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Marriage & Divorce - 14 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

I am looking for someone (another female) that might have something that I have to talk with...

I was married for 5 years to a man then divorced, then married him again (with many rules - in my favor)... Our
second marriage has been already 6 years. When we were divorced it was for two years...

We divorced because he 'got bored' with me, and found another woman (he cheated). He figured that he didn't know how good he had it with me, so he asked me to take him back after about a year.

my rules:
we have an 'open' relationship (he chose to have me only, but I get to have 'my friends').
we be 'nice' to each other.
we be honest with each other.

well, I do love him. I also have two lovers, that he knows (part of my agreement is that he knows 'my friends' and accept it).

There is a lot of details here, but, just with my words, believe me, all IS good. It's almost like being married to three good men (there are no children or other women involved).


2007-11-14 14:02:42 · 10 answers · asked by Julie M 1

if you find out that your husband is cheating on you (you didnot see him with your own eyes)

2007-11-14 13:50:41 · 6 answers · asked by Didi 3

2007-11-14 13:50:10 · 28 answers · asked by married with kids 3

My husband tells me I still look beautiful... even more so because I'm having his baby but I just don't know if he's saying that because he loves me. When you girl was pregnant was it a turn off for you? Did you have to force yourself to get turned on? Did you still enjoy making love? Were you scared to make love to her because you didn't want to hurt the baby (even though you won't)? I love my husband so much and I'm just wondering what other men went through and what they were thinking. Thank you!

2007-11-14 13:47:48 · 21 answers · asked by tookoolfool 4

is it any different from collecting from an unmarried man?? Baby came from an affair will him being married with kids change anything???

2007-11-14 13:44:11 · 14 answers · asked by letmebe_23 1

My ex wife was court ordered to pay 50% of medical bills that were not covered under insurance, she never paid. Is it too late to try and get that money from her? I was also entitled to child support, it was not court ordered, is it too late to go back and file for it? I would like to do all this without having to pay an attorney. Can anyone help me out? I am in Texas.

2007-11-14 13:41:17 · 13 answers · asked by Robin S 1

Is there something she wears that you hate but don't have the heart to tell her?

2007-11-14 13:39:45 · 9 answers · asked by casey308 2

I haven't spoken to my father in 10 years (lots of baggage). I decided to try and contact him so I wrote a letter to my grandma and also included a letter to my father (I didn't know where he lived). She gave it to him and he emailed me immediately. I was excited to hear from him, but now he hasn't emailed me back in a week. I'm feeling disappointed that he hasn't gotten back on email to respond to my email. Does he not care or does he just suck at email? I feel like I'm in high school again and so concerned about someone "talking" to me, but I feel like I put myself out there again and he's stomping on my emotions again.

2007-11-14 13:39:38 · 5 answers · asked by bryn 3

I don't know what he is thinking. I don't know how to communicate with him. When I got married to him, I thought it is in his nature to be just quiet but as yrs have gone by, he doesn't really say what he feels. I have to ask him and that doesn't guarantee he will say what he feels.

But I know he is thinking but what? At times, he does talk about work but that's about it and nothing else. I have sat down and stressed to him that it is important for spouses to talk and communicate to each other. Sometimes, I try being quiet to see if he initiates any conversation with me but he just doesn't. It is one word or 2 with my daughters or me.

I know I am very good listener. People come to me with their problems but it is the total opposite for my husband. Becoz he doesn't communicate much, I am afraid that he might do something behind my back . Am I being overly sensitive? Serious advise, please.

2007-11-14 13:38:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My stbx has given the "ok" to a visitation arrangement where she is offering me 40% of the time with the children (all weekends - Fri, Sat, and Sun nights except the first one of the month) and 8 weeks during the summer and shared holidays. However, she will only offer this schedule if I will pay the full amount of child support (no deduction for amount of time they spend with me). Its either that, she says, or go to court and risk paying full amount of child support and only having kids regular visitation schedule equivalent to 20%). In essence, I am being blackmailed.

I will be out a good deal of extra expenses for child care during summer, and her expenses will be somewhat reduced. I have suggested that a 15% reduction from the guideline child support amount would be reasonable - but she won't go for it. She's basically after as much money as she can get.

So, at this point I am not sure what to do and emotions are clouding my judgment. What should I do?

2007-11-14 13:36:01 · 8 answers · asked by mapman39180 1

I've had an emotional affair with someone else at work who's married. I'm married as well. Just when I was falling more in love with him, all of a sudden his behavior changed around me. He's basically avoiding me now at work. We've never really had a relationship, it's just that one can tell when two people like each other. I don't know what I did or didn't do that made him changed all of a sudden. It's just odd.

I thought that when I got married, these feelings would never come to me, but it happened. I fell for someone else and now someone else besides my husband is breaking my heart because he no longer wants the same thing as me.

I don't want to quit my job either because I need the health benefits and money.

2007-11-14 13:33:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just wondering when a woman disconnects from her husband in the sexual realm is she trying to tell them something?. I work hard, do stuff for my wife all the time and
have had a great relationship over the years and it is just recently that she has no interest in sex?. She is positelvely not cheating she is likie we rushed into sex and now she wants to get to know me?. Married over 8yrs together over 10yrs. I'm just confused have other ladies done this with your mates?
She is 37 I'm 32 no kids involved.

2007-11-14 13:24:39 · 18 answers · asked by Livinrawguy 7

I am attracted to a married man and its mutual.Nothing has happened just some flirting.Not sure I will go through with it but I love the thrill. He doesnt want to be married any more. I dont think hes my perfect guy - I'm just attracted to him - a lot!
Why cant I have him screw me like I know he wants to and can?He can stay with his wife - I dont want her to find out - she never would.I dont want anyone to get hurt including myself.
Its just fun.there are no kids in his marriage.Whats the big deal of MARRIED?
I'm holding back and so is he.....why?

2007-11-14 13:18:53 · 38 answers · asked by Sunshine Girl 3

me and my husband have been arguing alot lately everytime we get into an argument he tells me that it's his house and he pays all the bills. he acts like i don't do anything we have four kids one of them he had wih someone else and we only get her every other week thursday through sunday. i stay at home and take care of the kids including his daughter when she's there while trying to keep the house semi organized and he acts like he doesn't appreciate it he goes out hangs out with his friends and sometimes doesn't even come home untill 8am or 9 am he leaves work to go play pool and drink the only thing he has to do is work and go to school which i know is hard but i just feel like he is trying to push me away by saying the things he says to me i feel like its our house we are married so it's ours am i wrong for feeling the way i feel?

2007-11-14 13:16:58 · 30 answers · asked by me 1

My boyfriend's ex moved over the weekend, phoned to let him know 5 days later. Gave no notice to anyone. They have an agreement that they have joint custody and my boyfriend has his daughter over 45% of the time. His ex moved 500km away. Does anyone have an experience with this in Ontario? We have tried going to the police and he has been told by court that he has to wait until Friday (1 week after child moved without notice) to talk to duty councel.

2007-11-14 13:16:53 · 6 answers · asked by smart_shychick 1

My Fiance believes it is wrong. I have to agree with her.

But in theory, it sounds like a good idea, because it would permit us to see if the marriage would work. We would see how we would interact in real life.

But if this is sinful, I do not want any part of it.

What do you think?

2007-11-14 13:09:21 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy @ my school liked me for a day..And asked me what was up with us and wen we are going to hook up..Now nothing!!
What does that mean?? He doesn`t even talk to me Yeah, he Looks @ me sometimes but that`s about it...
I just find it really strange..Because i still like him. Also i seen him and this girl kissin in the hallway i about got sick!!
Does that mean i like him still or just the thought of it?!

2007-11-14 13:04:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been married 6 yrs. My husband while not physically abusive has mentally wore me down. I'm wanting to know what my rights are we have two children together...he says I owe him all this money for stuff we acquired while we were married. We live in a community property state. It's always the same thing day in and day out. We always fight about money, right now I'm working and paying all the bills, I come home and nothing is clean and he wants me to do that to. The only thing he is doing is watching the children while I'm at work, I can't afford child care. I'm afraid to leave because I don't know what will happen when I do. and how to break from this, can someone please give me some advice? I'm scared, confused and alone. I need help not only for myself but for the sake of my children. I've tried applying for college to better myself and I have a full time job. I just need answers, any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

2007-11-14 12:58:06 · 15 answers · asked by scared and confused 1

How many times per week should couples have sex....

2007-11-14 12:50:54 · 15 answers · asked by David 1

Any thing related to that.

2007-11-14 12:36:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

We just had sex in the shower and we were in different rooms try to do our homework. I went to him to ask about the homework. I felt something on the floor I asked what was that he said He was masturbating. He hasn't watch porn in a while so he was masturbating. I feel so weird. He Just came in the shower with me and now he is masturbating. He don't even want to please me. And I can't masturbate. I am tired of his denial. I feel like I am not good enough for him thats why he is masturbating and watching porn. i never had any problems in the past with him. I even like to watch porn with him. If I dont want to have sex with him and he is masturbating that makes sense to me but why did he did it.

2007-11-14 12:24:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

He has no friends. I have some female friends. We have no friends as a couple. We have been out to dinner twice with other couples and entertained once in twenty years of marriage. It didn't matter when the kids were little because we were busy and all that. Now that the kids are older, I'm lonely as hell.

I enjoy the company of men as much and sometimes more than women. I'm more comfortable around men than I am women. I'd like to befriend a man who is involved in a group my son is in. I see him once a week and whenever we get on the phone we talk longer than is necessary. I think he's funny and interesting.

Can I have a friendship with a divorced man? Nothing romantic here - we're not the other's type and I'm not looking. Please don't suggest I invite him over. My husband is intimidated by this man (he's really smart) and my husband does not like to have company anyway. Thanks.

2007-11-14 12:15:07 · 6 answers · asked by my kids spy on me 3

that she likes me
. She said to me "aww. your so cute"
.She isnt afraid to touch me she sometimes touches or rubs agiasnt my arm
. Makes frequent eye contact "the eye contact were you feel like she is waiting for something"
. Sometimes says whats up but she generaly ignores me
. Seems nervous around me I was helping her with something once and she berly spoke a word
. She has tried to partner up with me before in science

It may seem obvious but she ignores me and doesnt really make an effort to get to know me. We have know each other for about a year but where not at the friends level.
I would talk to her but i just get so nervous i cant talk to her. oh ya were 18 shes 3 months older but i dont think she knows that

I really do care about her. when i look her in the eyes they just have this glow that really makes me think she feels the same way

she is not shy at all. like she talks around me just not to me

2007-11-14 12:14:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband bought this stupid penis traction/stretcher device that cost nearly $200. I never gave him any indication that I wasn't satisfied with our sex life. Although his penis is not the biggest, it's absolutely not an issue for me. I don't know why he would waste so much money on this useless device. Should I just support him on this or tell him not to waste his time on this stupid thing? I haven't said a word to him about the device yet. I'm a little bit angry but maybe I should also appreciate what he's trying to do for our sex life? I never brought the issue of his size up either. He's about 5 1/2 inches so I guess in a man's mind that is small, but to me and maybe most other women that is average and just fine. Should I tell him his size is adequate or not mention this to him at all? Are there any other women who have husbands or boyfriends who have purchased things to enlarge their penis? How does it make you feel? How are you dealing with it? Thanks for any help.

2007-11-14 12:11:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex-wife (whom I still am very much in love with) is going away for a three day weekend with a man who used to be a friend of ours. What seems to make it worse is its on the birthday of our daughter, so she'll miss her birthday. She always was selfish am I wrong to still be in love with her. we've been divorced for two years..

2007-11-14 12:02:02 · 34 answers · asked by Greenguy 2

The subject math intimidates me. I lose all my confidence! There are people who make me uncomfortable also. Sometimes.

2007-11-14 11:59:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

please share some of your "naughty" stories ..

2007-11-14 11:57:47 · 3 answers · asked by Fred886 1

Guy question?
Say your in love with this girl and shes is everything to you and you see her as your wife one day living the fairy tale..but right now in your life you have other stuff to do college..ect.....say you feed her lines to keep her holding on this long but when you tell her you need time for you and although she says she will wait forever for you instead you say you don't want to feel like your being pressured ..so in return she runs away ..do you chase her? or just let her go..even though she may be the one!

2007-11-14 11:50:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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