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Religion & Spirituality - 16 June 2007

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You don't want to be a person who wishes their child was more religious but you can't say anything because you did not care enough to go to church yourself.

2007-06-16 16:57:32 · 8 answers · asked by Midge 7

I'm always nervous when my mom speaks, because sometimes she says things to annoy my father. I'm afraid he might get physical.

Also my parents and family aren't saved. I feel pressured to do something, although i'll be laughed at, and maybe even be disrespecting themshow how. Or they will think i'm some weirdo.

In my family, between my father and I. I am indifferent or mad and hate him. We don't believe in expressing our feelings. I must show him respect. He doesn't say I love you. I'm a man 19 years old. But I don't care. It would be too weird for me to say it or for him to say it.

Also i'm insecure and feeling alone in this world. See i'm fighting sin and temptation and it's taking a toll on me. I'm one that tries not to give in. Think about the withdrawal effect.

Am I working against my sex drive? Because I don't have lust for women. I control that. I stay away from ungodly things.

2007-06-16 16:57:19 · 9 answers · asked by 2nd Commander 1

The Jesus Mysteries
Was the 'Original Jesus' a Pagan God?
British authors insist that there is barely a shred of evidence for the existence of an historical Jesus.
Who was Jesus?
... "real" historical Jesus and the origins of Christianity. Jesus: Pagan Christ or Jewish Messiah?
ByTimothy Freke and Peter Gandy
The traditional history of Christianity is hopelessly inadequate to the facts. From our research into ancient spirituality it has become obvious that we must fundamentally revise our understanding of Christian origins in the most shocking of ways. Our conclusion, supported by a considerable body of evidence in our book, The Jesus Mysteries, is that Christianity was not a new revelation. It was a continuation of Paganism by another name. The gospel story of Jesus is not the biography of an historical Messiah. It is a Jewish reworking of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting Godman Osiris-Dionysus, which had been popular for centuries througho

2007-06-16 16:56:50 · 17 answers · asked by Doug B 3

what prayer makes you feel the most at peace? what prayer makes you feel the closest to God? if you say one that you've made up i'd like to hear it. or if you say a prayer that is widely known i'd like to know what it is. thanks a lot.

2007-06-16 16:56:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-16 16:56:22 · 10 answers · asked by Lee Edward 1

2007-06-16 16:54:29 · 22 answers · asked by brenda c 2

Some years back I did a search on the internet for "What is truth?". One of the results was this profound essay that used a pyramid (if I remember correctly) to explain the different perceptions that we have of truth, right and wrong and religion.

The author pointed out that if you looked at the pyramid from the top it looked like a square, and if you looked at it from the side, it was a triangle. In the end though we were all looking at the same thing.

I wanted to share this with my daughters, but all my searches have not found it yet.

Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?

2007-06-16 16:53:56 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-16 16:51:09 · 12 answers · asked by Patrick the Carpathian, CaFO 7

I have been told that many Gay people have tried to have a straight relationship but deep down they knew they were Gay, and they just couldn't feel like that for the opposite sex, and it would be way easier to be straight then to receive all the bigotry against them.
I could not even imagine the bigotry and etc..they face.

but If someone is Bisexual that means they are Gay . So then it's a choice right?
I mean it's not Biological but a choice then?

and one other Question; why do people try to make it religiously correct to be Gay, when the bible is perfectly clear that it's not Biblically correct, why not say I'm Gay and not try to put God's Amen on it?

2007-06-16 16:50:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find it interesting that atheists and non believers are comfortable condemning those of us who do believe when they themselves have no experience with a personal relationship with God. Some have had bad experiences with "religion" but as a former non-believer, I know that religion has little to do with God and that once you are able to move away from religion and towards that personal relationship, then and only then can you possibly understand what and who He is.

2007-06-16 16:49:25 · 11 answers · asked by Poohcat1 7

It seems that most people ask a question, and then pick an answer based on what they want to hear, ignoring the real answers.

I've done my best trying to stop Christians attack other faiths (especially atheism) because they view it as inferior. One of the questions I saw was "America is a Christian nation. When do we stop being so tolerant [to other beliefs]?" I do not mean to pick on the Christians, but it is from them that I have seen the worst on Yahoo answers. This may just be due to the fact that most people on here are Christian but I'm not sure. It seems contradictory to me that a religion would teach unacceptance for others.

I guess the real question is why do people of different beliefs feel that they are in a battle against people who think differently?

2007-06-16 16:48:44 · 16 answers · asked by khard 6

Or both?

2007-06-16 16:45:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't Love what we feel in the moment?

Isn't a committment to love each other every moment and act of faith that we will feel love for each other every moment?

Although we can accumulate experiences and memories that may strengthen or weaken our love for one another, we can't store the love.

It is like a river of water, endlessly flowing before us. Even a dam has to allow some water through.

Isn't that true of Love as well? When we feel it, do we not long to give it away? And when we do not feel it, do we not long for it again?

To float in the river, to be moved by the river wherever it wishes?

Is this not Love?

2007-06-16 16:44:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

That would be good feedback. I mean, it would really puff my ego up to find out exactly how many people I am pissing off.

2007-06-16 16:44:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

All the different churches believe in different things. Is it because they can't agree on much?

2007-06-16 16:40:57 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

he said to noah "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."

don't you like how he made a point to be very very specific. that way when he did crap like destroying entire cities for the same reason he flooded the earth, we couldn't call him a liar, because it wasn't the entire earth AND it wasn't a flood.

2 points to god!

2007-06-16 16:39:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Church i go to does not believe that you do. And I definitely do not. But the youth group i attend does. so most of my friends do. but i'm not very good at learning and memorizing scriptures and such. so i want you to tell me if you think that one must be baptised in water inorder to truly be saved by jesus christ, or do you think that accepting him in your heart is good enough? and back it up with scriptures please so that i can use those scriptures.

btw: if you don't believe in either one, don't comment.

2007-06-16 16:37:06 · 11 answers · asked by MrTayL 2

But, you have to be nice and sometimes blunt with tack. Also you must always be willing to laugh. All this for $5

2007-06-16 16:36:02 · 12 answers · asked by ? 5

if I say something like a drunkerd will not enter the gates of Heaven most Christians say that I am placeing judgment
how could I be placeing judgment when God has already
made that judgment and I am only trying to live by it

2007-06-16 16:32:59 · 12 answers · asked by hmm 6

It's true that the Old Testament has several references against homosexuality. There are long lists of laws that were expected to be obeyed.

The Old Testament also says that if a girl is raped, she should be married to her rapist. It says that if you marry a divorced woman, you are committing adultery in the eyes of God. It says that if you look at a woman with lust, you should take out your eyes. It says that you shouldn't blend natural and artificial fabrics.

I honestly want to know - why would any Christian take a few lines out of the Old Testament, but ignore the bulk of its laws?

2007-06-16 16:30:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do we pray to Mary? If we are already praying directly to God... if God already knows what we are going to say before we say it... why would we ask Mary to pray with us?

How is it that we can pray/talk to Mary when she is in heaven? I though that prayer was private and between God and I?

2007-06-16 16:29:26 · 20 answers · asked by fmdrumstix 1

Isnt this the type of advice we should be giving our children who have come from knowing everything to knowing almost nothing. Having been a child I can easly see how alot of children today could see this world as "hell" so shouldnt we do our best to convince them that it does get better the older and wiser you get? The fact that inorder to get wise you must have first been a fool. The fact that life on earth may never be heaven on earth but just because it could look like hell on earth does not mean you cant raise a lil hell and bring it closer to heaven?

2007-06-16 16:28:48 · 14 answers · asked by magpiesmn 6

Do you assume you will wake up in the morning? Do you assume your family will wake up in the morning? Do you assume your friends will wake up in the morning?

How much do you take for granted?

When was the last time you let the people you care about know that you care?

2007-06-16 16:28:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Genesis 12:10-16 Abraham pimped his wife/half sister to the Egyptian Pharaoh for security and profit. Is this the king of sick twisted religion you want to embrace for yourself or one you'd like to raise your children in?

2007-06-16 16:27:30 · 7 answers · asked by NIHIL VERUM NISI MORS 2

I have noticed that there isn't a question that the Bible hasn't answered.

Like "may I have lustful sex with my wife?" You would answer "The Bible says that it is OK to have sex in the bonds of marriage"

or "How do you create a man out of dust?" You would say"read the Bible, its in there."

or "Is homosexuality a choice?" you would say "The Bible says it is an unforgivable sin"

You Christians do have your bases covered.

2007-06-16 16:26:32 · 18 answers · asked by JimBob from 'Bama 2

assume that so serious a task as universal creation was undertaken by a God who didn't even know the world wasn't flat.?

2007-06-16 16:22:28 · 7 answers · asked by nikola333 6

So, the defense the Christians so far have given me to my last question is that "Well, that part of the Old Covenant", so I want to ask a question to those people; wasn't, you know, the whole "Banishment from the Garden of Eden" part of the Old Covenant as well? So, if the Old Covenant no longer matters, then why can't we go back into the garden of Eden yet?

Last threat for reference; http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070616200936AAJoKhd

2007-06-16 16:21:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers