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Family & Relationships - 21 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i really want to get our house blessed coz i keep hearin noise and things keep movin in ma room

but if i get the house blessed with that upset ma bro hwhos ashes are in the house ???

and how would i go about gettin the house blessed

thanks for ur help nadine XxXxXxXxXxXx

2007-12-21 08:01:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I like to take someone out and I also thought about offering to buy her a dress. Is this ok?

2007-12-21 08:01:45 · 24 answers · asked by rockwynd1 2 in Singles & Dating

what do women really want from a marriage a husband and life in general.

2007-12-21 08:01:21 · 17 answers · asked by William M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-21 07:58:12 · 34 answers · asked by ohboy790 3 in Friends

I am estranged with everyone on my father's side (including him) except for his parents. My grandma died yesterday, and today the obituary ran in the paper, and instead of using Julianne Greyrose (my name was changed from his last name to my stepdads last name when I was 8 because my father was not in my life or paying child support) to Julianne Naughton (his last name). I called my deceptive aunt who I knew did they and ask for them to change it and it started a huge fight. She told me my mom and maternal grandma put me up to this as well as my stepdad, and they had nothing to do with it.

Not only is my dad's sister Sharee mad at me, so is he, and his girlfriend Heather. When I was on the phone with Heather asking her about it, my dad was in the background saying I was disrespectful just because I wanted my name to be Greyrose like it has been since I was eight.

Was I wrong to do this?

2007-12-21 07:57:49 · 5 answers · asked by Jake 3 in Family

2007-12-21 07:57:14 · 13 answers · asked by MLA 6 in Singles & Dating

so i put myself out there for a guy,i got like rejected, he didn't even give me an anwer when i confess.seem like he's just playing mind games with me....how do i get back my confidence..i still like him.i know its stupid..but i just can't help my feelings......i really want to get over him.....i can't seem to move on...

2007-12-21 07:57:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am really confused about girls in general. I have been on two dates with this girl I like, told her that I was interested in her, on the first date, so she knew where I stood. She seemed fine with that, went on a second date, kissed her good night, then haven't heard from her since. I sent her an email, but I have not heard back from her since. It's the holidays but I get the feeling this girl is either too busy for a relationship, or she does not have any feelings towards me.

I was honest and up front with this girl, and very sincere. Is that a mistake? I have not heard back from her in over a week, and I do not want to chase this girl. I can tell this girl is not the one for me, but I feel that being honest and upfront with a girl, this one in particular, cost me a chance at a relationship. I guess I'm confused why girls don't get back to me and say, "I'm not interested" in stead of leaving me hanging.

2007-12-21 07:55:06 · 5 answers · asked by ? Mark 2 in Singles & Dating

my 19 year old son'sirlfrend died a while ago.. since then he havent had any relationships until he met a foreigner girl while she was in town & liked & he talks to her via msn..... he wants after the finals to go & spend the vacation with her... but i refuse to lend him money coz am afraid of what might happen to him from her & i dont really like her ..although i dont really know & he is mad @ me cause i wont let him go to her... am i wrong??? could he hate his mother for a girl???? can he hate me for that ???

2007-12-21 07:52:16 · 30 answers · asked by kilckas 2 in Singles & Dating

it just seems like its such a rapidly growing up and coming kink, i wonder if anyone else has noticed it.

some psychology student might have a better reason for it, but if you ask me, if its happening it has to do with changing times. women by nature have a certain amount of sexual freedom becuse they are the choosers, but have been reigned in with labels, threats, and practicality. In a world where women don't have to marry a man to feed herself or be independent of her parents, and she can prevent pregnancy and vd through safe practices, why shouldn't she do what comes naturally

i, for one, think some women are naturally a little (not alot) promiscuous (studies show this is true, particularly during ovulation, as women have evolved to want one type of man to pass on genes to their children, and another to support them - whether you beleive that mumbo jumbo), and i think a day is coming where not even marriage will stop women from enjoying what mother nature has given them.

2007-12-21 07:51:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My mom and dad are getting a divorce, no one cheated. They just got tired of bickering at each other. I am 21 years old and have a 6year old sister and a 16year old brother. We have 3 vehicles and a house that are all in my fathers name. All of the children are now living with my mom at our grandmas house. Is it possible for my mother to win anything in court? we also have a lot of expensive things like HDTV's and stuff...Its so confusing.

2007-12-21 07:50:27 · 9 answers · asked by Girli 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I accept her being bi and all that and i love her with all my heart and couldn't imagine losing her and she says she feels the same...Through our relationship she was drunk and made out with a girl twice...one of which is her good friend.. I consider that cheating and told her that and that i dont want it happening again...After both times she told me she would never do it again..Now her and her friend hung out and took pictures of them kissing each other on the cheeks. It's like shes trying to piss me off or something and she knows i dont like that..I just don't know what to do with her...Should i just deal with this..is this normal or what

2007-12-21 07:50:20 · 7 answers · asked by Joe 1 in Singles & Dating

What is the thing that really gets your interest peaked? Physical, emotional, or mental characteristics all apply.

2007-12-21 07:49:09 · 23 answers · asked by ivyheatherclover 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I have been married since July 7,2007, on July 11th, 2007 my in-law said they were getting a divorce. It has taken a toll on him, as his parents were married for 25 years. We have had a lot of changes since we were married, we moved off to college only to have to move back because of finances(so we moved in with his dad, and now with my parents). He's a very optimistic person, but lately has been depressed, giving up his church and taekwondo(that he's done for 5 years). I don't know what to do, I try to be there for him and we do things together, go out and such, both of us work, he works days(Monday thru Saturday), and I work nights(15 hours, Thursday-Saturday). I would just want some advice to how I can help my husband especially this holiday season. Thanks!

2007-12-21 07:47:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I've been with my bf for 9 months now, and things were going great, or at least I thought so. Last week, I came home early from work, and he didn't hear me. I went upstairs and found him masturbating in the bedroom over something on the computer screen. He tried to hide it from me, but I demanded to see. He'd minimized the screen, but when I clicked on it a picture of a stark naked David Hasselhoff popped up. My bf was just like, "Yeah, so what, deal with it", then stormed out. When he came back I expected an apology, but he just barged past me carrying a lot of rolled up posters. He slammed the bedroom door and locked it. About an hour later he left the room and drove somewhere. When I entered the room I saw that he'd covered the entire room in David Hasselhoff posters including the ceiling. This is so weird. I don't know what to think :/

2007-12-21 07:45:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what's better?
let's say that you have a standard for your life partner. you wish he will fulfill your expectations in 100 percent not less, but you have just two choices:
1. a person who can achieve right now just 50 percent, but the number is growing up cause she loves you so much and she wants to improve and learn and never says no
2. a person who fulfills demands in 90 percent but will never develop to 100 cause of opposite attitude

2007-12-21 07:45:17 · 17 answers · asked by Rokaya 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Thanks guys for your honest answers.

2007-12-21 07:44:59 · 8 answers · asked by Pain_of_Unhappiness2 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I already know that this girl is going to go out with me. We will go out for coffee and some sort of bread snack from Starbucks...just relax and talk and get to know one another. Afterwards, I will take her back to her dorm. I won't go inside, because I don't like her for sex. I don't plan on kissing her goodnight. However, what are some signs that she will want me to kiss her goodnight? And if she does give me a sign that she wants to be kissed...I'm going to kiss her on her forehead instead, and tell her that she looked beautiful tonight, and tell her "I'll call you soon, have a good night, pretty girl." ...Is this good? Ladies, what do you think? If you were the girl, what would you be thinking if I did that to you?

2007-12-21 07:42:37 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i have known this guy for a little over a year, we just started dating a month ago and I like him a lot. I was really hurt in my past relationship, and he was too, so we are taking things slow. how do i know when i truly am in love? I look at him and i know i am interested in getting to know him more, sometimes I think there might be someone better for me, but then i picture him with someone else and realize that would devastate me, so does this mean I have feelings for him? is it something more than a 'like' since I dont want him to be with anyone else?or is that just jealousy?

2007-12-21 07:41:55 · 1 answers · asked by kelly k 1 in Singles & Dating

Should I set up a slip n slide in my backyard and ask my wife to join me in acting like a kid in a water park... but as mature adults and naked?

2007-12-21 07:40:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

whats the best way to get a girl i have been talking to on myspace and seen 2 times in person and do texts talked on phone a few times how would i get her to party at my cabin? any thoughs would be great if anyones been in this situation?

2007-12-21 07:40:01 · 13 answers · asked by Brandan 1 in Singles & Dating

I always in enjoy Texas ranger, i really liked Chuck Norris, all my family and friends would tease me about this. but I still think his cute. So how about you?

2007-12-21 07:36:49 · 30 answers · asked by Lori T 2 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend has a 4 year old daughter and it drives me crazy that he has already been through so much with someone else. I kno I shouldnt but I found some pictures of him and his ex, nothing bad, but I get so jealous. How do I get over this or can I? The mother is back and forth between being a mom and then not seeing her daughter for a week or more, and when his daughter was a year she took off completely for several months (drugs). I feel for his daughter since I was in a similar position as a child. But at the end of the day I know I am not her mother and that she already has a mother. In her baby book there is a picture of my boyfriend with his arms around his ex's stomach while she was pregnant. I get so jealous that he shared so much with someone else. What do I do?

2007-12-21 07:36:02 · 10 answers · asked by CuriousAl 1 in Family

Over the course of our lives we make mistakes. With those mistakes we learn and grow. I know for myself every mistake I have made, I have strived to become a better person from those mistakes. I still have my problems and I have a much longer road to travel to solve those issues. But I know that the road that I take will be better with you there at my side. You complete the circle in which I call my life. We have started a family and slowly over time have started to grow as a couple. Wife, you make my life better and I love you.

But my question is this….is love ever lasting, can it really stand the test of time ?

2007-12-21 07:31:15 · 10 answers · asked by potato 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I'm 15. i just lost my virginity to my boyfriend. it was both our first times. We used a condom and it didnt break or anything. we took it off and put back on once. But hes afraid that maybe he put it on backwards. is it true when a condom touches air sperm is gone? well we did it and i have'nt got my period yet. im really scared. does having sex postpone your period? please help. me and my boyfriend are really nervous

2007-12-21 07:29:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

this all happened within five days! i broke up with him and a day later i told him how i felt and i wanted to work things out he said maybe he just needs time and then today i asked him for a second chance he told me he is dating someone already and just wants to be friends i feel dumb but people are telling me it makes him look bad because he is already with someone just shortly after our breakup! who does look bad?

2007-12-21 07:24:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Supposedly my boyfriend said that he hasn't cried in 3 years after his grandmother died, and he says that he wasn't even crying because she was dead, but was crying for everyone else who was crying at the funeral. Though the last time I cried was this morning aha. What makes it so hard for guys to show their emotions?

2007-12-21 07:24:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i have a date tonight and my "girlfirend' is haveing some of her friends come so after telling my mom this she said it was so her and her friends colud check me out is this true and if so how will i know when there doing this and what can i do so they like me

2007-12-21 07:20:34 · 13 answers · asked by josh g 2 in Singles & Dating

I know this is not a dating question but it is answers in this category that I am referring to. I am so tired of reading people's answers that say "learn to spell" or they tell the person asking a question that the problem is NOT that they are lonely or sad or scared or even confused but rather it is because their intelligence is SO low because they can not spell ... wtf is that all about? Who decided you were going to be the grammar police? None of us are perfect and its upsetting to me that there are people trying to get HELP on here because they are scared or worried and they feel lost and some a-hole decides to be a smart *** with them. Obviously you can SPELL and you must be SO educated but you need some lessons on sensitivity and compassion! Why are people like that even on this website? Does it make you feel better to be a jerk or does it make you feel superior because your grammar is better than that of a stranger? Why do you even bother answering a question! Get over yourself!

2007-12-21 07:20:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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