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Dental - November 2007

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my dentist if making me wear temporary retainers until my permanent ones are made .. is okay to chew gum ?

2007-11-29 15:00:08 · 4 answers · asked by kapasha 1

ever since i got braces.. a gap has formed at the side of my mouth. i hateee it! and i'm pretty sure my ortho knows that too lol bc he said he would make the process of closing it up go faster when i see him next.. what do u think tht means he'll do?

2007-11-29 14:59:55 · 7 answers · asked by -random girl- 1

home remodies? Cause i can feel it's all swelled up with my togue,och im almost in tears,im gonna try and get it pulled tomaro,i apologize for my spelling : (

2007-11-29 14:44:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will there be any conflict (between active ingredients) if you use systema (by Lion co.) toothpaste and Colgate mouthrinse together(as in one after another)?

Note:Systema toothpaste uses CPC while Colgate mouthrinse uses triclosan as active ingredients.

2007-11-29 14:10:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

On tuesday I had a cavity filled, afterwards and all day wednesday up until about this afternoon I had no pain what so ever. Now suddenly while I was eating something I felt some pretty sharp pain from that tooth, and now I'm finding if I get anything on or in that tooth while eating I get that same pain until it is either rinsed or brushed out.

This is only my second filling ever and my first filling was on my very back molar after having my wisdom teeth pulled so I was drugged up on vicodin for a good week or so and probably wouldn't have felt it if someone punched me in the mouth. So I don't know if this is normal or not.

If it matters, it is a porcelain filling though my other filling is the same and I have no pain or sensitivty from that one.

2007-11-29 14:09:52 · 0 answers · asked by Nate 1

I'm going to the dentist in a week. I'm in pain now... taking Advil... rinsing with salt water. Just wondering if I should start antibiotics. Considering that I MAY need a root canal and that the tooth is sensitive to cold... it is currently sending an occasioanl sharp pain down my tooth, and I can't put cold air on it or it hurts. I waited until I had to resort to Advil because I hate taking meds... but what do you think about the Antibiotics? I just msgd my dentist asking her if she felt I should. Maybe the pain is there because there is an abcess forming and the abcess has no where to go because the tooth is closed. So maybe I should get antibiotics? Any dentists or RDAs out there that can advise? Thanks.

2007-11-29 14:07:08 · 6 answers · asked by Angel Eyes 1


is the baking soda effective? what about the salt? PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!

p.s are there any bad side effects?

2007-11-29 13:44:24 · 7 answers · asked by Missy_Attitude 3

Welll, (please I already know I'm stupid - so please dont rub it in my face) I made a dumb mistake. I have braces and i decided one bite of an apple wouldn't hurt, but of course .. I was wrong.
My top left bracket popped off and the wire that goes into the bracket in the back popped out, and the spring for my rubber bands on that side popped right out as well.
Well, I managed to slide the wire back into the braket and reposition the bracket in front - but it's still wobbly.
So, I can't wear a rubber band on the left side right now - but I can on the right.

(Oh, and if this makes a difference the orthodontist just told me the other day that my left side [where i CANT wear a rubber band] is right where it should be, we're just waiting for the right side [where i CAN wear a rubber band] to catch up)

Soo, my question is. Until my appointment next Tuesday, is it possible to only wear a rubber band on my right side? Or should I just wear no rubber bands at all?

Thank you!

2007-11-29 13:25:13 · 8 answers · asked by Lucky <3 3

It has stopped bleeding and now it just hurts. The jaw hurts where it was pulled out. Do I need to do something else?

2007-11-29 13:13:33 · 4 answers · asked by trmarousek 2

I have been using a whitening toothpaste for a wile now, and have just started using whitening strips. Is it safe to be using both, or should I switch to regular toothpaste? Thanks!

2007-11-29 13:06:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do they tighten braces? Is there a such thing as superultra tightening or something simular? Out of a scale of 1 to 10, tell me if braces hurt 1 being the least of pain and 10 being the worst amount of pain.

2007-11-29 12:56:02 · 7 answers · asked by jj 1

2007-11-29 12:52:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a toothache and its not going away i cant get it fixed($2000)and i keep on waking up in the middle of the night

im taking advil

2007-11-29 12:43:32 · 8 answers · asked by OmgWtf. 4

The root canal went all the way up into my sinus cavity and the temporary filling feels very tight (it is tooth #14-top left) yet I don't want that temp filling stuff to come out.

I still can't eat on that side (I had a hole in my tooth as well as needing a root canal in the same tooth). When will I be able to eat on the left side? I am getting a crown in 5 weeks.

2007-11-29 12:32:17 · 4 answers · asked by Beth 4

I went to this dental office new. They evaluated my teeth, recommended a deep gum cleaning and the co-pay was estimated as $800. I never had deep gum cleaning. Plus the co-pay sounded too high. I told them that I needed time to think. At the meanwhile, I wanted a general cleaning done. I went to a general cleaning today, and that was the lousiest job I’ve even seen. The cleaning was done quickly and my teeth were still not clean. I called the office and the dentist said I needed a deep gum cleaning and a general cleaning had been done on me. The office eventually agreed to clean my teeth again tomorrow (assigned me a different dentist). I will go for the cleaning tomorrow, but probably will look for a new dental office for the future. What is your bet on their attitude toward me from this on? Will they try to do a better job knowing that I would complain otherwise, or they revenge for my complaint and my refusal to their recommendations?

2007-11-29 11:11:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


I don't have good insurance and need a lot of dental work done, does anyone know anywhere they do work at a cheaper rate? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!! I don't want my teeth to fall out.

2007-11-29 11:04:02 · 6 answers · asked by brneyedgrrl80 3

i heard there was 4 kids! can you name them?

2007-11-29 10:57:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. I have to get 2 root canals done. What is a root canal and what are they going to do to ease the pain? I'm 14, if that changes anything.
2. Which is better? Silver fillings or white, or is there no difference whatsoever?
3. Are silver fillings bad for your health?
4. How many cavities have you ever had to have filled at once?
5. I'm trying to find a new regular dentist to fill my cavities/do root canals. How should I find one?
6. Is it really possible for 13 cavities to form in less than a year, or is my dentist ripping me off?

Please answer any or all the questions. Thx.

2007-11-29 10:53:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does it mean, i mean i brush right. & my tongue is white. I have no disease or anything. What do you suggest?

2007-11-29 09:51:56 · 8 answers · asked by Oscar D 1

like the ones dead smack in the middle

2007-11-29 09:17:24 · 12 answers · asked by sgniqua1112 2

First of all I am 16.
One day I was bored and started playing with my jaw. I liked to open my jaw sideways and the joints will sort of slip out. When i close it, they will slip back in. (Yes, what a fool I am). Now when my joints slipped out, it wont go back in. Each time I open my mouth i get a crack sound.
Then after a day, I had the same problem and attempted to fix it by opening up my mouth with my jaw on a slant again, it got worse. It jammed and took me a few mins to unjam it.
Has anyone ever got this before?
Does it Heal Alone?

Any tips will be apprecianted. Please dont tell me to go see a specialist.

2007-11-29 08:19:23 · 5 answers · asked by Reventon 2

2007-11-29 08:13:48 · 21 answers · asked by Jem B 1

We are looking for a good dentist in Great Falls. I went to one dentist for a new patient exam and he found I had 13 cavities that needed filling, which I thought was crazy because I've only had 3 cavities in my entire life. I have gone to the dentist regularly for the past 25 years, but due to moving around a bit the last 2 years, I have not been for a cleaning for about 1 1/2 years. Does that even sound possible, to have 13 cavities at one time? I swear I don't live on sugar.

2007-11-29 07:54:08 · 3 answers · asked by grumpyvb1 2

is there anything i can do either orthidox wise or alternatively to prevent further jaw shrinkage and to encourage regrowth. My teeth seem to be loose in their sockets and it isnt the fibres its the jawbone shrinking according to my dentist,

2007-11-29 07:32:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, so i have pretty nice teeth......except for one tooth! its an "eye tooth" and its on the left side of my mouth. the tooth is sticking inward and is behind my other teeth on either side of it. when you look at me from the left or straight on when i smile or even talk it looks like im missing a tooth. AND I CANT STAND IT!!!!! im all about how your teeth look, its a very important thing to me. my dentist, instead of putting braces on me, wants to pull the tooth out and fill it with bonding. he said that the bonding will harden and will stay in place and look like a real tooth. im not too sure about going through with this opperation though. Im a junior in highschool and i dont want to mess up my teeth before college. i dont know what to do. this will be a quick fix, but is it worth it? and will it look like a real tooth and stay that way for a very long time? it is a perminant tooth so its kinda a BIG deal. advice?

2007-11-29 07:31:52 · 5 answers · asked by chris 2

I cannot seem to be able to find out an approximate cost of a dental implant. i.e. when they implant a new root into the jawbone as well as putting a tooth onto it. please any one who has had this done can you give me a rough price, thanks

2007-11-29 06:59:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant even drink lemonade cold or bite into a piece of watermelon without that feeling (not as bad a icecream tho) it hasnt always been like this either, why? I used sensitive teeth tooth paste earlier but havent anymore for awhile but it was NEVER this bad??

2007-11-29 06:58:52 · 5 answers · asked by Jessa 2

I have a rotten black tooth and it is only mildly hurting, not bad at all but I can taste the infection. I am not swollen at all though. Can swallowing the infection make other things unhealthy?

2007-11-29 06:03:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant afford massive payments or anything.

2007-11-29 05:24:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My teeth are in very bad condition, but if cavities don't stop getting worse, than why should i start brushing my teeth now ?

If theres decay and cavities, then brushing my teeth wont matter than will it ?

2007-11-29 05:21:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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