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Cats - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

we have tryed the water thing for about 2 months it doesnt seem to work our cat gets in to the paper towels and gets them all over the house the same with the toilet paper and he digs the furniture and gets up on the kitchen table and on the counters and he bites and scratches people

2006-08-12 16:21:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I own alot of cats and have a mother cat that recently gave birth to 6 healthy kittens. My question is will after keeping previous litters of her kittens, will she hate me and feel emptiness from loss, if I give her now weined kittens to a no kill shelter? Maybe I shouldn't care but I feel that if I do this, she will change be
different.... This is my worry, I would rather raise and kittens than hurt her......
If any one has givin kittens from mother cats they have owned , Please tell me how she might react to losing her litter........ Thank You if you respond.......

2006-08-12 16:17:58 · 13 answers · asked by Larry 2

I use additional baking soda... and I clean it often... what else can be done?

2006-08-12 16:15:02 · 12 answers · asked by tyrawooley 3

we have got a pewrsian cat on our 8th floor apartment. he is 2 years old is it necessary to keep a compainion for him

2006-08-12 16:06:30 · 15 answers · asked by ash 1

hi, about 3 days ago at 11pm my sister found a kitten with the ambelical cord still on and luckily she saved it and took it to a vet to get the tube cut off.. we'll to make a long story short, were feeding it KMR ever 2-3 hours around a 24 hour clock lol, i feel bad for my sister, she barely gets sleep. we read infos online about burping it, making it pee and poop, well yesterday it pooped for the first time, it was long lol.. i still cant figure out how milk can compose into poop. anywho cant figure out why it wont poop anymore, and it crys alot we have a heating pad underneat it set to max i read it has to be about 90 degrees hot, its knocked out right now, but i just wanted to make sure if were doing everything right and when will the eyes open heh, it keeps walking around in its box trying to climb out, so we take it out and it walks around with its eyes closed, its a black and white cat, dont know of what species it is, if anyone knows let me know... thanks

2006-08-12 16:01:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-12 15:48:31 · 11 answers · asked by catsarecool307 1

2006-08-12 15:23:13 · 14 answers · asked by paulcartwheel 3

hi. can it be that our kitten whinning because he want a friend.. he had a bother and a sister. We got him from some woman for free so can that be it... if so we going get one tomorrow or next week on of those.

2006-08-12 15:03:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok my male cat hes 1 hes fixed and everything but hes still "marking his Territory" what should i do to get him to stop..what can i buy to get rid of the odor it leaves after he does that?

2006-08-12 14:59:48 · 7 answers · asked by mizz_collen 1

2006-08-12 14:56:14 · 7 answers · asked by Tanya 1 1

I can't stop thinkin of all I did'nt do or could have i cry so hard i can't stop this torcher i miss him,he was my baby little 6month old boy,that tried telling me something was wrong....an me putting him out side sayin bad for peain on my bed times +,till too late im holdin.. my precious sweet baby that just felt so light an week ..looked up to me an softly meowed without a budge of his little orange body started to urine without his control........MY GOD why????WHY???he was so precious to me so much an i was too buisey to notice Im thinkin of every detale constanatly,he died in my arms he was breathing so fast an then the last big three.i keep reading this vet. book i have wondering this an that could i have mouth to mouthed him some air rubbed his chest .It just goes on an on with numerous details an consequences ,my little angel passed away feb.17,2005, 2:50p.m. an i laid on my bed with him an balded to dealth like now ;till i burried him feb.20,,above a candle i lite burn 3 days.

2006-08-12 14:55:10 · 9 answers · asked by bogusmebe 1

2006-08-12 14:54:34 · 3 answers · asked by Tanya 1 1

Hi, My boyfriend and I just got a kitten we think he is 2 1/2 month old, and he whin alot... Only time he isn't whin is when he is sleeping. He whin when we watch tv,on the computer, or just laying down. We don't know what is wrong. Can anyone tell me why?

2006-08-12 14:42:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

my father in lae just passed away and he had a cat and she is very um..mean? she growls and hisses and tries to scratch you. we can't get near her to feed her, it took us an hour to get her in the pet carrier, we don't want to put her to sleep, please help

2006-08-12 14:37:24 · 31 answers · asked by Misty b 1

2006-08-12 14:35:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

She also buried some plastic gloves I had set out for the cat sitter to use when I was gone, her litter scoop, and other things in the litter box when I had been gone for a couple of days. Has anyone had this type of experience?

2006-08-12 14:34:48 · 17 answers · asked by sweetpea 2

My bestfriend's cousin has been going through some health problems lately, and has been suffering serious depression. She has let her home go to the extreme extent, and I know it bothers her. She has tried to clean and organize many times, and it somehow piles up on her again.

She takes in stray cats, and has an indoor dog. The cats have made such a mess of her home. Some use the litter box and other go ALL over the floor, on the couch, kitchen counter, even the stove! :*( She loves the cats and will not get rid of them.

Her floor is so soiled, the beige carpet is now med-dark brown with filth. The cats walk on this, get it on there paws and walk all over the counters and leave nasty paw prints, everywhere. Her dog gets into the trash and spreads it all over. Her cats urinate and poo all over her place, on bags and boxes. She is in a rut, and can't seem to keep everything clean.

Any advice, how to you clean this extreme filth?

2006-08-12 14:27:01 · 8 answers · asked by AshiBaby 1

Some people said yes I said no please help!!!!

2006-08-12 14:24:30 · 12 answers · asked by pennyluvr 1

It's instinct but what evolutionary advantage does having this instinct provide the cat? Does it help the cat build up momentum like a pitcher winding up? Or is it just nervous energy?

2006-08-12 14:21:43 · 13 answers · asked by Professor Armitage 7

what is her name

2006-08-12 14:19:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ya i noticed this morning that my cat's face was parcially swollen. And, I noticed that pus was coming out. Could it be from a sting? Is it something that I should really be worried about? It doesn't seem to be affecting her though.

2006-08-12 14:10:26 · 19 answers · asked by Dan 2

A little while ago, I asked an animal shelter if they had kittens and how old were they before they could be adopted. I was looking for a 6-8 weeks old kitten (yes, I know all the debate on it needing time with it's mommy but we wanted one young because 1) they're cuter and 2) we wanted to train him and get him used to us early)) anyways, they told us that they didn't let kittens go until 6 months of age? What I don't understand is why? There is a reason why people adopt kittens more than pets and that's the cuteness factor. Any 6 months of age, the kitten is pretty much cat size. Don't they know that will affect their adoption rate. Anyways, I'm a big proponent of adopting younger, 6 weeks and up. Although I know many disagree with me, I think you put them out younger, more get adopted instead of being put down, which is worst? And many people say the 6 weeks mark is young but fine. Anyways, I don't know what my question is but these are just some thoughts.

2006-08-12 13:50:17 · 12 answers · asked by choyryu 2

I have always fed him Iams dry cat food. When he uses the litter box you will immediately smell it on the other end of the house!
We use scoopable litter which is scooped out daily.
He is a 5 year old 15 pound orange kitty that looks like Garfield.
His name is Raymond. Believe me, in our house, everybody does not like smelling Raymond! Help Please!!!

2006-08-12 13:50:06 · 9 answers · asked by tammette39 3

I was just reading a question and an answerers said to take the kitten to a humane society. WHY? Now I love the animale shelter, that's where I got my kitten but seriously, around this time, most of the kittens that get brought in get KILLED. Yes, there's just too many. Recommending that you take a kitten to the humane society is just an easy way for people to get rid of kittes without getting thier own hand and conscious dirty but in reality you're doing the same thing. So what do I recommend, adopt the kitten yourself if you can, make sure it goes to a good house, via friends, networking or craigslist. But if you send it to a animal shelter, I thik it's a 50/50 chance the kitten gets put down. Just think about that before you recommend people send thier new kittens to the animal shelters.

2006-08-12 13:45:10 · 10 answers · asked by choyryu 2

Since we moved to another apartment, my outdoor cat no longer wants to go outside. We'll get him to go outside but after a couple minutes he's ready to come back in. I don't know what to do to motivate him. He's been so lazy and just staying underneath the bed all day long. Usually at night, he's a little bit more active which is when we usually get him to go outside. We've tried sitting outside with him to encourage him to go down to the lawn but with no real luck.

2006-08-12 13:39:59 · 15 answers · asked by belissima7 1

Her nipples have become enlarged and pink. She usually eats a lot but doesn't gain weight but now she looks a little fatter and she's heavier. We do have a male cat. I'm convienced she's pregnant. I just want to see what other cat owners say. Is it time to take her to the vet and have her checked out?

2006-08-12 13:28:00 · 11 answers · asked by SkepticalRade 1

I have lived in my apartment for 3 years- when I moved in a little stray cat would hang around my apartment, I'd feed him and watch t.v and pet him...Like he was MY cat..

A few months ago, a middle aged couple moved next door- and they took the little cat - they lock him inside and rareley let him out. I see him sit by the screen door and peep out at me- and Meow.

( now, technically I do not OWN him- and neither do they - by 'own' I mean we do not pay the additionall 'pet deposit.' )

But when the little guy gets out- he always comes in my house

I'm moving this week- everything is already boxed up...

Am I a horrible person If I take my cat?

2006-08-12 13:27:29 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brothers cat had kittens 2 weeks ago, and since all but one of them has died (the latest only hours ago).
I believe the mother has been killing them. She's been refusing to feed and when I found the latest dead kitten he had been squashed underneath her.
Anyway, I've taken the care of the final kitten into my own hands and since I can't afford to take him to the vet I need all of the easy-to-find/ cheap/ household things that I can feed him, and use for his general care.
please help.


2006-08-12 13:21:12 · 20 answers · asked by Jayde I 2

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