This question is for all those out there (and you know who you are) who think that people who insist that only top-quality animals be bred are snobs, greedy, Nazis, or predjudiced:
Where do you get the crazy idea that it's okay or 'natural' to breed animals simply because they're "cute" or "super-friendly" or the "best pet ever?" This may be true for you, but it is not representative of breeding-quality animals. Champions have all those qualities + genes that are worth passing on. How do they prove it? Shows, field trials, athletic events, schools, police proving grounds, etc...
Think an animal doesn't have to PROVE it should be bred? Ask your Mother- Mother Nature! Ever seen two Bison fight, or two Lions, or two Elephant Seals, or two Elk? Why do you think they're fighting? To PROVE which one has the right to mate- to determine which is the best!
To those who say selective breeding is unnatural...Mom says "You're Wrong!"
Thoughts, please? If you have them?
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