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Pets - 13 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I'm planning on fogging my apartment as a last ditch effort to get rid of my cat's little flea problem. Frontline Plus is keeping the fleas off of her, but they're driving me nuts and the sprays/carpet powders have helped, but not eliminated the problem.

All of the foggers I've seen say to leave the dwelling for a few hours, then venthilate it afterwards. If I were to set the foggers up on a Friday evening before I go out of town for the weekend, would leavingmy apartment until Sunday afternoon be safe? (the cat's coming with me)

I know there have got to be some people out there who have done this...Thanks!

2007-06-13 15:55:52 · 4 answers · asked by newcarshopper 2 in Cats

I am sure you know what the two in the back are, they are purebread.
It is the little one in the front I am wondering about. When I first took him to the vet, she said Terrier Mix. I know his mother was a Chiuhuha. Do you think he is a Terrier or not. If yes, what kind of Terrier? Please explain why or why not.
Here they are:


2007-06-13 15:51:50 · 5 answers · asked by Tin Can Sailor 7 in Dogs

my lionfish has a cloudy eye and we dont know how he got it please answer thank you

2007-06-13 15:51:31 · 3 answers · asked by David B 1 in Fish

My kids were each given a small aquarium. It seems everything is included. Everything, that is, except instructions on how to set it up. I went to the pet store today to buy one betta for each tank and the kid at the pet store told me that I needed to set the tank up and let the water sit for a week before adding the fish.
I figured the answer on how to do this would be easy to find on the internet. It isn't. I need very simplistic instructions on how to set up a tiny tank for betta fish.
Thanks in advance.

2007-06-13 15:48:13 · 14 answers · asked by Saphyre 2 in Fish

Well I and a friend were wondering...

2007-06-13 15:43:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

i have two clownfish that are young, and one of them, the smaller one, is swimming funny here lately.
im new to saltwater, so this may be normal and i just dont know it.

for about the last two nights when i came home from work one of my clowns is swimming upsidedown. he can swim fine for a minute, but then goes back to upside down. what is rong with him? if its a swim bladder infection should i just take him out of the tank and euthanize him? or let him die? or is there a cure?

thanks a lot

2007-06-13 15:40:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I would like to get a pet guinea pig but my mom wont let me so I'm getting facts to show they're good pets. PLEASE HELP!!!

2007-06-13 15:39:06 · 6 answers · asked by #1 HP Fan 2 in Other - Pets

I went to the humane society recently and found a really sweet 6 year old cat and I'm interested in adopting her. I'm having a few dilhemmas though and I'm hoping you guys can help me decide whether or not to adopt her.

I live alone in a one bedroom apartment and I work about 25 hours a week. During the school year I'm a full time college student. I worry that she would be home alone and that it would be boring for her.

I also am worried because my dogs who live with my mom sometimes come over and spend the night at my apartment. The last owners of the cat had dogs so she's been around dogs, but I'm worried my dogs and the cat still won't get along.

My other most problematic issue is that I don't have a set-in-stone future. I don't know where I'm going to be living after college or in the next ten years, and I plan on travelling around a bit. Is it hard to move with pets?

Do you think the pro (companionship) outway the cons? I really am having trouble deciding.

2007-06-13 15:38:08 · 10 answers · asked by ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 in Cats

one of my clownfish sleeps upside down behind my heater, the other just on the sand behind some live rock, my cichlids all sleep laying on the gravel, and my betta floating behind its filter.
or do fish even sleep?

this is just how i find them when i come home from work in the night, because i work late hours and have my lights on timers. and this is how they are when lights first cut on in the mornings.

2007-06-13 15:32:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-06-13 15:27:41 · 29 answers · asked by habs fan 2 in Cats

I have a female glass shrimp that has really dark eggs under her tail. And I want to raise them and I am short a aquarium. I placed some rocks and a plastic plant inside a old coffee maker glass container, with a air pump. Will this work?

2007-06-13 15:27:08 · 2 answers · asked by fasttalker31 1 in Fish

2007-06-13 15:17:49 · 15 answers · asked by timmyocean 3 in Fish

I fed my zebra finch two small worms, and he loved them. Then he pecked at his toes, because they looked like worms. He kept pecking at them and I couldn't stop him! Now his toe it all black a crinkled, and he often holds it up like a flamingo and balances on one leg at the bottom of his cage. I'm wondering if Ican use neosporin for his toe. I feel so guilty! I should have never fed him a worm!

2007-06-13 15:17:16 · 5 answers · asked by Me!!! 2 in Birds

i currently have a new 90 gal freshwater tank which has 2 power filters. one filter is brand new, and the other has been running in an established tank for years. i just had an ammonia spike, but was wondering if cleaning out the "older" filter will help or just worsen it by removing bacteria?

2007-06-13 15:17:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I came home with 3 creamsicle mollies and put them with 5 neon tetras and a small pleco... Now there are 4 additional little creamsicles :)

Will the other creamsicle mollies try to eat them? I think the tetras are too small to even try. Do I need to put them is some sort of isolation tank? If so, what do I need to do to make the isolotion tank a good environment for them? What do I feed them? What else do I need to know?

2007-06-13 15:16:18 · 7 answers · asked by maquade 1 in Fish

i have a huge 125 gallon long tank and all i have is a 4 inch freshwater hujeta barracuda. i want more fish!!! what could i get?

2007-06-13 15:10:57 · 4 answers · asked by Brandon M 2 in Fish

His breathing sounds very breathy, and you can tell he has a stuffy nose. He has a clear liquid coming from his nostril, and hes been pooping alot more latley.
If you know what he has;
what is it called, is is serious, what is it caused by, does he need to see a vet or can I do something about it, is it fatal and anything else you know.
Please dont just guess and if you dont know please dont comment saying "I dont know sorry." I need answers not you telling me that you dont know.
Please tell me asap, and thnk you very much.

2007-06-13 15:08:45 · 10 answers · asked by Amber 2 in Birds

Any cute names that sound like Max?

2007-06-13 15:08:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horses

I'm try to cultivate Infusoria now got started late.The bubble nest is in a tank with lots of plants and two snails. Fry have hatched after about 30 hours. How long will it take them to become free swimming? Thanks for all the help

2007-06-13 15:01:05 · 4 answers · asked by nostorey 1 in Fish

What does a bubble nest look like and were is it? how long does it take for you fishy to get ready to breed? if my bettas tail is brown but he is green, wat does it mean?

2007-06-13 14:56:15 · 4 answers · asked by Charlotte 2 in Fish

I have a border collie/male. He is about 40-50lbs and 2 feet tall. I feed him 3 times a day about 1 cup each time. But, he still looks skinny. My question is how much should I be feeding him and how often.

2007-06-13 14:53:19 · 14 answers · asked by Scissorhands. 2 in Dogs

I was just given a fish tank today with some goldfish and some eels. The eels are about 7 inches long and are about 3/4 inch tall. They are brown and their tail fins are broad. I know for a fact that they aren't tire tracks or spiny eels. They also have whiskers (six that go around their mouth) and they sometimes suck on the side of the tank. They are moderately aggressive when fed brine shrimp, but for the most part are mild mannered and stick together.

Any ideas of what they may be?


2007-06-13 14:52:48 · 2 answers · asked by katywithay2009 4 in Fish

how much yeast, suger, and water would you sugest for me to put in a 2 litter coke bottle for a 40 gallon planted tank and please make it safe for fish and about how many day do you think untile id have to change the coke bottle and refill it with more suger yeast and water and also how can i make a bubble counter to make sure its not that much co2

2007-06-13 14:44:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

can a rat git prego with a girl rat and if she is how do i know?

2007-06-13 14:38:32 · 5 answers · asked by Lizzi 1 in Rodents

My family and I have an elderly Beagle; we have no idea how old he is because he wandered into our neighborhood about three years ago and we adopted him.

He's recently undergone some testing for a mass in his groin area. Our vet has determined from an x-ray that it must be a tumor on either a testicle that never dropped down or the spleen. The next step is exploratory surgery.

We're going to bring him home for now; but we're confused at what to do. Even if he does undergo surgery, there's no promise that the vet won't find cancer, in which case our Beagle would probably be put down on the table. On the other hand, the vet might simply be able to remove it and he'll be fine.

Our second option is to keep an eye on him at home and hope he doesn't get worse or passes in his sleep. We really don't want to put him down.

This is very difficult. Should we go ahead with surgery or simply let him live out his days as best he can?

Serious, thoughtful answers only.


2007-06-13 14:38:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

An aquaintance recently told me that if you have a note signed by your doctor saying that your pet helps promote your good health, apartments cannot discriminate against you in your application even if they are not pet-friendly. My mom also said she met a woman that lives in a non-pet-friendly apartment and has a small dog with the same paper. Does anyone know what this document might be called and how to go about finding it?

2007-06-13 14:36:34 · 9 answers · asked by Angie 5 in Other - Pets

We thought our golden retriever was bleeding and had a bruse because she got bit by another dog, but when we looked closer we notice she had little red bumps like scabs everywhere. we cleaned a wound and blood came out, it is late and cant ge to the vet until the morning, please help!!!!

2007-06-13 14:32:58 · 12 answers · asked by mommielovefun21 1 in Dogs

I am going to be getting a beagle soon, right now I live in a house with a big backyard so as a puppy it will have a yard to play in, but in a year or two I will be moving out into an apartment. The things I'm concerned about is the yelping/wailing/barking noises the beagle makes, is there anyway I can prevent that starting as a puppy? Also, does anyone have any tips who have successfully owned a beagle and raised it in an apartment?

2007-06-13 14:30:22 · 10 answers · asked by HappyGirl 2 in Dogs

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