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Marriage & Divorce - 13 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My soon to be ex-husband really irritates me, as many of you know... yesterday was one of those such days, and I got this idea in my head that I want to run by everyone...

would it be too completely unethical for me to (just for fun) create, print out, and frame a fake death certificate for my soon to be ex husband, then place it in my living room so that I have something sorta sick and funny to look at when he is on the phone, rambling incessantly down my ear about all his life's problems and how I am somehow responsible for them? i would never ever use the fake certificate for anything illegal, nor would I ever give it to him... I'd just look at it with a wistfull longing look on my face during those times when he does my head in...

what do you think? :) hehe

2007-11-13 23:55:06 · 27 answers · asked by Rhiannon L 3

My husband called a co worker as a "joke" and said I saw your name on the bathroom wall and it said for a good time call..., mind you this is someone he could barely stand , next thing I know she is bringing him breakfast and cookies and he is helping her with her job and is concerned how she will look to the company. When I confronted him . he laughed and said it was stupid and that it was just work. Need another perspective on this. Am I over reacting when I say this hurt my feelings?

2007-11-13 23:36:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever since I found out 2 years ago that my husband of 20 years was cheating I have been in a state of turmoil. I think of nothing else. He recently went away for just over 2 weeks to see his mother and is back on Friday. During the past 2 years he has been away before, but this time it feels as if I haven’t seen him for years. I have spoken to him on the phone every few days, but it feels as if I could be speaking to anyone and can hardly relate to him.
I am confused as to why this has happened now. Do you think its because I have finished grieving for the husband I feel I lost 2 years ago as he now seems a different person in my eyes? I do still think about it everyday but it all seems so far away.
I have convinced myself that he only stays till our daughter leaves for Uni next year then he will instigate divorce. Perhaps I have been detaching myself from him over the past 2 years ready for this day? I have gone completely blank inside and can hardly feel anything anymore for anyone or anything.

2007-11-13 23:35:25 · 9 answers · asked by Angela O 1

why do men compulsively flirt?i know this guy, married and everthing.loves women, but is constantly going from one woman to another, constanly obsessively flirting etcHe is very good looking ok.is it true that they are insecure or had bad relationships with their mothers?

2007-11-13 23:26:12 · 11 answers · asked by susieboo 4

I have asked many questions on relationships between men and women. And have gotten various responses. If I pay attention to type of songs women listen to, and the type of movies women watch, and the types of books women read, then I could get a pretty good understanding of what is at the very core of a woman. At least to the degree of what she wants from a man, or what she wants her man to be.
Whether she waited for that type of man, or maybe settled is a different story. I know we get hurt, and we at times go into a protective mode.
But, Ladies, truly tell, is the type of man you read about, watch in movies you like, and hear them sing, the type of man you used to dream about?
The "I swear" song
"Must be doing something right"
Turn out the lights...
just to name a few...... comments ladies?
sorry for the lentgh
If you find this interesting please star me, so I will know if I am improving on my questions.... thank you

2007-11-13 23:14:18 · 12 answers · asked by Fugitive Peices 5

my husband and i have problems we have only been married 3 years and i feel he doesnt care about me and his 2 small children and he wont talk either as i have tried that and he wont go to marriage guidence to try and resolve are issue.
He used to be so loving but since we have had the children he is inattentive and uncaring.
I try and make an effort with him but he always seems like he cant be bothered and im getting really disheartened.
He always he works hard but not long hours so i dont think that has anything to do with it.

2007-11-13 22:04:03 · 12 answers · asked by cookie 2

why do many women decide to get pregnant with some guy they may have had a one night stand with, or a guy that is hot but has no job, and know that there is no future----but then want another guy to marry and help raise the child who is maybe richer---why wouldnt they just have gotten pregnant with the provider guy in the first place?

2007-11-13 20:38:10 · 9 answers · asked by Tim C 1

i have seen many cases they begain to cheat each other.

2007-11-13 20:29:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

im with a man whose already married BUT, he told me not anymore. coz they are already separated. only physically but not in papers. coz where leaving in the philippines very expensive when it comes in divorce. so, he told me that hes not living w/ hs wife anymore. he has 2 kids with her. and 1 to me. so were actually living in together. but is this 1 point that i heard from his frend that they got back together and the wife has a newborn baby. i talk to him but he told me that its not his kid.. but i got the info to a very reliable source.. i dont know anymore what to think or whatever. coz where living together for 1 yr. and the new born baby is i heard 2months. can somebody explain what just happend???

2007-11-13 20:16:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just cut my toenails with a pumpkin carving knife and arranged the toenail pieces on the lid of the toilet so that when she goes into the bathroom and lifts up the lid it says "Have a happy barf! Thanks for being my first wife!"
Will she like it? I hope so, because my toes are really bleeding a lot.

2007-11-13 18:55:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

She won't sign those divorce papers.
He had dated this other girl for well over two years and they lived under one roof for a year. She had absolutly no idea that he was still married and he never even told her about his ex. He told me that he had no intention of marrying this other girl, but I saw that he kept going back to her.
When she contacted me recently and told me that she is so lin love with my son, and they are getting married and that they are wearing rings, etc, I wondered if I should be telling her about his fist wife.
Well, long story short, I did.
She broke down and cried and immediately broke up with him calling him a liar, and he hung up on her and of course got mad. She was gracious enough not to say that I was the one to break those news to her?
Was I wrong to tell her?
She is a mess and is very sad but I thought she should be told the truth.
Should I have stood by my son and kept my mouth shut?
Help . . !

2007-11-13 18:47:33 · 23 answers · asked by romantic 2

as well always a strict uniform stle dress code enforced by hopefully the two of us is required --call me compulsive,but I live for this stuff-how far "out there " am I really? Aside from that minor detail in my life I'm what's considered a nice guy and wish to be viewed as such. Is there hope? I'm divorced and been through quite a few relations will any woman settle for this stuff??

2007-11-13 18:44:44 · 6 answers · asked by emelio e 1

Ladies you can answer also....

I was on the phone with my love today, and well I was just telling him about how this guy tried to get my number and told the guy no but I would take his. Now I also told my guy that I didn't even have my phone with me and that I was just saying it to get the guy out of my face which is the ABSOLUTE truth. It's not like I told him, "I gave this hot guy my number today", I was just telling him how persistent the guy was. Anyway, now he thinks I go around taking guys numbers and call them, I told him I wasn't and he was just like whatever. my question is this,

Should I just have kept what I thought was casual conversation to myself OR is my guy over-reacting.

We are at a stage where we are trying to avoid conflict, but if I am not wrong I will just let this pass.

2007-11-13 18:30:27 · 20 answers · asked by Tnisha 1

can a recovering Drinker and a practicing make it ?????

2007-11-13 18:28:54 · 6 answers · asked by vmaxrubicon 1

i have been legally married since 1987. we separated in 1988. i haven't seen or talked to him in over 10 years, but i know where he is. i'm kinda torn cause i want to have a relationship, but then again it says in the bible that Jesus hates divorce. what should i do?? thanks

2007-11-13 18:08:56 · 20 answers · asked by ==cj== 4

She has been so mean to me since this happened. First she hid the remote control in the toilet and then she wrote me hateful, hurtful notes saying things like "you're a pig/i hate you," etc. What is her problem?

2007-11-13 18:01:17 · 76 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have been together for over 5 years and have been married for a little of 2 years now. We have a 3 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old daughters. He works full-time, and I was a stay at home mom for the past 4 years, until this past August. I am curently going back to school to finish my R.N. degree. I feel that I am completly stressed out- in EVERY way! He is really a good father and a good husband- he has his things he needs to work on, but we all do.. The thing is we have had sex only 3x sence this past January! Honestly. He want's it all of the time- and I have no thrive for it. This is obviously causing real termoil in our mariage. He had a vesectomy that I was not 100% on board about- I did support him- but I was not 100% sure that I NEVER wanted anymore children. I think this has alot to do with our "sexless" relationship..!!?? Does ANYONE have any suggestion (other than just saying sleep with him!)? I really ned help... My marriage depends on it. Thanks, Chellie

2007-11-13 17:52:08 · 12 answers · asked by chellie.alden 2

I misscarred our baby on 10-28-06, my husband left for Brazil (work sent him) 7 days after I had surgery. My son who was 6 months at the time was what i focused on and I never really delt with the loss. Now with it being over a year later I don't feel like crying helps. My husband never really showed any emotion about the loss. When i try to talk to him about the way i feel, he changes the subject (he is REALLY good at this.) and i would just like to know how to really get him to talk to me about this.
He Never saw the heart beat, He wasn't the one who was carrying the child. he just acts as if it never happend and Doesn't want me to "honor"my baby's life around 10-28. he says he dosnt see the point. "What's in the past, is in the past"

2007-11-13 17:20:41 · 13 answers · asked by avzgurl420 1

My best friend is going through a divorce & he's been trying to have faith in God thru this whole deal. But tonight he confessed very angry that he's struggling with everything.
How can a man that worked a steady hard working job for 27 years, was a good husband & father to 2 step children & his own, provided a home & love for his wife. Why is the drug addicted mother that ignores her three children, non-working wife, cheating on him with a drug dealer... HOW IS IT SHE IS GETTING THE GOOD END OF THE STICK. She is getting child support, alimony (she is living with the cheatee) he has spent more money in the divorce that he will have. He is going to lose his house, have to sell most of his possessions (which is his work truck & his truck & house.) He is left with no furniture in the house. she took 80% of it. he is getting things donated. HE IS QUESTIONING GOD: Why do good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people???? I need wisdom here poeple... HELP!!!

2007-11-13 17:16:22 · 7 answers · asked by Mitch 2

it was early in the morning....everyone was asleep...or so we thought.....we dont know how long our 2 year old was standing there......WHAT DO WE DO? he said "what are you guys doing" we said "mommy and daddy were wrestling" and then he just said "oh, ok im ready for breakfast" Should we drop it???

2007-11-13 17:04:37 · 20 answers · asked by Lonely Turkey 4

I have been asking my husband to move out of the house for several months now, as he is not addressig any of the issues in our marriage. But he blankly refuses, saying he has nowhere to go and he "doesn't want to put his family out by staying with them as the don't have the room". He has asked that I let him stay for 3 months to save to move out!!! I am not cool with this at all, as I know his plan is to live here, save all his money, and let me pay for all the expenses! I doubt he could save any money anyway - he can't keep 5c in his pocket for more than a minute. What does everyone think? Is this the done thing or should he just move out? I also think he doesn't plan to move out fullstop - the 3 month thing is just to buy time to get back in my good books. Also, how do I get him out of the house if he refuses to go??? Advice please!!!

2007-11-13 16:51:21 · 10 answers · asked by Kylie M 1

2007-11-13 16:50:33 · 19 answers · asked by jeanaye 1

Let me explain, my parents abandoned me, and my Grandmother was kind enough to raise me. She has back problems that makes it hard for her to walk, other than that, she is quite healthy. She's a Mother of 6, and has had 4 different Husbands(Pedophile, Wife beater, drug user, and cheater) and now her 5th Husband has left her...He has very bad mental problems, so there's not much of a chance of him coming back. I work full time, and she is an artist, so both of us can make it on our own. I'm the caretaker for this small "family" accept the only thing is, I am 15, and I find myself very inexperienced in talking to other people, mainly comforting them. Please, I need some help at comforting, she is VERY stressed out right now.

2007-11-13 16:46:19 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've been living together 5 yrs. i would prefer 3-5x a week.. but it's more like 3x a month at the most! i love him, but this is driving me crazy. He's not that affectionate anymore, but is loving/caring/fun. And yes, i'm positive he's not cheating. What should i do? Did i mention this is driving me crazy??!!

2007-11-13 16:26:51 · 12 answers · asked by just asking 2

what do you think it takes for two people to spend their lives together faithfully?

2007-11-13 16:25:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-13 16:24:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since the beginning of the year I found out that my husband has been in contact with an old girlfriend. I use the term girlfriend loosely, but you get the idea. Anyway, there was a plan in play for the two of them to meet again after many years. It did not happen. When I found out about it I was upset and confronted him. I resorted to snopping thru email to figure out what exactly was going on. We did go to marriage councling and everything was going well. Until 2 months ago he left his email open one day and I saw mail from her. He denied it until I told him I saw it. He admitted but assured me it was nothing to worry about. I told him it is not the fact that you are in contact with her but that you have neglected to tell me, again. Well just a couple weeks ago I grew suspicious/noosy and went thru his email and found more communication between them. She wants him to meet her. I called him out and a huge arguemant took place. I was wrong to go into his mail, but why can't he be truthfu

2007-11-13 16:18:46 · 16 answers · asked by Sophia 1

okay, i have been with my husband for 4 years. after we met one of his ex girlfriends told him that her daughter was his. the little girl was 2 years old when he found out. at first he didn't think it was his. then she sent pics of the little girl, and my husband said that he didn't think she was his, because he looked like the guy she started dating after they split up. then his mother started keeping her everyother weekend, and all of a sudden he starts thinking that she is his. the first time we saw her, i couldn't handle it. everytime i looked at her, i just started crying. i don't hate the little girl, i hate that i feel this way, it makes me feel like a monster. i can't help the way i feel, but i don't know how to make it go away. i don't think that she is his, but he does. please don't criticize me, because i know that how i feel is wrong, that is why i am on here asking for help, if you have any ideas on how to make this feeling go away, please tell me!

2007-11-13 16:14:32 · 12 answers · asked by Sunshine 3

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