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Pets - 13 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

Keeps coming in to my back garden and digging up my flower beds,what will be the best way of killing it ?

1. poison

2. hit it over the head with a brick

3. shoot it with my air rifle

thanx in advance

2007-06-13 02:03:40 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

my fish, a new upside down cat, was bought yesterday along with a pair of baby yoyo loaches and some ghost shrimp. but while the yoyo loaches acclimated no problem, the catfish went crazy! swimming in large circles around the tank, and only stopped when i turned off the light. but he's still shaking. what's wrong?

2007-06-13 02:02:10 · 6 answers · asked by naze_wata_kushi 1 in Fish

she looks like shes gonna pop! she's huge and she is losing the hair around her nipples...when will she have her kittens? all she does is lie around and purr

2007-06-13 01:50:54 · 6 answers · asked by littlemuma2004 1 in Cats

My friend who has shown before told me that i have to put my hair in a bun, and keep it off of my neck (i'm riding western and speed classes) my hair won't stay in a bun and a website that i found said that it should be worn in a low ponytail. But here's another question. Can the judge use that as leverage between a tie? If they are debating between two people do you think they would place the one with the bun? Silly question i know, but i really want to be prepared as best i can. Thank You!

2007-06-13 01:50:42 · 15 answers · asked by sle9008 1 in Horses

2007-06-13 01:43:32 · 8 answers · asked by RONNIE 1 in Fish

He (or she) is kinda bent over like its arched and not looking real good - but its still breathing.. what should we try to do?

2007-06-13 01:40:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

Hi there,
I wandered if anyone knew of anywhere that did help with price of dog castration? I mean like the cats protection league gives you a voucher to help with getting a cat done?My year old jack russell needs doing as he has started spraying and the vets wont do a payment plan/. It is roughly £70 to get him done and i dont have that much money to myself at the minute to do it. Any ideas???

2007-06-13 01:33:09 · 17 answers · asked by SmallFry 2 in Dogs

So I have this puppy that I have found near a trash bin, and I'm not sure what breed he is, and he have fleas!!! Though I already solved this problem, I have a new one; how do I make his hair grow back its already 1 1/2 months since I rescued him but he is still bald underneath and also his legs, and his head his fur is very thin and only a handful near his back, plus he got worms, I need a quick homemade solution because I can't take him to the vet, coz he is unregistered non of my neighbors don't even know he exists, and pitbulls are banned at my state and City(Denver, Colorado), so I fear that he might be a pitbull and get euthanized, Bottomline: I need a home made remedy to make his hair grow back and to treat the worms. I really like this dog and I wanna keep him

2007-06-13 00:58:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I'm getting a russian blue kitten in a couple of weeks and I'm not sure if she should be allowed outside once she is older. People have told me that a pedigree cat shouldn't be allowed outside the house. Is this ture?

2007-06-13 00:48:32 · 13 answers · asked by Nicky W 1 in Cats

I want you know what the best and worst things there are about owning a Yorkshire Terrier? I am thinking about getting one and want to know what im getting myself into. Do they yelp a lot and are they playfull? I know you all may love your dogs but i want to know everything esp. the cute things they do and also the annoying things.

2007-06-13 00:45:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i havent had any dogs that have had puppies before, is there any thing i need to?? any advice would be very nice!!

2007-06-13 00:33:21 · 12 answers · asked by jlmichel87 2 in Dogs

I am really worried all that he wants to eat is dry pedigree. My children are out since 2-3 days, is he missing them.? b'coz of his biting i cant play much with him. I had kept him with his mom for a day but he was very happy to c me and was normal till my maid served him dry pedigree. Pl advice is he fine?

2007-06-13 00:32:34 · 7 answers · asked by greycells 1 in Dogs

I have searched the internet for a Standard size Schnauzer puppy with little luck,not a show dog but a family pet.I'v had mineatures before and they were excellent "pals".I live in centeral upstate NY and have a budget to live within.A black one would be perfect.Is there anyone out there that can help me out finding one?THANKS..........

2007-06-13 00:18:16 · 7 answers · asked by ringmaster1945 2 in Dogs

I have 2 baby cockatiels who are pets and I raised hand fed- One is doing fine, but the other was taken care of by a friend , who I think overfed it? Now ,it's belly is big, and it wants to fly , but can't because of it's belly, will this go away?Otherwise ,it's doing fine, walks all over and eating real cockatiel food, yet sometimes need alittle cockatiel babyfood-I'm very concerned , as I feel badly for it- I think the person I had caring for them for 4 days, while I was away fed it to often?Anyone know what I can do for it? Thank-you-

2007-06-13 00:17:05 · 6 answers · asked by zeezee 3 in Birds

I have a 6 month old Koby pit bull that is learning not to piss on the carpets. But, ocassionally, he still does when no one is around to let him out. Do you know of any good home remedies that can remove the stains. I've tried soap and water, but i just want to know if there is any other way that'll get the job done. Or do you know of a specific product that'll do what I need it to do.

2007-06-13 00:09:51 · 14 answers · asked by Beauty & Brains 3 in Dogs

im looking at a couple of options

cavalier king charles spaniel
bichon frise
toy poodle
cairn terrier
and possibly a yorkie, pom or sheltie but not sure on those three

if you have any oponions or ideas on those or have another breed that is suiatble i would love to hear from you.. thanks

2007-06-13 00:07:47 · 19 answers · asked by yallo 2 in Dogs

2007-06-13 00:02:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

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