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Family & Relationships - 4 May 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My fiance has triplet cousins who are adorable and I would love to include them in our wedding, just can't think of where to squeeze them in! My nephew and niece are my ring bearer and flower girl, and I do not want more than that! Also, I don't want junior bridesmaids of groomsmen. They are 7 years old, 2 girls and 1 boy. I am going to have them pass out the programs but will still like to find a way to have them walk down the isle. Any ideas?

2007-05-04 07:40:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

Mama's boy or Daddy's girl?

2007-05-04 07:39:38 · 19 answers · asked by JuDyLicious 3 in Singles & Dating

i texted him and told him tht he lied to me he called and asked about what? he already knew that he had lied n said that this number that was in his dailed log on his cell was a guy when it was a *****. any ways he was like i know i was wrong i love u i wanna be with u and nobody else. then he called back like 10 minx later n said u aint gotta pick me up from work i aint coming home. so he didn't get here 2 like 9:30 this morning when he usually gets here around 5:35. . . . What in the hell is going on?!!!!!?

2007-05-04 07:34:45 · 27 answers · asked by Alyssa 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-05-04 07:32:55 · 9 answers · asked by ketan vyas 1 in Weddings

Here’s the situation. My wife grew up in a household where her mother always showed her sporatic love. Meaning her mother would love her, get really mad and pull her love for her, expect the kids to come to her, make them feel like crap, then she’d love them again. It was really drama filled. My wife acts the same way. Totally irrational behavior at times, strange mood swings, distancing herself from everyone, expects people to come to her, is a victim when we fight. It’s like she loves drama or she is constantly testing me to see how much I’ll put up with. This includes very,very, irrational controlling behavior sometimes with bouts of being very rational. It’s like she’s addicted to drama or needs excitement in her life. Now that she’s turning 30, has gained some weight, and has the big things covered in her life (marriage and children) she’s like turning into overdrive because maybe she’s realizing that this is just typical life from now on. How can I get this to stop? Maybe it will level out in her 30’s. I’m hoping. It’s like she doesn’t want a normal, rational life. She also knows she is like this and hates herself for it. It’s like she wants a normal life but can’t seem to do it. It’s like she needs constant love because her mother tested it so much. Any other women out there do this to their husband? What does he do to make you stop it? I’ve tried it all. It’s like I’m expecting her next to say “hey I just had an affair, still love me?” The tests just keep going on and on and…. I want to say “For god’s sake I love you already!”

2007-05-04 07:32:24 · 17 answers · asked by survivor 1 in Marriage & Divorce

hmm, Okay this is odd cause my fiance is more educated then me - thus has more degrees under her name as appose to I, which makes me feel like I am not the bread winner in the family.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud of her accomplishments, however I do wish to be the Man of the house. Its just not like that..

I did my Bacelors in Business and o did she, after which I did a MBA. She has done an MBA from a decent place, and also done an MSc from one of the top 10 business colleges in the world. I am actually jealous - a little bit that she has done more, so she gets paid more, and I don't feel that important.

Recently she came home at 2am... she was at work, I got back at 9 and waited for her to come - so that we could eat. I ate dinner alone, and she came back and didn't even ask abt me cause she said she presumed I ate, I did not eat...

I don't know what to do, or say..... I do not even know how to talk 2 her abt this and what to do.....

please advice, and what do u think?

2007-05-04 07:30:35 · 16 answers · asked by Ryan 1 in Weddings

We are just starting to think about the wedding date and colors. I really want my colors to be black and white with red as an accent? I know that red is normally for a fall wedding, but would it look ok if I used a brighter red?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2007-05-04 07:30:34 · 15 answers · asked by shortyrs01 1 in Weddings

hmm, Okay this is odd cause my fiance is more educated then me - thus has more degrees under her name as appose to I, which makes me feel like I am not the bread winner in the family.

Don't get me wrong, I am proud of her accomplishments, however I do wish to be the Man of the house. Its just not like that..

I did my Bacelors in Business and o did she, after which I did a MBA. She has done an MBA from a decent place, and also done an MSc from one of the top 10 business colleges in the world. I am actually jealous - a little bit that she has done more, so she gets paid more, and I don't feel that important.

Recently she came home at 2am... she was at work, I got back at 9 and waited for her to come - so that we could eat. I ate dinner alone, and she came back and didn't even ask abt me cause she said she presumed I ate, I did not eat...

I don't know what to do, or say..... I do not even know how to talk 2 her abt this and what to do.....

please advice, and what do u think?

2007-05-04 07:30:05 · 13 answers · asked by Ryan 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My husband was flirting with a girl at work at she was taking "pictures" of herself on his phone. i dont know what else happened but they aren't messing around anymore. i started talking to a friend about it and he told me that his marriage was falling apart too. well we started to develop feeling for eachother. i was going to leave my husband about 2 months ago bc i couldnt let go of what he did. he found out that i was talking to the other guy through emails.we decided to try to work things out and things have gotten better. but i told him 2 days ago that still had feelings for this other man but that i loved him and i wanted his help to get me through this. i want to know why i have these feelings if love my husband. he just left me and went i dont know where in his car. he said he would be back later. i told i agreed to go to counseling but i dont know if he wants to now. what should i do about this? i do love him. i wanted to be honest with him about all of this. please help

2007-05-04 07:29:49 · 28 answers · asked by jody g 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Do you want your significant other to be:
- athletic
- curvy
- a little meat on them
- slender
- overweight

2007-05-04 07:29:41 · 21 answers · asked by JuDyLicious 3 in Singles & Dating

We've heard both answers. I was told by one person that my rings were backwards and the wedding band goes on first because "you can break an engagement but you can never break a marriage." THEN we heard that it doesn't make sense to take off the engagement ring to put the wedding band, so shouldn't the wedding band be second? Please help :) we really appreciate it.

2007-05-04 07:18:30 · 15 answers · asked by linzee_06 1 in Weddings

I dont need any bad comments, I am in a big mess. I have cheated on my wife and have fallen in love with this women. It is all my fault and know I am going to ruin everyones life and dreams. But I feel empty when this women is not around me. Anyone have any comments about how to break this horrible news to my wife, or have been in this situation before.

2007-05-04 07:16:29 · 18 answers · asked by hazmat1424 1 in Marriage & Divorce

do you just move on and never look back? My now ex wife of 18 years acts like I never was in her life. She seems so happy but my friends tell me its just a mask she is putting on. I want her to be happy thats how much i will always love her she is the mother of my children and we have a bond that nobody can take away not even hr coworker. Do people who go for what they think is greener grass ever look back at who they hurt so much? I'm just trying to understand a dumpers feelings

2007-05-04 07:15:02 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-05-04 07:12:43 · 5 answers · asked by GaNdA T. R Viii 2 in Family

whats the best song to describe your life right now...?

2007-05-04 07:11:50 · 22 answers · asked by vanessa v 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok so my ex & I r trying to wrk things out after being apart for 4 mos., he drank alot wen we 1st split up but now he's drinking even more. The last few nites he's been drunk & he's unbearable, not violent just obnoxious, rude to ppl, irrogant, thinks he can fight every1 wen he's never been in a fight in his life. He's 29 yrs old, we have 3 kids & I feel like I'm at a whole other level then him. I don't drink like that, I got a good job, I can take care of myself but startd feelin guilty about not tryin to give my family another chance so I went back to him. I tell him he has a problem & he says NO I DONT. How can I get him to see that he does?? This is mean but I've been prayin for somethin like a DUI, mayb that can snap him out of it, mayb seeing the booze effect him in other ways can snap him out of it...I luv him sober but CANT STAND him drunk..totally 2 different ppl...should I just let him go & move on like I had been or stick by him & keep tryin to make it work?? PLZ HELP!

2007-05-04 07:01:18 · 37 answers · asked by justbeingme_ 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Ok, this is not an attempt to get flattery or compliments. OR INSULTS. I just want to get some honest reactions from some guys about my appearance because I'm curious and I don't get any attention from guys. Please don't be mean. My pic is my avatar, which you can see better on my Yahoo 360 page through my profile. There is also another pic of me on there. This is just an experiment, as I have no idea how other people see me. Thanks very much for any honest, but considerate input!

2007-05-04 06:49:33 · 16 answers · asked by Blackadder 2 in Singles & Dating

My brother is 45 years old and he is a total bum. He sponged off of my grandfather for 10 years, until the man died. The whole time, my brother refused to work anywhere, which he still doesn't! He's NEVER held a job in his life so far! ok, you get the point there. He got a farm job in Maryland, which he got fired from for NOT WORKING, but while he was there, he meets this "woman (not)" that just got dumped from her boyfriend (smart man). So her and my brother hook up. Mind you, she's 46 years old, youngest child is 6 years old!!!! Altogther, she already had 8 kids, only 2 in her care, the rest are all scattered in foster homes all over, one is deceased. She is talking about having ANOTHER, only this time with my brother, who won't work. Well, it's been over a year now and she has not produced another (paise the lord), so we're hoping her "child bearing years" are well over. She has still been married to a man and the divorce is just about final, yeah, swell, right? My brother is nasty

2007-05-04 06:45:26 · 28 answers · asked by Wutz it worth 2 ya? 6 in Marriage & Divorce

Dear Unknown Friend,
I, too, suffered this same kind of treatment from my Daughter-in-law. I want to tell you that the grief (and it is grief) that you are suffering from is almost unbearable.

Please don't feel alone. It has taken me 14 years to get over the feeling of just wanting to die. The young women of today are not like we were. They are rude, agressive, have zero tolerance of anyone else, will use you until you're used up and then toss you out when they're through.

God help the children they raise. There is no place for you to post your real feelings. I wish there was. We, as Mothers, have feelings too. We want to be treated like humans, that's all.

I had to completely back out of her life. Her cruel remarks to me were uncalled for and hurt me to the core. If you are a Mother-in-law, you come with a sign around your neck saying: "kick me; I can't retaliate". The Daughters-in-law are so jealous of the son's love for his Mother that they have to get rid of you.

2007-05-04 06:44:54 · 12 answers · asked by foreverfreerepublic 2 in Family

Ok here's the situation. About a year ago i got very sick, my husband started cheating on me and we seperated. Well as i recovered i was going to give him a second chance but he kept cheating. Anyways my best friend and her husband let my ex move in with them even though i didnt want nothing to do with him at all. i asked them not to but she said "it wasnt her place to judge him". i was hurt and felt like she picked him over me.

2007-05-04 06:44:35 · 18 answers · asked by Dr Honesty 77 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I am getting married and need to know how much I should pay the preacher. I am not a member of his church, and he is coming to a residental home to do the ceremony. He is not doing a rehearsal, only the ceremony. Also, he is baptist, some people have told me that that makes a difference.

2007-05-04 06:38:12 · 17 answers · asked by meagan_kidd 2 in Weddings

I dont have a problem finding guys that like me.But I want a guy that has morals like I do, that has respect for himself as I do myself. Its hrad to find when ur a 16 yo in High School, but theres gotta be a way.

2007-05-04 06:37:36 · 6 answers · asked by sarah 1 in Singles & Dating

Sister told me that I need to forget about my child, because my child has forgotten about me. That I am living in a fairy tale world and need to wake up, because I don't feel like participating in Mother's Day activities with the rest of my family.Every Mother's Day, I am always ignored by them. Never recognized in any way as being a mother.

2007-05-04 06:37:02 · 18 answers · asked by shortyred 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

My girlfriend doesn't like my butt being so hairy and mentioned to me about shaving it. I was thinking about it, but i don't want to get all itching and get ingrown hairs. What are some good options for removing the hair on my butt? Are there places that will wax it for me? Or should i just do it myself?

Also, has any other girl felt this about their guy?

Plus it will help with the dingleberries.

2007-05-04 06:36:49 · 7 answers · asked by Scottie"T" 5 in Singles & Dating

I am in my late twenties and I've slept with 4 men. Not a whole lot but I'm know virgin either. I've had a relationship with all of the men I've slept with and have never had a one night stand. I've been pregnant I was pregnant once at 17 and I had a miscarriage by my first boyfriend. Then pregnant again at twenty-two and twenty-three, by the same guy I had abortions both times. Then I got pregnant again at twenty-six by another guy and had an abortion. So basically I've been pregnant 4 times by 3 different men. I've had 3 abortions and 1miscarriage. I've been pregnant by every man I've ever slept with. But I don't regret the abortions. I'd like to hear what you think of me. I don't care if you think I'm a slut you've probably slept with more ppl than I have. I DO KNOW I'VE BEEN IRRESPONSIBLE SEXUALLY. BUT I'M ABSTINANT NOW.

2007-05-04 06:34:39 · 26 answers · asked by veronica r 3 in Singles & Dating

Every day it takes me about 2 hours waking him up and then he is late for work and my son ends up being 30 mins. late for school.
My son is falling behind in his classes because of this.
I have thought on telling his teacher why he is so late for school everyday, However I don't feel that it is right to tell his teacher that it is because of his father not waking up in the morning.
I love my husband and I will never talk down to anyone about him but because I don't I am the one who gets looked down on by my son's school. They have even suggested I need parenting classes but I don't.
Should I just tell his teacher about my husband and his problem in the morning?
Should I just stay home in the morning and request for my husband to start taking him to school and picking him up, Just so he can see what I go through in the morning?
It is not fair that I am the one who gets blamed for it all, When I am trying my best to get everyone together on time, and my husband will delay in the morning!

2007-05-04 06:34:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


I want your HONEST opinions, please. If you got married to a man, and realized you made a mistake (maybe you completely still loved your ex and you know he wants to be married to you, you think you married too quickly, married because you were just "obsessed" with getting married etc.) how long would you honestly stay married, before you got divorced? Would you try to see if things changed? How long?

Would the "embarrassment factor" play a role in your decision, maybe being too embarrassed to get over your marriage, bcs. you would be worried what your friends/family would say after such a short marriage?

2007-05-04 06:31:47 · 23 answers · asked by robert7 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Basically while messing around on his computer i came accross a convo that my bf had with his ex. Reading it i was shocked. He was still talking to her as if they were still going out. Using the same lines on her as he does on me. He even went as far as to say "i love u....do u love me?" to her (to which she answered yes). We were together when this convo happened in Jan. But when i confronted my bf about this he sed"i only sed that to her to make her feel better" and that i should just let it go because it happened a while ago. I dont know what to do....should i let it go?

Sounds wierd but the convo showed me a side of him i dont really like... prior to this he always told me that he hated his ex....which he obviously doesnt....why does he lie?? what shud i do? :(

2007-05-04 06:30:37 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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