My dog, Boo, a ten pound pap may have food allergies. I say this because she allways itchy, and no fleas to be found. Because the cost of special food is irritating, and I don't know what I'm getting, I want to feed her "real" food.
My thought is to brown some ground turkey/beef/whatever, throw it in a blender with a little water and some raw veggies, and freeze in ice-cube trays. Then I can pop out cubes, thaw, and feed along with some (brown?) rice as filler (got the idea from my trainer tonight.) I don't know how much of anything to throw in, though.
Should I cook the veggies? Add garlic as flea repelent? Any recipe I plan to run by my vet, first, but does anyone have one? Raw diet is not so grand an idea for me, as I don't like having raw meat around and the food-cube idea sounds fairly easy in terms of feedeing and prep.
Also, what are the most common canine food allergies? I want to know what to avoid.
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