I noticed someone on this Site having problems with Starlings where I live its Brent Geese. For the last twenty years or so we have been inundated with Geese. This is the East Coast of Ireland, And they feed on the foreshore when tide is out and head inland when tide comes in, to feed and Socialise in Parks andWoodland up to 3 miles from the Sea. They are very beautiful Birds, who Swarm in Flights of up to3 or 4 hundred in number and then all of a sudden they descend to feed on the Parkland. People like to Feed them With Bread Crumbs. In the Coastal Village of Portmarnock North of Dublin City there is a Marsh on oneside and Grassland on the other where Geese and Mallard ducks like to congregate and people feed them. I was admiring them one day a flight of 3 hundred, when i was Bombed from above Kplop Kplop i shouted a load of verbal abuse in there direction. I try to avoid there Flight now when i see them coming.Does anybody else in there Country have this same Phenomenon.
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