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Family & Relationships - 10 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-12-10 08:39:28 · 32 answers · asked by Lisa 4 in Weddings

I'm an 18 year old guy whos gonna turn 19 in two weeks and i like this girl whos 16. She doesnt turn 17 till May. We both live in Pennsylvania. I was gonna ask her out but I just wanted to know if it was illegal to have sex with her. How many years could I get in prison if her parents find out?

2007-12-10 08:36:19 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My current gf who's 29 said to me that she's been with 16 partners before me. She said some of them were one-nighters in college but the vast majority were failed relationships. I am at half that and it really bothers me. Past gfs have had 2 or 3 more than me and I never gave it a 2nd thought. But with this girl I am. I tried voicing my concerns. I am told 16 isn't too many for a 30 year old but to me it seems like a few. I don't look at her like a $lut but it bugs me. My girl friend has a friend who said that yeah, back in the day she was a little easy and that he never would consider being with that and wants a "lady". I just am concerned I will always be compared to these other guys. I know its stupid and silly but I do. I regret never capitalizing on past chances because I wouldn't feel the way I do today. What if one day she thinks back about them or makes fun of me for being with less? The girl I lost my virginity to was with one other guy before me and made fun of me. It destoryed our relationship and she went out and cheated on me. I feel like sometimes I'm missing out still and only have so many yrs left. I also kinda know sleeping with other women isn't gonna solve anything either.

2007-12-10 08:34:57 · 17 answers · asked by modusoperandi 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Wouldn't it be nice if by some magic everyone who wanted to be in a happy relationship could find that special someone by Christmas Day?

2007-12-10 08:34:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I will be heading home for the holidays in a week or so and am facing a dilemma. I have many close friends who will be spending a lot of time together, spending the night at each others houses, etc. Having not seen them in several months, I would like to go out and have a good time with them this holiday season. However, I do not want my family to feel like I am "blowing them off" or paying more attention to my friends than them. How do I go about pleasing both my family and friends? Hmm...

2007-12-10 08:34:29 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

If you've ever had to encounter this before (i'm sorry!) but what are some hints that led you to find out? And if you were the one doing the cheating, what were signs that the other should have seen?

2007-12-10 08:31:44 · 19 answers · asked by emreldjewel 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I called out sick a month ago and then when I try to call out sick today, I was told I have to make up days even though I was put down that I worked on the schedule and payed for it? Should I?

2007-12-10 08:31:04 · 13 answers · asked by suninmyeyes 2 in Marriage & Divorce

He likes blaming everything on me. I'll ask him what's wrong and he says there's nothing wrong with me what's wrong with you. And when other people are around it seems like it just gets worse he likes trying to be the bigger person or something. We've only been married 1 year and 2 months!

2007-12-10 08:29:38 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-12-10 08:27:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I had a bit to drink on Saturday night at a club in town, a friends husband was also out on his works xmas party and we ended up kissing, we are both married and we'd both had a bit to drink, I regret it so much, what happens now ?

2007-12-10 08:25:51 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have been talking to several friends about this and I'm getting different perspectives.

Some say that the period of engagement is the time when you can decide whether you are prepared to get married.

Others say that the period of engagement is just the time to plan the wedding -- that you should already know that you want to get married.

What do you say? Are people frowned upon if they call off an engagement? Or is it very common because an engagement is just the time when you make the final decision anyway?

Should we get engaged if we aren't 100% sure? My boyfriend is 100% sure...but I am only about 80% sure. Either way, we wouldn't be getting married for a few years.

2007-12-10 08:24:05 · 21 answers · asked by ay ya 2 in Weddings

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 years and we will probably get engaged late in 2008 (we have discussed it). I live alone and have been for the past 3 years and I love it. When he comes over, he always offers to help cook or clean up but I hate when he touches things because he either puts it back wrong, breaks something, or loses something. Whenever he comes over, he always puts on sports or some movie and I wind up reading a magazine because I don't want to watch anything he likes. I like living alone but if we get married, I know I'll have to life with him. How do I get over this?

2007-12-10 08:23:17 · 10 answers · asked by cupid2410 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I got married to a canadian citizen after only knowing her 6 weeks. She made certain promises and representations which turned out to be lies.

She had a sugardaddy who is an american 40 years her senior who provided financial support for her before, during and after our marriage. This can be proven.

She left me for him after he provided her with $10,000. We were married only 7 months.

Question is do I have any legal claims against him or her for marriage fraud? He is very wealthy, and upon reflection it appears she married me to obtain her visa in order to be with him.

2007-12-10 08:20:55 · 11 answers · asked by Dan 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i'm the only one in the school who knows, but this guys mom has breast cancer!! well shes getting surgery tomoro, tuesdayy, so is ther anytin i can do to help him? idk why he only told meh, but w.e. so what shul i doo?

2007-12-10 08:18:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I need help and I need it fast and bad. I'm 16 and in this club where the executives meet every week. There are two boys there and we get on really well. One, X (Yeah, diregarding the fact that it's so Three Days Grace), sits next to me during meetings and teases me alot( like 'accidentally' nudging his leg against mine.Taking my book and refusing to give it back) and his friends usually joke that we're an item and there should be no lovey-dovey during meetings and all.
Second, (bear with me here, please) is W, who usually catches my eye and winks or makes a kissy face thingy at me.
Both usually send me sweet text messages, especially during a bout of illness when I couldn't make it the meetings, checking up on me to see how I was getting along. Question: do they like like me, or are just being friendly.
Third (so I talk a lot. It's a blessing), what's the best way of letting a guy know you aren't interested but still maintain your friendship?

2007-12-10 08:18:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-12-10 08:17:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Okay I am 21 and have been with my boyfriend since I was 14. He was 17, now 24.
He always looks out for me and is over-all very concerned with me.
Of course I lost my virginity to him and have never cheated!
He has a bad temper and when he gets mad at me he will call me bad names and say hurtful things to me.. Like "W* hore, Sl*t, B*tch, c*nt, I wish you would die, worthless W* hore, ect." Those things really hurt me because I lost my virginity to him and its disrespectful. he tells me I will never be anything without him and that Im fat and ugly.. (that doesnt bother me as much because I know im not fat or ugly) and I know he doesnt see me as fat and ugly. the other things i dont know though. He has pulled my hair like 2 or 3 times, pushed me a couple of times, has hit me twice. He hasnt hit me in about a year. But he still talks to me bad when he gets mad.
This only happens about once a month, sometimes less. I know he has anger issues. Should i accept his temper? or what?

2007-12-10 08:16:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok i just broke up with my boyfriend and we have a 1 1/2 year old and i want to get child support. but i dont want to go threw the courts i want us both to agree on whats right. but how i go on about doing that? i want it to be known that he pays me and i want to make sure that i get the money but i dont want anything to do with going to court. can some1 please help me

2007-12-10 08:14:22 · 5 answers · asked by Gina K 1 in Marriage & Divorce

How did I get this way? I feel so hopelessly addicted to vicodin. I've been using for about one year. I take about 10 5/500 pills a day. No one in my family knows about my addiction, but lately, I've been a mess. My girlfriend constantly asks me, "what's wrong." "You seem so down." And I say, "nothing, I'm fine." I love her so much. We live together and I treat her and her daughter really good. I just shift all the anger on myself. I just want to break down and cry and tell her that I love her and need help. The problem is that I can't afford rehab. I need some kind of outpatient help and my medical insurance doesn't provide good support in the area of chemical dependency. I'm a straight A student in college, I work full-time, and I have many hopes and aspirations. I know that if I can't get through this, I'll ruin my life and lose everything that's precious to me. Every fiber of my being hurts, and I wish that I had never touched the vicodin. Any advice?

2007-12-10 08:12:02 · 17 answers · asked by Big Matt 1 in Singles & Dating

There is this kid on my bus who is veeeeerrrrry shy but we make eye contact and stuff alot and I see him looking at me alot. I just want to know what else shy guys do to let a girl know they're interested. Shy guys don't be shy to answer! =)

2007-12-10 08:09:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've known this guy for about 5 years now. We dated about 4 years ago and we stopped talking. I recently started dating him again and the other night we were at his friends house and he told me he loves me. The only thing that I'm concerned about is that he was drunk. I didn't know what to say so it was an awkward silence for a minute. Yesterday I was talking to him and I said do you remember what you said to me lastnight? He said yes and he never said anything else after that. I'm not really sure if he means it though. Can someone tell me how I would be able to tell if he's being sincere or not?

2007-12-10 08:04:13 · 4 answers · asked by ProudMama4710 5 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-10 08:00:50 · 16 answers · asked by †StrongAsDeath† 3 in Singles & Dating

I'M 15 i have been trying to get a girlfriend but no one seems to like me i have tried talking socializing but they don't really seem to be interested in me? i find that dating is hard and is really stressful i can't concentrate in school. why?

2007-12-10 07:59:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-12-10 07:59:23 · 17 answers · asked by J 4 in Singles & Dating

HEllo all I am having some issues with my boyfriend...he is so wonderful but in the sex/affection/intimacy department, we seem to be lacking something...
It seems to me that the only way we have sex or show any type of affection is if I initiate it. When it comes to SEX if I dont start something then it just wont happen. He has his own place and I have mine, and he can come over and spend the night 5-7 days in a row and he will just go straight to sleep.. I dont want to seem like a NAG or make it seem like thats all I want but I am a very sexual person and need that type of attention regularly if not on a daily basis...am i asking for tooo much?? How do I tell him that I need him to be more aggressive without hurting his pride/manhood???

2007-12-10 07:58:52 · 1 answers · asked by mishee_moo 1 in Singles & Dating

tell me for what.

2007-12-10 07:58:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

This has bothered me for quite some time. When I ask him if it's because he just doesn't like to do it, he said "pretty much." But he has also told me that in the past he has done "everything" with a girl he dated. How can he not do "everything" with his own wife? This gets to me. We do everything else but this. I make sure I am fresh & clean : ) so I'm sure that isn't why. I go down on him very often. Sometimes I think I should stop going down on him, until he will go down on me. Do you agree with this? Please answer me this:
Why would a man not want to please his wife (or at least try it once because she wants it)?
Have you ever known a man to not like going down on a girl?
What should I do to fix this problem?
Thanks for your help, this is a sensitive issue for me and I don't know who else to ask! I am too embarrassed to tell my friends he doesn't ever do this for me. : (

2007-12-10 07:56:51 · 36 answers · asked by jval 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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