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Family & Relationships - 24 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

...or would you rather he pretend he doesn't notice?
...or would you rather he lie to you?

2007-12-24 16:20:48 · 10 answers · asked by Michael S 3 in Singles & Dating

My current boyfriend is the guy for me and i really love him. He says he feels the same and is always talking about our future together and how im perfect for him. Early this morning though he called and for some reason it came up private call when it doesnt normally. It wasnt a big deal to me but i had only gotten 3 hrs of sleep the night before and wasnt feling all that good. Well he calls back a few hrs later and says he wants to break up because I sounded mad when i talked to him and he didnt want to deal with that. Well i explained i wasnt mad and was dealing with very little sleep. After talking about a few other things he said that he didnt mean it and was just mad and is really sorry and everything and says he still loves me. Will this sort of thing happen again or was it just a one time thing? Can i really believe him because my confidence is a little shaken now.

2007-12-24 16:19:16 · 11 answers · asked by monkeytyums 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

It's xmas and I miss them so much. Legal battels I loose I/m not even a criminal

2007-12-24 16:14:08 · 4 answers · asked by crackers 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I was with this girl for 1.5 years, we were really good together and everything was fine til she moved like 60 miles away. We saw each other often and it was still working well, but one day she calls and dumps me out of the blue. Right away, literally, she is seeing another guy, so obviously she met him while she was still with me and did it all behind my back, and they're going out a week or two later. She says she never cheated, but she lied often about anything and everything, and i have no idea what actually went on behind my back, if they did anything sexual or not. I ask this because now, after a few months, she is contacting me again, telling me how she misses us, and thinks about us and our memories and hinting she may want to try it again. Before I even consider this, should I write her off as a cheater/player? Maybe i'm crazy, but i'm not so sure i wouldn't give her another chance, but i generally have zero tolerance for cheating. What do you think?

2007-12-24 16:09:57 · 30 answers · asked by Jack B 1 in Singles & Dating

So I am 21 years old almost 22 and I still can't be out after 1030pm without hearing a lecture or getting yelled at from my dad. Since he, in my opinion, is so strict I have snuck out a few times in order to go out with friends and such. I just recently found out that he knows that I sneak out, doesnt say anything to me but loves making some kind of joke of it by telling other ppl (aka my aunt and my mom) that he knows I do. One, do I have a right to be mad that he has to tell my aunt this? Two shouldn't I just be able to stay out late? I hate that I have to sneak out and lie in order to have fun once in a while and I have tried talking to him before(like before i ever snuck out) and he just said no and that if I want to leave I can get out. Rules are rules after all. lol. Oh and by the way in his "defense" we are indian and kids are suppose to obey the rents till they are married off... And three should I just continue sneaking out when I need too even though now I know he knows?

2007-12-24 16:07:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok, I don't live with my Mom and Stepdad. I live in CA with my dad while my mom & stepdad live in IA. I came to visit and I've been seeing him look at a lot of Nude Pictures and Chatting with girls, he always acts like some girl on myspace faking to be her. I talked to one of the girls because I stole the s/n of his computer while he was showing me something and I talked to her and stuff and told her that it was really a 50 year old man an stuff. She gave me all his information and stuff. Email Adress and His Page. Etc. I asked my aunt what to do and she said I should tell my mom. I feel very bad telling my mom this is her 4rd Marriage and she always ends up in the wrong mens hand. I mean he's a great guy just not what he's doing. Also, he got fired as a Social Worker for making others feel uncomfortable and having porno on his phone. My mom knows but he says they made it up. I dont know what to do, I feel very bad having to tell my mom. I dont want her to get hurt.

2007-12-24 16:06:22 · 8 answers · asked by Lilly 4 in Family

My fiance' (who works at Wal-Mart) is has been having an affair with a fellow employer in the back store-room. I found this out from one of my fiance's friends that also works there. Should I confront them?

2007-12-24 16:06:17 · 21 answers · asked by Hmmm... 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I don't know, maybe it was my parents who instilled this in me as they continued to reject dating and any guy that gave me a 2nd look unless *they* picked him out, but now that i'm all alone, i feel that maybe I should be nicer to someone that checks me out by smiling or something? I just feel that i'm sorta very specific and no guy would work out unless it was *the* guy (i come from an arab family that doesnt really emphasize dating but just first time marriages at a kinda young age) and then i kinda dismiss him....

but i do want to get to know someone. i mean for me, all growing up done in america, it's hard to find someone that isn't so 'traditional' but still knows my background. then again maybe because i'm silently rejecting ppl before i even say hello, this is hurting any chances i would have had? i mean i dont want to be a ho but at the same time being lonely sucks.

2007-12-24 16:03:47 · 10 answers · asked by sarah 4 in Singles & Dating

So I snuck out a couple days ago..and my parents have been dropping hints that they know...but haven't told me straight out. Should I tell them that I did it and it was wrong or what ?? They already are mad at me for something I've previously done..so I need some major help on what to do

2007-12-24 16:01:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i am not living in my country i'm missing home my relatives my friends and all veryyyyyyyyy much. here i can not enjoy much. all the places in my city are repetitive for me and i can't go for a trip these days. all my friends are busy. these are not my problems these r just simple reasons y i cant enjoy and be happy... my problem is something else which i cant find a solution for it since 1 year ago !! i've asked it many times even in yahoo answers but still didn't come to any solution. that doesn't matter i will try my best not to think about that.... 2007 was not good year for me what about u?? how can i enjoy my life being 18?
I've one week holidays what do u suggest me to do??
thanks and merry christmas ;)

2007-12-24 15:59:01 · 10 answers · asked by negar 2 in Friends

My husband is not nice.he ignores me, is fuull of rage..banging cabinets all the time, complaining he does everything around the house, freaks out if a light is left on, started washing out paper cups, keeps the heat on 60 (of colurse i turnn it up) freaks out if i put hte dishwasher on and its not full..gets mad at me if i go food shopping...(he like to do everything..) and I have no idea what I did..I asked him whats the matter and he says LOUDLY nothing!!! what the heck!!!
Don't say it is a money problem..we have enough and then some...

2007-12-24 15:57:16 · 21 answers · asked by josiejo 3 in Marriage & Divorce

After hearing from so many men with wives who hate sex it makes me want to test drive a woman before marriage more than ever. I know several men who have wives who made every excuse to avoid having sex with them from the honeymoon onward. I don't think it's worth the wait to have this fate befall me.

2007-12-24 15:54:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I bought an air mattress for my wife to use to sleep on the floor....you know, I didn't want to be a jerk or anything. I was trying to be nice? Why is my wife so mean?

2007-12-24 15:53:25 · 19 answers · asked by progrockfan80 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Do you think you should have had your kids at a younger age or older age? I'm deciding on when to have kids. Obviously, I know that its different for each person...but just want to see what most people think about having kids in general. For eg. I have been married for 1.5 years and my hubby wants us to travel more before having kids.

2007-12-24 15:53:07 · 12 answers · asked by Gumnaam1 3 in Marriage & Divorce

she knows i like ehr and i think she likes me, so i want to ask her to like hang out or do something after school. how?

2007-12-24 15:52:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My teacher English teacher is smoking hot. One day, i stayed after class we started makin out. Then she started rubbin... uhh me and then went down on me. Shes 24 and I'm 17. Is that OK??? It sure felt OK HAHA

2007-12-24 15:50:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How do you deal with it?

2007-12-24 15:49:35 · 7 answers · asked by Ejsenstejn 2 in Marriage & Divorce

if caught cheating...... red handed!!!

2007-12-24 15:48:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

this is kind of like a blog.. and a question.
i would write it on myspace..
but they dont need to know about my life..yea weird i know..
but anyways...

my mom met some guy over the internet.
i figured he would be like all of the other men.
things would go great and then my mom would find something wrong with them or something would go wrong no- and no matter how stupid it was they would end up breaking up.
sometimes things jus worked out for the best.
Leo.. one of my favorites..
died from cancer maybe two years after they had broken up...
another who i have some respect for [[though not much]] ended having to move.. he moved to like Texas of something with his ex "wife". so he packed up his trailer and motercycle and before i knew it he and his beer belly were gone.
i didnt even get to say goodbye.. i could really care less.
i probably would have told him to have a nice life and kiss my ***.. but thats beside the pointMORE IN DETAILS SOON. PLZ KEEP THIS ? IN MIND

2007-12-24 15:46:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

what if your in something ya just cant get out of?

2007-12-24 15:43:39 · 10 answers · asked by snozzberries 4 in Marriage & Divorce

when did we start to ues this phrse why do we ues it

2007-12-24 15:41:59 · 14 answers · asked by stand alone complex 5 in Singles & Dating

They think I'm too young to date.

2007-12-24 15:40:22 · 24 answers · asked by Hmmm... 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-24 15:39:43 · 13 answers · asked by kbear 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm going out with a guy who is 17 and will be turning 18 in only a few months. I just turned fourteen not too long ago. I like him so much - he's everything I want in a guy. He's my first boyfriend and I want so badly for him to be the last as well. People disapprove of our relationship because of the age difference and I can't say I blame them. But it would break my heart if I had to say goodbye just because of that. Please give me honest opinions ... is it wrong for a 17 year old to date a 14 year old?

2007-12-24 15:38:44 · 66 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am in a tough spot. I love my fiancee with all my heart. For some reason though she hates my family. Granted there have been times when they seem to have reservations about us. They do love her though. My mom has even gotten us honeymoon reservations in Hawaii and is paying for most of our wedding. Still my fiancee insists that they hate her and that they think she is freeloading off of me since I am helping her through school (she'll be helping me when she is nursing after next semester). I've told her and they've told her that they lover her, but she thinks they're all fake just to be courteous to me. Now she doesn't even want to have anything to do with them. I've missed Christmas Eve with my family, which is very important to me, just to be with her and show her that she is still #1. I don't know what to do. Everyone who is nice to her (friends, family) is just "fake" in her eyes with the exception of me.

2007-12-24 15:37:42 · 10 answers · asked by mac 1 in Weddings

If you decide to wait until you are married before you have sex and then find out that your husband/wife can't satisfy your physical needs,what kind of negative impact would that have on your marraige.
I know that sex shouldn't be the reason for getting married but can you actually go the rest of your life without being satisfied sexually.Would this put a strain on the relationship.

2007-12-24 15:37:22 · 12 answers · asked by upside 4 in Marriage & Divorce