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Family & Relationships - 17 September 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

mmmmkay so heres my problem. Im 15 and im a sophmore. As of last week my parents have been structuring me like crazy. Im not just talking about school work, but that is the main thing. I have to show them my planner and my homework everyday and even though we have an A-Day B-Day schedule in school, I have to do my homework the night its assigned. Also i have to organize my books every weekend. They have set bedtimes and have given me "the privilige" of reading for thirty minutes before i go to bed. I always used to listen to my mp3 player to help me to go to sleep and they were always ok with that until recently. Also I have been wearing earplugs to sleep because my puppy barks in the middle of the night but i cant do that now either. I know they are trying to help and they are real good parents but recently all i have been getting are weird rules and stupid looks. They were never this into everything I do but now they all of a sudden are in every part of everything I do. Please help!

2007-09-17 09:32:58 · 7 answers · asked by vanillacokefiend 1 in Family

Im a freshman in high school, and my girlfriend got voted to be a representative for the homecoming court by popular vote.

This means she has to be escorted to a pep rally, and onto the football field by a freshman football player.

This really makes me mad, because I really dont want her being escorted by any other guys, because I trust her, but I dont trust other guys with her.

I dont think that shes asked if she can be escorted by me instead, because I really dont think they would force her to be escorted by a football player and Im just wondering if I should have a right to be mad.

Get back to me.

2007-09-17 09:30:33 · 20 answers · asked by - The Aber Cadaver 1 in Singles & Dating

I've join the mile high club
Got caught by the cops in the backseat of my boyfriends car
In a hottub with people watching

2007-09-17 09:30:24 · 40 answers · asked by TroubleRose 6 in Marriage & Divorce

I bought a dress last year for homecoming and a couple people suggested I wear it to a wedding next month. I am just a little concerned that it is to flashy and not wedding appropriate. I will be going with my friend and do not know anything about the wedding other than the date.

I could not find a picture of my dress but this one is similar http://www.amazon.com/TRIXXI-Glitter-Halter-Dress-Medium/dp/B000VM776M/ref=sr_1_25/102-0018424-4667367?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1190008443&sr=1-25.

The only big differences are mine has regular straps of about an inch in width instead of being a halter. Also my dress is teal.

Would this be appropriate or should I consider something else? Thanks in advance!!!

2007-09-17 09:28:14 · 20 answers · asked by Angeleyes 2 in Weddings

I recently went through a terrible and bitter divorce and my ex husband ended up with everything and I do mean everything the house, cars and children. I was so mentally and physcially beat down by the time he was ready to divorce me I had no fight in me. He had gotten a 83,000.00 settlement and paid an attorney about 60,000.00 to hurt me and take everything. I found out that after he fought so hard to take my home from me that he had to sell it because he had spent all his money on attorneys fees. How do I explain to my children why they had to move from a 2,250 square ft house to a 1,000 square ft house? I pay him child support and now my attorney wants to take him to court for full custody. Should I be as mean as him? My kids don't want to live with him but I do want to get along with him eventhough he slams the door in my face every chance he gets. He and his sister talk really bad about me to my kids and they are starting to resent him for it what should I do to recover?

2007-09-17 09:26:55 · 42 answers · asked by Flora B 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My sister (33) is getting married in April 2008 and she has asked my younger sister (38) to be her bridesmaid but not me (43). Should she have asked me? Should i be upset? Or am i too old? (I am a young 43 year old, and am not ugly!!).

I do feel left out though!!

2007-09-17 09:26:03 · 35 answers · asked by ezmarelda 3 in Weddings

so what i want to know is what does everyone think about this they are very happy together and never do anything without the others permission they also have kids but this is for a dissagremeant we had so let us know what u all thank

2007-09-17 09:24:00 · 24 answers · asked by Candi E 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend has jsut admitted he likes other girls and keeps flirting with a freshman at my school just last year he cheated on me in the same manner with a freshman and i don't want to go through the same thing should i let him continue flirting b/c he won't stop or break it off wtih him

2007-09-17 09:23:40 · 7 answers · asked by Lucky 1 in Singles & Dating

There were no feces, bugs or really bad things found-just a mess. She had just delivered their third child and they got home from the hospital--not even home an hour before DHS came, inspected and took the kids. Well, at nine months pregnant-how clean can you keep house? Or when you are at the hospital, how clean would your working husband keep the house? The other children are 5 and 2 1/2 years old.
DHS won't let them have their children back until they take a test and the charge for the test is $850.00 which they don't have. If DHS requires a test, how can they charge the parents? What would a test prove anyway?
Also, the parents don't read really well, which doesn't mean they aren't good parents, but could give them problems on a test if it isn't oral.
They have a lawyer, but court-appointed and he's of limited help.
There's no physical abuse, they are very hard working, loving and doing the best they can, getting almost no help from family.
I want to help, but how?

2007-09-17 09:22:17 · 17 answers · asked by gentlesoul 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have alot of energy but she's just not that into it. Without sex it's like i am just married to a buddy or a good friend. Can this situation be sustained. To complicate, we have 2 kids.

2007-09-17 09:20:59 · 29 answers · asked by ajaybeaches 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend and I hooked up a month and some days ago before he went back to college, but my period for this month still hasnt came yet...I was wondering if you still had the chance of being pregnant if your period came the day after intercoarse, but was late the next time around??..

2007-09-17 09:20:14 · 20 answers · asked by alwayz_smilin_8012 2 in Singles & Dating

I am currently talking to my bestfriend's brother. I know that it won't be anything serious, but I enjoy spending time with him. He may have alterior motives, but he's been pretty genuine so far. The problem my friends all judge me because it's supposedly wrong for me to be talking to him. My question is, is it really wrong to hook up with your friend's brother even though you share an attraction, or is it just a personal thing where some people say its a NO NO and others its OKay?

2007-09-17 09:16:19 · 38 answers · asked by sw3etns3xy 1 in Singles & Dating

there is this girl at my school. this is her first year here, so i was friendly to her. the next day i went over to her house where she told me how she thought we where gonna be bffs forever. i dident think anything of it, but she did things like that in public starting the next week. she practicly stalks me in the halls, and emberesses me 24/7. my other friends comented on it, and are sorta mad that she is taking all my time. i am not the type of girl to tell her 2 backoff, but she does not get my ovious hints of my annoyence. HELP!!!!

2007-09-17 09:16:18 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I made the decision to divorce my wife several year ago. I have not done it yet becasue I am afraid that she will mistreat my children when she shares custody. I have a 8 year old daughter and a 14 year old son. My wife is angry all the time and yells at both of them. She has hit them in the past but does not do that anymore since I threatoned to report to the authorities. There is a whole bunch of other things that support that my kids and I will be better off without her in the picture. That decision is made so I do not need advise on counseling etc.

What I need to know is this:

If I filed for a divorce and asked for full custody of both my children, will the fact that my 14 year old son expresses desire to live with me 100% of the time help me get full custody of my daughter if she also expresses her desire to live with me 100% of the time? I have heard that the courts do not like to split siblings.

2007-09-17 09:16:12 · 10 answers · asked by fijian 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I don't want to have a loud band with people dancing like crazy at my wedding. No rock, etc. What type of band would I search for that would play classical music, jazz, etc? Also some nice classic slow songs would be great - i.e. Nat King Cole style.

2007-09-17 09:13:04 · 7 answers · asked by chicabonita 4 in Weddings

because i find that when i crush on ppl i find it hard 2 flow the way i normally do and its so weird for me cos im such a socalite. i love making friends and acquaintances so its weird. Help any ideas how to keep my cool?

2007-09-17 09:10:43 · 1 answers · asked by *PYT* 2 in Singles & Dating

I broke up with my boyfriend cuz we had a lot of problem and we used to argue a lot.So I told him that everything was over I expected at least from that he would tell me to try to fix the relationship and he didnt he said that he does not have to ask for love to no body.hes extremely hard when it comes to demostrate his feelingd so I wanted to come back with him and he does not want to so Now he knew that am talking with someone else and hes really mad.I just dont understand he does not want to be with me anymore and Not even let me to move on?help me to understand this?

2007-09-17 09:08:50 · 1 answers · asked by tu nina linda! 2 in Singles & Dating

Do you like Asian girls to be submissive and let you do all the talking and asking? Or do you like it when Asian girls make the first move?

2007-09-17 09:07:22 · 6 answers · asked by Jessica B 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm from Switzerland, but moved to southern France four years ago to go to college. 2 years ago, i met this guy in Geneva by mutual friends, and we got along instantly.
All of our friends said we were meant for each other, and i knew he had feelings for me, but i was kind of seeing somebody and didn't like too much the idea of a long-distance relationship as i was in france for most part of the year.
A few months ago, i've begun to have feelings for him that got really strong, but i didnt know if he was still interested, and i'm way too shy to say anything anyway.
The problem is that he's leaving in 2 days to spend 9 months in australia.. we planned to have coffee at his place tomorrow. Do you think i should tell him what i feel ? or would it be useless now that he's leaving ?
How should I tell him ?

2007-09-17 09:03:38 · 1 answers · asked by sandrynn 1 in Singles & Dating

I dont understand, I mean, even sometimes when around my freinds ( girlfreinds just freinds ) its like sometimes I can't help but imagine sometimes what it would be like to... you know...with them.. Well, I heard that there are some that do that too. But its like I try to block it out and think of something else. But the thing is I love the naked female body, its like I lust it, but not in a perverted way, though some women would put it that way, I mean, it'd make my day to just to run my hands on one from time to time. I have a girlfreind and she's aware of it. I even told her that its ok that she fantisizes of being with certain men she is attracted to. I love her and care for her very much but its like I just can't help feel this way. She isnt a very sensual person though and I am, kinda weird coming from a guy though. Its like if being with a different women is almost an energizing or refreshing event for me. I know it has to be wrong and I feel guilty about it though.

2007-09-17 09:03:29 · 4 answers · asked by Beefcake 2 in Singles & Dating

How many couples are together but one person in the relationship knows they are not in it for the long run - or they are just waiting for that perfect opportunity to leave?

I'm currently living w/ my gf & my son but cannot stand some of the things she does or has done (those are different stories). I stay with her because I know I would look like a deadbeat if I were just to leave. I've also heard the saying, "it's cheaper to keep her". And sometimes I think maybe my situation is not that bad afterall. I mean I have it all but just wish my gf was different. She is the most beautiful woman you were to meet but her attitude, bad personality completely overshadows her. I'm not so sure anymore.

So I continue on with my days, weeks, months waiting until she f*cks up, so I wouldn't be the one to blame.

Does this happen to other people or am I just being the dumb azz waiting around?

2007-09-17 09:02:12 · 13 answers · asked by Me 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay so me and my girls have this big issue going on right now with let's just say "a man's private part"!!LOL!! One of my friends dated a guy who had an "ant eater"!! you guys know what this right? not snipped!!.... and we all disagree about it being disgusting. I think personally it's disgusting and the "army helmets" are way better and cleaner. So now we have caused another one of our friends to not date this great guy because he has an "ant eater"!! she says she can't because we have all put this gross image in her head....I'm trying to convince her that it's not that big of a deal....but ladies is it???LOL!!!

2007-09-17 09:01:14 · 19 answers · asked by justbeingme_ 2 in Singles & Dating

So there's this guy.
I don't know him very well, but I often catch him staring at me... Like, sometimes I'll turn around to do something and briefly meet his gaze. At one point, I thought he had stopped, but the next day I "caught" him again. He's nice to me and has started a conversation with me before... However, he has a SO...
Does it sound like this guy likes me?
(and don't think I'm going to go after him or anything, I don't like him like that. I'm not going to steal him away. haha I just wanted opinions)

2007-09-17 09:01:11 · 3 answers · asked by No O 3 in Singles & Dating

My husband has 2 other brothers. Both of them are younger and they have both gotten married in the last 5 years or so. However, I know and have proof that they have cheated on their wives. I am good friends with both of them and a friend of one of the girls that one of them cheated with. My husband told me to stay out of it, but one of them came to me with a suspicion that he was cheating and asked me if I kknew anything. What do I do??? I am not one to cause trouble but I also care about my friends. I hate the fact that they cheat on their wives and I can't, or have not said anything. I also do not want to cause trouble between my husband and I. We have been together for 8 years and have a 3 year old daughter together. So what d I do????? Please help!

2007-09-17 08:56:38 · 39 answers · asked by laraprice2002 2 in Marriage & Divorce

It is a 60-70's Hippie theme! (Classic rock and all that fun stuff)

2007-09-17 08:56:13 · 1 answers · asked by shannonforpeace 2 in Weddings

Theres this guy ive been talking to for some time. My heart is completely with him. He told me he was going to jail for a couple years. n i told him that I'd wait for him. Because i do want to be with him. n he does with me too.
The day of. he went to court. n my heart was crushed cuzz i knew what happened. i cried myself to sleep that nite. cuzz it hurt so bad. the next day. i called his phone just for the heck of it. n it rang. no answer tho.
i called under private. n he piked up.......
but i hung up cuzz i didnt knoe what to say to him.
i couldnt believe he could be so careless to my feelings n not let me knoe he wasnt in jail..
what should i do??

2007-09-17 08:54:03 · 7 answers · asked by Palestinian Queen 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am 21 years old, I have been with my g/f for almost 2 years now and about a month ago I gave her a promise ring. Well a couple days ago she gave me one too. I was very shocked mostly because I didn't even know they made them for men. Actually I am still not sure because it just looks like a wedding ring to me. Anyways I love this girl with all my heart but I feel very uncomfortable wearing it. I can't put my finger on the exact reason but I’m sure it has a little to do with my masculinity. When I gave her, her ring she showed everybody right away and I have hid mine from all my friends because I feel embarrassed to wear it. I have always been 100% honest with this girl but I am just so afraid that it will make her feel bad if I tell her the truth. The last thing i want to do is hurt her feelings. Can someone please give me some advice?

2007-09-17 08:50:44 · 12 answers · asked by stretch 2 in Singles & Dating

just before going to bed your wife says, "can we have sex tonight?" but she goes to bed and hour before you.

2007-09-17 08:48:47 · 30 answers · asked by lbrady 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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