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Marriage & Divorce - 16 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

This might sound a little weird or odd question, but how can you talk to your boyfriend who you have been dating for 7 years , how can you get in touch with his ex wife and tell her that we had an affair but i caught him with other woman, now iam not seeing him, but i really want his ex to know, how can i go about reaching her and convince her thagt iam not some nut case I want her to know i found out about him, and stuff, And i want to be friends with her , soo how can i do that , when she caught me 7 years ago, and she is mad at me,

2006-09-16 07:46:20 · 12 answers · asked by trudycaulfield 5

My husband had a huge porn addiction. It was really rediculous. He has the stuff everywhere. He would spend hours looking at it on the net and magazines everywhere and movies.. ect. He puts down anyone who does not look like those girls. He calls people fat, skinny ect ect.. if they look like a magazine girl they were hot. I was constantly trying to loose weight and keep- fit but I am in my late 30's. I dont think I look bad but it was never good enough. I got tired of trying to compete with air brushed implanted women with wigs. How does this happen? How do guys get so immersed and addic ted to this stuff?

2006-09-16 07:43:26 · 37 answers · asked by Lynnette G 2

I do fully understand it takes two people to have an affiar. But why is it the women will continue to have a realtionship with a married man? Again I do fully understand my husband in responsible as well. What would you do? Contact the other woman and ask her why she acted in the affair? Or should I just suck it up and move on? Problem is I WANT ANSWERS! and HE is not giving them to me.

2006-09-16 07:41:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-16 07:19:26 · 14 answers · asked by avison 1

like, if you're a woman who, for whatever reason, feels a somehwat trapped or restrained in a relationship and decided to finally take advantage of an outside oppurtunity, what it like? i'm asking, what's the experience like? what's the most exciting part? what are you thinking? what's it feel like? etc - - - - - -

2006-09-16 07:12:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

For people who have no sense of humor at all? I really feel bad for them, they must cry a lot...I know I chose to laugh rather than cry. Maybe if they just tried to see the humor in things they would live a little longer. If your reading this and your one of them,I'm sorry for you, I'll laugh for you.

2006-09-16 07:07:06 · 9 answers · asked by sasha 4

my experience was her family loved me to so much and when we started having issues non related to fighting or anything just simple mistakes on both parts her family turned a 360 . was it all a act?

2006-09-16 07:05:48 · 15 answers · asked by yoursuperman000 2

2006-09-16 07:00:35 · 6 answers · asked by Sexy_Dyme 1


my husband and i got divorced 3 1/2 yrs ago. i have a 10 yr old son, he hurts and crys because his father has no intrest in him, how do i help him with his pain, without a shrink, i seem like i tried everything

2006-09-16 06:59:29 · 5 answers · asked by wanda h 3

me and my husband been together for 3 years iam 3 years older than him and when i met him he was sweet, mature ,he cleaned up the house ,and he had a job but now he is lazy, rude,messy,and he cant keep a job at all we are about to get put out of our apartment and i can only do so much on a 8.00 dollar an hour job and every time i try to talk to him he gets affended and try to start a fight so if i cant talk to him what should i do i love my husband and i vowed to be with him for richer and poorer but this is just getting out of hand.HELP!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-16 06:51:54 · 21 answers · asked by mrsp27 2

2006-09-16 06:35:05 · 24 answers · asked by jbrown280000 1

2006-09-16 06:34:33 · 22 answers · asked by attorney 1

My kids are driving me up a wall, I really want to lock their little asses in a cage and pass bread and water through the bars....anyone out there feeling the same way? It's always nice to know your not alone.

2006-09-16 06:28:31 · 21 answers · asked by sasha 4

If so, what were the reasons?

Is is still ongoing?

What would it take for you to pack it in?

2006-09-16 06:23:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cousing & her husband broke up after 12 years of marriage, i used to like him but never thot wrongly, he proposed me after she left him alone and i was kinda, confused, i am separated from my husband (not divorced yet) and hav a kid of 4 years. Now i love my bro in law and he loves me a lot too, I wanna marry him but my sis came to know abt us and is adament to divorce him, but he cant live with her, She is also doing her best to malign me in the family, but i just shrug off her derogatory acts & move on. She also blames me for her break off, wheareas I hardly even spoke to her husband wen they were together. they too have a kid, what do i do. Can some one enlighten me, please

2006-09-16 06:08:59 · 13 answers · asked by fantasyland 3

I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a year and a half, at the beginning it was great but then he lost my trust about 6months into the relationship by disguising a girls number in his phone and secretly hanging out with her while i was at work, he claimed they were friends and all they did was eat pizza and watch a movie together, i truely love him but after that my trust was gone, we broke up for about 2 months and now are trying to get back together but he told me he is going to hide his phone from me until he sees if i am going to be genuine? like basically making it seem like i am the one who needs to change i found his secret hiding spot for his phone last night in his bathroom drawer and it made me feel like sh*t, he has been working out every day which he never used to , he is different....how do you know if you should move on for sure even if you love the person sooo much?
please help

2006-09-16 06:04:29 · 19 answers · asked by KV 1

My wife and I are currently seperated. She wants the marriage to not exsist, but I want to keep my marriage. I feel that she is confussed with what she really wants. We still have sex and she flirts with me on the phone. She doesn't let me off the phone when we talk unless I say, " I love you" before I hang up. She loves it when I am around. We are still living together, but we plan on me moving out soon. We used to argue about how she is going to keep the house and the kids, but now she was me to keep the kids and the house and she wants to move out. I just want to know what is going on with her in her head. So, what is she thinking...what is happening with her mentally?

2006-09-16 05:47:35 · 26 answers · asked by Novotny 2

why get divorced? well, we got married cus thot we were in luv but turns out he was an alcoholic & i just got married & had a baby because i felt my clock ticking (girls don't listen to that clock do what you want) love my son madly so we still have to communicate but he's a bit better, in AA and on meds for depression. i have a new boyfriend, someone who i've known for 6 years, and we are taking things very slow. have been separated for over 1 year and am supporting myself and my son Latin. had to claim bankruptcy because ex spent bill money on drinking and drugs, but am very positive that everything will end up okay. have lots of family support, (even from the ex's side) so am i happy that i don't have to live with that anymore? you bet i am. will i try my darndest to communicate for my sons sake? yes i will. but it's very hard to forgive some things don't you agree??

2006-09-16 05:38:23 · 12 answers · asked by latinsmama 3


does everyone find true love in this life time?

2006-09-16 05:23:39 · 23 answers · asked by HoTtIe_WiTh_a_BoDy 2

That people ask questions on here, especially about their marriage, and just choose the best answer that is just telling them what they want to hear? I would think if you are asking for opinions and want to learn a thing or two about relationships you try to be open to everyone's answer not just what YOU want to hear. No wonder some people complain that their marriage suck, yea we see how you really are that's why it sucks!

2006-09-16 05:23:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am and i am very happy about it. this way i can get on with my new life and he'll stop thinking he has control over anything i do

2006-09-16 05:09:45 · 22 answers · asked by latinsmama 3

2006-09-16 05:09:40 · 41 answers · asked by duckface 2

My fiance and I are getting married next month. He is a huge gambler. He bets almost every game of football, and goes to the OTB (Off Track Betting) to gamble on horse racing. He will watch countless hours of football from preseason all the way to the superbowl, betting every chance he gets. The only catch is, he makes a ton of money at his job and always has enough money to pay the bills and not go into debt. I'm not a gambler though, and I find it difficult to watch the betting consume so much of his time and money. I think it's getting excessive. I've tried to talk to him about it and he gets really defensive and argues that I shouldn't get on his case because all the bills are paid and he just gambles for fun. I just don't know if we should get married since we have an extremely different opinion about this issue, and it's starting to somewhat drive a wedge between us. I need to hear someone else's perspective on this please.

2006-09-16 04:50:39 · 21 answers · asked by Luckyprincess 2

We've been together for about a year and he told me last weekend, when he thought I was too drunk to remember, that he wants to propose on Christmas. But recently we have had nothing resembling a good realtionship; no sex, no good conversation, etc. I'm even worried about all of the debt he's in. I just want to marry someone that is financially stable, which he is not. But I do love him.

2006-09-16 04:46:31 · 27 answers · asked by duckface 2

degrade them, disrepect them, take away their self-esteem. What satisfaction do they get from doing that? Is it some kind of gratification?

2006-09-16 04:32:07 · 32 answers · asked by xxx 4

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