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Cats - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

What should I do if I have a stripey cat with a spottie belly?

2006-08-11 20:01:07 · 12 answers · asked by vhcsmamma 2

my neighbour wishing 2 have both kittens for some days .
i gave them.......today one of them is dead due 2 dog bite.
what will happen 2 other kitten...........?
will she miss her baby sister ?
will she eat food normally ?
tell me........
plz help me.....
i m upset.....
email me ......................

2006-08-11 18:46:28 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been training my cat to use the toilet for a long time, but she seems not understand what I want her to do although I have used many ways to train her. Should I keep training her to use the toilet? Or I should go back to the litter business?

I appreciate all of your opinion and help.

2006-08-11 18:33:32 · 14 answers · asked by GarbageBin 2

He is a 13 yr old nuetered, male Maine Coon cat. He has always been very well behaved, never messed anywhere ever before now except for hairballs. In last couple months he's peeing and pooping (hard and soft stools) on rugs and clothing on the floor or whaver he can, several times a week. He seems fine. He eats and drinks and plays as usual but sometimes he has loose stools, not quite diareah. The litter box is upstairs, he uses it sometimes, other times he uses things on the floor in the bathroom or bedroom. He gets a lot of attention and brushing and 2-3 meals a day of 'California Natural ' food. I don't know what could be wrong, but I guess he needs to go to the vet Monday. Thanks

2006-08-11 18:13:05 · 26 answers · asked by lostg 1

Fishes in the ocean are unreachable by cats, how could cats develop such desire where cats can never catch fishes from the ocean?

2006-08-11 17:34:28 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat (is declawed and is an outside cat, and FAT) was outside doing his sleeping thing one night, and I hear some hissing and then a huge ratteling noise appeared, I looked outside and saw my cat torn in some areas by a raccon (I knew because we have raccons under our shed) and we don't have enough money to go to the vet, my cat doesn't have any rabies cause we took the shot, but I'm not sure if a raccoon would attack a cat. I don't know what to do, HELP! I LOVE MY BABY AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

2006-08-11 17:29:13 · 14 answers · asked by Magdalena's Rose~*~ 3

My cat is permantly indoors, and usually has food still left in his bowl and kittly litter is avalible.

2006-08-11 17:20:22 · 18 answers · asked by queenchrystee 1

My cat Snuggles has a spot on her eye that is red and i`m not sure what it is. When we got a close look, she had eye boogies and the lower part of her eye was blood red. Anyone know? please help!

2006-08-11 16:56:48 · 8 answers · asked by star 2

i have a cat. it`s name is catty. it's not like other people to touch it's.if other people touch it's. it's angry and not happy again. what should i do????

2006-08-11 16:16:21 · 11 answers · asked by xandra girl g 1

I have 2 litter boxes in my spare room that we use as an office. We clean them often, but it always smells like urine in there. I know it's bad to have fragrant things close to litter boxes, but I NEED to do something about the smell. Any suggestions? I don't want to use anything too strong so that the cats quit using their boxes.

2006-08-11 16:15:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a cat. it`s name is catty. it's not like other people to touch it's.if other people touch it's. it's angry and not happy again. what should i do????

2006-08-11 16:12:20 · 13 answers · asked by xandra girl g 1

details about my cat:
He's 12 months old,he's a boy,and he's had fleas for a long while and i've used Advantage 9 for kittens but they are still on him.

ok here goes:

1. How do I get my cat used to water so i can bathe him easily?
2. What do I do to keep him from rolling in mud ?
3. Is it normal if his testicles have black dots on them like the fur has been plucked out ?
4. I think he has flea allergy dermatitis(FAD),what do I do to reduce this ?
5. Should I pour olive oil over his food to make his skin soft ?
6. Please do help ?

2006-08-11 15:57:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

He hasn't been outside in months. He didn't get it from any rodents because we don't have any. How could he have gotten it?

2006-08-11 14:49:37 · 14 answers · asked by Dana Renee 2

My 20 year old cat has lost most of her teeth on the top left hand side of her mouth. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this subject. She's losing weight because it hurts her to eat but she seems to be in no pain otherwise. I am feeding her soft food and soft cat treats but I was thinking about seeing if she'll drink Ensure. Any ideas? Thanks!

2006-08-11 14:46:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pets have needs apart from the basic ones of food, water and shelter. I've seen too many people, even in my neighborhood, who treat their pets with all the consideration they would a chair, like just another furnishing. They discard them just as easily. Why do they even bother?

2006-08-11 14:43:35 · 10 answers · asked by Gaki 2

buT he is not using it ? How do I get him to without making him scared of it even thought my cat is a badass ?

My cat's Profile :

2006-08-11 14:30:14 · 17 answers · asked by ThunderSkirt 2

Dogs can get sick and die from choclate, but can cats?

2006-08-11 14:29:20 · 12 answers · asked by Ash Nickel 4

Some stray cat wont stop coming to my house and trying to attack me and cat. It's the biggest cat i've ever seen. Well... not the biggest, but u know what i mean.

2006-08-11 14:22:07 · 25 answers · asked by Kimbabwe 2

I am most familiar with dog foods. Can anyone honestly tell me if cats have the same types of allergies etc, as dogs do with corn and wheat? I looked up the top 10 cat kibbles and none of what you all have mentioned in past posts is in it. Cats are carivores so corn and wheat are useless cheap fillers. How come nobody looks up these things. I see you all use store bought brands. Mostly. I will never buy science diet, eukanuba, Iams, so many more.
I would like to know if any of you alls cats have itchy skin or other health problems feeding the lower costing foods.
I feed my dogs only human grade foods, Innova and Artemis. Innova has a cat food. I am actually doing some research for my boss that has an obese cat, and just listens to everybody else, like petco employees, that don't always know what they are talking about.
Just like the Eukanuba saleguys last week. I told him why I will not buy that brand and he had no reason for me to try it.

2006-08-11 14:09:56 · 11 answers · asked by June V 3

Yes, dogs follow commands and can be taught to do tricks to entertain their owners...but cats are intelligent , in a much different way...a cat learns what it wants and needs to learn for its own comfort and survival, and is pretty good at judging which people like them or don't like them...and they pretty much stay out of trouble when left alone in the house, which is not exactly true for all dogs.
Don't get me wrong, I like both dogs and cats...but as someone who has a cat that is really bonded with my housemate and I, I felt I had to ask this question. Even though cats seem aloof and lazy, they're not always like that.

2006-08-11 13:56:50 · 8 answers · asked by carledwards99andtonystewart20fan 3

though they are fed in totally different rooms, at opposite ends of the house, the kittens, as soon as they get a chance, go for the older cat's adult cat food. i have been trying to stop them just on general principle, because i don't think the older cat would like it if she finds them at it, but they outnumber me, they are faster and slippery too. so...
could this turn into a health problem for the kittens, and if so, any ideas to help me keep them off the older cat's food?

o - i should add they are about 4 months old.

2006-08-11 13:26:32 · 9 answers · asked by gwenwifar 4

my kitten has had a stuffed nose for about 3 months now and when i pet her she always makes noise like she would if she had a cold. She always has boogies and I just feel like she might have a hard time breathing. I thought it would go away on its own, but it has not. What can I do to clear her cold?

2006-08-11 13:07:20 · 7 answers · asked by Maria 1

I want to adopt a kitten but it has to be old enough to be microchipped due to frequent moving. How old is too young for such a service?

2006-08-11 13:04:46 · 11 answers · asked by Lissa 3

My cat just died a few days ago, and my husband and I are heartbroken. to ease the pain a little and help heal the wound we decided to foster a kitten until it finds a home. I feel mixed feelings towards this new cat, and feel like I have betrayed the one that is deceased. What would be a good way to memorialize her, and give her the respect she deserves?

2006-08-11 12:59:39 · 10 answers · asked by millatorch 2

i want to know...my frind have kittens that she wants to give away but she dosent know how long they have to be with there mother b4 u can take them away...

2006-08-11 12:21:37 · 11 answers · asked by Shmashbro [FRICK] 1

I used a dropper thing to give her the liquid benadryl but she spit it all out and foamed at the mouth. How can I get my cat to take the benadryl. I also put some in her wet cat food but she can detect it and won't eat her food.

2006-08-11 12:09:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I sence something is wrong my moms cat is licking it self when ever we pet it. she licks hard and will not stop if you move her out of the licking area's / fur her eyes get big and itlooks as if it hurts her if i dont let her lick. at first this happend when you pet her butt but now it's where ever you touch the cat!
She is about 16 years old possible older overweight cat. I don't feel that she will be with us much longer due to her age! is her licking her self a sign of this? if not what is it?

2006-08-11 11:50:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today, she was on the bed and she was walking, then she arched her back really high and moved her front paw up and down for 20 seconds until i stopped her? She also escaped from the house today but we found her so would that have anything to do with it?

2006-08-11 11:50:20 · 12 answers · asked by [live.laugh.love] 2

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