Weaning should be started at about 4 weeks, you can try and give them can food, by 5 or 7 weeks the pups will usually be completely dependent on other foods and the mom will start to lose her milk at this time.
2007-06-13 17:42:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Breastfeeding Puppy
2016-10-04 04:00:38
answer #2
answered by ? 4
All dogs are different like shih tzu they don't get teeth before there 6 weeks old and English bull dogs as soon as 3 weeks old .
Moms will to ween there baby's around 5 to 6 weeks old .
There milk does not do a whole lot for them after that age but make them with the loose poop.
But they should be off of there mom by 7 weeks old and that is so much better for the mom if you leave them to long mom can hurt them and she can start looking real bad and get real thin hair loss. Breeder for many years
2007-06-13 17:40:06
answer #3
answered by Tcamp67 2
A puppy gets its eyes open around 10 days of age, not 2 months! Sheesh!
The mother will likely start to wean the pups when their puppy teeth come in, starting at about 3-4 weeks. It gets rather painful to nurse them when this happens, as the teeth are needle- sharp!
There's an excellent article on how to wean at this URL: http://caninehealthnutrition.com/TheStagesOfADogsLife/weaning-puppy.html
Edit: the above article is a bit techical, and might be difficult for some people to understand. This one is written in plainer language: http://ezinearticles.com/?Weaning-Puppies-Is-Only-Natural&id=25406
2007-06-13 17:16:06
answer #4
answered by sheilajeanne23 2
you're a back yard breeder. Why would I want to help you when all you do is contribute to the 4million dogs killed in shelters in one year because of retards like you bringing even more worthless mutts into this world. My only advice to you is stop being so damn ignorant, and spay your mutt, as well as all the puppies when they are 6 months old.
2016-03-13 22:39:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Puppies can start weaning from their moms around 3 - 4 weeks of age. Their eyes open around 2 weeks...but they don't need their eyes to nurse. Its nursing, by the way...not breast feeding. Weaning should last til around 6 weeks of age. Momma dog will start wanting to wean them herself when the puppies start getting teeth. Start at 3 - 4 weeks by feeding the puppies baby rice with dog formula...make a soup for them to lap. After a while, you can add ground up puppy food. You should start by feeding the pups this baby rice & formula once a day...then twice a day and so on...letting the puupies continue to nurse until they are eating food. Momma will help you with this. Good luck
2007-06-13 17:33:01
answer #6
answered by ♥ Liz ♫ 6
puppies stop breastfeeding
2016-02-02 01:36:02
answer #7
answered by Sula 4
Start feeding them soft solid food now, perhaps with milk mixed in, perhaps dipping your fingers in it so they will lick when squalling and hungry. Wife says GS puppies have sharp teeth and 3 weeks is likely start to 6 weeks max. Feed all puppies not just a couple.
2007-06-13 17:11:22
answer #8
answered by Mike1942f 7
I think at about 5-6 weeks old!
When your puppy is start growing teeth!
Because when your puppy are start growing teeth it can chew food!
2007-06-13 17:13:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
5 to 6 weeks them can go to a new home at 8 weeks.
2007-06-13 17:17:10
answer #10
answered by Steven C 7