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Family & Relationships - 8 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

There are a guy and a girl who work in the same, large office as me. Let's say they're called Laura and Luke. Laura is one of my best friends and we've always told each other EVERYTHING. I'mgreat friends with Luke too, he called me his best female friend. I'm far better friends with Luke than Laura and Luke are.

Now Luke is a BIG womaniser. He has sex with LOADS of girls. And i've just found out that Laura and his have NOT slept together, but that a few weeks ago she took him back to her house and they did EVERYTHING but have sex.

She always made a big deal about how anyone would want to sleep with him. I don't understand why neither of them told me! I'm very trustworthy, and they tell me everything else! It's not going on now, it was a one night thing. but I only managed to find out by pretending I knew anyway and doing some serious bluffing.

I feel betrayed and I feel like it "cheapens" my relationships with them. Am I wrong??

2007-11-08 18:10:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Me and my man have been together for almost 6 years. We plan on getting married and are expecting our first child this month. We have had issues but have worked them out and everything started to seem fine until out of no where, his ex girlfriend looked him up and has contacted him. She just calls our home number out of the blue and tells him that she found it on the internet. She is 3000 miles away from where we are so Im not really bothered by that. But what is bothering me is that he hides the fact that he talks to her behind my back. He told me that after she called the first time he told her to stop calling, but I know for a fact he is. She emails him. And is always calling his cell phone. I have confronted him about this and he told me that they dont talk about anything forbidden. But the way I eel is, he shouldnt be talking to her at all since he lied and told me he stopped in the first place but he was really still talking to her. What would you do?

2007-11-08 18:08:50 · 22 answers · asked by Dae 3 in Singles & Dating

you hooked up with a guy, he was the nicest person in the world, seemed like a real good guy, seemd normal and all. then just flipped and called you all kinds of bad names and found out he lied about not having a criminal record. how could someone who seemed so perfect be the worst of the worst

2007-11-08 18:06:13 · 7 answers · asked by Tim M 1 in Singles & Dating

Is it disturbing to ask a woman on a first date to dress in football pads and let me tackle her...i mean she wouldn't get hurt or nuttin'.....she could do it to me as well....

2007-11-08 18:00:47 · 14 answers · asked by loofa36 6 in Singles & Dating

I have a old daughter with the guy I have been with for 6 years. He is a recovering addict but relapses often. He has taken off for days, stole from me, and is just mean. He is a good father and to my daughter he is superman. I have met a guy who is great. He has morals, a job, goals and is genuinly a good person. I really like him,however, I do not cheat and I am scared to leave my boyfriend. I feel like I owe it to my daughter to settle. If I left him he has no job, no where to go and I would feel horrible. The answer seems obvious, but, I struggle everyday. I am not happy!

2007-11-08 17:58:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Shes also a porn addict n "hangs" with 16-19 year olds.I like her so much but i don't know if i should but in and help her before its to late and she gets in lots of trouble. & I can't tell her family becuse there dealing with her father dying from cancer.

2007-11-08 17:58:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

and from which country are coming in from?

I like to answer questions - I like to think some of my answers help some people. It either gives them the quick answer they need or opens their mind a little bit more.

I am from Costa Rica.

2007-11-08 17:55:08 · 14 answers · asked by Maria U 2 in Marriage & Divorce

A good friend of mine gets rather annoying when he drinks.

Keep in mind he is not getting wasted, driving, fighting, getting real biligerant etc. However, he just starts talking and talking and it gets really annoying after a while. He does not do this when not drinking and in fact is a great guy.

Tonight a bunch of us were trying to watch a movie and this guy would not stop talking. After a while when he talked other people would say "Good for you" and then ignore him. I think people were getting pretty annoyed. (I know I was).

They guy admits that he is alcoholic and says he "likes to drink a few beers." (or 8 or 9 lol!)

Granted it could be worse, he could be getting real wasted and causing all kinds of problems.

Even though that is not the case. What he is doing is getting very annoying.

What can I do?

2007-11-08 17:54:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Do you think people that cheat, end up in a solid relationship with the person that they have been cheating with in the first place or does the relationship not last?

2007-11-08 17:53:53 · 19 answers · asked by xxaveragejoexx 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok, me and this girl are like really good friends . We promised each other that we will always be there for each other . I'm close with her parents & brother..and I surprise her by buying her stuff, and occasionally, I act as her boyfriend to tell dudes that bother her to back off.

But anyway, my best friend girlfriend introduced me to her and in the beginning we kissed each other lightly once, nothing big. But we haven't really tried getting close to each other like that now .. I guess we are both scared if we get into a relationship it would ruin our already close friendship.

but we do FLIRT with each other ALOT .. like we would play with each other hands and we would just have playful staring contests, and when i pick her up she wraps her legs around me..

I like her..but i'm more concerned with being her friend right now, because she did just get out of a year and a half relationship..and i guess all she needs right now is a friend.

So how do u think she feels about me ?

2007-11-08 17:46:10 · 7 answers · asked by theGREATEST. 4 in Singles & Dating

ok so like all my friends got invited to a bday party that i didnt get invited to i feel really left out
i even knew the girl!
when i go back 2 school, will it be the hot topic? no parties ever have been and never are.

2007-11-08 17:42:56 · 8 answers · asked by goobagobba 1 in Friends

Is it true once a cheater always a cheater.

2007-11-08 17:40:26 · 24 answers · asked by Jeff 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been talking to this girl on myspace and I like her so far and think that I might wanna meet her and maybe go on a date. Here is the convo lately. Does she like me or not? I start the convo....then it goes back and forth.

2007-11-08 17:36:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Everyone, girls and boys, call me conceited. The girls say, "Oh look! It's the wh0re!". And the boys say, "Hey baby, who's gonna be in your pants next?"

I don't get it! I just moved to Anaheim a week ago and I'm not even that pretty, nor do i have a boyfriend, so I don't get why I'm being called conceited, slutty, and a *****. Sure guys show interest but I find it disgusting because they randomly com up to you and stuff and it's making me uncomfortable.

I know this is off topic, but how would i look with blond hair?


(Not an attention wh0re, i promise)

2007-11-08 17:34:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

there's this guy in my university campus, we've talked a few times face to face, just casual chats, and all the while, we used to smile and say hello when we run into each other around the campus. we were just like casual hi-bye friends.

however, after that (recently) it was no longer the case. i don't know why and when things started to change. just that i realised now we don't say hi anymore. instead, when he sees me, he would turn his eyes away or look elsewhere once he sees me.

guys can you please explain this guy to me?? thank you very much.

2007-11-08 17:33:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What do you think the best traits or actions are to notice when someone likes you?

2007-11-08 17:23:24 · 13 answers · asked by GK 1 in Singles & Dating

My mom and her siblings have been at war for a while now. It's a big long story that I'm not going to get into. My mom keeps my sister and I out of it, but still keeps us informed on what is going on. We still have alot of contact with our extended family. My mom sent me an email today, that my uncle sent to my grandfather about me. He was basically spreading lies about me, to my grandparents, about how I'm supposedly in an unhealthy relationship, and I'm a drug addict and a whore. My mother told me to not mention my knowledge of this email to any of my extended family. With the holidays coming up, how do I cope with a crazy family? I can't walk in all cheery, knowing that my uncle has poisoned my, and my boyfriend's name. Please help.

2007-11-08 17:21:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

2007-11-08 17:20:49 · 7 answers · asked by Jeannie H 1 in Singles & Dating

I can't help myself. Like I befriend girls that have mates just to see if I can steal their boyfriends. I am addicted to doing it. It usually starts off w/ me flirting with their guy while they are preoccupied and then I begin to put doubts in his head about her. I also lie and talk about stuff I do to make me look real good. I also dress sexier and it works everytime. Once I have them of course I don't want them but it makes me feel good at the moment that I've stolen the guy but I do feel guilty sometimes when I really liked the girl.
Anyway, how can I stop this. I just did this to a girlfriend of 9 months. She was so in love and I just wanted to "prove" to her that EVERY man is a loser...cause they are....he did me in the bathroom at her house when she was sleeping.....

2007-11-08 17:14:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


elderly lady age 75 living alone my mother in law gets up in the morning and has a yackult drink for breakfast, for dinner has half a sandwich and half for tea, she is capable of cooking but wont cooker never been used. eldest daughter does her shopping and pays her bills, mother never goes out sits at a table all day, will not get bathed, or any other personal hygeine i today going down to get her in bath because my husband wont bath her which is understandable. i feel she is really under weight any suggestions what to do.

2007-11-08 17:10:02 · 6 answers · asked by Lynn C 4 in Family

I am in my late twenties (28) and I love living at home with my parents and other adult siblings. My parents encourage us to stay at home and save money as long as we want to and have enough left over for fun stuff like nice cars and vacations etc. They tell us that as long as everyone gets along and respects each other, there is no need to move out. Living so close to where I work and go to school is also another reason to stay at home. My parents wouldn't dream of charging us rent or any other fees for living in our own house. You wouldn't believe the abuse that my parents and my siblings and I endure almost on a daily basis because people are clearly jealous of our living arrangements. Why else would people make snide remarks? Even girls I encounter claim that my living at home is a social impediment, not to mention a turn off to girls! I am responsible with my finances and I have a good relationship with my family and that is a turn off? What is this world coming to?

2007-11-08 16:55:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

Me and my friend have been friends for a year now. Throughout that year we have been hella close, talk about girls, sports, play games with. But, then he kind stopped talking to me, he would rarely talk to me. I confronted him, and he tells me I act to buddy, buddy to him =\. Kinda sad, because I think of him as my best friend and a brother. And all he cares about is his image to the public, his friend make fun of him because we talk to each other to much. Saying he's gonna be gay n all. But I don't see it that way at all. He is the only friend that is my best friend and he doesn't want that. He acts totally different with me, we both got/had girlfriends, but he still gets the feeling I'm trying to become "attached". He is a brother and still he wants to get fa away from me. He talks but when he does, he has a tone that's like "get away". Don't no what to do =\... It sucks not talking to him. Now, that me n my girlfriend broke up, {long distance don't work}.. He's always been there and

2007-11-08 16:50:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2007-11-08 16:45:37 · 4 answers · asked by LEMON the good life 7 in Singles & Dating

My husband constantly leaves to do what he says is some thing minor like going to get some money back he loaned a friend or whatever and then stays out half the night and keeps calling with a million excuses as to why he is not back yet, he does this just about every other day and it frustrates me very much. Im afraid to give him a taste of his own medicine because then he truly cant take it and will start telling me im not a man stop trying to do what he does but its ok to him to treat me this way how do i handle this selfish behavior from him im tired of crying and feeling helpless.

2007-11-08 16:40:38 · 18 answers · asked by cocoa 4 3 in Marriage & Divorce

It won't be the same without him here. I worry whether or not my grandparents (and the rest of my family for that matter) will be able to handle him being gone at Christmas. Any suggestions for making the holidays a little bit easier to deal with this year?

I know this isn't the right category to ask this question in, but I also know I'll get more answers here than anywhere else.

2007-11-08 16:40:34 · 7 answers · asked by ncgirl 3 in Marriage & Divorce

what do you do about family members who want to be messy and like to talk trash about you

2007-11-08 16:38:01 · 11 answers · asked by Princess of Tyler 3 in Family

He's usually tells me beforehand. Today I got home he was taking a shower I started making dinner and he got ready and then he tells me he's leaving? With Chris, he couldn't look me in the eyes. I have never met this chris... I have no clue who he is...So he left...I feel a lil'messed up because when I go out I'm usually considerate and let him know beforehand..now I'm stuck with this big dinner...and alone.

2007-11-08 16:33:23 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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