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Family - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

i was adopted when i was 3 1/2, my real parents kinda did it when they were young so they gave me up
i miss them.
ive never seen them and i dont even have a picture of them.
is this natural? and other ideas on how to find them?
i feel like i dont belong in the place i live now

2007-01-18 07:13:59 · 4 answers · asked by emont_1029 2

2007-01-18 07:01:18 · 17 answers · asked by LDM Gifts 1


I am a mother of two, and I have this problem. Every time my kids get sick, I get over paranoyed. I drive the doctor crazy, along with my family. I cant help myself, honestly I am not going for a mother of the year award, I really wish I was not like this. I cry, and loose my ability to do anything, I get awful thougths, and they work into my brain making even worse. Last month my daughter, who is six by the way, got really sick and the doctor told me constantly not to worry that it was just a flu, but I still ended up crying and staying up all night checking on her every half hour. My mother in law gave me valerian roots to help me relax, and it did nothing what so ever. What is wrong with me? Am I setting myself up for the worst? I love my kids, and I dont want them to see me this way. Please, I need an outside opinion.

2007-01-18 06:57:02 · 6 answers · asked by beygrl 4

I have a niece 19 yr old who lives with her 22 yr old boyfriend, which she adores so much and thinks this guy is the right person for her. The boyfriend is not so eager to look for "good jobs", because he knows my niece will take care of him, irregardless. What is the best approach to my niece to let her know that this guy is not the right person for her and to make her know that focusing on her college or whatever vocational schooling is best for her, so she can land into better paying jobs. She does odds jobs here and there, too. Everytime, we tell her these, she gets upset and be rebellious to all. Her parents are separated and she is close by her mother, which she doesn't respect at all.

2007-01-18 06:51:32 · 8 answers · asked by light1 1

My husbands brother is always causing problems.He is 27yrs old and acts 5.He is very abusive to my husbands parents who he lives with.They spoil him rotten.He doesen't even work he just lives off of them and they don't have that much money.My husband and I have to go to their house for holidays and just to visit on a regular basis.My husband has his own business and his dad works for him so his brother is always coming up their causing problems so my husband comes home in a bad mood with me.This is driving me crazy!!I've threatened to never go to their house and my husbands mom cried for a week and came to my house crying i felt so bad i said ok I'll come over.My husband tells them not to let him com to his office and for a while he doesn,t but he starts coming again.My husband came home for lunch and was in a bad mood we got into a fight and he said he was mad because his brother was at his office.So I called the office and told his dad to send his brother home.Husband is mad at me.

2007-01-18 06:48:47 · 8 answers · asked by julie 3

2007-01-18 06:47:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have either one of your parents ever gotten so frustrated with life that they just walked out on you and the rest of your family?

2007-01-18 06:44:47 · 8 answers · asked by Sarah 4

I am 19 yrs old
My bf is 20.
We want to move out into an apartment.
But my mom wants me to stay at home and help out still.
I am in college.
MY bf lives in his gmas basement for now.

He works for a floor company and my mom hired the company to work on our bathroom floor for this whole week.
He say our basement that is inhabited and said its a shame we dont even use it because its huge.

Everything down there is breaking or needs to be fixed up because its just left there.

My mom was gunna make me a deal where I pay rent and I dont have to have a curfew.
My bf's sister wants to move into his gmas basement so he wants me to ask my mom if he can pay rent to live down there if he helps fix stuff up.

I think its a good idea cause that way everyone is happy.
Im home still.
Im with him.
Stuff gets fixed up.

But part of me thinks my mom might say hell no. She likes him but IDK if shes gunna go for it.

How should I even bring it up?!


2007-01-18 06:28:47 · 27 answers · asked by yourguardianangel88 2

im looking for my father but only know his name an all other websites i know include a big fee so if anyone knows a good website or a way of doing this this its would be so helpfull.

2007-01-18 05:33:15 · 5 answers · asked by babyT 1

DO you think we all should be invited to her baby shower just not her mom and mother in lay ??????

2007-01-18 05:31:12 · 10 answers · asked by michael f 2

Raised 9 children with one income in the fifties and sixties and noone really went without? He was a foreman at a Concrete Company... You can barely make it alone , at best 10 people--- including Grandma...? how did he do it? He and she are pased away now so I can't ask them.. How the hell did they do it?

2007-01-18 05:20:51 · 19 answers · asked by amylr620 5

That's why I've locked my granny in a cupboard so I dont get tempted to!

2007-01-18 05:20:34 · 14 answers · asked by returnofkarlos 2

I mean, the guy couldnt have been with them 24/7 he had a job...so why didn't the boy yell for help or get smart after so long and figure a way to leave?!

2007-01-18 05:17:43 · 10 answers · asked by Shindigger 1

I'm 12, my mom makes me wear an apron at home to help around the house and when she wants even if I'm not doing chores. She says it's sweet and feminine and I look cute. One of my aprons is like the one the girl is wearing at http://www.americanhostess.com/victorianrufflebluecheckzoom.jpg I have others, even frillier. They are cute, but I don't like, especially in front of friends, I get a bit embarrassed. But she says I have to, no reason to get embarrassed, and doesn't back off. She' a wonderful mom, treats me with much love, but makes me wear aprons. Is she right? Should I rebel? If I rebel, should I be punished? Once I tried to rebel, she just said OH Hun, just wear your aprons for me, don't make me sad and gave me a hug. I felt guity, didn't rebel and even promised I won't rebel.

2007-01-18 05:14:38 · 8 answers · asked by Kiki 1

He's turning 52, loves jazz, running, the New Yorker, already has a iPod, and plays golf obsessively. He's kinda anti-pop culture too. I have to get it today help me!

2007-01-18 05:11:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you consider yourself and how much do you make a year?

2007-01-18 04:47:15 · 14 answers · asked by samwise25 4

I know the etiquette of not saying bad things about the other parent in front of the child, and to make nice whenever the child is around but how nice do you have to be to the stepparent when they arent around? She acts like Im her best friend and talks to me about their sex life which i could careless about, and when me and the father have a disagreement its her that butts her nose in and gives her two cents into whatever it is. Shes very annoying in nature and if i wouldve met her elsewhere we would not even be talking to each other. I have gone the extra mile to ensure my child is comfortable around them, and havent griped about them when she is around but some of the things she does just makes me angry, so is there a way that I could tell her Im not interested in being friends she is here because of the father without her getting the father to use it against me?

2007-01-18 04:45:57 · 8 answers · asked by augustgrl80 4

I'm very curious to hear especially from grown children of affairs. I got pregnant during an affair with a much older married man. He wouldn't leave his wife & I wouldn't leave my husband. We went to counseling & spent SO much time working things out by now finally have. He's been wonderful & totally accepted "our" son, who's now 4. However, he never completely wanted to know if he was the father or not (he told me once that he knew I knew the truth but he didn't want to even think about it b/c he loves our son so much). Now that there is ZERO chance our son will ever be reunited with his bio dad, do I ever tell him the truth? I'm very torn... he should know his roots but at the same time, I don't want him to have to live with this burden forever (i.e., I'd like to protect him emotionally).

2007-01-18 04:39:56 · 44 answers · asked by xyz 1

We have also accepted her other 2 children whom she's had since.Our son could not afford to help so we did.Now she has moved in with the father of her last child & is trying to push us out of the picture.What rights do we have as these are our grandchildren.The one has a rare disease & we took him to every appointment he had in the city at no cost to her.We learned how to administer his meds so he could sleep over.Now after 10yrs.she is trying to push us out due to moving in with the new guy.What can we do?She has the kids calling the dads of the last two, Dad,and our son,the father of her oldest,his buddy,not his Dad &wants us to do the same as she says it's not our right to call our son,dad to our grandson.Is this right?

2007-01-18 04:37:52 · 9 answers · asked by grandma H 1

We do not know what is wrong with her..She is sick in the mind i can't even get her to go to the dr's and say yes something is wrong..She thinks people are talking about her, she is talking about her family,she is in a good mood and bam a bad mood and nothing happend..She is always macking thinkings up in her mind and she lie's and b/c of her lieing so much she belive them herself...How can u help someone if they will not help them self?
I am only 21 and idk what to do for her... ;-/ i don't have anyone to talk about this to that is why i am here..

2007-01-18 04:26:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a relative of mine who I'm related to by marriage. There are things about her I just don't like. There have been many times when she's said rude things to others but when someone bluntly says something to her, all hell breaks loose. She always puts other downs but praises herself and thinks shes better than everyone. I've noticed her to be somewhat two-faced as well. She comes from a rich family so I think that gives her a sense of pride. How do I deal with someone like that?

2007-01-18 04:07:22 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

my mom is sick, And idk what to do about it she is going crazy she has been like this but now it is just so bad now that i am getting sick and can't stand it..She htinking people are talking about her, and when we try to explain things to her she sasy we are picking on her and ganging up on her and idk what to do...;( SHE HAS BEEN LIKe this from when i was small u just never want to really say yes my mom is sick,,.. But now i know with things she is saying and she actions...HELP HELP HELP~!~!~!
whats can i do? what should i do? how?

it is killing me to see her like this.~

2007-01-18 04:05:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I payed CSA direct from earnigs in 1997 which made me bankrupt in 1998 and i lost everything, house, bank account the lot. now I have new family morgage etc and they are asking me to pay £19300, which I cant afford to pay. With todays interest rates etc my wages are maxed out. Its not that i dont want to pay even tho i dont know where my daughter is and not seen her since she was 2. I would like my daughter to back in my life. And it was the mother who spit the family by having an relation ship with another man at the same time. We where not married. why didnt they contact me before? I have not been hiding! and i am damed if they are going to destroy my family now.

2007-01-18 03:56:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

does anybody know any places were i can find lost relatives if u do could u e-mail me our write back please

2007-01-18 03:54:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf & I have been together over a year now. He’s a lot younger than I am & we currently are living together. About two months ago his grandpa passed away, who he was very close too. Ever since there I have seen a lot of changes in him, he even admits he has changed & not for the better. But he isn’t sure its about his grandpa, but I think theres a connection. The timing is too close for there not to be, IMO. He use to care about his looks, now he barely showers (nice I know), he drinks more (3-4 times a week if he can), he says things like “I don’t care anymore about anything, even myself”. Plus he is moody & just with drawn.

But the hardest thing for me is, the fact he is being really different towards me. He says the change has nothing to do with me. But he feels like we should break up, more than we should stay together. And he doesn’t know why. He says something is gone. Yet he still loves me. He says it has nothing to with me, but if that was true..why would he want to leave?

2007-01-18 03:36:46 · 7 answers · asked by nkbapbt 3

My grandfather is having his hip replaced. He will home in about 10 days.He will need help at home for a few weeks after that. My mom and I are the only family members willing to help. Last time he had surgery he ran both of us, especially my Mom ragged.I have work and college, and my mom hurt her arm lifting something so she will have a hard time cooking, etc.. Last time he had surgery would not accept ANY outside help. How can we explain to him that he MUST accept outside help this time. We CANNOT be at his beck and call 24/7? Of course we will help him but he is VERY demanding and we simply cannot do it alone.His sister helped clean his house the past few days, but she is leaving because they had an argument.When my mom had a day off from work, he expected her to sit in his house ALL DAY JUST IN CASE he needed something at the supermarket. He will demand to be driven to the store, refuse to make a list, demand to be brought back to the store a few hours later..and so on .HELP!!!!

2007-01-18 03:31:39 · 21 answers · asked by Melissa 2

i have a hubby that has to make a poinit to hurt me emotionalnot physically my as well because i work hard maybe not as hard as he at the mines but here is my own mine. clean up after my five other litter bugs. three teens one husband and a cat. then there the laundry and make sure there's a meal to come home to that hot and nurtional

2007-01-18 03:21:22 · 12 answers · asked by clear morning 2

Some jerk decided to get me in trouble this morning. he called my house and said he is my boyfriend. So my mom comes in my room and she says who is this blake guy?? And i am like huh??/she said oh he is your boyfriend!!!I got so mad because id ont EVEN know a guy named Blake let along...DATE ONE. So I told my mom MOm i dont even have a boyfriend what the heck? And she just gave me a dirty look.I am 14 I am not allowed to date. So I imagine she will be MAD once dinnertime comes. My question is what do i do? she wont believe me if i tell her it isnt true. As i am typing this (i am at school) its a 10 minute break and the librarian is giving me a dirty look for typing so loud. So I am going to end this typing.

2007-01-18 02:54:49 · 24 answers · asked by Haley 2

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