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Family & Relationships - 7 December 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I have been reading some of the post. Of ppl looking for some advise. To see some saying to go to a Church of some sort of Counselling bad idea. When ppl going thro marriage problems
One loves to blame the other. But, in reality one had done something out of the bountries. Marriage is a 2 way street nut, when the line has been cross.
But, think of not expect the innoco to take reponsible for the other bad behavior then using the courts to put lies on them.
What do you think of some other encouragement??

2007-12-07 16:22:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Which would you rather have in a guy?




I know both probably sounds the best but if you can pick one, which would you?

2007-12-07 16:21:33 · 14 answers · asked by yunoknow? 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-12-07 16:19:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my parents are divorced n my mom is with my step dad duh and well my boyfriend is close wit my parents n my step dad is always telling him that he has gone out with girls behind my moms back. But then he told him that if he told me or my mom what he told him that he would get him bad. should i tell my mom or should i wait till maybe they get into a arguement n then i tell her or what should i do

--- Confused Chick!!!!

2007-12-07 16:16:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I have known my best friend for 17 years (i am only 20), so it has been forever. I was recently diagnosed with something and when I told her she promised me she wouldn't tell anyone. About 5 days later her boyfriend tells me that he knows. When I confronted her about it she told me that when she said she wasn't going to tell anyone she assumed she knew that she was going to tell her boyfriend. What do I do, we have been friends for so long, but how am I supposed to trust her when she let out my biggest seceret?

2007-12-07 16:15:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I am IN LOVE with my boyfriend. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me and all I think about but for some reason Lesbian porn.... i dunno.... I like watching it... Am I bi?? When I'm around girls normally it's just like whatever... am I bi?? It is normal??

2007-12-07 16:14:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Do you believe in the Mark? 666 the Devil's number.BEHOLD its COMING,SOON!!! Lookout!!! Woah unto those,the sinners,that dwelelth upon the earth. Your time is short,those who that reject the Mark shall be beheaded.Repent for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

2007-12-07 16:11:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He is just talking to them nasty and in every way but is it enough to leave him we have kids and been together for 6 years he left again and I just caught him talking to some young girl feeeding her head with bullshit is it a game to him or do you think i should leave him or do counseling first he hasnt sleep with them he somehow just gets turned on by chatting with them on the phone and makking them fall in love with him making them think they are the only one and he has been suffering and talking nasty with them what should i do

2007-12-07 16:10:57 · 11 answers · asked by SlantedEyedChick♥ 2 in Marriage & Divorce


2007-12-07 16:10:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my husband went to act to work i made the mistake of not wanting to go down there to live when he wanted us a family then at the end i said i would go but he said it is to late he doesn t what to be with me any more . We had money problem and other problems before he left but nothing that cannot be fixed but he just keeps saying if i only would came down there we would not be were we r now but i said that i would sell our home and go down but he just keeps saying that he doesn t want 2 be with me any more .But the min he has a car accid or samething he rings me . I feel like my heart has fallen out please help me .We have 2 kids anb been married 12 years.

2007-12-07 16:09:38 · 4 answers · asked by janelle a 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Well when I make out with a guy, which has only happened a few times, we usually aren't doing much with our hands. I would definitely like a guy to put his hands on my butt or in my shirt while making out, but that hasn't happened much yet... i'm sure it will happen after awhile, but it just hasn't yet. how do i get this to happen without making it awkward?
btw, i'm not too young, i'm almost 15.

2007-12-07 16:08:59 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I think my girl is rushing me I only known her like a year and like 8 months and only been talking to her a few months. She asked me do I think I might marry her one day when she get her self together mainly talking about her degree. I'm like "what are you talking about?" She said she needs to know if I have the same feelings she has for me. She's a great person great conversation good head on her shoulder, gorgeous problem I have is she's a freak in bed I'm cool with 1 or 2 hours but she likes to go all night long. I'm not ashame to say she's more than I can handle and for the rest of my life are you kidding me! I'm use to being the dominant one in bed guys I know you feel me it's nice every now and then to let the female run things in bed but we all know whoever controls the bedroom is the man and I'm not trying to be the wife in this relationship. I tried telling her although the sex is great we're not compatible in she said we are. How do I tell her this is the main reason?

2007-12-07 16:08:17 · 4 answers · asked by askmeguru21 5 in Singles & Dating

I've been friends with this guy for about 3 months now and over that time he and I have become close. He calls me his "best chick friend" and has me in his top 4 on MySpace (next to his 3 best guy friends).

We talk on IM, MySpace and in person as well as texting. It's summer break where I live and lately I've realised that like him more than a friend.

He has had trouble with a girl he was completely enamored with and dated a few months back - now she barely gives him the time of day. I've been there for him the whole time.

When we hug, he hugs me differently to any other guy friend I have, with his arms around my lower waist, just above my butt. He kinda swings me around a bit. We also flirt ALL the time, pretty much constantly, and always seem to compliment each other.

Does he like me? What should I do? We're 15; he's about 5 months older.

2007-12-07 16:08:11 · 1 answers · asked by Astrid 5 in Singles & Dating

I have three children the ages of 19,15,and 7 my husband and i been having problems for years since i cheated on him 1992. I know there was know exscues for cheating. He was never their for me just like now im paying rent,light, phone, cable ins. car note and food. we saperented five time and last year. But i let him come back eventhough he said that he has forgiving me. I'm doing for my children even thow i'm not happy. he work but he don't bring much to the table. I dont' know how it feel to be happy becouse i too don't believe in devoices. remeber he said that he had forgiving me in the past. but i have children that see their mom paying all the bills every mouth. my son is't trying to work at all. I told him that i was unhappy in the only thing he say , he want his family back.

2007-12-07 16:07:30 · 8 answers · asked by Rosa P 1 in Marriage & Divorce

It's been over a year when my husband told me that he was no longer happy in our relationship and that he wants out. He drops this bomb on me a week after our son turned 1 years old. Since then I moved out of the state I was living in to make a better life for myself, two kids and my mom came too. Now about a month ago he decided that he wanted to work things out so he moved up here but is living with his brother. When we were together I suspected he was cheating and caught him. Now that he's up here I still have that same feeling. Being that he's living with his brother doesn't mean a damn thing to me. He still has those same signs and when I ask him he says that there is no one and that I should trust him. How do I do that?

2007-12-07 16:06:36 · 8 answers · asked by Butterfly Gal! 1 in Marriage & Divorce

in my opinion if your single then you obviously will have more money in your wallet but i love sharing the holidays with somebody i love and care about....

What do you prefer?

2007-12-07 16:05:33 · 24 answers · asked by Mattyloom 2 in Singles & Dating

Hi I have posted here before. I have to again. I am so tired right now. I have no one to help me. I am at everyone's mercy. the only thing I had in my life was my job, but my depression is hurting my job. I went months and months without crying at work and now I am in a very sad state. I am a good worker I think, but I can't stop crying and I dont know how to interact with people today. they are just so rude and loud and aggressive and I just dont fit in with that. I feel like I am at everyone's mercy because I have no husband or boyfriend to talk to. I have no friends and people just expect you to be happy. I am in trouble at work because I get emotional, but thats it. I don't call out, only when Im very sick. I do what im told but it's not enough. women who are married or have boyfriends are happy and people look down on me and say well why can't you be happy like her? they don't care that she is loved and maybe thats why shes happy. Im afraid. LIsa

2007-12-07 16:05:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i LOVE my mom. shes 40 and she has 2 children; me(16) and my brother(8). very recently she and my dad divorced and she found another person who made her feel alive again and im sooo happy for her (after the loveless marriage she shared with my dad, she deserves it) but the bad part is, is that this newfound love involves a lot of drinking and late nights. she is the hardest peson to talk to. in three seperate times shes come and said shes sorry for what shes doing, but it never fails, within the next week shes at another bar or party. it hurts so much, its like everytime she says she wont go out, i truley, deeply believe her and everytime i believe her she breaks my heart again. i miss the mom she used to be!!!and i know shes in there, but how can i get her back? why cant she just stay home with me and my brother? should i just get over it? please help me

2007-12-07 16:04:06 · 6 answers · asked by Sabrina 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Fill in the blank.

2007-12-07 16:03:47 · 14 answers · asked by afreeman20035252 5 in Other - Family & Relationships


become more self confident,gain more self esteeem?
sounds stupid i know, but whatevvvvvv,
ive just become so during hs, i mean its not like i have no friends, cuz i do but im so shy now, is there anything i can do to make it better?

2007-12-07 16:03:31 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

theres a girl I like and i really want to ask her out but something tells me that theres no way in hell she'll ever say yes.. should I save myself the embarrassment of a no, or just go for it anyway?

2007-12-07 16:03:09 · 15 answers · asked by Superstar 1 in Singles & Dating


Case 1) You like her too
Case 2) You don't like her back
Case 3) You're not even aware she's alive

Oh and BTW some other peson asked this also but i thought it was a really good question and i wanted to see what I could get.

2007-12-07 16:02:58 · 4 answers · asked by ツLuv~u~2ツ 4 in Singles & Dating

Fill in the blank.

2007-12-07 16:02:53 · 9 answers · asked by afreeman20035252 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

i want to make sure that there no mistakes, like the rope snapping off.

2007-12-07 16:00:31 · 29 answers · asked by just hanging around 5 in Marriage & Divorce

3 years ago mom passed away and it still feels like yesturday sitting around the table making tamales right after Thanksgiving, getting ready for Christmas to get here. trying to cope with her loss has been so difficult for all six of us, she left behind my Dad, and my brothers and sisters and the only thing that goes through my mind every day is all that pain she went through and not being able to heal her, I just feel it was not her time! and we are quite young and we still need her, how do we all cope? how do i cope? I still cry!!!

2007-12-07 16:00:27 · 11 answers · asked by Mmmommy 1 in Marriage & Divorce

When he does things he reacts like I am going to get mad at him or like I will yell at him, or try to give him a guilt trip. He works a lot of hours and hardly has time for much else. How would I go about talking to him about it with out putting him on the defensive?

2007-12-07 15:59:20 · 6 answers · asked by Sup! 4 in Singles & Dating

plz help me !!!!

2007-12-07 15:58:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I need some ideas on ways to propose on christmas
please help i got some ideas but i dont think there so good so please leave feed back

2007-12-07 15:57:35 · 11 answers · asked by blazerican05 1 in Weddings

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