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Cats - May 2007

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I have two cats that are both around 1 year. Is it possible to train them to use the toilet rather than a litter box, or are they too old to learn?

If they aren't too old, how should I go about training?

2007-05-29 10:56:03 · 15 answers · asked by l.marie 3

I was told that because they have FIV they run a higher risk of dying from surgery because if they catch an infection during or after surgery their bodies cannot fight if off due to their compromised immune system and they could then die from this.

Please help me understand this.

Thank you

2007-05-29 10:10:04 · 4 answers · asked by xavier64_11219 1

2007-05-29 10:08:19 · 13 answers · asked by christinacat2002 1

I'm considering pet health care coverage and I am seeking opinions from people who have it or have had it. Was it valuable, have you used it? Thoughts?


2007-05-29 10:07:38 · 3 answers · asked by Clint P 2

My cats have loose stool...i need to find some sort of food that has more fiber. Does anyone know of any cat food that is high in fiber?
Thank you!

2007-05-29 09:55:44 · 5 answers · asked by Shadoobie 3

My cat struggles to meow but come out low and raspy, kinda chirpy. This i noticed after he came back one morning from my back yard, he is usually allowed outside on a sunny day but this time the sunny day became a rainy night storm and i was not at home to let him back in the house. The next morning i wake up and open the door and call my cat, he runs inside the house (he's dry at this point since it was a sunny morning once again), sleeps literally all day and when i went to sleep he wakes me up trying to get my attention by meowing. At first i thought it was some birds chirping in the distance but no it was my cat trying to meow and wake me up cause he was hungry. Now that 24 of hours have passed he sure eats, drinks, craps and pees normally but still can't meow normally, and sleeps more way more than the usual.

Should i be concerned?

2007-05-29 09:24:49 · 8 answers · asked by Carlos T 1

now this is a very difficult situation, I have 4 cats and 3 dogs. of the 3 dogs one always eats outside. they are large dogs, 2 pit bulls and one rott.
the 4 cats one is 16 years old and tiny as can possibly be and the other 2 are healthy and of perfect weight. cat #4 is the fat one.
he is a very large rotund ball of fur. he got this way because he loves food. he eats cat food, dog food, things u accidentily drop on the floor while preparing or eating ur food. really its the dog food that got him so heavy. he pushes his way in front of the pits and eats their food till he has had enough or gets kicked out of the area.
I cannot put the other animals on diets too because they are wasting away.
I have the food up high so he has to jump up and down to eat but this doesn't slow him down.
exercise is out of the question as he sits on the floor and naps while the others run around chasing whatever.
I am afraid he will be dead or diabetic before the year is out. any ideas???

2007-05-29 08:55:07 · 13 answers · asked by toaster 1

I have kittens that just turned 6 weeks old and they have fleas. Most store and vet treatments say to only use them on kittens ages 8 to 12 weeks. Does anyone know of a SAFE and effective home remedy or something that I can use?

2007-05-29 08:53:54 · 13 answers · asked by winnieme77 2

My cat is kind of breathing fast.

2007-05-29 08:27:44 · 9 answers · asked by Alex 1

i have a 2 year old cat that i had since he was a kitten and i just bought a chihuahua puppy hes about 7 weeks old my cat attacked it time i bought it home and everyday since. now my chihuahua has a red eye and several abrasions on his face what can i do ? my cat seems to be jealous or something.

2007-05-29 08:00:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please helpme, I have two cats, the female is coco, She is really old, I had her ever since I was 8 years old, and now I have a male that is in his middle age, I dont really know how old he is, his name is JJ, I dont know how to get him to stop picking on coco, eveytime he see's her, he wants to pick on her, and bite her neck, and wont let go, he is fixed , since he was 5 months old, and I cant spray him with a water bottle, cause he loves to swim in the bath tub, I give them the same amount of attention, but he wont leave her alone, any advice you can give me, and why does he pick on her

2007-05-29 07:59:10 · 24 answers · asked by kitty 6

I just heard about that today...is that better? Well I am not going to declaw mine I was just curious if anyone knew about this

2007-05-29 07:55:44 · 11 answers · asked by Lola 1

2007-05-29 07:46:40 · 12 answers · asked by moon_girl 2

She has been acting different for the past few days. She is sleepy and kind of whobbly when she walks. She hesitates to jump on things and if she does, sometimes she misses. She is eating but sits there in front of her food and really thinks about it first. When she does decide she wants to eat she brings her head down VERY slowly and and keeps her face in it for a second and then eats as if nothing was wrong with her. She is about 5 months old and has not yet gone to the vet. She and her brother (who is fine) are going this week.

2007-05-29 07:44:10 · 8 answers · asked by Oceangrl03 2

I have a long haired cat, i try to brush her once a week, but her hair is still all over my apartment. Any ideas on how to help cut it down?

2007-05-29 07:41:20 · 8 answers · asked by Jess E 1

I've noticed in the past few months that my cat (an 11 yr. old Turkish Van) has had trouble swallowing her food and drinking water, is coughing up mucus, and has crust buildup on her eyes. She is also sleeping more often for longer periods of time. Is this pnemonia, the "kitty flu", or other feline ailment? She is an indoor cat who occasionally spends time outside. I'm afraid that if I take her to the vet, that they'll tell me that euthanasia is the only logical remedy. I've had this cat since she could fit in my palm; it would be devastating for me to put her down. Are there any remedies out there that I can treat her with to calm her symptons?

2007-05-29 07:37:54 · 5 answers · asked by lady_of_the_shot 1

It has been three days since she has eaten. I have bought several different kinds of cat food and she still refuses. I have tried giving her human food. She acts hungry and meows around my feet when I am cooking but I try to give her something and she just sniffs it and walks off. I am at my witts end with her. Any suggestions?

2007-05-29 07:31:14 · 4 answers · asked by Ladybug II 6

How can I train my cat (she's 2 years old) to stay off of the table and my dresser when i am not home? The spray bottle with water doesn't seem to work for any amount of time. I am going to have to get rid of her if i can't train her to stay off things she is not suposed to be on

2007-05-29 07:26:44 · 6 answers · asked by Jess E 1

2007-05-29 07:15:44 · 20 answers · asked by Thomas Paine 5

2007-05-29 06:25:48 · 7 answers · asked by cali girl_95 1

My cat recently had surgery and I'm supposed to keep him from jumping up on things so he doesn't reopen his wound. Do you have any ideas?

2007-05-29 06:17:47 · 11 answers · asked by Nickole 1

My cat is three going on four years old. Over the winter he was a healthy plump cat. In the last three months he has dropped weight. Nothing in his diet has been changed. I can put both my hands around his lower body and touch fingers. He seems healthy. He's always running around being playful. He shows no signs of being sick. He also was the runt of his litter. He's smaller than a normal sized house cat. He's been declawed and nuetered over two years ago. Any suggestions or personal experiences would be appreciatied. I'm contimplating on going to vet.

2007-05-29 06:12:48 · 12 answers · asked by JACLYN B 1

Ok, so please don't tell me how irresponsible you think I am for letting my cat get pregnant. The fact is she is, and I wanted her to be, and I already have 6 potential homes for the kittens to come.

I've never seen a cat give birth before, and neither have my parents. My cat suki (one year old, first litter) seems to want to give birth behind my dad's bookshelf, but the space is very narrow (hardly enough space to lie down), and I doubt the kittens would be able to suckle. Its also impossible for me to reach her should there be any problems. Should I block up the entrance to keep her from giving birth there, or should I let her give birth there and take the risk of not being able to help should things go wrong?

Also, she suddenly started meowing loudly 10 minutes ago and looked terrified, and a few times she sat/lied down and looked like she was trying to push. She's calmed down since, and she's now moved to my bedroomed (in a cardboard box i made for her). Was she in labour?

2007-05-29 06:05:53 · 17 answers · asked by creativity 2

I'm not sure if I can give her any kind of medicine or if it will go away naturally. I wipe her eyes every morning and every day at lunch and at night b4 bed. I really don't have the money for a vet so if anyone out there knows what i can do plz help!

2007-05-29 06:05:46 · 15 answers · asked by sweetone 2

I don't recall the tail as a part of the cat that we were studying and no discussion on the autonomic nervous system in regard to the tails body language. I guess my question refers to my trying to understand what stimulates her to think because when she is looking out the window she is concentrating and her tail is swishing like she is really thinking, and yet she is a total "fraidy" cat in regard to the out doors. She never purrs much. She is very well fed, treated and loved but doesn't really purr that much. She wakes me up licking me in the face every morning for as much as I will allow. I've studied a little bit but this fascinates me in trying to figure out how she thinks like a cat, but is totally afraid and doesn't want to go outside at all. If I hold her, and open the front door, she will freak out and jump out of my arms and run up the stairs.

2007-05-29 05:47:00 · 5 answers · asked by Wondering 1

Can they really breed a tiger small enough to use a litter box?

2007-05-29 03:08:38 · 7 answers · asked by Kevin T 3

Although she's a strictly indoor cat, she got fleas! My vet recommended Advantage. What has been people's experience with Advantage or the other treatments?

2007-05-29 02:51:57 · 9 answers · asked by just me 3

I just got a new cat from a shelter. He was declawed and should not be outside. Every time I leave the house for any reason he attempts to follow me. He does this with all rooms of the house so I don't think he wants out as badly as he just wants to follow me.

I have put treats down in the kitchen, but he is too smart. The second he sees me heading for the front door he runs up!

Please help me! I want to keep my cat safe!

2007-05-29 02:16:27 · 13 answers · asked by fenderop 2

I have a female and 2 males one male lives out side just comes in to eat, my female has had kittens 4 of them , well my other male that is about 1 yr old sits on top of the kittens and holds them down and wont let them up he is not hurting them but i dont like it. My other male will do it to him get on top of him and straddle him and wont let him up what is going on here, they are maine coon cats by the way, please help it really upset me.

2007-05-28 19:51:18 · 6 answers · asked by Warm_Hearted 2

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