tArGaZeR 1

i have three fish in my saltwater tank right now three damsel fish there all of a diffrent kind yellow tail, 4 striped, and a domino damsel and two are fine but the domino damsel is just staying on the bottem of my tank and dosent swim if you put your hand near it while my other fish hide it stays still its breathing so its alive and it will eat if the food is right in front of it but it wont swim so any one know what it is and if you do know how do you treat it?

2007-03-12 17:00:49 · 3 answers · asked by wolfleader26 2

I was wondering because when I go to the pet store I see tiny snails in the tanks. Can they be in gold fish tanks? Do they just appear or can you buy them?

2007-03-12 16:49:58 · 6 answers · asked by ♥Barbie Collector Krystal 3

I finally have my male betta in a 10 gallon tank with two African dwarf frogs. I want to get at least a couple more small fish for the tank, and was leaning toward one or two more frogs, or cory fish, but wanted to see if there was another option. I think frogs are better with multiples so I may do that -- they get 1.5 inches in adulthood and don't want to overcrowd. But it can't hurt to ask, my crowntail betta is pretty docile (unlike girls I have had in the past who in 10 gallons who attacked my adorable bubble fish).

2007-03-12 16:49:27 · 7 answers · asked by boncarles 5

2007-03-12 16:41:52 · 8 answers · asked by lover of animals 1

Just wondering...

2007-03-12 16:06:35 · 18 answers · asked by Lisa 3

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