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Cats - December 2006

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Im sure my cat thinks it shoulda been born a horse. Why does it always jump over the neighbours fence and eat grass?

2006-12-05 02:58:42 · 9 answers · asked by max 4

Alright I have two cats aged 12 and 10, Sophia and Rainbow. Sophioa is Rainbows mom and Rainbow never bites or anything enless you really piss her off. Sophia on the other hand has always been so weird. She will come up to you all loving and wanting you to pet her, after about 5 minuites though she'll snap at you and hit you (she doesn't use her claws) and occasonially bites(not hard) and runs away. Any idea why she does this? She always has by the way, nothing new.

2006-12-05 02:54:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our cat(was a stray, and is still an outside cat) just randomly started limping and I feel so bad for her. She meows all the time now and is very obviously in pain, but she's never been to the vet and right now we can't afford it. Is there anything I can do to help her?

2006-12-05 02:47:00 · 17 answers · asked by Shana 2

On the vets recommendation that he drink more water I purchased a drinking fountain. These work with an aquarium pump to make a mini fountain - the same effect as a running tap which cats like to drink from - but it has been on the floor for nearly 3 weeks and my cat has shown no interest whatsover in drinking from it - any ideas?

2006-12-05 02:25:53 · 9 answers · asked by silvertabbies 4

My sister just called me to tell me that her 13 year old cat has bloos in his urine and she is worried that he is on his way out and that it will die soon. Should she worry about it?

2006-12-05 02:24:19 · 16 answers · asked by kitten08853 1

She was recently spayed and had to wear an Elizabethan Collar. She keeps licking her paw and rubbing that one ear. Now there is no hair on it. This has happened in 10 days time.

2006-12-05 02:10:09 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm allergic to my kitten who I've had for a few months.
Ive been told my many (ignoring the doctors, who just keep telling me to give him away) that my allergies will get better, and I will build a tolerance. I am fine with suffering slightly for awhile.

He is teething, and scratching, sometimes playfully and sometimes by accident. He leaves marks all over my hands, and while I've tried to cut his nails, i cant cut them short enough for this to stop.

He will not let me cut them every day.

I have attacks when im scratched, and the scratches swell up.

I'm afraid to declaw since ive heard many horror storys, but im afraid i might NEED to do this and it will be worse if i do it later on (hes 5 months)

I'm afraid I may need to give him away if I don't declaw and he doesn't stop this - it's been going on for about a month.

What do I do? Thanks..

2006-12-05 02:06:05 · 20 answers · asked by m0o p!e 3

My boyfriend works at Menards in the lumber yard and for about the past week this cat has been coming up to him meowing and rubbing against him. We figured it was homeless so last night I went out there with a kennel and we brought it home. The poor thing has definately not been taken care of! Its skin and bones except for her tummy which is full of kitties, she is definately pregnant and going to have babys any day. I gave her some food and water and she inhaled the food, barely even chewing it before swallowing and drank 2 bowls of water. She is the sweetest thing and loves being petted but shes also very scared and if a strange person comes near she growls and gets upset. I dont think she would attack anyone because she hasnt shown any signs of agression I think she is just scared and trying to scare off the new person that she thinks is a threat. I set up a bed in the basement with food and water so she could stay warm over night but my mom wont let her stay another night and I

2006-12-05 02:05:20 · 11 answers · asked by Lissa 2

I adopted a kitten from the humane society about a month ago. Since then it has been quite a struggle with both the kitten and my one year old cat. I also have a 10 year old Aussie dog. I am finding that three is too many and too stressful for me and wish I still only had the one cat and the one dog. I am considering returning the kitten, now four months old, to the humane society. I am worried that now he is a little bigger he will be overlooked for adoption in favor of smaller 2 month old kittens. I also worry about returning such an active kitten to a small cage until he gets adopted again. Is a four month old kitten still considered adoptable? Is my own stress reason enough to return him ?

2006-12-05 01:49:09 · 8 answers · asked by ssky55 1

It's been atleast 8 years since I had a kitten and I forgot how old they have to be. And yes I did call the vet but the line was busy thismorning.

She will be 4 months old on December 9th.

2006-12-05 01:38:39 · 9 answers · asked by A Fire Inside 3

2006-12-05 01:34:53 · 17 answers · asked by e_surfer 1

She is the sweetest kitty, we adopted her about 3 months ago from PetSmart (through a foster place called Cat Connection) and when I saw her in the cage there the first thing she did was lick my fingers through her cage. It said she was a mama kitty to four kittens when they found her and took her in. She likes to follow me around rubbing up against my legs constantly almost like how a dog would do.

Since bringing her home with us she's always licking my hands, sometimes licks my nose, like trying to groom me or something. Is this her way of showing me her love for me or what? I just often wondered what that's about. Our older cat, who is 8 now has never done the licking deal with me.

2006-12-05 01:28:18 · 2 answers · asked by Jen 5

i havent even dressed it yet and she's going behind it, chewing the branches and climbing it. i know i know shes a cat and they climb trees, but is there a way of disciplining her against doing so with my xmas tree? thanks.

2006-12-05 01:19:56 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

This morning when i woke up. i noticed alot of watery blood everywhere. All in the cat littler and trails of it around the house. After checking all my cats. I noticed it was coming from my male cat Archie. I think its blood in his urine thats coming out and he doesnt seem to be able to controll it. My other cats are hissing at him constantly and they are all usually so friendly towards one another. Archie keeps hiding and apprears to be ibn alot of pain so i phoned the vet. Ive got an appointment in 5 hours time and they cant see him sooner. My vet didnt seem too worried but i am. Im scared its cancer or something. Does anyone here know what it might be? Hes only a year old and is an indoor cat only and has been in excellent health untill now. Ill let you know what the vet says to me but any suggestions in the meantime would be appreciated. Fingers crossed hes going to be ok

2006-12-05 00:56:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 10week old kitten that was declawed and spayed 1week ago today. She now has a cold...runny nose,sneezing ect.. Do I need to take her back to the vet ASAP or will the cold run its course on it's own? It doesn't seem to be affecting her eating or drinking but she is sleeping alot.

2006-12-05 00:16:48 · 6 answers · asked by MellyK1234 3

Aaaarrgh! I put my lovely christmas tree up at the weekend and my 9month old kitten wont leave it alone! I found her inside the tree almost at the top just now is there any way or anyhting I can do or use to stop her or put her off of going near the tree?? please help I want my tree to last till christmas.

2006-12-05 00:10:40 · 17 answers · asked by ? 2


my cat is 5 months old. he is an indoor cat but hes trying to climb out of all the windows. we live on the ground floor.we did let him out for the first time in the garden but he climbed over next doors garden and wouldnt come back.he keeps on crying to go out, but we dont want him to run away.
we are sick of having all our windows closed.
thanks for your help x

2006-12-05 00:07:56 · 18 answers · asked by india 3

My cat seemed okay at first, bu then this morning she coughed up blood, threw up, and has blood in her urine. I am going to take her to the doctors, but I wanted to hear what you think.

2006-12-04 23:14:30 · 8 answers · asked by timmy_smith11 2

she has done this ever since she was a small kitten and it does not seem to cause her any harm,i just wonder if it is a common thing for cats to do as i have 3 other cats and i have never seen any of them ever do this

2006-12-04 22:47:36 · 8 answers · asked by master_cat 2

Up until 3 weeks after her adoption, my little tortoiseshell kitten was extremely playful, affectionate, and pleasant. A few weeks ago, I noticed a somewhat drastic change in her behavior; she remained active but played less around and with me and more independently, away from me, she now crouches in what almost seems like fear OR scampers off every time I approach, and she never, ever sleeps next to me anymore (she used to even sleep right against my neck) and instead curls up next to my roommate Blake, who makes no real attempt at taking care of her. It's as if she's becoming more drawn to less affection - why on earth would she avoid the one who's shown her love since the day I adopted her? To me, it almost seems as though I've hurt her in some way, which I never have, neither physically nor emotionally. What do you think is happening, and how can I get back the kitten I brought home?

2006-12-04 22:45:37 · 11 answers · asked by Tyler. 1

Me and my flatmate (whose cat it is) drink a lot of tea, and we recently found out that our kitten (three months old) likes to steal some of it for herself. Since sugar isn't good for cats, we poured some un-sugared tea (just barely enough to cover the bottom) in a cup and put on the floor for her.

The only tea she seems to like, however, is Rooibos Vanilla. We tried other teas, but she sniffed them and then didn't bother.

We've been a little worried, since tea contains caffeine (which isn't at all good for cats), but I heard from someone that red teas don't contain caffeine.

Does anyone here know if ROOIBOS VANILLA contains caffeine, or if it is dangerous for cats because of something else? What about other teas, in case we find out there's another kind she also likes?

2006-12-04 22:03:21 · 9 answers · asked by chibs 3

Westin came first, from an orphanage, he is a really nervous non playful & really scared kitten – We think he was abused/slightly “ferril”. We then got Lacey 2wks later to keep him company. Lacey is so playful &my kids adore her–Westin just sits in the corner &watches everything.He is a cuddly kitten (only with me) as he is not a people kitten. We are out of the house most of the day so they both live in my kitchen, which is not ideal, but big enough for them to stay in (Where I live it is not safe for a cat to be outside)
They get lots of attention,but she tends to get more as she is more loving and craves the attention.They have recently escaped from the kitchen no matter how much I try to lock them in & “trash my house”–(I think it is him–but my husband thinks it is Lacey and he wants rid of them.(They are both 5 months)
Do I a) get rid of them both – with the hope that they get adopted together, b) keep Lacey? c) Keep Westin d) Keep both but risk of them damaging my house even

2006-12-04 20:58:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey everyone,, I got some weird questionz about catz..
1st of all:
Do people actually have sex infront of animalz?? I mean, iz it normal? coz once I saw somethin' on Jay Leno sayin' that they used "PANDA PORN" for a panda who had trouble mating! lol

Is it OK to smoke in the same room?

What are the "human" foodz catz should NEVER eat ?
Is it OK for catz to drink coffee & tea? lol.. like, if I accedentally left my cup & she came & drank from it, would somethin' bad happen to her?

Is there a way to remove cat hair from cloths? coz my cat'z drivin' me CRAZY!! I wear this black jacket n'it alwayz lookz dirty from her hair :(:(

N'my last Q:
My kitty could be 2weekz pregnant.. shez a siamese , how many kittiez could she get on her 1st pregnancy & iz there a way to know if she'z pregnant "without" taking her to a vet??

thnx alot :X

2006-12-04 20:27:38 · 9 answers · asked by CupCake 3

A friend of mine says that her cat guards her flat better than any dog can. I mean yeah? What the hell could a cat do if I broke in to steal her VCR?!!! Durr!!

2006-12-04 20:26:25 · 29 answers · asked by Bubble 1

If my cat sees me from afar he'll get all lovable and "tame", but when I start to pat him he'll freak out and move away like Im abt to hit him.Pls help..m really sad :(

2006-12-04 20:24:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


Rate her pretty please

2006-12-04 20:21:40 · 10 answers · asked by ashley_Z 1

Is this true?

2006-12-04 19:38:28 · 4 answers · asked by Kcee S 1

2006-12-04 19:19:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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