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Marriage & Divorce - 6 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My husband and I were married at the local courthouse 3 years ago. He is a diffrent religion then me and it never was a huge deal. In the three years we have been married we have never, how do i say this, never done the "Deed". He says that he would feel as if he is doing something wrong because we were not married in his church and I am not apart of that church. I have been ok with this but i am 25 and want to have children. I have cried myself to sleep at night because my heart breaks everytime we talk about it. I just want to feel loved by my husband. Am i stupid for wanting to continue our marriage even though I may never have children?

2006-11-06 07:35:45 · 17 answers · asked by loveanglebaby81 2

Perhaps i didn't phrase my last question well. I am in a relationship and am very committed. We have not made any plans about marriage but that doesn't mean won't. We are however planning on having a child. I find it funny that so many people on this site think that is awful because we are unmarried. Marriage doesn't garuantee a commitment to you or your child. Yet so many people insist that it is the best type of relationship? why is that? If i plan on raising my baby with this man, and he plans on being a devoted father a piece of paper won't change that. Yet I have recieved many responses on this site siting that marriage is better. Why is marriage better? can that really be proven. It doesn't guarantee security for the wife or child. My parents married, then they divorced. My father didn't pay child support and more importantly he didn't care to see me when he lived but five minutes away. So tell me what matters more a slip of paper or a commitment that is heartfelt and geniune?

2006-11-06 07:29:58 · 23 answers · asked by TR 4

I am married to an amazing woman whom I love and cherish. We have been married for two years, and I'm having an issue. I can only get interested sexually when she is wearing tights or stockings. I especially love it when we're out in public and she's wearing hose. It drives me wild. Unforunately, when she's not wearing tights, I'm fairly tepid. It's not her; it's a fetish I've had since puberty, and it's been this way with all my former girlfriends.

I've tried to explain the situation, but I'm not sure that she really understands. I feel that we're starting to drift apart. What can I do? I love her so much, and I don't want to lose her.

2006-11-06 07:26:05 · 14 answers · asked by NewcastleFan76 3

I have been with this one person for about 2 1/2 years and I really really care for him. I love him. I lived with him for a few months and we just started fighting cats and dogs.. now that we dun live together.. everything is fine. I wonder if I will marry this man? I don't know what to do... So how do you know when you are ready to get married and start having kids?

2006-11-06 07:19:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex husband is dating his recently deceased brothers widow. She has a 10 month old from his brother and they have recently announced that she is pregnant (with my ex-husbands baby). My ex-husband and I have an 8-year old daughter together and I think that this situation is morally wrong and confusing for the kids. So now my daughter is going to have a baby brother or sister that is also her cousin? I dont want my daughter around that situation and since my ex has pretty much been a dead beat dad the whole time, I think I have the control as to whether or not she is in that enviornment? Am I over reacting here or is what they are doing just plain wrong? A little advice here...

2006-11-06 07:16:57 · 24 answers · asked by Cbauer 2

Been together for 7 1/2 years, about three months ago she broke up with me, we just recently married early in January this year. I ask her why? Is there another man? She said no.... then she started using myspace.com i notice that she is always "messaging" an old friend of mine which he is separated from his wife and has 3 kids of his own, we have 2. Present.... found out they are together, hidden messages(email, text), phone calls, lunch, dinner, the works.

I love my wife, this is the second time we have separated. I tried leaving my wife and kids, left them for about a month, had to comeback because the "guy" started hanging around with my kids. I moved back into the house and she left to live somewhere else. She is at the house everyday, whether a couple of hours or she stays the night.

2006-11-06 07:16:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would you do if your husband looks at porn, you ask him not to and he says he wont and you catch him 2 more times and he goes to site where there are skimpy women and videos and he says he isnt and you know he is...and he lies about it...it upsets me that he lies to me and that he still goes there when i ask him not to and it bothers me he needs those women..and we never have sex unless i ask for it ..what to do??

2006-11-06 07:16:17 · 12 answers · asked by Liz M 2

When there has been an ugly divorce and custody battle and one parent insists on violating the court-approved parenting schedule, which branch of law enforcement gets involved in things like returning the kids from the wrong place to the right place? Sheriff? Police?

2006-11-06 07:14:53 · 2 answers · asked by Key 3

how can one lack a conscience .......isnt that a human element we all have an d if not how?.........also cheating in a marriage and then doing nothing to save it......this is after 24 yrs and 4 kids......he is 42 and the new women is 21....makes me laugh.......but he acts like i never exsisted and shuts me out giving our kids messages to tell me so childish........how can he act without guilt or remorse for causing all the hurt and pain he has........

2006-11-06 07:14:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

absolutely zero home abuse. she wanted to leave but when i said the 2 year old stays, she called 911 and 5 officers escorted her and the crying boy out of the clean safe home with no signs of fighting. they kept me cornered and said do not try and contact. she can go if shes a cheat, but where is my boy & what can i do?

2006-11-06 07:12:58 · 15 answers · asked by matthew m 2

I (accidentally) found out last week that my husband has been corresponding with his ex girlfriend through email. Or at least that's all I know about. The emails seem pretty innocent...however, I'm not mentioned on any of the email correspondance. My husband has been eagerly awaiting for his 20th HS reunion...and in one of the emails to her - he said he wasn't interested in attending the reunion...but I know he has been working very hard to stay in shape just so he could be thin for this reunion taking place next year. He's talked about this for about a year now. Let me add - this girl was his first love. The girl he lost his virginity 2. Should I worry? Should I confront him? Should he be corresponding with an ex-girlfriend? Please help... I'm going crazy thinking that he could still have some feelings for her.

2006-11-06 07:12:32 · 23 answers · asked by sallyucla 1

my husband plays guitars in a band and last year i caught him playing around with a groupie. if i did not leave him last may, he wouldn't have admitted it. he said it was ONLY a fling. from then on, i felt so betrayed and everything that has to do with his band pisses me off! simply because he wouldn't leave the band (that doesn't pay much) even if i ask him to concentrate more on our business since it's where we do get our income, eversince that cheating we wouldn't last a week without arguing about his real priority (whether the band or our business...& no matter how much he tries to mask his priority, i'm definitely sure which one).....it's so impossible to talk with him because with regards to our problems he'd rather just put walls and change the topic....i want to move on, no matter how betrayed i still feel and fix this marriage but he'd always end up screwing it up.......all for staying with the band.....

2006-11-06 07:12:24 · 6 answers · asked by ekim 1

why is it that so many people feel like marriage is the end all be all. that if a couple has a child and is unmarried they are crazy or irresponsible. Has anyone considered that they may base their love on something bigger than a piece of paper. Why do so many people feel like if you are married you will have some security. Half of all marriages end in divorce, isn't it better to be with someone and know you are devoted, rather than have a piece of paper that says you are. Many marriages fall apart, people cheat, they don't trust each other. Yet anytime anyone asks a relationship or parenting question on this site, someone responds with are u married? Like marriage is going to make your life better? I don't dislike marriage, but is it not true that u can be perfectly happy in monogomus relationship for decades and never marry, yet still be devoted and happy? what difference(other than some legal rights)does a piece of paper Make?

2006-11-06 07:07:53 · 16 answers · asked by TR 4

See, my grandmother was in our custody as of a year ago, and she was alright in Florida, while we are in West Verginia. (she was in a retirement home) But then my two cousins decided that they were going to try to take my grandmother away from us by fighting for her in coart. The only reason they did that was because they hated my grandmother, and they didn't want my father to have his inheratance. When they won on friday the thirteenth of last year, they illegally moved her from Florida to Verginia... and her arthritus killed her. Before she died, they illegally spent 24000 dollers on possessions that were (supposedly) for my grandmother. Now, because of them, my father has to take us to Verginia to take the possessions that she baught with our money. We got her in trouble, just so you know. were fighting her in coart. but how should i feel when i see her? i'm not going to let her get away with what she did without giving her hell from me? i loved my grandmother, and it's their fault.

2006-11-06 07:04:51 · 5 answers · asked by Aurora_Rose_Maree 2

Is "looking at a woman with lust" cheating (or at a man, if you are a woman)?

For men who have never physically cheated on your wife, do you look at other women (the wrong way)? (books/mags, etc) Do you fantasize about other women?

Are there any of you men who love your wife and truly solely desire her only?

2006-11-06 06:52:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Two years... discussing openly my feeings about our marriage and nothing... nothing has changed. My husband would rather hang out with his friends then me. I am good to him. I take very good care of him. In our intimate life, I do all the work. I have made out with my husband maybe a total of 4 times our whole marriage. Its like its a chore for him to do anything with me. He is constantly looking at things for himself, buying things for himself,... with little or no regard for me at all. Everytime I try and talk to him nice, he rages and goes in and sleeps. Ignores me. We got into conseling, and he hasnt applied a thing that is being asked of him to try and do. I dont know what I am doing wrong. We used to have intimacy at least every other day and now its down to 1 a week, and it hurts because its just placing it in me and getting off... nothing for me at all. There has never been oral sex to me, always to him. HE has never even given me pleasure, I have always had to do that myself.

2006-11-06 06:51:59 · 30 answers · asked by Anna Q 1

2006-11-06 06:49:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this fair? I don't think so but it is causing problems in my marriage.

2006-11-06 06:45:32 · 13 answers · asked by TML ♥'er 3

My wife ended up having a few more drinks than she usually does.
I was getting ready to leave , and I found her in the basement making-out with a guy! His hand was in her shirt - they were really kissing deep unil they heard me.
They both started saying sorry...it was the alchohol...etc..
I know they guy, he lives in Virginia and is only in town once or twice a year to visit my brother-in-law (who was having the party).
I'm certainly not worried about him trying to see her often - or them having an affair - he was leaving the next day.
Anyhow - when my wife and I got home, we had the best sex we ever had in a long time. I kept thinking about his hand touching and squeezing her boobs! Why was THAT a turn on?
Should I be upset with her about her kissing the guy? Or
should I just put it down as an isolated alchohol-related incident?
I know i should be more upset - but the end result was fantastic for both of us -

2006-11-06 06:43:47 · 32 answers · asked by play_ball 1

I am. I'm getting so tired of it.

2006-11-06 06:43:42 · 6 answers · asked by TML ♥'er 3

My GF and I are on a "break" at the moment, just wanted to know if anyone has ever gotten back together after a "break" or if we are just holding on to what we had because we are not ready to let go?

2006-11-06 06:42:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

When a man and woman get married - they take vows that they will only be with each other. So why is it when one partner cheats, friends, family and society (especially the spouse) blames the other person. That person did not take a vow that he/she wouldn't hook up with people! It should be the responsiblility of the Married person to stay commited to theor spouse not the rest of society's ... but no the other person is labeled home wrecker... if it wasn't already broken chances are they would not be cheating in the first place... thoughts?

2006-11-06 06:39:48 · 16 answers · asked by ice_princess 3

how can a man with 4 kids not pay child support yet buy a new car for his 21 yr old gf and himself.move into a nice house ina better neighbor and not help with the financial respocibilites of the children.......is he selfish or just stupid he is 42.....will the kids ever realise what a piece of shyt he is?

2006-11-06 06:35:39 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-06 06:35:07 · 7 answers · asked by alina a 2

Am I wise to let her continue - i just have a bad feeling about this!

2006-11-06 06:34:36 · 13 answers · asked by enthios2000 2

my husband has just started a new job and now because our hours clash i never see him because he works nights and i work through the day.Im pregnant and feel like im on my own with it now i didnt see him at all last week and its going to be the same until he quits which will never happen but i dont want to ask him to change his hours because id just feel bad since this is his dreem job and hes worked so hard to get it.HELP what should i do????

2006-11-06 06:33:52 · 14 answers · asked by angel.candy 1

she asked me what can she do? she is interested in his best friend who is single and she has had several conversations with this man on the phone and feels that he is also interested but he will not say that he is. what should she do?

2006-11-06 06:29:26 · 9 answers · asked by stephanie c 2

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