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Marriage & Divorce - 14 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

2006-10-14 07:08:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

1) If this is a fraud marriage, can a divorce or annual of marriage taken effect immediately?

2) If a couple got married in a foreign land, when the guy is a Singapore PR, the girl is on visa in Singapore now. Can they get a divorce in Singapore and valid in that country.

3) How can my friend get instant divorce as this is a fraud marriage, does recording considered a form of evidence?

2006-10-14 07:04:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's been talking on his cell with an old flame he claims is a "friend" but I know she's a tramp! Please help! Urgent!

2006-10-14 07:02:44 · 13 answers · asked by edgeston34 2

im guy. me and my BF have been together for 5 months. he's in the navy and im going up there to see him at the end of october in chicago. i think he is going to ask me... is it crazy of me to be thinking of marriage at 18? if he ask ill say yes.

2006-10-14 07:01:20 · 12 answers · asked by mark f 1

im gay. me and my BF have been together for 5 months. he's in the navy and im going up there to see him at the end of october in chicago. i think he is going to ask me... is it crazy of me to be thinking of marriage at 18? if he ask ill say yes.

2006-10-14 07:00:33 · 4 answers · asked by mark f 1

Most of the time i see them, they are arguing and shouting at each other. Is this normal?

2006-10-14 06:57:32 · 7 answers · asked by Skool_Gal 3

if a man hits his wife but promises that he will stop do you think he really will or do you think she should leave?

2006-10-14 06:43:38 · 25 answers · asked by sarah 5

i want to know if a true love can survive an open marrige and everything work out

2006-10-14 06:41:10 · 11 answers · asked by brett_michaels89 1

She found out that he has been lying to her about using drugs for years. He is not hooked, he does coke maybe 2-3 times a week when goes out with the boys. My friend hates drugs and made it very clear well before they were married that she does not want drugs in her life in any sort of way. He's proven to her that he is selfish and disrespectful in my opinion. My friend is so upset!

What would you do?

2006-10-14 06:39:05 · 20 answers · asked by 10 pts for me? 4

when you catch your couple staring and someother girl or guy while being with you at the mall, or park, or whatever? Do you ignore it and say its normal and say to yourself that it doesnt matter cause she/hes with you? or do you start a fight?

2006-10-14 06:32:28 · 10 answers · asked by Deception 2

My friend just recently left her husband and is asking me for advice as I recently divorced. She is Chinese and I am not sure how they view divorce and adultery or if it is even any different. Are there differences in the way they view these things? Are there things I should not say?

2006-10-14 06:19:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can the authorities force me to see them

2006-10-14 06:18:53 · 17 answers · asked by mickeok 1

I need an attorney real bad that takes payments so I can get a divorce and get my husband out . I need one that will fight for me . My husband is having an affair.

2006-10-14 06:06:06 · 6 answers · asked by hillbilliecotton2 1

Not to tell them off for cheating or leaving.Just to say hi. What was their reaction? My ex and i actually had a good conversation and some laughs. Is this normal?

2006-10-14 06:04:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-14 05:48:31 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

MEn are like diapers... full of shi* and always on your as*!!!

Your views please....

No offence, guys.... : )

2006-10-14 05:47:03 · 18 answers · asked by DiL 3

2006-10-14 05:41:56 · 17 answers · asked by chris p 1

is it criminal abuse to mental abuse a child and be found guilty of it by protective service and of neglect rating on risk factor is high and can charges be filed on abuse if there is just a wittness and a counsler report to back up the psyhical abuse in michigan let me know where i need to go to flie the charges or the issue for my kids i will do this i must so plz help me thk you

2006-10-14 05:41:30 · 14 answers · asked by kirk_mccormick 1

My future mother in law hates me for no reason!She seemed fine when my bf introduced me to the rest of his family but when she invited me to a one on one lunch i dont know what happened she asked why i was intrested in her son to marry him ?If i was after his money?If i had sex with her son or anyone else what was my history in dating/relationships?She kept emphasis on the fact that her son was 100% percent Italian and a good boy. She in not so many words said she thought i was not good enough for her son and new nothing and was a tramp after his money.I am pregnant and very upset about this my future husband is rushing the wedding along because he does not want to tell her! I am so angry how do i confront her?

2006-10-14 05:28:57 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband has an ex. She used to call all the time (when he had his cell phone) She of course knew where he lived. Never came over probably because she knew i was there. When i got pregnant she was the first one he told (he said he thought it would get her to stop talking to him) It seems that had made it worse. I know she was just trying to get him back. Anyway i guess she is really close to his aunts he only has two of them. She talks to them constantly asking how he is doing is he working do they know his phone number. His mother on occasion talks to her sisters and keeps telling them she doesnt have a phone (she lives with us) she knows if she gives it out the sister will get it to the ex. He isnt close with his aunts so he hasnt heard anything that has been going on. I told him it bothered me that he talked to her and since then he hasnt. Should i be worried with her on the prowl or should i not worry since she cant really find us?

2006-10-14 05:01:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Love is blind.
Marriage is an eye-opener.

Your thoughts please.....thank U..... (",)

2006-10-14 05:00:38 · 17 answers · asked by DiL 3

2006-10-14 04:57:51 · 16 answers · asked by september_serenade 1

Here's the deal: My wife and I got married young (22) and all seemed to be going well, except one problem that creates countless other problems is:She's from another country. She speaks english perfectly, but she's got no friends.It's been more than 2 years of marriage and 4 years of her being in the US and still no friends. This puts a huge drag on me, cause I just wanna go out with the guys sometimes (not a lot....once/twice a month) but she complains that I'm leaving her all alone then. PLUS, she wants to move to her home country, and while I love visiting there, I couldn't imagine living there!! I never knew how angry I could get until we had some of our fights. Things are NEVER physical, I'm not like that. But I have my doubts about this marriage. The thing is that my family is so religious that to get divorced would be the worst sin in the world and I love my family so much. Sometimes I'd rather just hang out with my guy friends.Guys need "guy time" is that 2 much to ask?

2006-10-14 04:53:19 · 11 answers · asked by harry_potter_kid 3

Here's the deal. When my wife had our son, things were good at work with tons of OT. I told her that as long as we can afford it, she can be a stay home mom and I'd work over. He's now 4 and in day care, and the OT at work is gone. She got a PT job working five days a week and it did help. After awhile she decided she didn't like working and cut back to 3 days. I think she is being selfish and she thinks I am for asking her to work and ME not getting a 2nd job. She still spends like we have tons of cash, which we don't. It's really pushing me to leave her, but I know I'll get raked across the coals in a divorce. I'm tried talking to her about it, but she doesn't get it. Now what?

2006-10-14 04:37:59 · 27 answers · asked by kong-carrier 1

thank you all for your help........it helps to know others have been thru what im going thru .....i hurt and cry alot but not as much as i once did....its been 6 months.....and im trying to move on......i just dont understand how he could have hurt me this much and not care.........thats the part that hurts the most

2006-10-14 04:17:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want an aggressive, exciting, sexual experience! We used to have a REAL good time when we first met, 4yrs later it's wham bam thank-you, well you know the rest! Is he not interested anymore?

2006-10-14 04:15:46 · 9 answers · asked by Stacey 2

He is just flat out an a*shole and has been for 10yrs. A few days ago he said he was going to kill me because he didn't like one of my awnsers on here, and he even slapped me across the face twice. This isn't anything new to me, I am used to him flying of the handle about stupid things. I told him I have had enough, I can not take the mental and physcial abuse anymore, I told him the only way I am staying is if he gets conuseling and goes to the doctor and talks to him about medicine to control his anger problem. I'm not saying he beats the crape out of me daily, but in our eight yr. marriage he has probauly hit me at least 10 to 15 times. Some worse than the others. My question is do you think if he does go to conseling and the doctor is it possiable for him to change? Or should I just start finding away to get out. It will take time for me to get out because I am a stay at home mom, he makes most of the money in our house.

2006-10-14 04:09:02 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

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