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Family - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

2007-01-06 07:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by hajaj 1

My brother married a woman who has a grandson and my mother would like to know if this makes her related to the grandson. I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

2007-01-06 07:09:27 · 2 answers · asked by hardlyworkinwoman 2

My dad drinks, alot! HOw do I deal? He gets mad easily when he's drunk, and he always fights with my mom, but only when he is drunk!

2007-01-06 06:41:33 · 16 answers · asked by yoooooooooooo 3

i pierced my ear again for the third time on the right ear (the one covered by my bangs) and my parents are making me take it out. my mum doesnt mind but my dad, who controls her every judgement, hates piercings and is making me take it out. i reallllyyy dont want to. how can i convince them to let me keep it? they think i should take it out because it was "irresponsible"... HELP!

2007-01-06 06:39:05 · 12 answers · asked by Hannah R 1

one gift is about the size of a box a necklace comes in and it is from my aunt who buys girly things for me (i, myself, would suspect it to be jewely). Another box is a little bigger and looks about the size of two of those boxes sticked on top of each other. it is from the same aunt. another looks like a cylender-octagon thing and i cant remember who its from. i have no clue how to describe the other gift shape, so i'll exclude that one. what do your think they are?

2007-01-06 06:32:08 · 8 answers · asked by Barbeaux 1

I'm a fraternal twin, six minutes older. My twin is my sister.

All my life I've heard all sorts of junk about how having a twin is so great, and this is making me feel really guilty.

I'm the exact opposite of my twin and I hate her. I'm skinny, she's an emotional eater. I'm logical, she wears her heart on her sleeve. I have outstanding willpower, she has none. I don't like much physical contact, she can't live without it. I'm neat, she's a slob. This is a real problem since we share a small bedroom and her job is keeping it clean -as in I get grounded if I clean my room-.

People keep telling me that having a twin is a blessing or sh*t like that. I've never met another set of twins to talk about this with, so I'm coming on here.

Does anyone else have a similar relationship with their twin? Insight, advice, that sort of thing? Or for normies, what do you think about being a twin?

2007-01-06 06:31:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am very upset. My dad bought a new laptop. He doesn’t know that much, how to operate a pc. Whenever he would need help he used to ask me. I helped him every time without any complaint. One day when I took his laptop for my work he said, “don’t take my laptop”. He did not even have any work at that time. Since then I did not even touch his dumb laptop. But how could be he so mean? I helped him so much and why did he behave like this? Otherwise also he is troublesome, always shouting and fighting.

2007-01-06 06:28:21 · 18 answers · asked by lavender 1

and she is 18 years old. When Im at work or sleeping she has her minor friends come over and they drink in my house and then i find the booze bottles either on the counters the bar or in the trash. Im not stupid, but when I go to confront them about having minors drink in the house i get "Well I pay rent" thrown in my face. I don't care if she has friends over, but im not going to be held responsible for having them drink in my house, and being the property owner i would definately get in trouble that and the fact that im over 21. How can i talk to her without having an argument so that i don't have minors in my house drinking?

2007-01-06 06:22:42 · 5 answers · asked by pinkblondie0314 1

My father past away in March and my oldest sister and her daughter have moved in to help myself and my mother with bills. However, I am beginning to wish she hadn't. Now, whenever my mother talks about selling the house, my sis goes off saying that since she is paying part of the bills, we're not doing anything unless "she" likes it. Is my sis right in thinking like this? My mom and dad have spent 17 yrs paying for this house, never asking anyone for a penny. How can my sis think that by paying a couple months worth of bills, that this is now her house...what should I do? I am old enough to move out, but I don't want to leave my mom with my sis being the way she is???

2007-01-06 06:19:39 · 10 answers · asked by Pravda 1

i wanted to stay in a place that was fun to me because my whole family lived there. but i have school. but i want to stay at my place and they said it was okay. but my parents and other family members said i should finish my studies.but i could go to school there. but i want to stay with the bigger part of the family. what should i do?

2007-01-06 06:07:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-06 06:04:32 · 12 answers · asked by Claudia & Charley C 1

since moving away my ex has said that i should seek p.r for my son who lives with me and has done since she went,there is no problems associated with this issue by either party ...
what does it cost to get pr through solicitiors ta

2007-01-06 06:04:17 · 4 answers · asked by phuk1t 3

My husband's daughter and children have recently come into our lives.She has not guided these eight and ten year old boys, but allowed them to be on their own because she always has something better to do on the computer or watch tv. These children have no manners, no respect. The are like having wild animals in the house. My husband is tutoring one of them and I am having difficulty having these kids around me. I am quite angry at myself for not being able to love these boys, but they are soooo unloveable. I need some suggestions, please.

2007-01-06 05:41:37 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

same question, more info
1. I DID buy the gun with my OWN money, contary to what others are saying
2. They say that I can have it back when I reach all A's and B's and the last time that happened was before they made the deal although I have maintained a 3.0 average
3. neither parent remembers why and my mom doesnt even know why it was taken away and I have asked for the gun back many times and asked why not when they said no and they did not provide any thing other than "I don't have to answer the question"
4.I know exactly where the hid the gun and have enough respect and common sence not to take it though this is the 3rd time they have re-hid it and I find it each time through looking for things they havent taken in the basement
5. I am 14 years old and to turn 15 in march
6. It is an air-soft gun nothing more nothing less just a spring fired air-soft gun
7. They will not let me buy a new one until I get the old one back with know store to get a new 1 any ways

2007-01-06 05:33:19 · 5 answers · asked by Jackel1336 1

For the past three years my mother-in-law has been causing trouble for me and my husband. I married her youngest son, all was well at first then we had a baby (which she swears isn't her sons because she looks like me not him) she never liked my husbands ex-wife then all of the sudden they became like best friends. The ex goes there for holidays, they talk on the phone etc etc.....this hurts us. My husband doesnt feel welcomed at his mothers anymore at holidays because the ex is always there. She has done a criminal back ground check on me (mine is clean) but found a person with a similar name and said it was me!!! She won't call the house, she only calls my husbands cell phone (its for work) she has seen our daughter once in the past two and 1/2 years. She sends Christmas gifts for us with my husbands ex-wife! She sent her gifts from us back this year stating they wouldnt fit. I am hurt about this and my husband and my relationship has become strained over this, any suggestions?

2007-01-06 05:17:41 · 11 answers · asked by chemky1 3

Why is it that the mother in laws always interfer in your life?? then they want to run it and tell how to do evrything when your old enough to make your own decisions.. but what if your not strong enough to KEEP standing up to her?? what do you do give up on the best thing in your life??

2007-01-06 04:48:28 · 24 answers · asked by cheekie_manda2004 1

I was concieved by my biological father raping my mother 30 years ago. I just found this out a couple of months ago hence the reasoning behind my mother always treating me like the spawn of satan. I always wondered why she treated me that way and now I know. Me and my mother no longer talk and haven't for almost a year because I forced this information out of her and now she says that she will never be a part of my life again but she still wants to see her grand kids (my 3 children). They have told me that she has told them that she doesn't like me and she says harsh things about me in front of them. She has no desire to reconcile with me even for my kids and I plan on just living my life and helping my kids through this without her because I know they miss her but I don't know what else to do. I have been seeing a therapist for 4 months to help me through this and it seems to be helping. Do you think I'm on the right path to recovery or do you think I should speak up to my mom?

2007-01-06 04:42:10 · 10 answers · asked by Jennifer S 2

What age

2007-01-06 04:05:43 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me. It was her beautiful younger sister.
My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was braless.
One day "little" sister called and asked me to come over to check the
wedding invitations.
She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome.
She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister.
Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word.
She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me.
" I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs.
When she reached the top she pulled off her panties and threw them down the stairs at me.
I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight to the front door.
I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car.
Lo and behold, my entire future family was standing outside, all clapping!
With tears in his eyes, my future father-in-law hugged me and said, we are very happy that you have passed our little test.....we couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family."
And the moral of this story is:;
Always keep your condoms in your car........

2007-01-06 04:02:08 · 52 answers · asked by Greybeard 7


2007-01-06 03:50:28 · 12 answers · asked by Jayde 2

What could we expect to happen @ the ER to her?

2007-01-06 03:15:51 · 14 answers · asked by hannah 1

This week... no one is going to nag me. This week, no one is going to ask me anything. This week, no one is going to tell me anything. I can do whatever I want to do. I am all alone!!!!! yeeeeeeaaaaaa!!!! So, give me some great tips guys.

2007-01-06 03:00:09 · 12 answers · asked by Shane W 2

Im 20 yrs old, still leaving with my parents and they treat me like a little girl. I have a curfew (midnight) and as far as I know, they dont want me to have a boyfriend. Im allowed to go out with friends about once a week. Even if I go out in the afternoon to watch a movie or hang out at Starbucks, I still have a curfew. It is frustratin bec I follow their rules and yet they still dont want to loosen up, even just a little bit. If I rebel, I know that they'll be stricter than ever. I tried talking to them about it and my mom blew her top off. To them opening up the topic of being less strict is a way of rebelling. HEEEELLLLLPPPP. :(

2007-01-06 02:40:26 · 18 answers · asked by cinnamon 1

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