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Etiquette - September 2007

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There is this student at school that I have to sit next to in computer class. Some of my friends and I do cheerleading and he says cheerleaders are the hottest girls in school. He asked me if I had a boyfriend so I said I did...even though I don't. He also asked if I ever...done it with my boyfriend. He is really disgusting and I told my computer teacher what he said. In computers you are allowed to talk and the teacher is hard of hearing, and I sit in the back of the class next to that boy, so the teacher can't hear him say anything. He also kept asking who my "boyfriend" was, so I just said it was this guy named Nick, but he's my friend in real life and I like him also. Anyway, that perverted boy, Christopher, asked if I could "hook him up" with some of my friends. All of them hate him and he starts making very weird loud noises in the class. How can I stop him from liking my friends and I?

2007-09-23 07:56:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like in real life... not online.

You know, I was waiting for my mum to pick me up from work the other day and there's this girl with a group of friends who looked at me strange and passed by several times.

And when one of them caught me grinning to myself (because I was remembering something funny) and then I heard something dropped heavily onto the ground. I thought it was my mobile phone but then I saw it wasn't. It was one of the girls' and she was like staring at me wanting to start a fight or something.

WTF? She probably thought I was making fun of her when I was grinning to myself and threw a fit... she hurled her handphone into my direction and it landed just a few centimetres shy from my feet.

I almost lost it... but I refrained from calling her a b***h or start a fight or something. That girl was crazy.

Have you ever been in a similar situation?

2007-09-23 07:30:24 · 12 answers · asked by Ms Ghost 6

2007-09-23 07:03:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you feel when its said on channels kids watch?

2007-09-23 06:07:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every week my friend asks if they can borrow my computer. They have said that they will buy their own computer if they can find one that's cheap. They don't NEED to borrow it, it's just something that makes their note taking a little easier. What frustrates me is that they now expect me to lend it over to them (ie. not even asking, just stating they need it) and when I tell them I don't feel comfortable/like lending it out, they get upset and tell me they don't like it either. Also, once when they borrowed it, I really needed it back by a certain time and when I told them that, they said ok. But came back with it late! I have looked online and noticed that there are some cheaper laptops out there, but I still feel guilty for not wanting to let someone borrow my computer constantly. It's not so much the borrowing, but the person's attitude? Am I wrong in not wanting to lend out my computer? Am I being too sensitive?

2007-09-23 05:37:38 · 15 answers · asked by sosokitty 2

I do. It sounds really condescending unless the person is elderly.

2007-09-23 03:25:06 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know what it is called but i want to be the kind of therapist that sits down with the patient and talks about his or her problems, and what the best way to practice to be this kind of therapist and also if i get a Ph.d about how much money will i get yearly for this. thank you

2007-09-23 02:46:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

But the second they run out and the shops shut or they dont have the money for anymore they're more than happy to ponce your rollups

2007-09-23 02:13:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my vet saved my dogs life at one time and when i saw him in town one time it just didnt seem right to call him by his name mr..... as he really is my hero

what do you say to him

thanks for your answers

xxx vici

2007-09-23 01:13:46 · 34 answers · asked by vici 4

Techincally i dont have anyone to boss me around so on the off chance that someone notices im not there i can wing it that im 'working from home'. Im nakered and the weekends not been great, does that justify a day off?

2007-09-23 00:49:53 · 32 answers · asked by SweetLikeHoney 1

My girl friend farts all the time when we go out, it smells bad, what am I to do, people look and point, talk quietly and snicker. Once the sound and smell got so bad that the people at the party covered their nose with napkins and begin to look in our direction. Ops she just did it again.....

2007-09-22 21:02:46 · 8 answers · asked by yawlcome2000 3

So my friend's daughter's birthday is coming up soon (she will be 4) and I asked my friend if she liked homemade jam so I can send it to her and she said yes in the email and didn't say thank you. I also asked in another email what store she shopped at Walmart or Target (she knew it was for a birthday gift) and she said "Target" but she didn't say a thank you.
I also talked about my natural healing abilities (she did not know this before because we haven't talked in awhile) with her because with my abilities, I can and have sent her distance healing in which I talked about in another email. She said that healing helped but she did not say thank you either.
I've known my friend since elementary school but since we live in different states, our main communication is email.
How do I get a "thank you" from her without asking her directly to say "thank you".
Constructive advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance!

2007-09-22 19:56:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

always try to like shove their beliefs down your throats?

seriously, like every single vegetarian i've met lectured me about why eating meat is bad and it's like "DUDE!! I DON'T CARE SHUT UP!".

has anything like that ever happened to you?
and if you're a vegetarian/vegan do you do that to other people?

2007-09-22 17:29:34 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

at overweight people? Today I saw this couple they were both overweight and they were walking up to the movie theatre. Of course they were both walking slower and it took them some time to get to the entrance. I mustve saw several people slowly driving past them, looking back at them, and some of them were even pointing and laughing! These were adults!
I dont think its funny and Im not overweight. I mean, whats funny about it? weve all seen people like this before whats new?

2007-09-22 16:34:39 · 17 answers · asked by . 3

But they don't jump down other people's throats about spending all their money on alcohol or cigarettes? Or, they tell me about my spending & eating habits when they smoke 2 cartons of cigs a week + more. Why can't people just mind their own business & leave me the hell alone? Why are people so intrusive in my life?

2007-09-22 16:18:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a student worker on a college campus and this guy I work with seems very interested in me. In fact, he told me that he likes. I've told him that I am not interested in him, but he tells me that he does not give up easily. I don't want to be uncomfortable at work, but all of the students work in one big lab together. How do I tell him no without making a bad situation worse for me at work? I really want him to leave me alone. I don't have a boyfriend to frighten him off, but I have tried telling him about the guy I'm talking to and pointing that guy out when he's in our lab (along with making a point of talking to that guy). I can't just ignore him, it will look strange in our small office. I don't want my boss to know about this, since I think this sort of situation would make him angry. Should I just try flat telling him all of this, or will that make him angry? He has no chance at all of ever getting a date with me, so I want to make that as clear as possible and soon.

2007-09-22 16:14:23 · 11 answers · asked by Rebekah 2

When I talk it sounds funny like I have a stuffed nose. I've taken speech lessons but nothing seems to work, I want to talk clearly and nicely. How can I fix this?

2007-09-22 15:50:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If my wedding invitation is informal and I am only listing my mom and dad's first names followed by their last name (they are still married), who do I list first?

2007-09-22 15:44:05 · 17 answers · asked by Jasmine D 1

2007-09-22 14:57:35 · 9 answers · asked by Kenneth 1

Also, why do you think people gossip?

2007-09-22 14:45:55 · 31 answers · asked by milly 1

This guy added me to Facebook, but I don't think I know him. I actually think he added me by mistake. Would it be polite for me to remove him from my friends? I try to keep my friends list for people I actually know. I'm not one of those people who adds everyone they can find just to look popular.

2007-09-22 14:40:13 · 3 answers · asked by Prairie Fire 2

like i realllllly hate to hear someone popping and snapping their gum....and it's always a woman who looks like she'd knock you out if you said anything to her.....don't you agree?
but, really....what are your pet peeves?

2007-09-22 14:24:28 · 14 answers · asked by gone coastal 2

2007-09-22 14:18:53 · 7 answers · asked by crimson_heart18 1

i work in a department store. in our area there are only 4 of us. anyway i asked my boss for time off because i am a college student and i have a week break before i start a new semester. he gave me the time off but on Monday i have to work 6pm to
close, so about 3 1/2 hours. i really don't want to go in on Monday. i don't have any family where i work/go to school, so basically all monday i would sit around in my apartment alone waiting to work. i have to drive home about 4 hours. if i go into work for those 3 hours i wouldn't get to leave until the next day. it seems really dumb to go into work for just 3 hours. it is really important for me to go home because i haven't been in 3 months, and i probably wont get to again for another 2 months. i know it wont be busy, and its only three hours to cover. I've never called in to work before. should i call in? and if so what should i say?
i know other people have called in but i always feel so guilty.

2007-09-22 13:59:39 · 13 answers · asked by staciaface 2


Not to boast or anything, but I am pretty slim. And people tend to point it out a lot. They will always say things like, "Wow you are so lucky! You're so skinny!"
I have no idea what to say in return.
If I say..
"Thank you" then people think I'm vain or have an ego, etc.
If I don't say anything and just smile, people think I'm rude.
And of course I can't say anything like "No I'm not" because then they just think I'm a jerk.
Usually I will say, "So are you!" but then they always get mad for some reason too.
Help? Thank you. ♥

2007-09-22 13:28:23 · 9 answers · asked by ayy bay bay xo ™ 2

I was just transferred to a new dept, but I still have to work with my old supervisor, who I don't get a long with. Long story short, I have no respect for her, and we both know it. She is insecure, self-centered, and incompetent. Last week we had a stressful situation come up, and my old supervisor said "I need this to be fixed!" to which I replied "then fix it!" (it's easy to assign the impossible to others, isn't it?"). Well, I heard she was really upset about this, so what do I do if she talks to my new supervisor about it? Do I take the high road and remain silent about how much pressure she puts on me? Or do I lay all the cards on the table? BTW..my new supervisor really likes me and the head of my department likes me, so i'd almost rather remain silent, and let time show him the truth. On the other hand, I feel he will need to side with a fellow supervisor and he may also worry he has a "problem" employee on his hands, which will tarnish my reputation. What do I do?

2007-09-22 13:18:46 · 9 answers · asked by Mystic 2

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