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Pets - 13 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents


2007-06-13 23:57:12 · 13 answers · asked by chanelle 2 in Dogs

We just discovered a growth on our english spot rabbits cheek. It just came out of the blue. It feels pretty hard. He was doing well on Tuesday, being his normal self, no abnormal eating. Then yesterday, he started to act different and the growth had gotten bigger. We want to help him, but at the same time, we can't afford a vet visit. We are thinking about putting him to sleep, fearing that it may be cancerous or tumorous. Anyone have any other ideas of what it may be?

2007-06-13 23:55:08 · 10 answers · asked by mntennis_stud 2 in Other - Pets

i've wanted a kitten since i was 7, my mom says it ok to have a pet other than a kitten....
i've checked our family record and there was no one who had alergie with cats... but my mom insist that cats causes diseases... and that it may harm my young sister and brother ...i dont agree with that at all .... so ....

who is right between us?
do cats causes diseases?

2007-06-13 23:51:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Almost all kids get the Chicken Pox - but is there a shot for it like there's a shot for the Measles etc? I've never heard of one.

2007-06-13 22:53:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

2007-06-13 22:46:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I have a yard that is bordered by my neighbors fences right now, except on one side. There is a privacy fence on one side and a 4 ft. chain link across the back of my yard. I am considering finishing off the rest of my yard with 4 ft. chain link fence when I get my Great Dane. However I was talking to a friend who has a Great Dane/Retriever mix who told me he had problems w his dog clearing a 5 ft. fence!! I didn't think Great Danes were jumpers. Is it worth putting a fence up? It would be stupid to put a privacy fence up b/c the back side of my yard still has the 4 ft. chain link. What would you suggest?

2007-06-13 22:20:20 · 9 answers · asked by kicker0927 1 in Dogs

Like eg. if he has mud on his paws and belly should i put luke warm waater over him and wash it off!
And then blow dry him or wrap him in a blanket to dry him offF?

2007-06-13 21:17:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

My cat licks me in my sleep it's getting irittating I am extremly ticklish it was just licking my feet what should I do?Oh and I know that I am overly ticklish because of my guy friend.

2007-06-13 20:37:54 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3 in Cats

I have a kitten she was bout april 4th and when she goes to the litter box its runny and white. She drinks alot of milk but I didn't know if something could be wrong with her. I also have an older cat born in Feb. that sometimes does the same thing.

I have 3 older cats all over the age 1 that do not. So I was just wondering if this was a normal thing.

2007-06-13 19:35:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I want a handheld device that has a phone is wi fi enabled and can support normal surfing, i.e. can view heavily loaded pages that have diversified fonts and visual contents. Of course price is a factor. I can do away with wi fi if that increases the price.

2007-06-13 19:32:46 · 3 answers · asked by :-? 1 in Fish

I have two outdoor cats that get ticks on their eyelids and ears. I try taking them off myself, but they always seem to wind up back on them. Is there anything I can do to keep them off for good? They dont have a vet, so are there other alternatives to medicines like frontline?

2007-06-13 19:10:30 · 4 answers · asked by Erika 1 in Cats

Hi, My cat just gave birth to ten baby kitties! she has three left that are still attached to the placenta but she is very tired, I was just wondering if cutting it and discarding the placenta myself was an okay thing to do or should I just let nature run its course?

Before I get laid out about her having the babies in the first place let me please defend myself by saying that I adopted her from the Dumb Friends League they said she was fixed and they gave me paperwork to that fact, something went wrong somewhere and yes I will be taking her back in after her babies are weened.

Also has anybody ever heard of a cat having that many babies actually survive? Just wondering if she is going to need help with feeding and cleaning and all?

2007-06-13 19:09:49 · 8 answers · asked by lilpinkrose 1 in Cats

Why do cats arch their backs and do a sideways walk when they're playing with other cats? It's the most halarious thing I've ever seen!

2007-06-13 19:09:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I have two toy fox terriers around 2.5 years old and I can not potty train them. I have tried a few different methods to no avail. I can't get rid of them... I tried... but I love the little heathens too much. Basically we have a three level house and they will go downstairs to poop/pee if I am up in my room and will not alert me. If I am on the main leve\ l they will let me know they want out most of the time. Could a doggy door help this situation? I let them play in the yard most of the day now that its warm and when i let them out they go... so they know its right to go outside I think. They just have so many accidents and they freak out when I crate them at night (which is bad for sleep deprived new parents). I was going to get kiddy gates and keep them confined to the kitchen (where messes are easily cleaned) and allow them access to a doggy door. Do you think this will solve the problem? Anyone with a similar situation?

2007-06-13 19:05:30 · 12 answers · asked by EmK 3 in Dogs

I'm getting real sick of people killing snakes aroud here. Innocent garter snakes and gopher snakes who accidently get too close to houses for people to feel safe. I give people information all the time, because after all fear is the reason they are killing them, and the fear that is there is because of lack of information. Could I put my number in the phone book or something as Snake Rescue? I don't have any permits or business license or anything, but I have been studying and working with herps for a while, and have experience working with snakes. I don't want to make any money, I just want to simply save the snakes and other reptiles from being killed, I just want to catch them, then release them out in the sticks.

Thanks guys, you haven't let me down yet!

2007-06-13 19:04:37 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

The woman's name is Renee A. Thacker - am wondering if she is truthful in her paperwork of her dogs. I believe her kennel name is Silver Rocks. What do you know about her and any problems you have had. I bought the dog is the fall of 1994.

2007-06-13 19:02:14 · 7 answers · asked by Su-Nami 6 in Dogs

he started swimming swimming on his side more slugishly and now he's lying on the bottom of the tank on the side barely moving the guills

2007-06-13 18:51:40 · 12 answers · asked by chapped lips 5 in Fish

I have a 10 gallon aquarium and my filter just doesn't seem to be doing a good job (Penn-Plax Cascade 100....I don't reccommend it) so I am going to buy a marineland penguin filter with the biowheel (I already have a biowheel one for my 5 gallon tank and love it), so here is my delimma....which one do I get? I am trying to decide between the Penguin 100 for up to 20 gallon tanks and filters 100gph, and Penguin 150 for up to 30 gal tanks and filters 150gph. I am leaning toward the 150 because it has a bigger biowheel and larger filter cartridge and frankly I am a bit paranoid because the crappy penn plax is for up to 20 gallons and can't cut a 10 gallon aquarium. I guess my main question is will my fishies be hurt by me using a filter that is recommended for "all aquariums up to 30 gallons"? Here is a link with info about the filters. http://www.marineland.com/products/consumer/con_penguinfiltersnew.asp

Please, only post if you really know what you're talking about. Thanks!

2007-06-13 18:33:12 · 6 answers · asked by Brittany 2 in Fish

Hi I have a one year old dog which is mix of maltese and bichon and he feels so lonely.I have decided to buy another dog but I do not know which breed will be a better companion for him so they get along and be happy.please give me some ideas.

2007-06-13 18:24:56 · 6 answers · asked by sharis 1 in Dogs

i've already changed the water. how do i treat my black guppy for white spots (i think the other fish have them too but i can't see as clearly as on the black fish)

2007-06-13 18:23:43 · 9 answers · asked by vo_dn 1 in Fish

What i must do if she is pregnat. the other fish will eat the eggs or not.

2007-06-13 18:05:00 · 3 answers · asked by Tom sawyer 1 in Fish

are owls afraid of rubber snakes?

2007-06-13 18:03:14 · 11 answers · asked by Susie F 2 in Birds

2007-06-13 17:56:13 · 16 answers · asked by nathan c 2 in Other - Pets

this morning!!!!
7 puppies are born!
I'm thinking of their names!
Can anybody help me think any good names?
and please give me a tip for how to take care a new born puppy!
Because it is the first time that I have new born puppies!
Thank you for all your help!

2007-06-13 17:52:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

okay heres the deal. I want a great dane puppy sooo bad. i will be 17 in July and i work at an animal hospital. I know this breed very well. i know food intake, medical problems and how to fix them, how difficult they are to train, how big they get, their personality everything. I have the money and i have found the dog. i told her about it and she even helped me name it! then the next day she says i cant get it. wtf? her boyfriend changed her mind. i told her: "whats the big deal you don't have to do anything with it except look at it every now and then." ahhhh!!! she says its to big. well she could have told me that before she said i could get it. i get discount on medical and can add anything to my account, i get FREE dog obedience classes, dog food will be like 65 bucks a month. & i have money for everything else it will need. she has nothing to worry about. but noo. so how do i get her back to the state of mind she was in before she talked to her boyfriend cause im at a total loss

2007-06-13 17:45:24 · 8 answers · asked by courtney 2 in Dogs

I have two cats, near the same age. The big one (18 lbs) is aggressive toward the little one (8 lbs) when the little one comes home from the vet. I've tried taking them both - that was a disaster! I've tried cat pheromones. I've tried wiping them both with the same towel to make them share the same scent. Nothing helps. The hissing and swatting goes on for days, and because of the size diff, I can't leave them together. Any other ideas? The little one has been spending some time with the vet lately due to some health problems, and may need surgery, so we really need to solve this.

2007-06-13 17:36:56 · 8 answers · asked by L H 3 in Cats

Well i was trying to figure out why i had fish that were sick , Come to find out my baby sister got some dish soap in my stored water with out telling me and when i did a water change i did not notice it. All my fish are in my hospitol tank How much of a water change should i do in my tank or should change most of it

2007-06-13 17:36:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish


What is the best way for cat's diet? I have a 10 yrs. old 15 lbs. cat and everytime she see me she will cry because her bowl is empty, I am scared if Idon't give her more food she might eat my birds.

2007-06-13 17:28:29 · 8 answers · asked by Rose T 2 in Cats

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