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Family & Relationships - 26 October 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My husband of 6 years won't stop breaking my heart... Time and time again we've gone back and forth on every issue possiable from adultery to verbal abuse, and he still refuses to get himself together- He just dosent make his family #1 priority. So I had him leave. He's been gone for two days now and truthfullly I'm lost, I try to keep myself busy with our children and other responsibilities but its so hard, I loved him he was my sunshine and now nothing feels "right" I know I did the right thing because my physical and emotional health was at risk. But I guess what I really miss is that male companiionship, I don't miss waithing up til 3 or 4 in the morning, having him call me names for little or nothing etc.... And he wasn't much but he was all I had, I don't have any other family besides him and our children and I'd just like to fill the hole he left behinde, I've been praying non-stop and that helps but I still would like ideas on how to occupy my time and completely move on...

2007-10-26 18:23:10 · 9 answers · asked by Chava 2 in Marriage & Divorce


There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage. -Martin Luther

We often got o great lengths to protect our valuable. We polish our silver and wax the car, rent a safe-deposit box for the diamond brooch we inherited, and insure our possessions for the full replacement value. Yet we often neglect one of our most priceless treasures. A strong marriage demands an investment of time spent together--polishing and protecting, nurturing and affirming.

Don't underestimate the value of a good marriage. It can provide you with lifetime of comfort and encouragement and a strong sense of family even after the kids are grown and gone. But marriage requires constant maintenance, regular one-on-one "alone" time. Don't allow the urgencies of a busy day to crows out the care of your relationship.
Don't allow anything or anyone to interfere with those precious few moments you find to spend alone together.

2007-10-26 18:21:32 · 6 answers · asked by A.Ryan 4 in Marriage & Divorce


i know this is going to sound paranoid, but oh well. lets say im suspicious that my husband is not really at work right now but at the movies. a new movie came out tonight and all week hes been talking about going to see it. and then tonight he tells me he has to work late. (which does sometimes happen fri and sat night) anyways, can anyone think of how i could out if hes really at work?? i dont want to confront him, in case im wrong. and i cant call his work because he works for a place that wont connect me with a human this late.

2007-10-26 18:20:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have been married for 2 years but, have been with this same man for a total of 16years. We have a daughter together. Lately has been hanging out alot with his friends and not coming home.He didn't come home at all last weekend. My birthday was October 13th and he spent it helping a friend move during the day and then continued to hang out and get drunk all night. So much for my birthday. I think he may be cheating but I have no real proof. Am I being nieve or just paranoid. He has cheated on me in the past about 13 years ago and when I would ask him he would always say no. He now says he would never do cheat since it's against our wedding vows. I don't really need this man except he and our 14yr old daughter are very close. She is a freshman in high school and I don't think it's fair to her to disrupt her life by getting a divorce.

2007-10-26 18:16:51 · 30 answers · asked by Lashon H 2 in Marriage & Divorce

What does it mean when someone makes a joke in class and a guy starts laughing, smiling and looking at me from across the room? I caught him and did the same back. He kept a smile. I've talked to him before but we're not close at all. Thoughts?

2007-10-26 18:14:50 · 2 answers · asked by EM23 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I need to understand men better? I know I am more sensitive then my husband and I know a lot of stuff just goes over his head. I just need some ideas on what to do for me? How I can not feel like it's always me that is causing a problem.

2007-10-26 18:14:31 · 13 answers · asked by Bubba 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I don't trust my parents . they have been abusive since childhood. I pressed charges against my father for trying to stab me with a knife . Now he's going to court.
But something happened before that
I lost my wallet . Then i gets it back a few weeks later .( My licence and Green card were both missing ) It seemed as if I lost it myself. But yesterday when I was in my parents room looking for some change to go across the bridge to pick up a paycheck , I found my lose "DRIVERS LICENCE" inside her purse !!!! I was so fuc@@in furious
But right now i am at a stage where i have to be calm or else I won't have a place to stay . ! It's very hard for me to find a job since i graduated with a degree That was forced on to me . But i am trying ( full throttle ) .

But I want to keep my passport and my social security card somewhere safely , because i don't want that bi## to take my stuff again !
Is there a place like in the bank or something where I can keep this stuff safely ? ?

2007-10-26 18:11:30 · 8 answers · asked by sum142121 1 in Family

OK, I was at summer camp and At one of the dances I danced with this kid named sam, Sam was ok, but he was only my camp boyfriend and I didnt like hi that much. He lives in my town and is a grade above me, he went to my school dance and danced with me. We started slow dancing at a far distance apart cuz I dont like him and I already have a bf, but I talked to him about it and he said it was ok with him as long as I tell the guy I dont like him, any ways by the end of the song he pulled me so clos eit was really uncomfortable for me! He tried t kiss me but I luckly had a friend walking over twards me so I pretended to look at her then start talking with her and he ended up only kissing my cheek, this guy keeps AIMing me, I want to tell him I'm not interester without hurting his feelings badly.

2007-10-26 18:10:03 · 20 answers · asked by Jess L 1 in Singles & Dating

My ex-husband sent me a pack of paperwork, through certified mail, that is a petition to modify the custody arrangement,of our daughter, that we set in the divorce decree. Its full of false accusations, that are very simple to refute. My lawyer wants $3500 just to look at it, which I cannot possible afford, and I also live in a different state. He lives in Texas, which is where the divorce was finalized... and I'm in Arizona. I need all the advice I can get, please help. =( (I'm using a friends account to post this, but I'll check up on it)

2007-10-26 18:08:12 · 7 answers · asked by Wraithwind 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My 4 year old daughter is a terror. I don't think that she even has it in her to be good. However, she is good at school. At home she is always screaming, telling everyone no, will NOT listen, won't clean up her toys, NOTHING. I've tried being calm, yelling, time out, taking toys, reward system, everything... nothing works.
My 10 year old step son is not much trouble but is very mean and lazy. He doesn't use much comon sence either. He won't help out unless you ask him a few times and this is for even the simplest of things. Basically, he doesn't like me. He's never had to clean his room or do his laundry till I came around. 6 years later, it still bugs him.
My 11 year old step daughter prides herself on being mean and rude. She actually brags about it. She is also VERY argumentative. Even when she's wrong she'll argue till she's blue in the face. She treats everyone around her like crap and I'm sick of it.
They're OUT OF CONTROL. What can I do?

2007-10-26 18:07:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i met this guy about 2 months ago and we mostly talk online and outside of school. he told my friend that he wasnt going to ask me to homecoming cause he didnt know me that well. so after that i really started to make an effort to get to know him before i told him i liked him. well he found out i liked him and then a few days after he was saying "sad that i didnt get to dance with u at homecoming" and asking me when turnabout is. he always says hi and smiles at me in the halls and he supposedly told someone he kinda likes me. but he isnt doing anything! i really dont think he likes me cause he hasnt been trying to talk to me or anything. i need ur help please, do u think he likes me?

2007-10-26 18:05:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband and i have been married for almost 4 years and are going through a divorce, we have a 3 month old.... my husband has severe PTSD and anger problems. he has only given me about $200 for things that she needs,he has never gone to a dr's apt for our child or when i was pregnant. and he has threatened to kill me . Will i get full custody of my daughter...

2007-10-26 18:03:02 · 12 answers · asked by Nicole L 1 in Marriage & Divorce

For 8 years my 2nd husband and I have been picking up and dropping his daughter off from her mother's house for our weekend and holiday visitation's he did this before with his 1st wife as well (the daughter is from the relationship before his 1st wife) .

We pay child support monthly , buy her clothing , pay for all her school needs , her mother uses the child support to feed her other 4 kids by 3 different dad's for 1 week $145 dollars a fortnight (every 2 weeks) .Her mother expects clothing I payed for be handed down to her sister's and not to my daughter from my 1st marriage.

She has only in the whole 8 years dropped or picked her daughter up 5 time's , I payed for her daughter's prom outfit , dress , jewelry , shoes matching bag cost me $700 , we payed for her sweet 16th and the present from us , her mum and step dad .

My husband says I am just being a b**** by wanting her mother to take turns dropping and picking up am I? we have 5 kid's in our house why cant she?

2007-10-26 18:01:33 · 15 answers · asked by JadeyOz 5 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-10-26 17:58:24 · 1 answers · asked by ~I Love Allen~ 2 in Singles & Dating

She has eloped with her boy friend with her 2 kids. He is only 23 years and not settled in life. He is financially not strong. She is facing lot of problems. Her kids have stopped studying. She is in a rented house and her life is going now where. I cannot help her coz i am also not financialy fit. I have advised to return back to her husband. Can anyone suggest what she needs do in these type of stitutation

2007-10-26 17:57:21 · 10 answers · asked by Sweety 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband and I were only married for 20 mths and in that time had a daughter. We separated when I was 6 weeks pregnant with our son. I instigated the separation because he was verbally abusive, told lies and managed finances very poorly and unfairly. I moved out of our family home and started seeing someone else. My ex has wanted us to reconcile for about 9 months and won't give up! He says he has changed and realises now what a 'tool' he was. I would so love to have a proper family and even though my new partner is lovely, I'm not sure we have a long term future together. I can't seem to be able to get the idea of trying the marriage again out of mind, even though most of my friends and family say I'm crazy to consider it. My ex has the kids almost half the time and I miss the kids when I don't have them and find it really hard and lonely doing it on my own. In addition to this I do actually miss my ex. Am I crazy to consider reconciling? I don't want to make any more mistakes!

2007-10-26 17:54:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

i am a senior and my parents seem to hate me, i came home last saturday an hour late because i was having an important conversation with my gf, and i told them i was going to be late and nowi'm grounded for a whole month! i was grounded for half the summer and so far 3 months of combined time this year. they also hate my girlfriend. they're rude to her and tell me we're too serious and that we spend too much time together and that they're tired of her. my parents have some set plan for me and now under my groundation they have me living it out exactly as they hoped. i'm done dealing with them, they said they wouldn't make my senior year hell but they lied, i get grounded for every little thing. i can't wait for college so i dont have to see them again. how they act in these next ten months are going to reflect my attitude towards them for the rest of my life, and so right now they'll be lucky if i even send them xmas cards. any opinions anyone? can anyone relate?

2007-10-26 17:54:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i have 14 big brothers and 4 big sisters my sisters could care less about what i do.but my brothers on the other hand are assholes i cant do anything without them there and they are always talking about "if you go out there and some dude messes wth you then what?"im not understanding.im 14 what i do is my buisness am i right or wrong?so the ? is why are big brothers so over protective?

2007-10-26 17:53:16 · 9 answers · asked by no.need 2 in Friends

if you found out for sure a girl liked you for awhile, and weren't particularly interested, and if after you found out she started ignoring you and not really showing interest would it catch your attention? Also, would it make you more interested?
I know this sounds silly, I was just wondering because the other day my friend was telling me how she had a mad crush on this geekier guy who never had pretty girls like him like she was, and he pretty much rejected her. But once she started ignoring him his attention was caught.

2007-10-26 17:49:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Background: I had to hide money and pain pills from my x-husband. Five years later I am still 'putting things away' and I live alone! (That's not even the dumbest part!) For example, just the other day I put money 'aside' for a rainy day and today I CAN'T FIND it! What dumb thing(s) have you done lately? (I COULDN'T FIND an appropriate catergory to put this under - it figures! LOL)

2007-10-26 17:44:54 · 12 answers · asked by DPL06351 5 in Marriage & Divorce

i asked my mom to buy me a new cell phone because my other one broke and im low on cash right now,but no matter what she refuses.i dont understand it because she brought my brother a phone and im older than he is! im in college and i work hard in school so why could it be that she is treating her children different? i mean is this fair? what should i do ?

2007-10-26 17:44:50 · 5 answers · asked by aleah2515 1 in Family

Well, this is my case. I´m colombian and I have had many experiences about it, but in particular two serious and the most important relationships for me , one with a swedish woman and another with a norwegian. I was married with the first for 3 years. a very deep love and passion but it becomed impossible to be agree about the place to live. I wanted to live in my country and in her country as a second choice, and she was so stubborn with her idea of living in Spain. She never wanted to understand how different is to be an inmigrant from the south living in Europe than an european living in southamerica where always strangers have been welcomed. We had all the good things living in my country: good jobs for both, my own flat and car and my love. But she wanted that I left my good life here to go in an adventurous crazy plan migrating to an increasing paranoid-xenophobic society. Then we get involved in a day by day discussions until it be over. Sad, isn´t it?

2007-10-26 17:44:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have been married for three years and our relationship is strong, life is good and we are happy. I love my wife and tell her every day. Sometime I think we tell each other that we love each other too much. It doesn't feel as special hearing "I love you" as it used to. What else can I say or do that is different? Does any one know what I mean??
Thanks in advance.

2007-10-26 17:40:21 · 10 answers · asked by matt 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Hi, I am very distraught over a person I really care about.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 1/2 yrs. I am 45 and he is 49. He has diabetes and he drinks a lot. He drinks bottles of wine at a time. He holds down a job well because he works from home. He mostly drinks in the evening late at night.
I know I can't really do anything to help him to quit. Now he is smoking pot too. He has major mood swings. One week, he loves me, next he does not. He can never make up his mind. We have broken up and gotten back together a bunch of times. I thought I would try one last time. I moved in with him for the 2nd time in August, he already is saying he is wanting me out, but then he still acts like he is not sure sometimes.
Bad thing is i lost my job, job hunting..but no luck and now he is worse with his drinking. He says a lot of verbal mean things when he drinks, I am having more trouble forgiving him, says he don't remember some of it..I have no where to go, what do I do?

2007-10-26 17:38:36 · 10 answers · asked by Emma 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-10-26 17:37:50 · 9 answers · asked by Helen D 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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