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I attribute every psychological problem I have to the fact that I didn't get a dog until I was 11 (haha).

From age 3 to 11 I was absolutely obsessed with dogs. When I was little I would pretend to be a dog and by the time I was 8 I would start "borrowing" others' dogs- I would take neighbors' dogs for walks (with their permission) and hang out in their yards whenever their dogs were outside. Either that or I would just bring their dogs over to my house to play. (Did I mention I'm an only child? =P)

My point is, even before I had my own dog, I couldn't go through life without them. Do you plan on having dogs for the rest of your life without gaps in between? Will you plan your future to accommodate having a dog? Do you plan on having a dog until the day you die?

My answers are Yes, Yes and Yes. I feel like my life would be incomplete without dogs.

2007-10-11 08:47:54 · 30 answers · asked by Boss 6 in Pets Dogs

30 answers

Well you're more balanced than I....I have to blame all my psychological problems on my mother....I can not remember ever NOT having a dog except for about a month when I first got married- in addition to dogs (almost always multiples, my mother has rescuer syndrome) I also had cats, rabbits, a raccoon, a horse, a skunk, macaws, a blue jay, and the usual rodents....the only animals we ever had that I didn't care for were the chickens- hate the way they peck at your feet. At those rare times in my adult life that we have been down to only 1 dog, we have once or twice said- "That's it, this is the last dog" but that has never lasted more than a day or two....usually after a high vet bill or travel dilemna. At my now advanced age, I have decided that I would much rather spend my time with even a bad dog than most people. I hope to one day be the crazy dog lady up the hill with the big yard full of furry friends....Assuming of course that I can ever get out of the hell hole known as Miami!

2007-10-11 08:59:03 · answer #1 · answered by Rachal961 4 · 5 0

Since the day I was born I've never been without a dog. I even hated family vacations growing up if we couldn't take at least one with us. I'm lucky that we were always a multiple dog household. That has carried over to my adult life. I have four of my own. A German Shepherd that's 10.5 years old I've had him since I was a junior in high school. An Irish setter that is 7, a pug that is 5, and a cavalier that is almost 3. I usually have at least one foster pet. It's made moving tough, my renting years were a pain. I was jealous of my friends that could rent little apartments with no lawn maintenance, but such is life with dogs. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm a dog fanatic! My life choices are all based on what is best for them. I know I will have dogs always. Great question.

2007-10-11 09:09:10 · answer #2 · answered by DogAddict 5 · 3 0

I never really thought about it before, but I'd have to say that, Yes, I plan to have a dog for the rest of my life.
I can't imagine my life without a dog in it. I've had pets as long as I can remember growing up, and got one as soon as I could once I was on my own. They are comforters, true friends, unjudging companions.

The only time I wouldn't have a pet is if I were to get too old or too sick to take care of one - but I would hope that would never happen because I think a dog would be such comfort as I got closer to dying.

2007-10-11 08:53:13 · answer #3 · answered by PuppyLuv1978 3 · 3 0

Yes and more than one.

I will tell you an interesting story. I moved in with my father when I left my ex husband over 6 years ago. I had 2 dogs at the time. We lived there for a year while I saved to get myself back on my feet.

When I moved out, I took my 2 dogs with me and my dad went back to living alone. He's always been a dog lover but never had one of his own since I was in High school. He missed my dogs so much that he went out and got 2 labs of his own.

This is a man who hates people wasn't taking really good care of himself health wise and just wasn't very happy. Getting those dogs changed him. They are his pride and joy. And honestly, I think they keep him alive. He takes his medication now, he is trying to stay healthy and it's because both of his dogs depend on him.

He tells me all the time that he wished he had gotten them sooner. He didn't realize how lonely he was until I moved in with my 2 and then moved out. The house was WAY too quiet without a dog.

I will always have them. At least in pairs...

2007-10-11 09:35:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I could write a book on how much my dogs have done for me.

My dogs filled my home, made me smile constantly, made me feel like I always had someone on my side, and were always up for whatever I wanted to do.

When I did my first year at college, I was by myself in a school I was TERRIBLY suited for, and I was the most depressed I'd ever been in my life (and that's saying a LOT). Having a dog would have made all the difference, but, unfortunately, I lived in the dorms. I got a job at PetsMart working in the Doggie Day Care, and I grew very attached to some of the dogs there, but it wasn't the same (plus, we weren't supposed to be cuddling them, we were supposed to keep them "active", eg throwing a ball for 4 hours straight, etc).

My second year of college I got my own apartment and put a dog in it, and it's changed my view of college 10 fold. Before, when I was sad or upset, I had to keep it in. Now, I remember that I have this tiny little creature in my house, and I pick her up and hold her and feel INSTANTLY better. When I'm happy, she's of course always there to share in that. And, she's helped me make friends (or at least meet people). I take her for walks around campus at least once a week, and many people know me by my dog now.

People react to dogs differently, and non-dog owners may insist that they're just pets, or just animals, not capable of love, or some other bullsh*t. These people don't have the ability to relate to things that aren't like them, or things they can't understand (like foreigners, or people with different religious beliefs, etc). Those who own dogs and really spend time with them can see that there's no way in hell dogs don't experience love, or other "human emotions". They have their own little personalities and thoughts and plans (if only short term), and it's interesting to just watch them. I'm constantly surprised by what my dogs are capable of.

So to answer your question, yes, no matter what, my home will ALWAYS have a dog in it.

2007-10-11 09:01:32 · answer #5 · answered by Lauren 6 · 5 0

Definitely. I grew up with dogs. We only had one at the time. I personally like to have 2. Right now I have 3 and also taking care of my parents dog. Having a dog is so much fun. Im also making up for not being allowed to have multiple pets growing up.

I now have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 9 fish and 2 turtles. ;)

2007-10-11 08:53:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

My story is the same as yours only I didn't get my own dog until I was 14.

When I left home I got more dogs, infact the most I have owned at one time is 14. I suppose I was making up for lost time! My parents tell me to cut down on my dogs.I'm 42 now & they are still trying to deprive me of what I love most in the world.

Did I mention that I went to the top in a dog sport & have appeared on the TV many times. My parents didn't mind bragging to their friends about that bit!

I have 10 dogs now & most of them are getting on in years.
I won't replace them as they go as I would like to see the world.It is difficult for me to leave my dogs as I miss them too much.I make the most of them as I know their lives are never long enough for me.I will always have a dog & if the time comes when I can't I won't want to live.

I will die with a dog at my side & thats a promise.

2007-10-11 09:14:24 · answer #7 · answered by Another Planet 5 · 3 0

Those are great questions, thought provoking. I agree that life feels incomplete without a dog. I have a dog sitting next to me right now that I think the world of. I love her very much. We always had a dog when I was growing up and I got her as soon as I moved out on my own. But, as much as I love dogs and as much as I believe they make their owners lives richer, I'd have to say no to your question. I hate to think of it, but one day my dog will pass away. After that day, I never plan on owning another dog again. I don't see myself bonding as closely with another dog and I think it'd just make me miss her more. I know by how much I love her just how badly it will hurt to lose her. I don't see myself choosing to be in that position again.

2007-10-11 21:29:57 · answer #8 · answered by engle129 1 · 1 0

I have had a dogs since I was 8 years old (now I'm 27). I have one now and I will have a dog with me for the rest of my life for sure. My Rudy (boston terrier) is my best friend and I could not imagine my life without him or a life without the love of a dog.

2007-10-11 08:53:12 · answer #9 · answered by LuvMyBT's 5 · 3 0

Oh good lordy, I think you stole my childhood!!!!

I acted like a dog clean up until about 7th grade, I refused to walk on two feet, I walked on all fours, and every Christmas and birthday I begged for a dog bed and a dog bone, but never recieved one!!! When my grandmother would come to visit, she would throw cereal around for me and pretend it was dog treats when I performed tricks for her, and I would eat my food out of a bowl on the ground every chance I got.

Call me a strange child, but I was obsessed with dogs as well. I plan on having dogs every moment of every second of the rest of the days of my life. I plan my future ALREADY to accomodate my present dogs, and everything I do right now, I do it so I can continue to keep my dogs. I've been homeless and downtrodden for them, and I don't regret a single second of it.

2007-10-11 09:20:32 · answer #10 · answered by Kristin B © 6 · 3 0

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