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Pets - 13 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2007-06-13 09:02:15 · 41 answers · asked by daxa j 1 in Birds

O.k , my goldfish Mo is about 1 yr old, and is about 6 inches. He has been fine, up till last week, he has been throwing himself against the glass, and shakes and jitters, he is still eating, but not as much as normal, I have done a water change and treated it. He is still having these episodes. Please Help.

2007-06-13 08:57:22 · 8 answers · asked by crazy4tiny 2 in Fish

shes 5 months old and supposebly a purebreed pomeranian but her snout is longer then a poms and allot of people at the dog beach say shes looks mixed. Just curious cuz my mom bought her for 800 and want to know if she got ripped off because they lied about her breed heres he links to where her piks are http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v601/Cute_Rican_Mami/chuchie/?action=view¤t=1181763706.pbw][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v601/Cute_Rican_Mami/chuchie/th_Image000.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

heres a video of her ts a short video but you see her in action

2007-06-13 08:46:16 · 9 answers · asked by Veny 2 in Dogs

I've had dogs my whole life. But my dog Bebe is giving me fits! Lately she has been hiding under my bed at no particular time of day, just whenever she feels like it, and when I come to look for her and/or get her out, she bites me! She's never bit before, and she's always been a real sweetheart & lover rather than a fighter or biter. She even does it if I'm offering her treats to come out, and she knows to come when she's called. Is she claiming under my bed as her territory or her "den?" And what can you suggest to get her to stop this weirdness???

2007-06-13 08:42:59 · 7 answers · asked by Mlle A 3 in Dogs

She's really sweet all the time, but then when I try to walk her with a leash, she just stands there like "f-u." So I had to pick her little tushie up and carry her in the travel case (which is good cuz I want her get used to it, but she can't always be unleashed when she walks out in public)

Any tips on how to break her resistance to the leash? She's almost 8 weeks and wearing a lightweight collar/leash until I pick up a body harness..... I want to start training her properly.

Thanks :)

2007-06-13 08:42:53 · 9 answers · asked by Miss.Understanding 3 in Dogs

We got her when she was 2 1/2 months old. We were told by the breeder that she was a pure bred Yorkie. Her parents are both registered and we were given her papers as well. I ask because she is now 6 months and weighs about 8 pounds, which from what I've read, exceeds the adult weight of 7 pounds for a full grown yorkie.

2007-06-13 08:36:26 · 21 answers · asked by kalystolucy 2 in Dogs

We've NEVER had a dog. I need to know everything about them! And soon, we're getting her tomorrow. She's a black pug named Cocoa. Help! Websites about it, maybe?

2007-06-13 08:26:02 · 12 answers · asked by Sergeant Lauren 5 in Dogs

I have a Siberian Husky (Riddick) who is 1year and 8 mo. Still a very playful pup. We are always on the go and can rarely take him with us. We got a boxer/lab puppy (Keira) for him to play with a few weeks ago (now 12 weeks). So far Riddick LOVES her (we keep them separated and only allow supervised play) and is gentle with her but in the last few days she's been getting really feisty and initiating rough play (growling, biting, the whole bit) Problem is, then he gets excited and rough too and she wants to run and hide. But if I intervene and say "enough" Riddick stops, rolls over and lies on his back and then she comes out and starts it all over! Is it appropriate for me to allow them to play unsupervised? I've NEVER had 2 dogs at once. This is a first to me and their 'play' is scary to see and hear but I know it's normal. Is she still too young to play with him? Do you think he could hurt her? Or would his rough play teach her some manners?

2007-06-13 08:23:34 · 15 answers · asked by Storm 2 in Dogs

I have been searching the internet and keep getting the same rescue groups. I know there must be more rescues out there. I live in southern California and am willing to travel for the right dog. Any suggestions? Thanks!

2007-06-13 08:17:10 · 11 answers · asked by joe 2 in Dogs

She is chocolate colored, very little, with big eyes and ears.
Im very picky about names, so heres some requirements:

-Cutesy names (names like fluffy, lulu, bella, tiny, baby, etc.)
-Mainstream names (names that EVERYONE names their little dogs like: bella, lola, chloe, sophie, etc.)

-Unique names (ginger, piper, gizmo, danika, willa, suki, luca, salem, etc.)
-State/City names: (brooklyn, rohnert,
-Band/Book Character names: (atticus, astoria, cambria, delaney, etc)
-"Royal" names: (carmine, joaquin, gisele, bijou, brighton, giovanni, odysseus, sebastian, calypso, etc)
-Funny names: (bug, beans, Killer, monster, taco, mouse, fetus, etc)

I would really really appreciate some of your optinions! The more the bettter! these are just some of the names that i have collected, but i havent found one that "fit" or "click".


2007-06-13 08:14:52 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-06-13 08:13:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Also, will giving them raw meat bring back undesirable instincts?

2007-06-13 08:12:27 · 4 answers · asked by Axe 4 in Other - Pets

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19113211/ has an article on it. I was just wondering what everyones thoughts were on it. I think that in theory it is a good idea because there are too many dogs that don't have homes and will be put down- it is super sad. But I don't think that this will work....how would they ever enforce it

2007-06-13 08:06:05 · 14 answers · asked by like the ocean needs the waves 4 in Other - Pets

My betta gets his bowl pretty dirty, and if I don't clean it every week like I should, it gets a ring. I've tried cleaning it with warm water and a paper towel, but to no avail. Are there any ways to clean that ring away that will not harm my fish? I know that any chemicals will surely kill him. [[ps, I have had my fish, Gilbert, for almost three years so I try to be very careful with him because I adore him]]

2007-06-13 07:53:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

i have a 3 month old ferret and he has wiskers my other fettet dose not have wiskers . and the other ferrets at my work dont have wiskers either. is that a traight or what . can some one please give me answers or a place that i can go and find out why he has them and my other ferret dosent? thanks

2007-06-13 07:51:47 · 2 answers · asked by yarrowfh 1 in Other - Pets

I had six clown loaches in my tank for over a year. They are approx six inches. Everything I have read tells me that clown loaches are next to impossible to breed in captivity, especially if they are only small like mine.

However, I went away for a little while and left my brother with strict instructions on how to care for my tank (ie, water changes, feeding, testing water quality etc). He did an excellent job by the way.

When I got back, the first thing I did was clean some extra weed out of my tank, then feed them.

Lo and behold, SEVEN loaches swam up to get the food.


The extra loach is very small, only an inch long compared to the others.

Where did he come from? Is it possible that my loaches spontaneously bred? Or should I suspect my brother of playing tricks on me?

2007-06-13 07:47:47 · 9 answers · asked by KooriGirl 5 in Fish

I have a quarantine tank, saw a fish with Ich at the store I brought home and tried to cure. Unfortunately he didn't make it. Have a chance to pick up some Dempseys tonight and want to use the tank. Can I just take everything out and boil the decorations etc. and clean the inside of the tank with boiling water? Will that kill the Ich that I can see on the slate, gravel and other decorations? Don't need to worry about messing up the bacteria, the tank has only been set up for a week. Really don't want to spend money on medicating an empty tank. Is the Ich stuck to my carbon cartridge and everything in my filter too? Or can those be boiled as well? Thanks for any help. I'd love to get these Dempseys tonight they are beautiful.

2007-06-13 07:38:24 · 2 answers · asked by me 2 in Fish

i have a border colly ***** , she has just broken down for the first time . she is ten moths old . i would like to no . how often she will do this , when is she more fertile .

2007-06-13 07:35:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Gulf Shores perferably

2007-06-13 07:33:02 · 22 answers · asked by jb 1 in Dogs

It appears that "Hate14386" likes to troll dog questions. I questioned her about this and she blocked me. Check her questions and see that she most recently claims to have gotten a wolf hybrid but has aksed if she should kill her other dog that bites. WATCH HER!

2007-06-13 07:30:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Can a goldfish and a betta live together in the same tank? (5 gallons)

2007-06-13 07:28:36 · 16 answers · asked by lirael1019 1 in Fish

i would like to find out if there is such a thing as a vegetarian Piranha i have heard that they may exist but am not sure and would like to know for certain, if they do exist any information on them would be nice.

2007-06-13 07:25:05 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I went to feed my (out of town) friend's koi today and they were gone!!!! There is intact predator netting, no fish "bits" to indicate an animal, fish are not dead (Full view of pond available). Have you ever heard of fish stealing???????

2007-06-13 07:13:37 · 15 answers · asked by greengo 7 in Fish

Do dogs and cats have belly buttons, and if so where

I have both so I can check...haven't found it yet though!

2007-06-13 07:12:22 · 3 answers · asked by Me<3JB 2 in Other - Pets

Ok i just asked a question about my pitbull, i wanted answers from people who knew things about dogs! telling me that i will be on here talking about my dog hurting someone is just ludacris, i do understand that pitbulls are thought to be more aggresive than other breeds but you obvisaly have not done your homework! from what i read up on yes they are the dominant dog but with the right training and SOCILISATION they can be just as loving as my chiwawa, that is the one constantly going after my pitbull and my pitbull cowering down to my chiwawa! i love some of the answers i got and i do appreciate the input, but please if you are a pitbull hater then i really dont want to read what you have to say. i love my pitbull and i feel he is a great asset to our family.

2007-06-13 07:12:22 · 17 answers · asked by laura r 2 in Dogs

like many other lazy cat owners..i am looking to find the best automatic litter box.. i have heard so many things about every different brand, all bad really.. i have 2 cats now who adjust well to new things-i am wondering which box is the best?? it would have to handle 2 cats, work automatically, not clump when there's #1 OR #2 in there.. anyone out there have a problem-free experience with a great automatic litter box? i would love to know how i can take this god awful chore and make it a bit more manageable.. if it works, money is no issue.. :) also, do u have to buy special (expensive) litter for the automatic boxes or not?

2007-06-13 07:02:30 · 2 answers · asked by moe 3 in Cats

Hi guys! My first question here. :)
Anyway, I lost my beloved little dachshund a couple of years ago and now I'm thinking about getting another dog. I wonder which size you think would fit me? I'm about 5'8 ½ inches tall and weigh 143 lbs. I've fallen in love with the Great Danes, but I'm afraid they might be too strong for me.

Help me? :p

2007-06-13 06:59:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

fedest.com, questions and answers