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Pets - 13 June 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2007-06-13 17:26:25 · 8 answers · asked by MAI L 1 in Fish

2007-06-13 17:17:29 · 5 answers · asked by Me 1 in Fish

So I recently just bought 5 neons for my 4 yr established tank. There havn't been any major temp. fluctuations, maybe +/- 2 degrees. Three days after buying them, one seems to be developing ich. I plan on taking him back to the store to get a proper diagnosis, as well as getting some treatment if it is required. What can I do about ich? Please describe the treatment process, as well as the odds of survival. Thanks!

2007-06-13 17:17:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

I want to start a 30 gal reef tank how hard is it and how much work will i have to do to keep it looking nice. i may want to put seahorses in it later what do you think. also what kind of fish can i put in.

2007-06-13 17:08:54 · 4 answers · asked by mastergamer254 2 in Fish

I have 8 German Shepard puppies and their Momma is very small. These puppies are already HUGE and they can't all eat at the same time. When can I start feeding them something other than my Dog's "teet?"

2007-06-13 17:05:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i think they can.

2007-06-13 16:57:07 · 9 answers · asked by Hick Chick<3! 2 in Fish

would they mix?

2007-06-13 16:50:08 · 4 answers · asked by Brandon M 2 in Fish

what all do i need when buying a dog besides akc papers of parent dogs? can the akc papers be copies? the seller said he would scan and email the ack parents for the puppies mother and father. How do i get akc papers for the puppy it self? he also said i can get the dogology online with the ack papers of the parents, how do i go about this?

2007-06-13 16:47:08 · 8 answers · asked by d r 2 in Dogs

I got my African Grey "Sydney" 8 years ago as a tiny baby. I hand fed her myself several times a day to ensure that she would bond to me. The first 3 years were great....But then she suddenly turned on me, and fell in love with my mom and dad... The two of them can reach into her cage whenver they want...pet her head, and even give her kisses... I stopped trying to touch her after many blood drawing bites. Recently, my mom placed her onto the floor beside me, she walked right over to where I was sitting and said "Hey bird" and then bit my leg...She also calls me a B*%$@ from inside of her cage!!! She doesn't say it when anyone else is around!! My parents just bought a new house, and my mom says that Sydney is my bird and must move in to my apartment with me...How can I make this situation work!?! How can I get Sydney to be happy with me?? I don't want to live with an evil bird for the next 40 years... Any suggestions, PLEASE!!!

2007-06-13 16:35:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

i think my fish wher truly in love. my fish mated, and where happy and healthy, but sadly my female died. then almost 1 min. later mt male died right by her. :(

2007-06-13 16:31:22 · 5 answers · asked by Hick Chick<3! 2 in Fish

he is a humper. One of the reasons I've always liked cats better than dogs is because they don't hump so why is it that I have to get the cat that humps? He does it when he's kneading the blankets before settling to sleep. I realize he's just feeling really happy, but does he have to be THAT happy? We can't stand it. Does anyone have any ideas how to discourage that behaviour? Thanks.
Creeped out in Australia.

2007-06-13 16:30:55 · 4 answers · asked by sarah l 2 in Cats

I have a female 2 year old lab mix and she has always loved poop. She even sniffs it out. Help, it is so gross!!

2007-06-13 16:30:33 · 27 answers · asked by doggie love 3 in Dogs

I recently adopted a baby rat who was in good health (hes currently 6wks old). He lived with another adult rat & 4 mice in pine PELLET (not shavings!) litter mixed w/ Yesterdays News (cat version) w/ carefresh paper ontop. Lately he's been sneezing quite often, I've looked at his nose and the stuff is clear. It goes away at times and his nose is fine and dry, then randomly gets sneezing fits. Its so weird. I have him now with some antibiotics that were orignally prescribed for my mouse and in Ultra Carefresh bedding. Anyone know what could be wrong? His breathing sounds fine, btw. No congestion or gurgling.

2007-06-13 16:30:22 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2 in Rodents

We have a 9 year old German Shepherd/Husky mix who had been obedience trained when we adopted her at 5 years old. She's a very sweet natured dog and has always adhered to the things she was taught, one of which was to never sleep on the bed. She knows this, and has even crawled onto our bed with a couple of times when she was terrified of the beeping smoke detectors (she's lovable, not a watchdog LOL). But several times when we all went out for the evening, I've found very obvious evidence that she'd not only been on the bed, but all over it (she sheds a lot this time of year, the hair she leaves behind is VERY obvious). She's never done this before, and we've lived in the same house for going on 4 years now. Just out of curiosity, what could be causing this unusual behavior?

thank you!!

2007-06-13 16:28:33 · 10 answers · asked by I'm just me 7 in Dogs

I've had my leopard gecko for almost 2 weeks now, and he still keeps trying to escape from his tank. I know he couldn't no matter how hard he tries, but I'm worried that he might hurt himself. I read in the book, Leopard Geckos For Dummies, that if the gecko does this longer than the first few days in its new tank, something's wrong, and that it's likely that it is too visible to another household pet such as a cat or dog. I have cats and dogs, but they're not even allowed in the room where I keep my gecko. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

2007-06-13 16:27:34 · 4 answers · asked by Dan L 3 in Reptiles

I am trying to to name a new kitten, and wanted to name it something memorable for me and my boyfriend. Something sweet and thoughtful-Throw any ideas out there, as I am lost as to what name it.

It's a gray male kitten.

2007-06-13 16:23:43 · 16 answers · asked by splenda 3 in Cats

I know it sounds dumb but my husband is convienced he did. About a week ago I let my cat drink out of my cup (water) then i finished from the same cup. My cat is healthy he has been to the vets office on a regular basis and has all his shots. Well about 2 weeks later I got a massive ear infection. It hurt so bad i had to go to the ER. It ended up my whole ear was infection, inner and outer ear with puss coming out. He says its cause i let my cat drink out of my cup. I say no. Who's right here???

2007-06-13 16:23:09 · 10 answers · asked by ? 1 in Cats

2007-06-13 16:20:21 · 6 answers · asked by lissie 4 in Fish

she hates to get a bath. I would like to try something over the counter before I try to get something from my vet. thanks!!!!!

2007-06-13 16:18:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I own a new zealand rabbit and i have been feeding the bunny dried sugar cane leaves ever since i got it. (about 3 weeks)

2007-06-13 16:15:57 · 5 answers · asked by Rabbit 2 in Other - Pets

He caught the mouse that has been hiding out in our kitchen for weeks. Thank God it's finally caught (the mouse traps weren't working)! But what now? Should I be concerned about my cat getting diseases or passing them on to my family? And what if I can't find it?!? I know I saw him take it into the basement somewhere but it's a jungle down there. I don't really want to go digging around for a dead mouse, either!!!!

2007-06-13 16:12:43 · 9 answers · asked by calliope_13731 5 in Other - Pets

my budgie is sick, she is in a big avery on her own. i noticed she didn't look well and when i checked her i found she has poo built up around her bum, she isn't eating or drinking. can someone please give me some advise on how to fix her/make her better.

2007-06-13 16:07:45 · 5 answers · asked by t's bird 1 in Birds

It seems like my dog gets bored even though i walk him about 40 minutes a day. What jobs can i train my dog to do to keep him busy and happy. I have a samoyed lab mutt. thanks for any help

2007-06-13 16:07:29 · 10 answers · asked by Krazyk78 1 in Dogs

I know I want either a fish, hampster, rabbit or something small, that doesnt cost a lot of money. Plus I want to be able to play with it so It has to have a friendly presonality. And it has to get along with my 2 cats. I have had hampsters in the past and their OK i guess.

2007-06-13 16:05:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

2007-06-13 16:04:26 · 18 answers · asked by Denisse 2 in Dogs

My cat is very old and lately she has been drinking a lot of water, and won't stop meowing until she gets more. Even uses the sink, toilet, and shower to get the water if she needs it. So, needless to say she's drinking more, her litter pan fills pretty fast. What's wrong with her? I'm going to take her to the vet, but I want to know now, whats going on?

2007-06-13 16:00:20 · 11 answers · asked by Ann B 2 in Cats

I know that goldfish are the norm for kids but my son does not even look twice at them and says he wants a 'Ghost Shrimp' and several other varieties.
I don't know what fish are good for kids to look after and what types of fish that don't go good together? I already know that Beta's cannot be with other fish and don't plan on letting my son have one of those yet.

(My son wants a aquarium and not a bowl)

2007-06-13 16:00:16 · 15 answers · asked by LS 4 in Fish

I used the "palpating" technique, and I felt a chain of blueberry-sized shapes in her abdomen. Her abdomen also felt much more "squishy" than the buck. I'm not experienced with palpating, so I don't know if I did it right...is she pregnant?

2007-06-13 15:58:44 · 3 answers · asked by Cerise 1 in Other - Pets

Our family is planning a trip to Lake Havasu city this weekend with our family dog. I would like to know if it is OK for the dog given that it will probably reach 110 degrees.

2007-06-13 15:58:05 · 12 answers · asked by chill 2 in Dogs

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