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Marriage & Divorce - 6 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My husband and i got married when we were 18 and 17 right out of high school after a year of dating we eloped. My parents could not stand him at all thought he as a looser and spoiled brat. His family was snobby and thought i ruined there sons life.After being married 3 months it was hard the standard of living for both of us dropped dramaticly i found out i was pregnant he was fine with it till he saw the utra sound we seperated his choice.I went back home(to my parents) and gave birth to our daughter started working for my moms buisness that she owns and going to college. I will be graduating this year with degree in finance.My husband and i have yet to file the paper work for divorce. I started seeing someone else for the last 2 yrs an old friend from kindergarden who moved away when we were young.He is wonderful with my daughter and she calls him dad. Problem is her father recently called and wants to be a family again i dont now what to say? can cause legal trouble?

2006-11-06 09:19:35 · 10 answers · asked by Isabel G 1

2006-11-06 09:19:15 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-11-06 09:17:34 · 6 answers · asked by AMY M 1

Well, I am in shock. I tried to be nice to the cheating Ex wife and she turns around and bites me in the A_ _! I am trying a different approach in being nice to her than telling her and her new boyfriend to go F_ _K each other in a snake pit. I have offered to watch the kids while they go play suck face and hide the gerbel in the hidy hole! I have said nice nice words about her boyfriend and now she comes back and tells me that she has lots of bills and needs more child support money. This woman lives with her parents, who have inherited three quarters of a million dollars. She works as a nurse full time on the weekends and makes $26 dollars an hour and she works three days during the week at Hamilton College teaching nursing for $36 dollars an hour. I pay her $651 a month for two kids. Ever year she trades in her mini van for a new van and she just got one. Now, My question for you is.....How have you been bitten in the A_ _, after being nice to someone? Does it still hurt?

2006-11-06 09:16:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When my husband and I got together, I knew that he looked at porn, and that is a big issue with me, so he stopped. I had issues with trusting him for two years before I finally trusted him completely. We recently got married, and I caught him looking at it again. I feel really betrayed, because I felt so sure that I could trust him. He says he's going to stop. But he said that once before, so I just don't know if I can trust him again or not.

2006-11-06 09:13:42 · 29 answers · asked by hope_a_long52886 1

He is looking good and everything. Everytime you see him or think of him your heart flutters. You are involved with someone else and have a child with person. How would you handle this?

2006-11-06 08:56:14 · 16 answers · asked by 2h@n@ 3

Explain why Americans believe that Bill Clinton is the devil because he had an affair and stayed with his wife and family. Yet they believe that Giuliani, who moved his mistress into the mayor's mansion with his wife and kids, is the savior and God's appointee. Do you get it?

2006-11-06 08:53:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does filing for divorce expire if nothing is done on getting the divorce finalized?

2006-11-06 08:51:12 · 3 answers · asked by J B 1

We had a baby in January '06 and because of the costs of daycare vs. how much I could make, I stayed home to take care of the baby. Things were okay for the first six months when he was on deployment and we were getting extra money. Now that he is home...things cost more money like water bill, grocery bill, utility bill, his smoking bill, gas for him to drive to work AND I'm not working. When we moved into our current residence last year-before the baby came, I kept telling him that we needed rent to be around $800 a month. He insisted that we move into something "up to his standards." We ended up paying $1350 a month!! Now the car payment is 60 days behind, we got a final notice on the power bill and we had to borrow money to pay rent this month from one of those short term lenders. When I try to talk to him our debt, he gets really mad and asks me HOW? Never wanting to talk about a solution to the problem.

2006-11-06 08:50:26 · 16 answers · asked by Mommy2be 2

You were driving down the road 5 miles from home-You had no money or keys or phone-Your husband just f*cked off with your 5 month old baby and you couldn't drive
You had to wait 25 mins for him to come back-This was in the middle of no-where in Yorkshire-And after he went round the roundabout 8 times.

Cos you were going to the bank and you asked him if he had his statements.He lost his rag and f*cked off.

2006-11-06 08:47:17 · 21 answers · asked by Elle J Morgan 6

2006-11-06 08:47:12 · 8 answers · asked by ALMAS 1

this guy i've been dating for three months has not told me that he's married but i found out from some people that know him...how do i get over him? i really like him we like each other alot our relationship is going really well but i don't want to mess up his marriage i asked him if he's married he said no and he never was ....how do i tell him i know without embarassing him?

2006-11-06 08:44:05 · 31 answers · asked by mrs. MJ 3

My wife and I are going through a divorce and the pretrial is in 3 weeks, untill then she will not let me...?
visit our newborn son unsupervised and since I dont agree with that I dont visit. I do have a drug and drinking problem that has led to my arrest and hospitalization but I have been sober for 3 months and holding a steady job. I have not seen my son in 3 weeks and when I last asked to bring him to my house she refused because she does not like my family and thinks I am not sober. What do you think? I also have quit handing her cash because I will only buy baby supplies....if she asks...what should I do? I am asking the judge for joint custody, I live with my mother and want my son to visit me there...do you think the judge will agree? I also have a personality disorder, does this matter?

2006-11-06 08:44:03 · 5 answers · asked by liyah's mommy 2

I have 2 kids, im on the birth certificate for one, and im not on the other, I do believe I am her father, but if i'm going to be paying support for the next 15 years I'd like to be 100% positive you know? so i was wondering when i ask for proof of paternity, who pays for the paternity test? does she? since shes the one wanting support?

2006-11-06 08:41:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and i got married when we were 18 and 17 right out of high school after a year of dating we eloped. My parents could not stand him at all thought he as a looser and spoiled brat. His family was snobby and thought i ruined there sons life.After being married 3 months it was hard the standard of living for both of us dropped dramaticly i found out i was pregnant he was fine with it till he saw the utra sound we seperated his choice.I went back home(to my parents) and gave birth to our daughter started working for my moms buisness that she owns and going to college. I will be graduating this year with degree in finance.My husband and i have yet to file the paper work for divorce. I started seeing someone else for the last 2 yrs an old friend from kindergarden who moved away when we were young.He is wonderful with my daughter and she calls him dad. Problem is her father recently called and wants to be a family again i dont now what to say?

2006-11-06 08:39:37 · 11 answers · asked by Isabel G 1

In the beginning it was great cuz i was young (18)& nieve,but one day i asked him for a favor & he said he wouldn't do it.It was then I seen the light & realized the relationship wasn't great & it never was.I ended up cheating on him for 7 mos.& yes, he found out & was upset & still upset but did care,but In the middle of the 7 mos. I decided to move out behind his back,well, that lasted for 4 days he made everything sound great so I moved back in!1 year later&wish i never moved back in.See the problem is he is very controlling, posessive, & emotionally abusive.He never let me have friends or do anything on my own & he limits/stops me from seeing my family, & he doesn't want me to lose weight or get job.I am miserable & I feel like i'm wasting away i'm 26 yrs old & sometimes I feel like its to late to get out.We don't have any kids (thank God) & we're not married.But he wants a kid (probably to keep me home)&marriage.So i know i have to make a move soon.i'm just not sure how to end it

2006-11-06 08:38:07 · 14 answers · asked by nailart 1

2006-11-06 08:30:08 · 4 answers · asked by shaukat a 1

i have been married for 5 yrs. now and our sex life sucks! he has no control at all or maybe he just don't care! but it has been 3 yrs. now sence i have had a climax! he acts as though he is gods gift in bed so me offering him advice would be harmful to his ego. he pops so quickly that i can never reach that climax area! what would you advise me to do? i would fear foreplay on him due to the mess i would be! he never offers foreplay!

2006-11-06 08:22:00 · 21 answers · asked by hey_girl 1

Its been 3 long years since he broke up w/ me. But he keeps coming around. It hard for me to turn my back on him. I dont look for him, he's the one calling, ringing my door bell & sending me emails I dont even want to be his friend anymore. I cant move on if he's still in my life. He's just using me and I just want him out of my life. How can I tell him to F off w/out being nasty???

2006-11-06 08:20:29 · 14 answers · asked by Licy 2

My ex wants custody of our youngest daughter (12) after me having her all this time ! We have 2 older girls (16&15) . We've been seperated for 10 years . And now he wants custody of only our 12 year old . All live with me . But he only wants the youngest . So that way he can get out of paying 6 more years of Child support . He has no regards to how this makes our other 2 girls feel . Like" why isn't Daddy wanting custody of us too" ? THis makes them feel as if they are not worth fighting for . How do you fellow readers think of him ? And what do you think a Judge will say ? I've had them all this time , I take them to and from school , doctors apps. , pick them up from school when they are sick . I am a stay at home Mom . That has dinner waiting for them . They have 2 younger siblings here at my house also . Will a Judge look at NOT seperating the girls ? He has domestic violence against me and his ex girlfriend after me . And drug charges on him . And oldest found pot in his car .

2006-11-06 08:20:02 · 18 answers · asked by Imamommy 1

2006-11-06 08:19:35 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex wants custody of our youngest daughter (12) after me having her all this time ! We have 2 older girls (16&15) . We've been seperated for 12 years . And now he wants custody of only our 12 year old . All live with me . But he only wants the youngest . So that way he can get out of paying 6 more years of Child support . He has no regards to how this makes our other 2 girls feel . Like" why isn't Daddy wanting custody of us too" ? THis makes them feel as if they are not worth fighting for . How do you fellow readers think of him ? And what do you think a Judge will say ? I've had them all this time , I take them to and from school , doctors apps. , pick them up from school when they are sick . I am a stay at home Mom . That has dinner waiting for them . They have 2 younger siblings here at my house also . Will a Judge look at NOT seperating the girls ? He has domestic violence against me and his ex girlfriend after me . And drug charges on him . And oldest found pot in his car .

2006-11-06 08:19:09 · 15 answers · asked by Imamommy 1

I have read many questions posted here and have my own life experience. This sems so easy to me. Give your husband what he needs so he is not tempted to find it elsewhere.

Yes of course you as a husband should be romantic, caring and attentive to her needs.

Many women though just have a block when it comes to this one. The excuse of "I am tired" "he should just do without" "it's not that important".

Do you know how many married men see prodtitutes for the one sex act their wives will not perform? (almost took down a president)

Ladies, discount this all you wish but do not later some back here asking the question:

Why did he cheat on me.

As for me, after years of going through this perhaps I will stray.

2006-11-06 08:19:03 · 29 answers · asked by onlineseeker 4

has this attraction no end or control, if yes at what age??

2006-11-06 08:08:31 · 4 answers · asked by vickson f 1

2006-11-06 07:51:26 · 23 answers · asked by amspeper 1

i just relocated, lost my job, have no friends and i feel very alone. how do i overcome this?

2006-11-06 07:47:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it wrong for a mother to tell her 11 year old son " If people see you being bad to Mom they will think your not nice inside" Mom is single, in 40s and very unhappy because of husband leaving. Is this just her way of making a boy behave without hitting him?

2006-11-06 07:46:52 · 18 answers · asked by DALIAN 1

Last year from July till Sept my wife and I were seperated and I had a affair with a co-worker. The co-worker got pregnet and wanted me to give up my rights to the child. I left the job in November and she had the baby in May. I moved back home with my wife and two boys in October. my wife said she would support any decion I made about the child. We went to court in September and are fighting for joint coustdy of the child. Here is the tricky part, the judge ruled that I must pay support for the child based on the income from the job I left in November and was out of work until April. So I am behaind in support dated back to May of $628 per month total of $3200 dollars. I know I will pay for my child that I help make and bring into this world, but that seems unfair. anybody know a good lawyer in Virginia.

2006-11-06 07:44:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

we've been married for 8 yrs. its a long distance,im in another country.he visit me once a year,but for 2yrs and 1/2 he doesnt visit me.i cant help but to think he's doing "something",he always deny it.but now we're together i see pictures of different girls with him,they're so sweet,again he deny it! there's one time i saw him on his computer searching for escort girls and other stuff like that.

2006-11-06 07:41:47 · 15 answers · asked by rcy123 1

I m virgin,,

2006-11-06 07:39:01 · 14 answers · asked by ducati 1

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