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Pets - 13 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I have a Chihuahua/Miniature Pincher with my fiancee. Last night he had eaten something before I could tell him to drop it when we were talking and he swallowed it. The rest of the night went as usual, except he kept getting in and out of bed, waking me up. Then, this morning I awake to find SEVERAL hardened, post-liquidy poop stains in our living room. I am not sure how to get the stains off the carpeting without ripping the carpet itself up. What can I do to get it up and out of my carpeting, preferably without having to use some industrial cleaners?

2007-06-13 05:16:44 · 6 answers · asked by Griff M 1 in Dogs

I am feeding him cesar food! What do you guys think i should name him i was thinking about Tux! ((hes black and white))

2007-06-13 05:16:21 · 5 answers · asked by just me these days 2 in Dogs

I hate my nexted door neighbor's cat, I love cats, but not this one, it's been hanging in front of my house , and trying to pick a fight with my two cats, one is a adult male, that is fixed, and the other is a female , that is fixed, but is very old, I keep chaseing the darn black cat , with the water hose , and I tryed to tell my nexted door neighboer to keep his darn cat insde, but he never listeans, his cat also , rips up my flower garden, and I'm sick of it, what can I do to get this cat away from my house.

2007-06-13 05:07:41 · 24 answers · asked by kitty 6 in Cats

They were nearly healed then yesterday someone accidentally stepped on his paw. He hobbled on it for a bit then seemed ok. Today he can't put ANY weight on it at all. Could it Be broken??

2007-06-13 05:07:29 · 6 answers · asked by LAUGHING MAGPIE 6 in Dogs

On the lawn infront of my home I found a teenie-tiny turtle(his shell is about the size of a quarter)-I checked -it looks like this is a box turtle. I have researched-with turtle rehabs- to try to determine- what would be best for him-Some have told me to put him back where I found him-or close to that location(However, thats not an option-my lawn meets a busy road) So where- WOULD I put him ? --I have also been told NOT to put him out at all--that I should keep him(or find someone to-) until he gets bigger -then I can release him-maybe -into the woods-As you can see I'm getting conflicting reports- I would really like to give this little guy the best start I can-. What 'road' should I take to help out this small turtle?-Does anyone have any experience with this or any advice -I'd greatly appreciate it -Thank you!

2007-06-13 05:04:16 · 14 answers · asked by enlightenme 1 in Reptiles

This is not intended to be a "funny" question. I'm actually being serious.

I have 2 Jack Russells. I've had "Jack", the female for about 6 years, and "Buddy", the male, for 2 1/2 (I've had both since they were puppies). Jack does not follow me to the bathroom, but Buddy does. For the first 2 years of Buddy's life, he'd go to the door and swing it wide open, look at me, and then leave (I usually leave it cracked since it's MY house, unless there are visitors). But for the past few months, this dog insists on sitting in or out of the bathroom, watching me. If I close the door, he sticks his nose under the door until I'm done. Sometimes, he takes his front legs and acts like he's trying to dig a hole under the door.

What's up with this??? Does he figure that since I take him out to do his business, he's got to come with me???

2007-06-13 04:57:59 · 17 answers · asked by Thinking 5 in Dogs

I got worm medicine from the vet. and i gave him the amount of medicine the doctor told me too. I keep his litter-box clean, i scoop it every time i see him come out of it, but im not always home. its been a while now and he still has the worms. Hes an inside cat, and im worried that i could get his worms. Is that possible?

2007-06-13 04:57:33 · 5 answers · asked by persephane2003 2 in Cats

I don't spoil my dog with too much food, pampering etc.
but sometimes I feel like giving him a hug and he usually responds with loving squirms and kisses (sticky licks).

However, occasionally he runs away and hides from me, under the settee is a favourite spot. It can't be anything to do with mistrust as I 've had him for all his adult years.

Do you think it is because I have disturbed his day-dreams or maybe because he is in a bad mood about something?

2007-06-13 04:56:51 · 22 answers · asked by Cilly Buggah 4 in Dogs

2007-06-13 04:55:21 · 4 answers · asked by JenW 3 in Dogs

My 4lb yorkie/ silky pup doesnt seem to like dog food that much.Are there any foods i can give her that wuold comprise a nutritious meal? Or is she too small?

2007-06-13 04:45:43 · 5 answers · asked by Lauren. 4 in Dogs

I've seen them before... they grow in a little plastic tank set LIKE sea monkeys, but they're supposed to be "prehistoric fish" in freeze dried eggs. I wanted to buy them and can't think of what they're called!

2007-06-13 04:38:42 · 10 answers · asked by Katherine N 1 in Fish

My puppy was recently sick with a intestinal infection and she's gotten better now. I brought her home yesterday but she has really, really bad breath. Does this have to do with her earlier infection or is it just because of the food she eats? I don't know what she ate earlier but she eats dry food at our house. She's still eating medicine but the vet told me it was just to make sure the infection doesn't start again. She's only supposed to eat the medicine for the next 5 days, after that she can stop. She's too young to be teething (is she?), her intestine infection is better but her breath still really stinks. What could be the problem and how can I fix it?

2007-06-13 04:32:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

my fish is just 1" in length in a 75 gallon tank. he does not have any companion except for my 2 plecos. i think that he isnt eating because the food that i gave him this morning (3 pcs of pellets) were unmoved. what shoud i do? the pellets that i give him is the usual food given by the original owner of the fish..

2007-06-13 04:29:36 · 4 answers · asked by magma14 1 in Fish

I have a 3 year female house cat. I brought in a 9 month only male (both fixed). My female is very upset and growls, and hisses. She has not attacked the male but she gets him so scaird that when she walks past him his goes after her and it is all out war. How can I help with this transition or is it a losing battle?

2007-06-13 04:24:40 · 13 answers · asked by Debbie N 1 in Cats

2007-06-13 04:20:15 · 21 answers · asked by chuck d 1 in Birds

.. my first since getting my platys last Wednesday. I done 20%, and cleaned my gravel and filter too. All seems fine, the platys are happily nibbling everything and seem fine.. and...
EVERY single one of them is doing the biggest poop I have ever seen....!!!

The little buggers, I just get their tank nice and clean, and they poop in it as soon as I've finished...!!!

One question though - if my water tests are fine by the weekend, can I have a new fish put in? I'd like one male Betta..
I've had the platys a week, the tanks water results have been steady for 3 weeks now (my cycling process seems to have been helped along because this tank had other fish in it recently) ....so how long should I wait?

2007-06-13 04:16:09 · 8 answers · asked by Shazza 2 in Fish

I have a 10 gallon tank and I have one betta fish in it. I plan on putting some of the following: cory catfish, tetras, guppies, algae eaters, golden apple snail, african dwarf frog, and nerite snail. I'm not going to put all of these animals in there, just some. I want to know what kind of sand or rocks could fit my tank and these animals. Specific names and details would be most appreciated.

2007-06-13 04:15:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I have multiple questions...

1) Can you reccomend a good budget aquarium for cold water fish? I love this: http://www.bi-orb.com/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_The_Bi_Orb_14.html
but can only really afford this: http://www.ukpetsupplies.com/Details.aspx?ProdId=1271&CatId=257&ParentId=181

2) How many fish can I keep in a small tank? I don't want them to be uncomfortable.

3) Does it matter that my home is hot in the summer and cold in the day during the winter?

Sensible advice much appreciated :)

2007-06-13 04:15:03 · 8 answers · asked by tigerfly 4 in Fish

I just lost my little chihuahua. She was part of the family. I know she was only with us for 2 years but I loved her like my own child. I feel so empty. And I don't know when it's to soon to look for another pet. And if I should go with the same breed or a different one. I like lap dogs. I don't know if getting another dog will make me feel better, I don't want it to be like I'm replacing her either. She died a week ago. I really miss her. So is it to soon to look for another dog?

2007-06-13 04:12:13 · 15 answers · asked by baylees 3 in Dogs

I usually mix soy sauce with the dog's rice,, but somebody told me its dangerous for them.

2007-06-13 04:07:42 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I've heard that you shouldn't pull it because the head will stay inside
thanks for any advice.

2007-06-13 04:04:20 · 21 answers · asked by A suitable girl 2 in Dogs

I have a 20gal tank and I think I'm going to go freshwater. I'm thinking of getting 2 goldfish and some smaller fish. What should the smaller fish be?

2007-06-13 04:03:56 · 4 answers · asked by jdecorse25 5 in Fish

Our pastures are full of rich grass. Usually they only come in from 11am to about 6pm, but it's going to be so nice the next couple of days that I think I'm just going to leave them out.

2007-06-13 03:57:25 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horses

My question is this. I have a top filtration with the charcoal type filter. The only air in the tank is the bubbles created by the water dripping from the top mounted filter. Should I get a smaller air pump for this tank? I have a 55 gallon tank which is mine...LOL I keep it aerated. The 5 gallon is my wife's. It seems like the goldfish die quick.

2007-06-13 03:51:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-06-13 03:44:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have a cockatiel (hes 9 years old) and when he poos it stinks. It has only been smelling the last month and wondered if there is anything i could give him?

2007-06-13 03:41:52 · 7 answers · asked by kel120877 1 in Birds

domestic cats particularly those in Africa Uganda

2007-06-13 03:35:05 · 7 answers · asked by ochilajesam 1 in Cats

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