I'm hoping that someone has some experience and can offer insight.
I have a family mmber going through a divorce, their soon to be ex-wife is just a nightmare. She's been diagnosed as having a border line personality disorder & Multiple personalities (seriosuly), has abandoned her kids, and has been having an affair with a Dr. she works with (on a seperate topic, she's not an attractive woman and that makes this all the more puzzling) and has tried committing suicide (well, she took aspirin and called a bunch of people, twice).
At any rate, shes trying to get alimony, does not want to pay child support wants to take my brothers retirement accounts as well as stick him with all of her attorneys fees. Essentially, she wants to drop all her resposnibilities, take my brothers to the cleaners and receive alimony checks.
Does anyone have any idea of what type of outcome he can expect? Until about 6 mo.s ago, she used to make more than him and now she dropped her work to two days a week.
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