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Birds - May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Birds

I have a bird that sits outside my bedroom window every morning at 4am. What can I spray to humanely keep it away from my house?

2007-05-31 15:14:06 · 4 answers · asked by KitR27 1

i know that you can feed your lovebirds peas but can you just take them like straight out of the garden say? and if you feed them broccoli do you need to cook it first or just wash it very well?

2007-05-31 12:15:44 · 5 answers · asked by courtney 4

i know about just about every other food that is bad for lovebirds but am wondering just what exactly is bad for them that is green.

2007-05-31 11:39:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi i have a cockatiel and i wont to know everything about them

2007-05-31 10:33:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've noticed these past few months that at any given hour through the entire night, birds are full on singing. I've never heard them like this... is something wrong? 9pm...11pm..12pm..2am.. you name it, they're singing.

2007-05-31 09:54:45 · 11 answers · asked by Raven 1

2007-05-31 09:32:31 · 8 answers · asked by Conman 1

All these birds are bigger than wild turkey and can fly long distances.

2007-05-31 09:01:22 · 2 answers · asked by Thang Mit 2

Our 4 year old cockatoo has been picking his feathers out(over a period of months) to the point he has bare keel area of breast. skin color shows through at top of wings and tip of tail kind of macerated.
He has been treated for mites, bathes once or twice a week under sink spray, spends several hours at assorted times to fly free in house and get in trouble, says 20+ words and is not seemingly in a stressful environment.
Recently we hit upon the idea of covering his adequate sized cage when the sun sets. If not he has been staying up until 10PM with light and TV. Now covered, he seems to go to sleep and appears a little better. Too soon to tell definitively.
Do most people cover their pet bird at night. He doesn't seem to mind. Note Diet is adequate

2007-05-31 07:03:25 · 9 answers · asked by Geraldo 1


I have 4 cockatiels my very first one is coco she lves me and i love her alot!:D then my uncle bought a nother cockatiel his name is chinku I love him too! I was planning on how to make them mate for once so they could have babies!!!! Can you tell me how I could make them mate? I know thats gross but still I need help.

2007-05-31 06:50:45 · 11 answers · asked by dream_girl_4400 1

I put an empty tuna can full of bird seed out on my folks balcony, now the can is empty... but what I want to is they won't come back if the can is left empty right?

I only ask this 'cause my Mom doesn't any birds on our balcony

(no jokes!)


2007-05-31 06:49:08 · 4 answers · asked by Checkers- the -Wolf 1

Just a note to (and in particular Answerer no 9, to the pregnant lady who's bird had bugs) you think someone who tries to help a baby bird abandoned is wrong ?!? how dare you judge!......the parents can ONLY feed it moron!! not protect it from the likes of cats or cruel kids. All its doing is delaying the inevitable, your sick, your the cruel one. Well done to anyone who has taken it upon themselves to take the time to help rather than heartlessly walk away. This site is about HELPING people not using it to have a go you **** wit.and as for Answerer no 1 ! who thinks to ...Ewww Bin it?!? your heartless and twisted, get ****** the pair of you!. no-one wants help like yours, your pathetic.

2007-05-31 06:29:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a collection of parrots and I would like to know the best fly repellant I can use in the same room as them. Parrots have very economical respiritory systems and are very sensitive to fumes so I'm after something that won't interfere with their health. I was thinking that citronella candles would be good but I'd like to hear some feedback from any bird-keepers that can offer me some good advise before I use anything.

2007-05-31 03:57:36 · 5 answers · asked by cally 1

Give me some ideas on how to fly..?

I want to jump of a building and fly but what material would i need?

2007-05-31 02:59:59 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-31 02:04:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My parakeets escaped from their cage last week. We found one right away, and the other one disappeared for five hours, finally found it under the radiator. Now both birds dont chirp and sing as much. Is this because they are scared and shaken from the incident?

2007-05-31 01:57:24 · 2 answers · asked by Fall Beauty 6

My B&G Macaw is SOOOO loud & Im worried about my neighbors hearing him. Any advice?? NO I wont get rid of him, EVER.

2007-05-30 16:04:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

do they?? and if so, is it visible at any time or is it like a dogs....it comes out when needed???

2007-05-30 11:09:22 · 16 answers · asked by princess_budda 1

Please, I need a lot of help about this.
Today I've found 4 baby sparrows at the garden. They're nest was upside down. It was supposed to be somewhere under the roof.
Now they're mother cannot look after them anymore.

I don't know what I have to do now. How should we feed them, how warm should they stay, where should ı keep them?????
Their eyes are yet closed, they don't have feathers and they keep on opening their mouths.
Please help. I don't want them to die...

2007-05-30 10:33:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Big bird lover here... We have three Robin fledglings in our yard that we think left the nest too early. One of them just started to fly and we think he made it but the other two are 2/3 of their sibling's size! I wanted to take them in but thought they are better of with their mom, who I have seen on regular intervals. This morning one of them was lying dead on the lawn. Should I take his "brother" in or let nature run its course?? I still see mom around.. They are so cute and it bothers me that they may be hungry...etc. Thanks!

2007-05-30 03:13:14 · 9 answers · asked by hernandezmf 1

I haven't had it sexed so I have no clue if it is a boy or a girl.

2007-05-30 02:13:05 · 16 answers · asked by Manda 2

where i live there are kids that come around in a lake and they take duck eggs and throws them across the road and i kew if i left the eggs i found there they were going to get them. also the mother duck was no where in sight, what was worse is that those kids were right around the corner. so if u know if there is anyone i could contact so i wouldnt have to worry about the ducks please let me know. also do you think i did the right thing let me know. and if you dont think i did the right thing then please tell me what i should do the next time i find some and i see those kids around. thanks

2007-05-29 20:34:09 · 8 answers · asked by Kellzs 2

The bird has some adult feathers, but mostly soft baby 'down.' I've successfully raised baby sparrows and starlings with a cooked rice and mushed dog food gruel, would it work for a pigeon?

2007-05-29 16:19:30 · 9 answers · asked by Julie 1

There is a robin's nest on my porch with four baby robins. They are now growing feathers and are spotted. When I went out today to look at them I noticed hundreds of teeny tiny bugs all over them and the wall behind them. They were even crawling all over my feet. I didn't see these critters before they got feathers(don't know if that will help). I have know idea what these bugs are and hope they aren't a problem for the birds or my kids and I.

2007-05-29 14:53:58 · 3 answers · asked by sunshine07 3

I have a pair of cockatiels about 3 years of age. I've had them since they were very, very young. They are tamed, and I know for sure that one is male, the other is female.

The female is a couple months younger, and is Lutino.
The male is a normal grey.

I have a nest box set up for them and everything, when I open it, they mate for about a week, lots of times a day, and lay a clutch of eggs. But they are NEVER fertile.

I let my female lay 2-3 clutches a year, and over the past 2 and a half years, TWO chicks have ever hatched [out of a clutch of three, around christmas time] Unfortunately, due to first-time parenting, they weren't able to properly care for their young.

Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? I've already asked my vet and he wouldn't give me a straight answer. Maybe there's something I can do?

2007-05-29 14:32:37 · 5 answers · asked by x00sarin00x 1

It keeps throwing up the sesame seeds in its food, it gets all over his beak and everything. Ive tried switching food, but it will still throw up. Its been doing it for a while now. Does anybody know what could be wrong with it ?

2007-05-29 13:35:59 · 0 answers · asked by Olga 1

My young green masked lovebird is now 11weeks old and I'm unsure about the weaning. I've weaned a lovebird before and that was actually quite easy, only this one wants nothing to do with anything other than his formula and some of his treats. I'm quite desperate, since I have to go away for a week at the end of June and can't take him with me. My fiancé can feed him but we can't keep feeding him forever.
If anyone has a link to a site or some useful advice that I could use I would appreciate it very much. Plus you could get 10 points =)

2007-05-29 11:41:12 · 3 answers · asked by Lady G 4

Hi - I have an Amazon bird that has worn away a lot of paint from the bird cage. I have bought a new one but it is smaller than the old one so I would like to refinish the old one. Is it safe to just spray paint it with white rustoleum? It has proven a little difficult to find a place that will sand blast and powder-coat a large cage.

2007-05-29 10:47:57 · 7 answers · asked by jEEzaBel 3

I have just inherited a parakeet and I am not sure where to put his cage. Please help!

2007-05-29 10:47:53 · 7 answers · asked by jacob_gile 1

When I look up at birds in the sky, a lot of the time you see a hawk or large crow or eagle and they always seem to have these little black birds that seem to be dive bombing them or attacking them. I have always been curious about that. Anyone have more information to enlighten me???

2007-05-29 06:39:03 · 6 answers · asked by mleone82 1

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